Week four quiz Health Medical Assignment Help. Week four quiz Health Medical Assignment Help.
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I will send questions when I pick tutor. This quiz will test your knowledge on the structure and function of the cardiovascular, respiratory, and reproductive systems. Review Chapters 13, 14, 17 in the course text. Please review the required and recommended resources to prepare for the quiz, in addition to the chapter reading assignment. The quiz is comprised of 20 randomized true/false, multiple-choice, and/or matching questions and is worth 5% of your course grade. You will have 60 minutes to complete the quiz. You may attempt the quiz up to three times. The highest quiz grade will record in the grade book. The quiz must be completed by the end of Day 6. Click on the Take the Quiz button when you are ready to start this exam. When finished, click on Submit Quiz.
Week four quiz Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
help answering questions right now Mathematics Assignment Help
Need help answering like 14 easy questions
In a survey at a local university, 25%
of students say that they get less than the recommended eight hours of sleep per night. In a group of
students, how many would you expect get eight or more hours of sleep per night?
students get eight or more hours of sleep per night.
(Type a whole number.)
discussion questions Business Finance Assignment Help
THIS work need to answer the questions, and respond others answers.
I will provide other’s answers.
Discussion Questions:
Q1: What does IMA stand for and explain two of its many functions (2 sentences maximum).
Q2: How does management decide whether a cost is direct or indirect? Give an example of a cost object. (Three sentences maximum.)
You are expected to participate in discussions after having completed the assigned readings and cases. Discussion grades are based on completeness, grammar and quality of comments made. Comments that are redundant or non-quality will result in zero points for your grade. Discussions are due before 11:59 pm on the assigned due date. Late discussions receive zero points. There are 70 points possible; 7 weeks @10 points for the discussion grade. Also, reply posts receive zero points if there is not an initial post completed on time. Late discussions receive zero points. Use the guidelines below.
- Formatting: Format your discussions in the following ways:
- Times New Roman font, size 12
- Include your name
- Include references to credit any text, video, or other materials that you used as sources (including your textbook).
- Content: Your discussions will be graded based on the discussion rubric as well as the style of your writing.
- Mechanics: You are expected to use proper mechanics, and you will lose points for grammatical, spelling, or punctuation errors.
student 1:
Q1: What does IMA stand for and explain two of its many functions (2 sentences maximum).
IMA stands for the Institute of Management Accountants, Datar and Rajan (2018). It provides certification, the Certified Management Accountant (CMA) certification and Certified in Strategy and Competitive Analysis (CSCA) (https://www.imanet.org/?ssopc=1 (Links to an external site.)). They also provide various resources including an Ethics Center with the IMA Ethics Helpline (https://www.imanet.org/career-resources/ethics-center?ssopc=1 (Links to an external site.)).
Q2: How does management decide whether a cost is direct or indirect? Give an example of a cost object. (Three sentences maximum.)
A direct cost is any cost that is related to a particular cost object and can be traced to that cost object in an economically feasible way, Datar and Rajan (2018). Indirect costs are related to a particular cost object but cannot be traced to it in an economically feasible way, Datar and Rajan (2018). A cost object at my work is our Federal Express shipping.
student 2:
IMA stands for the Institute of Management Accountants. It tries to improve on accounting practices and how they are used and implemented alongside creating new practices.
A direct cost is any cost associated with normal business practices. Indirect cost is associated with costs that are not strictly from normal business, but might be attributed to an accident or similar situation. A production line could be considered an example of this as there are items always moving on it, but if there is an accident that derails the line then it would cost the company money to fix it.
Discussion Board Grading Rubric for AC 401 |
Format and Mechanics (2 points maximum) | Formatting as described above including font, name and reference(s). (2 points maximum) | |
Connectedness (1 point maximum) |
Citations from the readings, lectures, and other course materials are included that support postings and response to peer’s post. (1 point maximum) |
Content (1 point maximum) |
Posts are factually correct, rich in content, full of thought, insight, analysis, depth, and detail. Postings clearly advance the discussion. (1 point maximum) |
Respect (1 point maximum) |
Offers an opposing view in a respectful and professional manner; avoid sarcasm. (1 point maximum) |
Discussion Board with replies and citation on fucking both! Health Medical Assignment Help
Topic: Organizational Management and Corporate Governance
Question/Prompt: For Discussion Board Forum 2, continue to develop your proposal to include Organizational Management (Section 3) and Corporate Governance (Section 4) for your mock organization. Your draft must include areas related to organizational structure, management, staffing, leadership, wages, training, or quality management. For Governance, include board requirements, size, structure, and duties of the board. Use the provided template to guide your draft development. You must cite at least 2 scholarly or biblical resources in current AMA format in your work. You will be graded on how comprehensively you address the content for Sections 3 and 4 in your original submission.
Replies Prompt: Review 2 classmates’ thread and provide a critique of their Organizational Management (Section 3) and Corporate Governance (Section 4). Provide feedback based on the readings for this module/week and/or scholarly literature related to academic and strategic nonprofit development resources. Provide a critical analysis of their proposal as well as feedback designed to help them strengthen their proposal. Cite a minimum of 1 scholarly or biblical resource in current AMA format.
