Week 7 & 8 Assignment – Share your nursing philosophy Other Assignment Help. Week 7 & 8 Assignment – Share your nursing philosophy Other Assignment Help.
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Course objective 1 Describe selected historical and contemporary trends and issues that have influenced the development and practice of nursing (PO6, PO9)
Course objective 2 Examine one’s own values, beliefs, and biases as they relate to professional nursing practice and ability to provide patient-centered care to diverse populations (PO6, PO7, PO9).
Course objective 3 Describe the roles and scope of practice of the professional nurse (PO1, PO5, PO6, PO7, PO9)
Course objective 4 Discuss how selected nursing theoretical works guide the practice of nursing (PO9)
This written assignment will allow you to reflect on your beliefs about nursing. Writing your philosophy of nursing will reveal your professional and personal growth over time as you compare previous versions of your philosophy.
Think about the following before you start writing your paper.
You have learned about various theoretical works in nursing including Nightingale’s Environmental Theory, and Jean Watson Philosophy and Science of Caring, Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Theory of Nursing among others. Which nursing theory most closely matches your beliefs? Why are philosophies of nursing, conceptual models, grand theories, and middle-range theories important to nursing? Why did you choose nursing as your profession? What do you believe is the core of nursing? What is the focus of nursing? To live out your philosophy, what should you keep in mind about your patients, families, environment?
This paper reflects your own values and world view, therefore there are no right or wrong answers.
Paper must be written in APA style.
Paper should be between 5-7 pages excluding cover page and references.
Address the following topics in your paper
- Your educational and professional background, reasons for returning to school, current practice specialty, and professional goals.
- Individuals who have influenced your views about nursing
- Your philosophy of nursing
- Nursing metaparadigm: your definition of nursing, human beings, the environment, and health
- Your beliefs: Is healthcare a right or privilege? What are the roles of the nurse? What are your thoughts about nursing education?
- Trends and current issues affecting nursing
- Where is nursing going? What can you do to advance nursing?
Some Rubric
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | |||
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeIntroductionEducational and professional background Reasons for returning to school Current practice specialty Future plans Individuals who have influenced your views about nursing Professional goals |
10.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePersonal philosophy of nursing, nursing metaparadigm (nursing, human being, environment, health)a. Current issues (social, political, etc. that you believe are important |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeTrends affecting nursing |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeYour beliefs: is healthcare a right or privilege? roles of the nurse? education? |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeFuture of nursing |
20.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeAPA, grammar, spelling, and punctuation |
5.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeLogical presentation of ideas |
5.0 pts |
Total Points: 100.0 |
Week 7 & 8 Assignment – Share your nursing philosophy Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Two Different Assignments: Please follow instructions for each assignment Writing Assignment Help
Two Different Assignments: Please follow instructions for each assignment and no plagiarism.
Writing Assignment 1:
Select one or metropolitan areas that have experienced urban sprawl. What have been the specific advantages of urban sprawl in these areas? What have been the specific disadvantages of urban sprawl in these areas? What has been the overall net effect of urban sprawl?
3 pages, typed, not including cover and sources page. It is always quality over quantity.
Must Reference: Textbook (Chapters 6,7,8: ATTACHED)
Kantor, Paul and Judd, Dennis R. (2013). American Urban Politics in a Global Age (7th ed).
ISBN-13: 978-0205251759
Please take note, written work need to be citing academic sources. In example, your textbook, other textbooks, academic journals, etc. Sources such as Wikipedia, ask.com, EHow, yahoo answers, blogs, etc., are not allowed and should not be trusted as academic sources.
Writing Assignment 2:
What is meant by “new regionalism”? Detail an example of an area that has adopted new regionalism where it has been successful. Detail an example of an area that has adopted new regionalism where it has been unsuccessful? What caused these differences in results?
3 pages, typed, not including cover and sources page. It is always quality over quantity.
Must Reference: Textbook (Chapters 6,7,8: ATTACHED)
Kantor, Paul and Judd, Dennis R. (2013). American Urban Politics in a Global Age (7th ed).
ISBN-13: 978-0205251759
Please take note, written work need to be citing academic sources. In example, your textbook, other textbooks, academic journals, etc. Sources such as Wikipedia, ask.com, EHow, yahoo answers, blogs, etc., are not allowed and should not be trusted as academic sources.
***MUST FOLLOW: Written Assignment Rubric***
Criteria: Exemplary
Purpose: The writer’s central purpose or argument is readily apparent to the reader; clear thesis sentence.
