weekly reflection journal Humanities Assignment Help

weekly reflection journal Humanities Assignment Help. weekly reflection journal Humanities Assignment Help.

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This journal is an opportunity for you to process and expand upon your notes from class and the textbook, or respond to any particular announced questions. By expand, I mean more than reproducing whatever I may put on the board, through the inclusion of comments made in class and your thoughts on the material after class. In particular, I am interested in those concepts or examples you find most helpful, and any questions you may have that we did not get a chance to address in class, or did address but not to your satisfaction.

Minimum Requirements:

At least 500 words of relevant material

Correct grammar and spelling

Submission by 11:59 PM on Tuesday of the following week. While every submission will contribute to your overall Weekly Journal grade, you may not earn more than 100% in this category.

this is the subject of this week virtue ethics

weekly reflection journal Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Peregrine Exam and Finals Business Finance Assignment Help


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https://icampus.strayer.edu/student-homepage (100 points)

What is the Peregrine Exam and why do I have to take it?

At the end of the course, you will complete a Program Assessment exam called the Peregrine Exam. The exam is designed to assess the foundational business knowledge that you have acquired throughout the duration of your program at Strayer. By completing this exam, you are not only evaluating your competency and understanding on each topic you have learned throughout your program but also helping to ensure that Strayer University maintains the highest quality of education in the business programs that we provide to our students.

This exam can be completed in weeks 9, 10, or 11, but the certificate of completion must be submitted through the “SubmitPeregrine Assessment” link located in week 9.

Masters Student Registration Instructions:

  1. Click the “Take the Peregrine Exam” link above.
  2. Enter your Student ID and select your Program.
  3. Click “Confirm”
  4. To take the exam:
    1. Select the hyperlink under “Thank you, your course/exam is ready”, then “Begin Exam”
    2. When finished, save the completion certificate and upload via the Submit Peregrine Assessment link in week 9.

For additional information, technical support specific to the Peregrine exam, or answers to some Frequently Asked Questions about the Peregrine Exam, please visit Peregrine’s Technical / Customer Support Website.

Note: If you need to contact Peregrine for technical support, please also keep your instructor informed of the issue(s) you are experiencing.


Wrtie a Reflection of the following video Writing Assignment Help

Wrtie a Reflection of the following video, write about one page will be fine

Dr. Susan Van Buren will spend some time with us discussion the training process and organizational development component of our course. This coincides with Chapters 6 and 7 of your textbook. Please share your thoughts, insights, and questions with us on this discussion board. Dr. Van Buren has also welcomed any questions or follow-up through her email which is posted at the end of the video. She was my training manager when I was with Abbott/ResortQuest (now Wyndham Resorts) and she has been in the hospitality field (both military and private sector) for more than 12 years. She is currently at an electric cooperative in the Northwest Florida region.


Complete MANOVA Mathematics Assignment Help

In this exercise, you are playing the role of a researcher that is testing new medication designed to improve cholesterol levels. When examining cholesterol in clinical settings, we look at two numbers: low-density lipoprotein (LDL) and high-density lipoprotein (HDL). You may have heard these called “good” (HDL) and “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. For LDL, lower numbers are better (below 100 is considered optimal. For HDL, 60 or higher is optimal.

In this experiment, the researcher is testing three different versions of the new medication. In data file “Activity 12.sav” you will find the following variables: group (0=control, 1=Drug A, 2=Drug B, 3=Drug C), LDL, and HDL (cholesterol numbers of participants after 12 weeks).

Using a MANOVA, try to ascertain which version of the drug (A, B or C) shows the most promise. Perform the following analyses, and paste the SPSS output into your document.

  1. Exploratory Data Analysis.
    1. Perform exploratory data analysis on the relevant variables in the dataset. When possible, include appropriate graphs to help illustrate the dataset.
    2. Give a one to two paragraph write up of the data once you have done this.
    3. Create an APA style table that presents descriptive statistics for the sample.
  2. Perform a MANOVA. Using the “Activity 12.sav” data set perform a MANOVA. “Group” is your fixed factor, and LDL and HDL are your dependent variables. Be sure to include simple contrasts to distinguish between the drugs (group variable). In the same analysis, include descriptive statistics, and parameter estimates. Finally, be certain to inform SPSS that you want post-hoc test to help you determine which drug works best.
    1. Is there any statistically significant difference in how the drugs perform? If so, explain the effect. Use the post hoc tests as needed.
    2. Write up the results using APA style and interpret them.