First reply:
Mock Proposal for a Strategic Non-Profit Business Plan
for Aug 2020-Aug 2021
Approved by Nicole Hanlin, Chief Service Officer, on 8/23/2020
Update Status: on 8/30/2020
Executive Summary
- Strategic Focus3
- The Organization 5
- Organisational Management6
- Corporate Governance7
- Human Resource & Market Analysis7
- Research and Development7
- Stakeholder Relationships and Alliances7
- Risk Factors and Regulatory Compliance8
- Strategic Marketing/Communication Plan8
- Budget and Financial Management9
- Strategic Action Plan (Logic Model)9
The Executive Summary is the last section of the business plan to be written. This section will be written at the end when you submit the final draft of your proposal. In general, limit it to 2–3 pages. In essence, it is a distillation of the overall business plan into a ‘hard hitting’, concise summary of key performance targets and initiatives. Typically, it would include:
- The Business opportunity;
- The Service or Product;
- The Market strategy;
- The Management team;
- Financial and cash projections;
- Investment strategies; and
- Fiduciary obligation to directors and customers/clients.
Section One
Established in Aug 2020. The Soul Food Kitchen is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization whose goal is to feed and educate the spiritual and nutritionally hungry in Warren County, Virginia.Our vision is to ensure that anyone who needs fed, is fed, regardless of their circumstances.We will serve with respect and compassion, three meals a day, opening each meal with a word of prayer.Each volunteer will obtain and maintain the necessary food handling certificate to ensure the safety of our guests as well as the continued viability of Soul Food Kitchen is protected.
The Mission of Soul Food Kitchen is to feed people in need regardless of their circumstances. The Soul Food family strives to provide healthy and nutritious meals for breakfast, lunch and supper to all who come through our doors.When you leave, you will go home with whatever food you need to get through the night until we can be together again. Matthew 25:35 ESV “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Core Organizational Values
INTELLIGENT FAITH… We commit to share the word of Christ to all who sit at our table. (Acts 27:35; Matthew 26:26)
SERVANT LEADERSHIP… We commit to serving responsibly in our local community to any who have need. As Christ has served without judgement, let us too serve with respect and compassion. (Deuteronomy 8:10; Matthew 4:4)
COMPASSIONATE SERVICE… We commit to follow Christ’s example of compassion and benevolence toward those in need through active, altruistic, and responsible engagement, using our knowledge and abilities to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of the people we encounter and the communities we serve. (1 Peter 4:10)
TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHING… We commit to equip ourselves and others with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make healthy choices and prepare healthy meals. (Colossians 1:10)
CREATIVE EXCELLENCE… We commit to developing and using our individual talents and resources in service of others all for the glory of Him who put all of humanity before himself. (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17)
PERSONAL INTEGRITY… We commit to faithfully apply the words of Jesus to our daily interactions with others, so they too may desire to come to know Him. (Proverbs 11:3)
RESPECT FOR ALL… We commit to treating all people with dignity and respect, demonstrated through honest and compassionate service. (Romans 12:10)
The goals of Soul Food is the meet the needs of the hungry in our local community through spiritual and nutritional feedings.We will prepare 3 nutritious meals a day, at 6am, 12 noon and 6pm, where anyone who comes can eat a meal, receive prayer, spiritual mentorship and a bag of grocery items to meet their dietary needs until they need to come again.We will also teach nutition classes once a month, that will highlight affordable seasonal options, teach everyone how to read nutrition labels[1] and how to prepare affordable healthy meals, which will help eliminate food waste according to Luiza, Costa & Thompson.
Performance Objectives
Write 3 or more performance objectives to support each of the strategic goals of the organization. Use the SMART acronym to create clear, concise action-oriented objectives. SMART objectives are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.State each objective as a target that has been achieved, including the Audience involved, Behavior desired, Conditions of evaluation, Degree of success, and End-point projected.
S.M.A.R.T Objectives:
1. To secure a facility large enough to prepare and serve nutritious meals to 50 people per meal by Oct 2020.
2. To secure a pantry/room large enough to hold dry goods and parishable fruits/vegetables that each guest can opt to take with them when they leave, to tide them over until they need to return again.
3. For each volunteer to obtain the necessary food handling certification to ensure the safety and welfare of our non-profit and our guests.
4. To secure $1500 in monthly financial commitments from the local community to ensure Soul Food can serve those in need with their meals each day and the monthly nutrition class by Sept 2020.
The performance objectives below form a performance scorecard for easily tracking the performance improvements generated by this plan. Section Twelve provides the inputs for this performance scorecard. The planning team determines the composition of the performance scorecard.
Performance Area |
Performance Measures |
Target |
Time Frame |
PROGRAM OBJ. Financial Performance |
PROGRAM OBJ. Market & Customer and Performance |
PROCESS OBJ. Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness |
LEARNER OBJ. Short Term Effectiveness |
LEARNER OBJ. Long Term Efficacy and Effectiveness |
Section Two
- Chief Service Officers are Nicole Hanlin, Jane Doe and John Doe.