Content: Balanced presentation of relevant and legitimate information that clearly supports a central purpose or argument and shows a thoughtful, in-depth analysis of a significant topic; content is specific, accurate, interesting and appropriate.
Organization: The ideas are arranged logically to support the purpose or argument. Ideas flow smoothly from one to another and are clearly linked to each other. The reader can follow the line of reasoning.
APA: APA format is used accurately and consistently in the paper and on the “References” section; follows APA guidelines with regard to mechanics, sentence structure, and word choice.
Grammar & Spelling: All grammar and spelling are correct.
Experimental data vs Numerical model (Abaqus) Engineering Assignment Help
I have to develop a numerical model that is equivalent to a given experimental data. The numerical model must be develop using the software Abaqus. The model consists in a steel portico (image 1) that is subimitted a two point loads and a thermal load. The thermal load is specified in the excel file (Temperatura portico – column S). The steel properties are specified in Input-data (Graphic- Elasto-plastic behavior) and Planilha Mestra . Feel free to ask any question!! (if you want an aditional abaqus file, i can send it to you)
Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
answer all questions each with 150 words or more
1.There is considerable controversy these days over what exactly can be owned and controlled by a business when it comes to intellectual (intangible) property and how far ownership rights reach without interfering with the rights of others to use the property. Consider the social media sharing of material (pictures, writing, videos for example). Creativity and innovation in a technological sense require using or repurposing property, because property has to be used in order to be productive.
Are restrictions on use too burdensome? Is it true that if content were completely “free” innovation would be benefited or harmed?
2.That being the case, you/we elect and petition Congress, so what would you petition Congress to change? What don’t you like about Copyright and how should the law be changed? [Nothing is off the table].
3.What happens if you (or your company) use a freely published work in your own commercial, for example? Do you think you should have to pay, if the work was offered for free in the first place?
4.As an individual with ideas that you want to put into something tangible, the first step might be to determine what kind of property it is (tangible or intangible and if the later, what type). Suppose you had an idea for a logo design or for a website, what kinds of property are those?
5. how do you think the courts parlayed that bit? Printed out, as you suggest, is close, but how else can one touch software (physically) that is? Where (or how) is the software “recorded in a tangible medium”? Elsewhere in this thread I asked “Are ideas copyrightable?” Can you touch an idea? [You can “touch” the one, but not the other….How is that?]
6.Who owns the internet or does everyone? Are we in danger when this “space” is readily invaded?
7.For a contract to be enforceable, does it have to be in writing, or is it merely advisable that it be in writing, for the sake of clarity? There is a difference between a “Best Practice” so to speak and a Requirement.
Many sales contracts (consider for example purchases at a grocery store) are not in any kind of formal writing. What makes them enforceable, or are we all just on our best behavior?
Do contracts, which is to say agreements, to be enforceable contracts/agreements in a court of law have to be in writing? And if so to what extent?
8.What contracts should not have to be in writing? Can you think of some examples, even in business? There are plenty. I’ll start: an admin telephones a business supplies store and orders more Post-It notes. [Of course, they send a bill or invoice–after the fact–but the bill is not the contract, the bill/invoice is because of the contract….] What about that?
9.when does an employment contract have to have written evidence? [By the way, I should mention: the “requirement of a writing” does not mean that the contract has to be (all) in writing; only that the agreement has to be “evidenced by a writing,” which is different.] And since I mentioned it: what evidence? Would the “back of an envelope” be ok?
AMD Construction Business Finance Assignment Help
Read Case 3: AMD Construction in the
text (pg. 448-450) and answer the following questions in a 3-4 page paper,
justifying your conclusions. Your paper should have at least two
scholarly sources, in addition to the textbook, and be formatted according to APA
style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
- Discuss the various steps in the capital equipment
acquisition process. - Develop a comprehensive analysis of the negotiations
between Jane Axle and Tom Reed. (Provide a chart to show financial
impacts.) - What is your assessment of the negotiations process,
given what you have studied? What are your recommendations for Mr.
Criminal justic 2-2 Business Finance Assignment Help
There are two resources needed to complete this assignment.
In this assignment, you will use Uniform Crime Report (UCR) statistics to analyze interval variables for violent crimes over a 5-year period. The information needed to complete this assignment is conveniently accessed by clicking the links in the Project Resources image below.
- To get started, click the image below to access the Step-by-Step Instructions for using the data set in the Minitab software.
