West Virginia University Social Detriments of Health Policy Paper Health Medical Assignment Help. West Virginia University Social Detriments of Health Policy Paper Health Medical Assignment Help.
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Selecting one of the Social Determinants of Health from “The Solid Facts” reading and a health outcome of your choice, you will use peer-reviewed journal articles and other reputable references to explain how these two factors are related to one another. You will then make a policy recommendation that would address this relationship and how it could lead to better health outcomes. This project will be split into multiple assignments, listed below. Additional details of each assignment will be distributed along the way
Use the headings in your outline and provide the following information in each section:
Provide an initial summary of the context surrounding your selected health outcome. Make it clear what your chosen health outcome is. Make sure your selected Social Determinant of Health is also identified and included in your context summary. Include your Problem Statement (last sentence of this section).
Policy Options
(Subheadings: Option 1 – [Name of Policy or Intervention]; Option 2 – [Name of Policy or Intervention]; Option 3 – [Name of Policy or Intervention])
Identify your three (3) potential policies or interventions. Provide a brief overview of each. Forthe outline assignment, you do not need to include how each could potentially impact your health outcome. You also do not need to complete Step 6 for the Outline.
Conclusions and Implications
For your outline, you do not have to pick your policy option yet, but do begin a brief comparison and contrast of the three options you identified.
Provide your references using APA format
West Virginia University Social Detriments of Health Policy Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HLS 405 Trident University Counterterrorism & DHS Integration Discussion Law Assignment Help
Short Discussion: Reflections
1.Assignment Expectations:
a.Address concept A and B in about 200 words each.
b.You will be graded on how well you demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the concept, and critical thinking pertaining to the applicability of the concept to your professional practice. Points awarded will follow breakdown below.
c.You will neither be required to, nor graded on responses to your peers. One posting will suffice.
2.The Assignment: Given the readings and assignments in the course, identify and discuss two concepts or lessons learned that you believe will be most applicable to your professional discipline.
3.Concept A (points 10/20):
1.Identify /define (points 4/20): ……
2.Your professional discipline: ……..
3.How applicable (points 6/20): ……
4.Concept B (points 10/20):
0.Identify /define (points 4/20): ……
1.Your professional discipline: ……..
2.How applicable (points 6/20): ……
All information in the postings can be shared by all for the betterment of your project.
Module 4 – Background
Required Reading
Implementing 9/11 Commission recommendations: Progress report 2011. DHS. Retrieved from: http://www.dhs.gov/xlibrary/assets/implementing-9-… [read passages pertaining to counterterrorism]
Protecting the homeland: Intelligence integration 15 years after 9/11 (2016). Homeland Security Intelligence Council and Intelligence and National Security Alliance. Retrieved from https://www.insaonline.org/wp-content/uploads/2017…
Review of domestic sharing of counterterrorism information. DHS. Retrieved from https://www.dni.gov/files/documents/Newsroom/Domes…
Required Websites
Counterterrorism and Criminal Exploitation Unit, ICE. http://www.ice.gov/counterterrorism-criminal-explo…
Counterterrorism Committees & Working Groups, DHS. http://www.dhs.gov/counterterrorism-committees-wor…
Counterterrorism Laws & Regulations, DHS: http://www.dhs.gov/counterterrorism-laws-regulatio…
Homeland Security and Counterterrorism Program. Center for Strategic & International Studies. https://csis.org/program/homeland-security-program
Joint Counterterrorism Assessment Team (JCAT). http://www.nctc.gov/jcat.html
National Counterterrorism Center. http://www.nctc.gov/
AMU Java Programming Object Array & Employee Data Display Exercise Programming Assignment Help
Create an array of object displaying the data of 3 employee. Statement 1 is creating an array of Employee Emp to store the records of 3 employees.