- Soul Food Kitchen was established in August 2020 to meet the nutritional needs of the hungry in our local area
- Each volunteer with Soul Food is responsible for obtaining and maintaining a food handlers certificate.
- To obtain, prepare and serve nutritious food to guests three times daily in our Soul Food kitchen in Front Royal, Virginia
- This is a beginner non-profit established Aug 2020
- Based on our volunteer efforts with the local Cold Weather Shelter we have determined a need to feed the hungry and homeless, more than just during the cold months. We are committed to feeding the hungry 12 months a year, 365 days, 3 meals per day. According to Sharpe, “Food insecurity exceeds the 14% national level in severely disadvantaged households”[2].
Section Three
Current organisational structures and human resource capabilities will most likely require improvement to meet increasing business demands. Conduct an analysis of the current situation as well as growth projections for the company to identify the key organizational and human resource issues that must be addressed if these growth projections are to be realized. Then develop strategies with key performance measures and targets to address these key issues. Areas to be addressed typically include (for each item, show structures now and for the near future):
- Wages, salaries, and benefits will not exceed 20% of the budget allowances[1].
- Training-In compliance with the Virginia Department of Health[2] we will follow all food handling guidelines as well as food safety basics.
Section Four
Board of Directors-
Nicole Hanlin brings to the organization a servants heart. She has spent the last 20 years cultivating her own niche in the marketing field before switching lanes to the Human Services industry. Nicole is in charge of volunteer recruitment, food supply donations and dining room service with a word of prayer each time and time to minister to the needs of the heart for anyone who comes.
Jane Doe has been a chef for the last 25 years and has a desire to feed the body and soul of anyone who comes.Jane is in charge of menu planning, dietary balance and the once monthly nutrition class.
John Doe has been a jack of all trades his entire life and loves to dedicate himself to fulfilling the needs of others. John is in charge of set-up, clean-up and safety for our guests and staff.
Our future prep cook will bring to the table the ability to be a team player, multitask, and have some sous chef experience. We expect to see the guest numbers increase at different seasons of the year and expect the need for additional help to follow.
Company Constitution
The purposes of the Soul Food Kitchen are:
- to operate a politically unaffiliated soup kitchen providing free meals to all who attend with meals prepared and served by a team of volunteers.
- Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Soul Food Kitchen may:
- (a) provide assistance to religious and charitable organizations who promote the health, welfare and education of the community at large
- (b) supply food and aid the hungry and/or provide relief to disadvantaged members of the public
- (c) heighten public awareness about the plight of those who suffer malnutrition and homelessness
- (d) educate the public on the topics of poverty and malnutrition through educational seminars and written and/or visual material
- (e) apply for, raise and receive grants, gifts, legacies, devices and bequests and to hold, administer, invest, expend or deal with the same in furtherance of the purposes of the Soul Food Kitchen
- (f) acquire by purchase, lease, licence or otherwise and to hold or dispose of any real or personal property or interest therein in furtherance of the purposes of the Soul Food Kitchen
- (g) do all such other acts or things as are conducive to the attainment of the core purpose of the Soul Food Kitchen
[1] Luiza, T., Costa, F. M., & Thompson, B. (2020). Impact of consumers’ understanding of date labelling on food waste behaviour. Operational Research, 20(2), 543-560. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.1007/s123…
[2] Sharpe PA, Liese AD, Bell BA, Wilcox S, Hutto BE, Stucker J. Household food security and use of community food sources and food assistance programs among food shoppers in neighborhoods of low income and low food access. Journal of hunger & environmental nutrition. 2017;2018;13:482-496.
[1] Secondwind Consultants. What Percentage of Revenue Should be Spent on Payroll? Updated May 11, 2019. Accessed Aug 30, 2020.
[2] Virginia Department of Health. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/environmental-health/food-safety-in-virginia/ Accessed Aug 30, 2020
Second reply:
Hayley Hudson
Section 3
- President: Hayley Hudson- Provides leadership for the objectives and goals of the program. Serves as the face of the program and represents the program in all professional and social matters. Guides the focus of the program to ensure standards and values are upheld at all times.
- Vice President: Responsible for development and planning phases of the program. Delivers business presentations and spear-heads proposals for new ideas and incorporations for the program. Assuring delegation and a smooth operation of subordinates is kept.
- Assistant Vice President: Manages the personnel and employee portion of the program. Assists employees with their duties in a managerial post. Oversees marketing, human resources and operations for the program.
- Chief Financial Officer: Ensures financial stability and durability for the program. Runs analysis to ensure funds are distributed evenly and allocated for appropriately.
- Staffing Requirements
- Bachelor’s degree minimum (Preferred Masters degree for Vice-President)
- 2 years of experience in a public health related field
- No criminal record
- Great communication skills
- Efficient in Microsoft, Adobe Spark, etc
- Team Player
***All employees and volunteers operating in a medical capacity must have current licenses and/ or certificates and must keep these up to date***
- Job descriptions and work design for management and staff: Management co-ordinates in order to ensure the ideals of the company are kept fundamental to the outcomes. Staff are responsible for the day to day interactions with youth, their parents and the participating community. Together, both management and staff build the program values and assist communities in building healthier youth and both pieces will form the program as a whole and ensure it benefits the intended participants/community fully.