- Use the data set provided by clicking the image below for the Uniform Crime Report data. Copy and paste this data into the Minitab software.
- Use this information to create descriptive statistics to analyze the types of crimes that are committed and the variance between crimes from 2008 and 2012.
- Create and recode the variables to produce a table and a chart illustrating the variance between crimes from 2008 and 2012.
- Display your findings by creating appropriate tables and graphs using the data you downloaded to a Minitab spreadsheet.
- Present the Minitab spreadsheet as a table in a Microsoft Word document; be sure to include the tables and graphs you created to support your analysis of the data and state your conclusions about the variance in the types of violent crimes between 2008 and 2012.
Criminal justic 2-2 Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
A cluster and Annotated bibliography Humanities Assignment Help
A cluster, a list, but show how you narrow the large topic into keywords and then end with a debatable Question.
Large Topic: Technology
Narrow it down: Social Media, gadgets, cell phones, business technology, technology and education
Focus: Social Media,
Narrow it down: Impact of social media on relationships
Debatable Question: What impact does social media have on relationships? (professional, personal, political)
Debatable because one side will say negative and another will say beneficial.
You have to take a stance/position.
My position: Social media if used carelessly can negatively impact your person, professional, and political relationships.
Thesis: Although social media connects u to causes and people we care about, if used carelessly it can negatively impact your person, professional, and political relationships.
Then I want you to make a RD 1: Where you list how it benefits your personal professional and political self
Then write a RD 2: List what your opposition will say on the above topics you listed.
An annotated bibliography is a list of all the sources you saw even if you didn’t use them. The way to write it is on top you have an MLA citation then a summary that has an assessment and a reflection underneath it.
Here is a Youtube link to see on how to write one:
but I found tons of youtube links explaining this concept so google and find one you like.
7-8 sources
Chapter 8 Exercise Questions Writing Assignment Help
Resource: Ch. 8 of Project Management Leadership
Reflect on each question in the Exercises section on p. 128 of Project Management Leadership.
Respond to each question in approximately 525 words each. Responses can be less formal than an APA formatted paper; like a numbered list.
- Reflect on any significant changes you have experienced during your projects.
- How did these changes make you feel? Were you apprehensive or confident?
- Do you think your needs, as someone involved in the change process, were being addressed and satisfied? On reflection, what do you think were your needs? If they were not met sufficiently, what do you think could have been done?
- Early in the change process, were you clear about the outcomes of the intended change? What do you know now about the outcomes? Could this have helped if you had known about the outcomes earlier?
- Imagine you are leading a merger of two companies. What do you think would be the main issues for people that would encourage them to resist inevitable changes? How do you think they would react? What behaviors do you think would be observed?
- From your consideration of the merger example, what is the first thing you would do to address the issues you have suggested might occur? How would you assist people through the changes?
Project Charter Health Medical Assignment Help
Week 2 – Assignment
Project Charter
For your assigned clinic, prepare the following components of the project charter:
- The project’s title and date of authorization (Use the current date).
- The project manager’s name and contact information.
- A brief description of the project’s objectives, including the business need or other justification for authorizing the project.
- List of project deliverables.
- Project success criteria.
- A summary of the approach to managing the project, including identifying the stakeholder, the stakeholder(s) needs and expectation and the communication plan. Remember the definition of a stakeholder and be sure to include at least five parties involved or impacted by the project.
week 2 research Mathematics Assignment Help
deliverable is a virtual presentation on the descriptive non-parametric statistics. Use the FlipGrid tool for a 3 to 5 (not more than 10 min) AV Presentation of your assigned test. (See below)
2007 Chapter 8)
You may use any software to create an audio-visual presentation teaching the class about the correlations used in research: Kendall’s coefficient of you are individually assigned.
Alternatively: Craft and post your product or link to a web-based product with your original voice and graphics that comprise your lesson to the Discussion board for review and critique by your peers.
You will properly cite the various resources you read in preparing your lesson in proper APA format.
Software or Webware (not exclusive)
- (PowerPoint with voice recording and speaker notes) About the voice recording and speaker notes. Please leave me a note to read it for the audio recording by my voice because the professor want this with my voice and please show me the way to merge it with slides.
Assigned Statistic
Group Bravo: Kendall coefficient of concordance.
Kendall coefficient of concordance.
What is this statistic?
When is it used? What kind of data can ?
How is it processed?
How is it interpreted?
What does it mean?
but I found tons of youtube links explaining this concept so google and find one you like.
7-8 sources