import java.util.Scanner;
class Employee
datatype var1;
datatype var2;
– – – – – – – – – –
datatype varN;
void GetData() // Defining GetData()
Scanner sc = new Scanner(System.in);
Add content
void PutData() // Defining PutData()
public static void main(String args[])
Employee[] Emp = new Employee[3];
int i;
// Allocating memory to each object
For statement
The output should contain the following:
Enter details of 1 Employee
Enter Employee Id : 1001
Enter Employee Name : Davis
Enter Employee Age : 40
Enter Employee Salary : 65000
Enter details of 2 Employee
Enter Employee Id : 1002
Enter Employee Name : McKnight
Enter Employee Age : 35
Enter Employee Salary : 41000
Enter details of 3 Employee
Enter Employee Id : 1003
Enter Employee Name : Daniels
Enter Employee Age : 28
Enter Employee Salary : 27000
Details of Employees
1001 Davis 40 65000
1002 McKnight 35 41000
1003 Daniels 28 27000
SCM 800 Penn State World Campus Inventories Managing Costs & Bullwhip Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
This team assignment requires you to examine the costs and tradeoffs associated with inventory, its impact on a company’s supply chain. Later in the semester, we will return to some of these items to illustrate the direct correlations to a company’s income statement and balance sheet.
Please try your hand at the following inventory-related questions. Your principal sources for answering these questions are the Coyle, Chopra, and Lee readings. This assignment contains three questions.
Assignment Submission Guidelines:
- Submit your group assignment by the due date provided on the Course Schedule located under the Syllabus link.
- Only ONE member of the team should upload your team files to the questions below in a Word file into the assignment Dropbox titled: “M2L3: Inventories: Managing Costs and the Bullwhip Effect Team Exercise: by clicking on the “Next” button provided below this content page or by clicking on the Module link.
- Add a Cover Sheet that includes the team number, individual team member names and emails, and the date.
- From a formatting standpoint, each sheet utilized for your team’s responses must fit on an 8 1/2″ by 11″ sheet (portrait). This format must be followed. Please label each sheet with the appropriate question; Question 1, Question 2, etc. I need to know one sheet from the other. Please label all your sheets. Think about the printing as if you were going to give this report in a paper format to your boss!
Assignment Information and Questions:
Please be sure to answer the four questions and all subparts to each question.
Question 1
In Coyle, the decision on how much to order is made to minimize the total inventory costs of the buyer. Total inventory costs include annual inventory carrying costs and annual inventory order placement costs. (Chopra includes a third cost, annual material cost, but for the purposes of this question, assume that there are no quantity discounts available, thus material costs are fixed per unit–meaning that annual material costs are the same regardless of order quantity.) The simple EOQ model under conditions of certainty is used to find the order size that minimizes the total inventory costs for the buyer.
a.) What is the principal inventory cost tradeoff in the simple EOQ fixed quantity model under conditions of certainty? Note that by “cost tradeoff”, I mean that as the value of a decision variable (for example, the order quantity Q) changes, one cost category increases while another cost category declines.
b.) Thus, your response to this question should identify the tradeoff as the cost(s) that increase as order size increases and
c.) the cost(s) that decline as order size increases.
d.) Your response should also give the reasons why a cost increases or decreases as the order size changes.
Question 2
At the end of the article “Bullwhip Effect in Supply Chains” by Lee, et al. is Table 1 (below). In this table, Lee presents several initiatives, such as vendor-managed inventory, for counteracting the four causes of the Bullwhip Effect. (Causes are listed down the left side of the table and various initiatives are listed next to each cause. Utilize about 2 or 3 paragraphs for these answers to subpart a and 2 or 3 paragraphs for subpart b.
Causes of Bullwhip | Information Sharing | Channel Alignment | Operational Efficiency |
Demand Forecast Update |
Order Batching |
Price Fluctuation |
– |
Shortage Gaming |
– |
What does your team think was the single major cause of the bullwhip effect that impacted grocery stores during the first six weeks (or so) of the COVID-19 Pandemic? List it and explain your rationale. Based upon your answer to Question 2 Subpart a…list what is the major initiative that could be used to help minimize the problem and explain what you think one impediment might be to successfully implementing it.
In completing your response, please be sure to show how you derived your answers so that partial credit may be given if necessary. For this problem, assume that the plant operates 365 days per year. Also, note the additional comments below for some questions. (The following questions come from Exercises 1 and 2 on page 282 of the Chopra reading Chapter 10, 4th Edition).