The Founding and the Constitution Business Finance Assignment Help

Like most textbooks on American government, your text includes Federalist #10 and Federalist #51 in the appendix. Read pages A1-A39 in the appendix of your text. Write an essay that addresses each of the following:

1. What principles or arguments are in Federalist #10 and Federalist #51 that make them so important as to be included in almost every undergraduate introductory textbook?

2. What were the Anti-federalists for? Set out the differences between the Federalists and Anti-federalists. Here is a comparison that might help:

The Federalist Vision

A bustling commercial nation over a large territory with a central government that would be independent enough to fight external wars and keep peace at home, while regulating internal commerce and external trade.

5 Basic Points of Disagreement

  1. Representation (Expert/Trustee/Filter)
  2. Trust comes from (Good Administration)
  3. Source of Tyranny (From “faction”)
  4. Limits on Government (Limited but powerful)
  5. Bill of Rights (Danger of over-enumeration)

The Anti-Federalist Vision

An agrarian nation with robust and virtuous citizens combined in a loose confederation of states—one that required only a revision of the existing Articles of Confederation to remedy certain temporary inconveniences.

5 Basic Points of Disagreement

  1. Representation (Citizen/Delegate/Mirror)
  2. Trust comes from Likeness and Responsiveness)
  3. Source of Tyranny (Comes from Government)
  4. Limits on Government (State sovereignty, but intrusive)
  5. Bill of Rights* (Firebell; AF won this one.)

3. A few years ago I used a textbook that stated that “the Bill of Rights consisted of the first 8 amendments to the Constitution.” Most textbooks recognize the first 10 amendments as the Bill of Rights. If we begin with the assumption that the authors of that textbook did not merely make a mistake, why would they not include the 9th and 10th amendments? Would the 9th and 10th amendments be more likely to be supported by Federalists or Anti-federalists? Why?

4. Which of our modern parties would fit most closely with the Federalists and which with the Anti-federalists? Explain. For example, the Republicans are often seen as the party of small government, which would suggest that they believe the Tenth Amendment should be an important limit on the federal government; however, the Democrats have recently argued that states should be able to provide “sanctuary” from federal requirements they find onerous. The two parties often switch (10th Amendment) sides on issues like gun control, legalization of marijuana, healthcare, immigration, marriage, etc.

5. Is the solution the Founders came up with applicable beyond the American “experience”? That is, do the principles of the Founders apply to all people everywhere, e.g. in the Middle East or Asia, and can our Constitution, or perhaps our democracy, be exported? (You might consider the argument of Charles Beard, pages 38-9, here. Beard argues that self-interest, rather than high principle, motivated the Founding; if this is true, it is not clear that the principles would “fit” the interests of other/all cultures.) Explain.

Remember: The goal is to show you read chapter 2 and the reading in the appendix. Develop a substantive thesis around the idea that our Constitution or democratic system can/cannot be exported to other cultures. Then, treat the questions as “topics” for each paragraph.



Wrtie a Reflection of the following video Writing Assignment Help

Wrtie a Reflection of the following video write about one page, just like easy personal thought, the video is under the website

In This Episode, John Reveals:

  • The benefits of a strong training and development program, and how that can lead to higher employee retention.
  • The first steps in evaluating your current training, how to identify the gaps, and how to address them.
  • Various resources available to hotels, whether branded or independent, and ways you can find other great resources to round out your training.
  • Some of the reasons that hotels miss the mark with training.
  • The essentials of a successful training and development program.


Wrtie a Reflection of the following video Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Discussion Mod 1, 3 POSTS Business Finance Assignment Help

1) Review the LEARNING discussion of organizing information flows by Quinn, et al. (2015) beginning on pg 110.

2) View the “Info Please” parody.

3 ) Based on reading and viewing, reply briefly to the discussion questions at the end of the parody. Number your responses – 1, 2, 3, 4 – matched with the number of the question and begin your reply to the questions with a space between each question.

The parody includes a rating scale from 1 to 4. Choose the number you believe is appropriate for where you work. Post two sentences regarding your rating. 150+ words.

4) Post 150+ word reply to the questions below.

Do not write one long paragraph.

  1. To what degree does your organization “max perform” the technology it has? What’s happening?
  2. What differences in priorities have you seen between IT and non-IT employees? So what?
  3. Does technology “drive” change where you work?
  4. Do you “love your geeks”? Why or why not?
  5. Rating scale and comments.

6) reply to two (2) other students


1. To what degree does your organization “max perform” the technology it has? What’s happening?

I believe my organization performs to the max when it comes to technology. USAA has some of the best IT technicians in the business. In fact, USAA was the first organization to invent e-deposit for their financial institution. The computer system we use on a daily basis is state-of-the-art, and our moto on the insurance side, is to trust the system. USAA has invested a lot of time and money into information technology, and it has paid off by the way we are able to serve our members.