- Human performance standards, measurement and feedback: All standards measureable are compared against the core values and objectives of the program. Non-violation of the founding ideas is essential to compliance within the program. Performance assessments will be administered to all employees and staff members. These evaluations will be based heavily on youth, parent and community member reports on behavior and conduct. Ensuring staff and employees are catering to the program participants in a respectful and genuine manner is essential to the program continuing to grow within the community. This program will run based on feedback from all levels within the chain of command as to be more inclusive and increasing a higher rate of generalizability. It will be easier to continue to cater to a changing crowd such as a community.
- Recruitment and induction: Youth participants are recruited through initial introductions in school settings. Their parents are solicited through youth recommendation and subsequent mailings that edify on the program and benefits. Induction into the program for youth, parents and community members involves a full presentational introduction about the program and expectations.
- Wages, salaries, and benefits: Employees will be compensated based on experience and qualifying education backgrounds. Increases in salary will be granted annually depending on qualifications grading performance, conduct and achievement, yearly reviews. Benefits will be provided to all full-time employees. Volunteers will not be compensated monetarily or be afforded benefits.
- Providing leadership and building employee morale: Leadership and team building training will be offered to all employees and staff. Building morale within the program is a priority in order to grow members rather than constantly filling positions.
- Training needs analysis: Initial training and refresher material will be administered monthly. There will also be mandatory recertification and it will be required that all licenses are kept up to date for applicable professionals. All employees and staff will submit to physical and mental evaluation in order to ensure they are competent and fit to be around children.
- Personnel performance evaluation: Aligning with the core values of the program will ensure all personnel are performing to program standards. Responses and feedback from program participants weigh heavily on members staying compliant in performance and conduct.
- Quality management: Adapting to and catering to the community is how this program will maintain compliance.
- Information management and security: Confidentiality as it pertains to participants/patients when dealing with any medical professionals adjoined to the program will be upheld. There will be no tolerance for confidentiality breaches, security and privacy will be extremely important.
- Performance improvement: There will be quarterly performance testing conducted on all employees. Salary increases will be a potential after yearly reviews and annual end of year reports will be the rewarding factor. Feedback from youth and their parents will allow staff to maintain their values for evaluation moments.
- Corporate Structure
- President
- Vice President
- Assistant Vice President
- Chief Financial Officer
- Employed Medical Professionals
- Physical Education Counselors
- Dietary Education Counselors
- Community volunteers
- Company Constitution
Article 1
Organization name – Lewisville Community Health Coalition
Article 2
The founding objective of the Lewisville Community Health Initiative is to provide programs and activities that promote healthy lifestyles to the residents of the area with the ultimate goal of improving the overall health in the area and thereby reducing obesity rates.
- Board of Directors – will consist of 5 members which will be the President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer along with one elected staff employee for a 5th vote to represent the non-managerial body of the program.
- Duty of Board of Directors – Provide guidance and wisdom for the direction of the program. Make decisions on behalf of all participating members.
- Board performance appraisal – All voting members will bear witness to each other in an appraisal. Duties as outlined for each member will be voted on compliance or lack of completion. This will include adherence to organization goals, mission, vision and quality or performance. The appraisals will be counted and compiled by a board advisor to avoid bias.
- Advisors to the board – Advisors shall be called upon to assist the board in any split decisions or called in to lend an outside perspective when influence is needed. The president shall also serve as a secondary advisor and reserve the right to impart influence or direction when needed.
- Board and management performance measurements – Completion of all organization trainings and classes on any subject. Meeting quarterly and annual goals. Lack of complaints and disciplinary warnings that may lead to probation or termination.
Need someone good/passionate at Fine Art for Discussion AND replies Humanities Assignment Help
To be clear; you are bidding both for the discussion post, and to complete the replies when sent.
Posed Starter Question:
List 4 terms you have chosen from below list. Describeeach term and provide an example Artworks by titleincorporated into your answer to example each. Then also how does each term reflects the culture who created or used it.
post and lintel, pointed arch/Gothic arch, lararium, piazza,column(base/drum/capital), balustrade
NOTE: notice the above bolded words from the starter question for this discussion. If you are not familiar with analyzing a question to pick out the key components to be covered in your answer, I have bolded the words to help you. All of these bolded words must be incorporated into your: thesis, body and conclusion
Instructions on how to complete this assignment:
Answer (2.5pts)Part 1: Answer this question with the following format (Do not include your opinion, instead use support from the textbook)
- (.2)Thesis statement which includes all key components of question{4 architectural component terms plus cultural reference for each} and how question will be answered in 1 sentence
- (1.5)Body- answer to all key components of the question with at least 1 in text citation worth of support** from the textbook (chapter 7) in 4-8 sentences.
- (.5) Include 4 Artwork Titles within discussion with proper MLA italics.
- Note: an in-text citation used for a definition or artwork location is not supporting evidence.