Question 3
Harley-Davidson has its engine assembly plant in Milwaukee and its motorcycle assembly plant in Pennsylvania. Engines are transported between the two plants using trucks, with each trip costing $1000. The motorcycle plant assembles and sells 300 motorcycles each day. Each engine costs $500, and Harley incurs a holding cost of 20% per year.
a.) How many engines should Harley load on this truck?
b.) What is the total annual inventory cost for your answer in Exercise 1?
c.) What is the cycle inventory of engines at Harley?
d.) What is the average flow time resulting from cycle inventory at Harley? (See page 246/247 in Chopra. Caution: Be sure to look at the “Notes” on Chapter 10 in Chopra provided for clarification on the definition of the symbol “D” in Chopra). Download File: Notes on Chapter 10 Reading
Question 4
As part of its initiative to implement Just-In-Time (JIT) manufacturing at the motorcycle assembly plant discussed above, Harley has reduced the number of engines loaded on each truck to 100. If each truck trip still costs $1000, How does the decision to lower the number of engines loaded on each truck impact the annual inventory costs at Harley? Remember that annual inventory costs for this problem consist of annual inventory ordering costs and annual inventory carrying costs.
Campbellsville University Enterprise Risk Management Risk Modelling Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help
Your task this week is to write a research paper discussing the concept of risk modeling. Please also evaluate the importance of risk models. Lastly, construct an approach to modeling various risks and evaluate how an organization may make decisions about techniques to model, measure, and aggregate risks.
Your paper should meet the following requirements:
Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.
Follow APA7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.
Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least three scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook. The University Library is a great place to find resources.
Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing.
Remington College PVCs Dynamic Process of Clinical Judgment Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
You are a student in the last term of a BSN Program. You are preparing for an end of term exam. To help you prepare, your instructor developed three real world clinical scenarios to provide opportunities for you to apply clinical reasoning and clinical judgement. The instructor stated, “You received reports on these clients. Decide which one you need to see first and then make appropriate nursing decisions based on relevant information to promote positive client outcomes.”
The three scenarios include:
Patient 1
JR is a 55 yr old male admitted 8 hrs ago for 24 hr hold to evaluate for possible myocardial infarction. Serial troponins within normal range, and 12 lead ECG indicate evidence of prior right anterior wall myocardial damage
Patient 2
EH is a 40 yr old admitted within the past hour with acute onset severe right upper quandrant pain and vomiting for the past 36 hr. Waiting on labs, ECG monitoring showing occasional premature ventricular contraction (PVCs)
Patient 3
BW is a 21 yr old male athlete admitted yesterday with fever of 103 and diagnosis of influenza. He rested well overnight. Morning chest xray revealed mild infiltrates in left lower lobe
Record your answers to these statements.
- Rank the three scenarios provided in order of priority related to which client you will assess first, second and third.
- Defend your selection for the three ranked scenarios.
- Review the data below for the priority client to determine what to assess first.
Chest X-ray no abnormalities noted
Abdominal X-ray :diffuse gas throughout the small intestine
Hyperactive bowel sounds in all 4 quadrants and abdomen painful to touch
Pain level 10/10
Sodium (Na+) 147 mmol/Labn- high
Potassium (K+) 2.9 mmol/L low
Chloride (Cl-) 100 mmol/L – normal
Magnesium (Mg2+) 1.4 mg/dL
Calcium (Ca2+) 9.2 mg/dL
Phosphorus (P+) 2.3 mg/dL- low
Glucose 188 mg/dL – high
Serum albumin 3.0 g/dL – low
Amylase 185 unit/L- extremely high
Serum Creatinine 0.5 mg/dL- nor
BUN 15 mg/dL- nor
Alkaline Phos. 155 unit/L – high
Bilirubin 3.5 mg/dL – extremely high
Formulate three hypotheses based on cues provided
Select the priority hypothesis
Defend your selection
Describe an evaluation plan for the priority hypothesis based on expected client outcomes
Describe the next steps in the clinical judgement model including:
- Actions if satisfied with client outcomes
- Actions if not satisfied with client outcomes
Provide headings for each section to keep it organized
Remington College PVCs Dynamic Process of Clinical Judgment Paper Health Medical Assignment Help[supanova_question]
ACC 201 SNHU How Businesses Input Financial Activities Journal Writing Assignment Help
Please open the pdf file guidelines and rubric for clear and complete instruction.
Overview: In this milestone, you will move through the first four steps of Final Project I by creating the monthly journal entries and general ledger accounts in
your accounting workbook. The monthly journal entries are how businesses input financial activities into their accounting systems. The values from these entries
are posted to the general ledger.