2. What differences in priorities have you seen between IT and non-IT employees? So what?

There are not many differences I see between IT and non-IT employees. We all have one purpose – to be there for our members and to create the best experience for them. So, for non-IT employees, they focus on serving members and rely on the system to help them give the best information possible. For IT employees, their goal is to keep the system running like a “well-oiled machine.” We are all there for each other and for the member.

3. Does technology “drive” change where you work?

I think technology drives change everywhere, although most people probably don’t realize it. Every time our system is updated, there is always some sort of change, whether it’s the way we login or something else. In fact, the example I used for e-deposits was an instance where new technology drove a change in the way members did their banking.

4. Do you “love your geeks”? Why or why not?

Of course, I love our geeks! They are there for the employees and ensure that everything is running smoothly for our members!

5. Rating scale and comments.

For the Technology Assessment Rating, I give USAA a 1. Everyone is happy with our technology, and rarely are there complaints. If there ever is an issue, an IT “geek” is on it in a heartbeat. When you consider the size of USAA, and the number of employees working there, it’s a huge technological undertaking, but one that is working well.


Quinn, R. E., Faerman, S. R., Thompson, M. P., McGrath, M. R., & Bright, D. S. (2015). Becoming a Master Manager: A Competing Values Approach, 6th edition.Retrieved from https://bookshelf.vitalsource.com/#/books/9781119034377/cfi/12!/4/4@0.00:52.3

Harkrader, A., Vandermark, M. J. (2006). Information Please. [Video File]. Retrieved from


Law and the Judicial Process Health Medical Assignment Help

  • Describe
    the kinds of evidence that a plaintiff can present in order to
    establish a negligent act. What defenses can a defendant present in
    order to refute a plaintiff’s evidence?
  • How do statutes of limitations protect professional nurse-defendants? Do they also protect the injured parties?
  • What
    can staff nurses do to protect patients from quasi-intentional torts?
    Does this differ from the nurse manager’s role in preventing
    quasi-intentional torts?
  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 5 (Guido, p. 67).
    • Does
      the failure to document an admission nursing assessment equate with the
      fact that this nurse did no admission nursing assessment?
    • What might the patient’s attorney further allege in his supplemental report?
    • How would one decide the standard of care for this patient?
    • How would you decide the outcome of this case?

  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 6 (Guido, p. 96)
    • Was there negligence in this case and who should be liable for the negligence?
    • What type of damages should be assessed and how would you begin to determine the amount to assess?
    • Given
      that there were multiple individuals involved in this case as well as
      the institution that employed these individuals, how would you determine
      the percentage of liability for the multiple defendants, assuming that
      more than one defendant should be assessed with damages?
    • How would you decide this case?

  • Read the case study presented at the end of Chapter 7(Guido, p. 115)
    • Were there damages that should be paid to this patient for negligence?
    • Who
      should be the individuals responsible for these damages? For example,
      is the surgeon the individual most liable for the damages owed to the
    • Should the Bovie manufacturer also have been included in the lawsuit?
    • Are there any defenses that the defendants could cite that would mitigate their liability to this patient?
    • How should the court decide the damage awards in this instance?


Assignment in English Literature Writing Assignment Help

There are three exercises in English Literature and the instruction is listed below:

Please do it as the last time in length (one to two pages), it should not be too long just answer the questions.

For the second exercise, my song would be “Coldplay – The Scientist ” here is its link:

The instruction of the exercises:


(Please number your exercises)

Write a paragraph of more than 5 sentences, or a poem of more than 10 lines, wherein you explain your Ars Poetica, or your reason for writing. Warning! Statements like “Because I have to” or “because it’s required for this class” are NOT ALLOWED! The fact that you’re enrolled in this class is irrelevant. Forget your status as “student.” You’re a writer/poet by virtue of having enrolled in HUM 2990. Think like one, write like one. What is your raison d’etre? What do you want your words to do? In other words, why bother? We do all kinds of things every day–play sports, watch TV, take out the garbage … but not all of the things we do have real meaning. But putting words on the page, putting your thoughts and emotions in black and white, should be done for good reason. That’s what I want you to think about and write about (as a paragraph or poem) right now. By the end of the semester, your Ars Poetica may be totally different, your ideas changed completely. That’s okay. We have to start somewhere, though. So, from your perspective (which is unlike anyone else’s) … why write?

Now, onto the second part of this module … thinking of lines …


Choose a favorite song, one you could listen to several times (because you’ll have to Smile). It should have lyrics (words). No classical or instrumental songs!

* Listen to your song.