- (.2)Conclusion- 1 to 2 sentences to summarize how your answer addressed all aspects of the question {4 architectural terms and culture’s use of them}-
- (.1)Works Cited – paste textbook citation here in MLA (provided below)& correctly formatted MLA in-text citation
~~What will this look like: See attached example DB 6 Instructor Example.rtf
(.5 pts) Part 2: Response to another student starting with their name (.05) and in-text citation support from textbook=(.4), pasted works cited=(.05)
~~What this will look like. Reply to another person’s Part 1 answer post(not your part 1 answer) with: Start with their name: it is always good to include what you generally learned or found helpful from the other person’s post: A sentence with 1 point on how they answered the question well. Then a sentence with 1piece of furthering information from the textbook in the form of at least 1 additional MLA in-text citation {do no repeat what they have already stated, nor what you already stated in your own post}. Add a Works Cited
[[NOTE: Example artwork title in correct MLA(note use of required italics): Vincent van Gogh’s The Starry Night ]]
[[NOTE: Instructor feedback will be provided within the gradebook- review it there please.
[[NOTE: For this DB only, 1 revision will be allowed ifcompleted before Test 7 is taken]]
[[NOTE: **support= a supporting quote or piece of evidence on this topic. – not for a definition, nor for an artwork title. See instructor’s example answer]]
Organizational Management and Corporate Governance Mock Proposal Health Medical Assignment Help
Topic: Organizational Management and Corporate Governance
Question/Prompt: For Discussion Board Forum 2, continue to develop your proposal to include Organizational Management (Section 3) and Corporate Governance (Section 4) for your mock organization. Your draft must include areas related to organizational structure, management, staffing, leadership, wages, training, or quality management. For Governance, include board requirements, size, structure, and duties of the board. Use the provided template to guide your draft development. You must cite at least 2 scholarly or biblical resources in current AMA format in your work. You will be graded on how comprehensively you address the content for Sections 3 and 4 in your original submission.
Replies Prompt: Review 2 classmates’ thread and provide a critique of their Organizational Management (Section 3) and Corporate Governance (Section 4). Provide feedback based on the readings for this module/week and/or scholarly literature related to academic and strategic nonprofit development resources. Provide a critical analysis of their proposal as well as feedback designed to help them strengthen their proposal. Cite a minimum of 1 scholarly or biblical resource in current AMA format.
First reply:
Mock Proposal for a Strategic Non-Profit Business Plan
for Aug 2020-Aug 2021
Approved by Nicole Hanlin, Chief Service Officer, on 8/23/2020
Update Status: on 8/30/2020
Executive Summary
- Strategic Focus3
- The Organization 5
- Organisational Management6
- Corporate Governance7
- Human Resource & Market Analysis7
- Research and Development7
- Stakeholder Relationships and Alliances7
- Risk Factors and Regulatory Compliance8
- Strategic Marketing/Communication Plan8
- Budget and Financial Management9
- Strategic Action Plan (Logic Model)9
The Executive Summary is the last section of the business plan to be written. This section will be written at the end when you submit the final draft of your proposal. In general, limit it to 2–3 pages. In essence, it is a distillation of the overall business plan into a ‘hard hitting’, concise summary of key performance targets and initiatives. Typically, it would include:
- The Business opportunity;
- The Service or Product;
- The Market strategy;
- The Management team;
- Financial and cash projections;
- Investment strategies; and
- Fiduciary obligation to directors and customers/clients.
Section One
Established in Aug 2020. The Soul Food Kitchen is a 501 (c)(3) non-profit organization whose goal is to feed and educate the spiritual and nutritionally hungry in Warren County, Virginia.Our vision is to ensure that anyone who needs fed, is fed, regardless of their circumstances.We will serve with respect and compassion, three meals a day, opening each meal with a word of prayer.Each volunteer will obtain and maintain the necessary food handling certificate to ensure the safety of our guests as well as the continued viability of Soul Food Kitchen is protected.
The Mission of Soul Food Kitchen is to feed people in need regardless of their circumstances. The Soul Food family strives to provide healthy and nutritious meals for breakfast, lunch and supper to all who come through our doors.When you leave, you will go home with whatever food you need to get through the night until we can be together again. Matthew 25:35 ESV “For I was hungry and you gave me food, I was thirsty and you gave me drink, I was a stranger and you welcomed me.”