Prompt: Your dog, Peyton, has severe allergies and cannot have the usual store-bought dog treats. You have been making homemade treats for him that are allnatural and hypoallergenic. Over the past year, you have been making and selling these treats out of your home, and you have been quite successful. You now
have an opportunity to open your own dog treat bakery. You have decided on a corporate form of business and have named your company “Peyton Approved.”
To complete Milestone One, use accepted accounting principles to follow and record your business transactions for a three-month period. You will find the
provided data for your workbook in the appendix at the end of this document. The data have been separated from the prompt so that you can more easily view
the full scope of the assignment. Links have been provided to help you locate the information you need as you move through each step.
Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed:
I. Record financial data that accurately captures business transactions according to accepted accounting principles.
A. Step One: Complete the “July Journal Entries” tab in your workbook using the Step One data in the appendix.
B. Step Two: Complete the “August Journal Entries” tab in your workbook using the Step Two data in the appendix.
C. Step Three: Complete the “September Journal Entries” tab in your workbook using the Step Three data and updated scenario information in the
appendix. Note that there was an additional line of products added this month, so you must first complete the “Inventory Valuation” tab in your
workbook and then copy the journal entries from the inventory evaluation page into your journal for this month to ensure the impact of
merchandising is reflected in your reporting.
D. Step Four: Transfer posted entries to T accounts.
Guidelines for Submission: Your completed accounting workbook should have all tabs fully and accurately populated in the provided Excel template.
UMGC African Thump Piano Mbira Instrument Paper Humanities Assignment Help
Create a World Instrument Gallery by exploring musical instruments from music cultures we are studying this term, including at least one instrument from 3 out of the 5 musical classifications in the Hornbostel-Sachs classification. Describe each instrument in your own words, including a brief history, musical context for its use, which music culture(s) it is found in, also indicating if the instrument is traditionally played by women, men or both. Include an image (or link to an image) of each instrument and a link to an academically oriented website (not Wikipedia) where you learned about each instrument.
Visit the “Is My Source Credible?” page provided by the UMGC Library and the Research Guide for Music (including links to Open Access Music Journals) for assistance in locating reliable, credible sources.
To create your World Instrument Gallery, follow these steps for each of the 3 instruments:
* List the name of the instrument and the music culture(s) it is found in.
* Give a brief history of the instrument.
* Describe the musical context for the use of the instrument.
* Indicate if the instrument is traditionally played by women, men or both.
* Include an image (or link to an image) of the instrument.
* Provide a link to a scholarly website (not Wikipedia) where you learned about the instrument.
You will need to write at least 2-3 paragraphs about each instrument, in addition to providing an image of each instrument and a link to a scholarly website with more information on each instrument.
ACCT 2302 Dallas County Community College Job Order Costing Project Worksheet Business Finance Assignment Help
BUS 401 CALUMS Staples Company Key Strategic Management Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Staples in 2015
The case study is a fundamental learning method as the business discipline is by nature an applied science. First, you skim a case for the basic facts: What company? Who are the principal actors? What are the key events? Then, go back and reread the case carefully with a focus on defining the challenge(s)/problem(s) to be addressed.
In general, there are no “right” or “wrong” answers for a specific case – different approaches and insights are possible, depending on your perspective and approach. However, application of knowledge and analytical models we cover in this course is an essential part of the case analysis. Regardless of your approach, I will expect you to draw logical conclusions and (if appropriate) make recommendations that: (a) address the identified strategic issues; (b) follow logically from your analysis and conclusions; and (c) make sense (are feasible) in the context of the case situation.
In short, case analysis assignments are designed to evaluate and develop your skills in:
Identifying key strategic issues (decisions or actions required in a given situation; description of the challenge(s) to be addressed)
Analyzing business situations (choosing appropriate analytical tools/frameworks from those introduced in the course; understanding the organizational and environmental contexts, identifying and analyzing opportunities and threats, and competitive advantages and disadvantages; and evaluating options)
Recommending specific strategies and actions (to address the identified strategic issues).
The length of each case analysis report should be approximately 3 to 4 pages, double spaced, including figures, tables, and references.
West Virginia University Social Detriments of Health Policy Paper Health Medical Assignment Help
West Virginia University Social Detriments of Health Policy Paper Health Medical Assignment Help