* Grab the lyrics online (via Goggle or some other search engine) and re-listen to the song, this time paying attention to the lyrics/words.

Now, answer the following questions (please use the letters a, b, c, etc.):

a. Why did you choose this song? Why do you like it? Did you choose it because of the lyrics. Why or why not?

b. Now that you’ve listened to the lyrics several times what do you notice about them that you didn’t notice before? Do they use repetition? Do they describe in great detail? Or are they vague? Are there any unusual, interesting or disturbing words? Do the lyrics even make sense from a narrative (i.e., telling a story) sense?

c. Do the lyrics have a “mysterious” quality in that they don’t paint the whole picture (of what’s going on), but instead allow the listener to fill in the gaps, or put her/himself into the lyrics? What I’m trying to get across here is this: sometimes writers are very specific, very detailed and those details allow readers to “see” the situation and feel as though they’re right there with the writer. Other times a writer may leave some “space” open so readers can fill in the way they want to–thus, they “open” the text. What about the song lyrics you’ve chosen? Are they “tight” with detail, or more “open” and spacious?

d. Write a song, any song! Well, okay, write the lyrics. Yell It can be the dumbest song ever, just write it. This is good practice for writing poetry. Think of it as warming up the lyrical muscles.


Finally! This week I’d like you to listen, really pay attention to someone’s story. Maybe you’ll need to eavesdrop (I believe I mentioned in class that I do that a lot!) or maybe you’re just sitting in the cafeteria or some coffee shop or at home or in the dorm–at any rate, you’re listening to someone else TELL A STORY.

a. Briefly recreate that story by telling it here, paraphrased (in your own words).

b. Did the storyteller (the person you were listening to) hold your attention/interest as she/he was telling the story? Why, or why not?

c. How might the storyteller have told her/his story in a better, more interesting way?


Antigone study questions Humanities Assignment Help

I need the following questions answered in a sentence or two. I need correct answers, doesn’t need to be long.

Please use the following link to access the reading



Before you begin reading, create a word processing document with a table that has three columns and six rows. In the first column, list the literary terms given below. In the second column, place the definition you find for each term. In the third column, identify specific quotations from the play that provide examples of the literary term. When you have completed the chart submit your assignment.





Deus ex Machina

Dramatic Irony



Answer all of the questions bwelow:

  • 1 When Antigone is captured and brought before Creon, whtat is the attitude of the Chorus and the Sentry with regard to her situation?
  • 2(How does Antigone defend her defianace of the edict? How does she view the relationship between laws made by man and those created by the gods?
  • 3 Does Ismene now try to share responsiblity with Antigone and why doesn’t Antigone let her?
  • 4 According to Creon’s son Haimon, what is the reaction of the common people to Creon’s death sentence for Antigone?
  • 5 What threat does Haemon make?
  • 6 (What advice does Haemon give Creon? Is it good advice, or is Haemon blinded by his love for Antigone?
  • 7 (What is Creon’s initial reaction to Teiresias’s report? Of what does he accuse Teiresias?
  • 8 The blind prophet Teiresias appears again. What omens does Teiresias report and what do these omens mean?
  • 9 Why does Chreon finally change his mind about Teiresias?
  • 10What course of action does the Chorus recomend to Creon, and how does Creon react to this advice?
  • 11 What is the dramatic purpose of the prologue?
  • 12 What moral lesson does the Chorus see in the fate of Creon at the close of the play?
  • 13What problems does Antigone report to her sister Ismene, and what does Antigone intend to do?
  • 14What is Ismene’s reaction to Antigone’s plan?
  • 15What is Ismene’s view of the relationship between men and women?
  • 16What are the main differences between Antigone and Ismene in terms of personality? ( hint: Ismene is a foil to Antigone).
  • 17(How is the way the people see Creon when he first appears in the play similar to the way people used to see Oedipus?
  • 18In his long speech, Creon outlines his guiding philosophy. What human institution does Creon believe to be most important in life?
  • 19How do Creon’s beliefs compare with Antigone’s?
  • 20What is the Chorus’s initial reaction toward Creon’s decree?
  • 21What view of Creon does the Sentry present to the audience?
  • 22(Why does Antigone say, “If that is whay you think, I should not want you, even if you wanted to come”?
  • 23What is the point that Haemon is trying to make through the analogies fo the tree and the ship?
  • 24Is Creon’s decision to arrest Ismene necesseary? Is it just vindictive?
  • 25Why is the Sentry afraid to tell Creon that Polyneices has been buried? Are his fears justified?


weekly reflection journal Humanities Assignment Help

weekly reflection journal Humanities Assignment Help

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