Core Organizational Values
INTELLIGENT FAITH… We commit to share the word of Christ to all who sit at our table. (Acts 27:35; Matthew 26:26)
SERVANT LEADERSHIP… We commit to serving responsibly in our local community to any who have need. As Christ has served without judgement, let us too serve with respect and compassion. (Deuteronomy 8:10; Matthew 4:4)
COMPASSIONATE SERVICE… We commit to follow Christ’s example of compassion and benevolence toward those in need through active, altruistic, and responsible engagement, using our knowledge and abilities to promote the physical, mental, and spiritual well-being of the people we encounter and the communities we serve. (1 Peter 4:10)
TRANSFORMATIONAL TEACHING… We commit to equip ourselves and others with the knowledge, skills and abilities to make healthy choices and prepare healthy meals. (Colossians 1:10)
CREATIVE EXCELLENCE… We commit to developing and using our individual talents and resources in service of others all for the glory of Him who put all of humanity before himself. (1 Corinthians 10:31; Colossians 3:17)
PERSONAL INTEGRITY… We commit to faithfully apply the words of Jesus to our daily interactions with others, so they too may desire to come to know Him. (Proverbs 11:3)
RESPECT FOR ALL… We commit to treating all people with dignity and respect, demonstrated through honest and compassionate service. (Romans 12:10)
The goals of Soul Food is the meet the needs of the hungry in our local community through spiritual and nutritional feedings.We will prepare 3 nutritious meals a day, at 6am, 12 noon and 6pm, where anyone who comes can eat a meal, receive prayer, spiritual mentorship and a bag of grocery items to meet their dietary needs until they need to come again.We will also teach nutition classes once a month, that will highlight affordable seasonal options, teach everyone how to read nutrition labels[1] and how to prepare affordable healthy meals, which will help eliminate food waste according to Luiza, Costa & Thompson.
Performance Objectives
Write 3 or more performance objectives to support each of the strategic goals of the organization. Use the SMART acronym to create clear, concise action-oriented objectives. SMART objectives are Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Relevant, and Time-bound.State each objective as a target that has been achieved, including the Audience involved, Behavior desired, Conditions of evaluation, Degree of success, and End-point projected.
S.M.A.R.T Objectives:
1. To secure a facility large enough to prepare and serve nutritious meals to 50 people per meal by Oct 2020.
2. To secure a pantry/room large enough to hold dry goods and parishable fruits/vegetables that each guest can opt to take with them when they leave, to tide them over until they need to return again.
3. For each volunteer to obtain the necessary food handling certification to ensure the safety and welfare of our non-profit and our guests.
4. To secure $1500 in monthly financial commitments from the local community to ensure Soul Food can serve those in need with their meals each day and the monthly nutrition class by Sept 2020.
The performance objectives below form a performance scorecard for easily tracking the performance improvements generated by this plan. Section Twelve provides the inputs for this performance scorecard. The planning team determines the composition of the performance scorecard.
Performance Area |
Performance Measures |
Target |
Time Frame |
PROGRAM OBJ. Financial Performance |
PROGRAM OBJ. Market & Customer and Performance |
PROCESS OBJ. Internal Efficiency and Effectiveness |
LEARNER OBJ. Short Term Effectiveness |
LEARNER OBJ. Long Term Efficacy and Effectiveness |
Section Two
- Chief Service Officers are Nicole Hanlin, Jane Doe and John Doe.
- Soul Food Kitchen was established in August 2020 to meet the nutritional needs of the hungry in our local area
- Each volunteer with Soul Food is responsible for obtaining and maintaining a food handlers certificate.
- To obtain, prepare and serve nutritious food to guests three times daily in our Soul Food kitchen in Front Royal, Virginia
- This is a beginner non-profit established Aug 2020
- Based on our volunteer efforts with the local Cold Weather Shelter we have determined a need to feed the hungry and homeless, more than just during the cold months. We are committed to feeding the hungry 12 months a year, 365 days, 3 meals per day. According to Sharpe, “Food insecurity exceeds the 14% national level in severely disadvantaged households”[2].
Section Three
Current organisational structures and human resource capabilities will most likely require improvement to meet increasing business demands. Conduct an analysis of the current situation as well as growth projections for the company to identify the key organizational and human resource issues that must be addressed if these growth projections are to be realized. Then develop strategies with key performance measures and targets to address these key issues. Areas to be addressed typically include (for each item, show structures now and for the near future):
- Wages, salaries, and benefits will not exceed 20% of the budget allowances[1].
- Training-In compliance with the Virginia Department of Health[2] we will follow all food handling guidelines as well as food safety basics.
Section Four
Board of Directors-
Nicole Hanlin brings to the organization a servants heart. She has spent the last 20 years cultivating her own niche in the marketing field before switching lanes to the Human Services industry. Nicole is in charge of volunteer recruitment, food supply donations and dining room service with a word of prayer each time and time to minister to the needs of the heart for anyone who comes.
Jane Doe has been a chef for the last 25 years and has a desire to feed the body and soul of anyone who comes.Jane is in charge of menu planning, dietary balance and the once monthly nutrition class.
John Doe has been a jack of all trades his entire life and loves to dedicate himself to fulfilling the needs of others. John is in charge of set-up, clean-up and safety for our guests and staff.
Our future prep cook will bring to the table the ability to be a team player, multitask, and have some sous chef experience. We expect to see the guest numbers increase at different seasons of the year and expect the need for additional help to follow.
Company Constitution
The purposes of the Soul Food Kitchen are:
- to operate a politically unaffiliated soup kitchen providing free meals to all who attend with meals prepared and served by a team of volunteers.
- Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, the Soul Food Kitchen may:
- (a) provide assistance to religious and charitable organizations who promote the health, welfare and education of the community at large
- (b) supply food and aid the hungry and/or provide relief to disadvantaged members of the public
- (c) heighten public awareness about the plight of those who suffer malnutrition and homelessness
- (d) educate the public on the topics of poverty and malnutrition through educational seminars and written and/or visual material
- (e) apply for, raise and receive grants, gifts, legacies, devices and bequests and to hold, administer, invest, expend or deal with the same in furtherance of the purposes of the Soul Food Kitchen
- (f) acquire by purchase, lease, licence or otherwise and to hold or dispose of any real or personal property or interest therein in furtherance of the purposes of the Soul Food Kitchen
- (g) do all such other acts or things as are conducive to the attainment of the core purpose of the Soul Food Kitchen
[1] Luiza, T., Costa, F. M., & Thompson, B. (2020). Impact of consumers’ understanding of date labelling on food waste behaviour. Operational Research, 20(2), 543-560. doi:http://dx.doi.org.ezproxy.liberty.edu/10.1007/s123…
[2] Sharpe PA, Liese AD, Bell BA, Wilcox S, Hutto BE, Stucker J. Household food security and use of community food sources and food assistance programs among food shoppers in neighborhoods of low income and low food access. Journal of hunger & environmental nutrition. 2017;2018;13:482-496.
[1] Secondwind Consultants. What Percentage of Revenue Should be Spent on Payroll? Updated May 11, 2019. Accessed Aug 30, 2020.
[2] Virginia Department of Health. https://www.vdh.virginia.gov/environmental-health/food-safety-in-virginia/ Accessed Aug 30, 2020
Second reply:
Hayley Hudson
Section 3
- President: Hayley Hudson- Provides leadership for the objectives and goals of the program. Serves as the face of the program and represents the program in all professional and social matters. Guides the focus of the program to ensure standards and values are upheld at all times.
- Vice President: Responsible for development and planning phases of the program. Delivers business presentations and spear-heads proposals for new ideas and incorporations for the program. Assuring delegation and a smooth operation of subordinates is kept.
- Assistant Vice President: Manages the personnel and employee portion of the program. Assists employees with their duties in a managerial post. Oversees marketing, human resources and operations for the program.
- Chief Financial Officer: Ensures financial stability and durability for the program. Runs analysis to ensure funds are distributed evenly and allocated for appropriately.
- Staffing Requirements
- Bachelor’s degree minimum (Preferred Masters degree for Vice-President)
- 2 years of experience in a public health related field
- No criminal record
- Great communication skills
- Efficient in Microsoft, Adobe Spark, etc
- Team Player
***All employees and volunteers operating in a medical capacity must have current licenses and/ or certificates and must keep these up to date***
- Job descriptions and work design for management and staff: Management co-ordinates in order to ensure the ideals of the company are kept fundamental to the outcomes. Staff are responsible for the day to day interactions with youth, their parents and the participating community. Together, both management and staff build the program values and assist communities in building healthier youth and both pieces will form the program as a whole and ensure it benefits the intended participants/community fully.
- Human performance standards, measurement and feedback: All standards measureable are compared against the core values and objectives of the program. Non-violation of the founding ideas is essential to compliance within the program. Performance assessments will be administered to all employees and staff members. These evaluations will be based heavily on youth, parent and community member reports on behavior and conduct. Ensuring staff and employees are catering to the program participants in a respectful and genuine manner is essential to the program continuing to grow within the community. This program will run based on feedback from all levels within the chain of command as to be more inclusive and increasing a higher rate of generalizability. It will be easier to continue to cater to a changing crowd such as a community.
- Recruitment and induction: Youth participants are recruited through initial introductions in school settings. Their parents are solicited through youth recommendation and subsequent mailings that edify on the program and benefits. Induction into the program for youth, parents and community members involves a full presentational introduction about the program and expectations.
- Wages, salaries, and benefits: Employees will be compensated based on experience and qualifying education backgrounds. Increases in salary will be granted annually depending on qualifications grading performance, conduct and achievement, yearly reviews. Benefits will be provided to all full-time employees. Volunteers will not be compensated monetarily or be afforded benefits.
- Providing leadership and building employee morale: Leadership and team building training will be offered to all employees and staff. Building morale within the program is a priority in order to grow members rather than constantly filling positions.
- Training needs analysis: Initial training and refresher material will be administered monthly. There will also be mandatory recertification and it will be required that all licenses are kept up to date for applicable professionals. All employees and staff will submit to physical and mental evaluation in order to ensure they are competent and fit to be around children.
- Personnel performance evaluation: Aligning with the core values of the program will ensure all personnel are performing to program standards. Responses and feedback from program participants weigh heavily on members staying compliant in performance and conduct.
- Quality management: Adapting to and catering to the community is how this program will maintain compliance.
- Information management and security: Confidentiality as it pertains to participants/patients when dealing with any medical professionals adjoined to the program will be upheld. There will be no tolerance for confidentiality breaches, security and privacy will be extremely important.
- Performance improvement: There will be quarterly performance testing conducted on all employees. Salary increases will be a potential after yearly reviews and annual end of year reports will be the rewarding factor. Feedback from youth and their parents will allow staff to maintain their values for evaluation moments.
- Corporate Structure
- President
- Vice President
- Assistant Vice President
- Chief Financial Officer
- Employed Medical Professionals
- Physical Education Counselors
- Dietary Education Counselors
- Community volunteers
- Company Constitution
Article 1
Organization name – Lewisville Community Health Coalition
Article 2
The founding objective of the Lewisville Community Health Initiative is to provide programs and activities that promote healthy lifestyles to the residents of the area with the ultimate goal of improving the overall health in the area and thereby reducing obesity rates.
- Board of Directors – will consist of 5 members which will be the President, Vice President, Assistant Vice President and the Chief Financial Officer along with one elected staff employee for a 5th vote to represent the non-managerial body of the program.
- Duty of Board of Directors – Provide guidance and wisdom for the direction of the program. Make decisions on behalf of all participating members.
- Board performance appraisal – All voting members will bear witness to each other in an appraisal. Duties as outlined for each member will be voted on compliance or lack of completion. This will include adherence to organization goals, mission, vision and quality or performance. The appraisals will be counted and compiled by a board advisor to avoid bias.
- Advisors to the board – Advisors shall be called upon to assist the board in any split decisions or called in to lend an outside perspective when influence is needed. The president shall also serve as a secondary advisor and reserve the right to impart influence or direction when needed.
- Board and management performance measurements – Completion of all organization trainings and classes on any subject. Meeting quarterly and annual goals. Lack of complaints and disciplinary warnings that may lead to probation or termination.
Organizational Management and Corporate Governance Mock Proposal Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Please follow the instruction below and prepare as it is said. Please make sure it is not plagiarized Business Finance Assignment Help
Please comment on this in few lines:
While most every industry is moving more and more digital, there seems to be confusion centered around consumer demand. The article speaks directly on how there is this idea that consumers were disatisfied with the current banks and wanted more online banks, but in reality it was consumers want MORE from THEIR banks. Chase and BofA, the demand and expectations are to move to offering more digital products for consumers, and consumers are not necessarily looking for digital only banks. “Different isn’t better-better is better.” “This misconception about consumers’ satisfaction with their banks leads to one of the most deeply-held—but erroneous—beliefs in the fintech world: That consumers want a digital bank. Granted, for the vast majority of interactions and transactions, digital wins in terms of convenience and speed. But incumbents can do digital, even if it takes them a little more time to do so. The lesson learned is that consumers don’t want a digital bank—they want a better bank.”
To relate to my field, I think of the current media “streaming wars”. The legacy companies should be investing more into providing digital content, especially for niche markets such as Disney+ or BET+, but consumers are not looking to be oversaturated with entirely digital content providers or 1000+ streaming services. They just want better options. I think this is similar in financial services, in that we do not need to see more options for banks, but instead better options from banks for digital banking.
Activity 3: Jamestown (video) Humanities Assignment Help
ou should know that the first permanent English settlement in the New World (or Atlantic World) was at Jamestown, in the first English colony of Virginia. Watch the video provided by the link below and answer the question that follow.
Link (Links to an external site.)
Answer the following questions based on the video:
1. What was the ultimate goal of the settlers at Jamestown?
2. The narrator listed three reasons why people came to Jamestown. What were they?
3. Newt Gingrich talked about the freedom the settlers in Jamestown experienced. He listed three types of freedom. What were they?
Your response for this assignment must be at least 150 words. You should also respond to at least one of your peers with a post of at least 50 words.
Remember that I expect your posts to be well written, well organized, and well thought out.
week 3 – johnson and johnson social media Business Finance Assignment Help
perform an Internet search of health care organizations (JOHNSON AND JOHNSON) Which is using at least two types of social media to achieve its goals. Write a two-page paper in APA format stating your findings (12pt; Times New Roman font). You don not need to include an abstract but you will need to include a reference page. Each review should include a description of the organization, the types of social media used, and how they are using it. One of your cited references must be content from week 3. You are being graded on group participation as well. If I do not see you contributing to the discussion, you will not receive a grade for this assignment.
We are using johnson and johnson. needs to provide two social media post with a description of the organization. how is the social media being used, type of social media, and including references. PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE PROVIDE THE TWO SOCIAL MEDIA PLATFORMS WITH PHOTO AS WELL AS DESCRIPTION.
make my electronic engineering tech final project proposal…. Engineering Assignment Help
im in the second year of electronics engineering technology, in my final year a have to present a project as in software and hardware. for this semester i have to write a proposal!
things i need:
1)i will give a list of projects and i need you to pick one in which is easy for you or you have done it before.
2)i will give you a list of requirements so you know what i can do and what i cant do!
3)i have a template of a proposal just need to fill it up. called proposal template..
4)since i will do it next semester and a final year project i need it to be very detailed so i can o it !
5)might need help also for next semester for execution.
6)has to be my design so it cant just be from the internet or ill get a zero..
7)last but not least a Gantt Chart that has the logs and other stuff like how am i going to do it and such i just need you to improvise in this part as if you were going to do it. i will provide a Gantt Chart Templateto make it easy. called ebs gantt chart template..
note:nothing can be copied from the internet or i will be kicked from the college!!
another thing everything has to be like the template!
let me know if you are able to do it thank you very much…