Westcliff University Write an Experience About the Course & Learning Outcomes Writing Assignment Help. Westcliff University Write an Experience About the Course & Learning Outcomes Writing Assignment Help.
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In a 2 page paper, reflect on the course learning outcomes that you believe you have achieved and can reliably demonstrate that you have learned or made significant progress in learning by the end of this course. Select one course learning outcome (CLO) listed in the syllabus for this course and review your experience with this outcome and example(s) of how you have accomplished or made significant progress in this CLO category. Why is progress in this area important to your professional development? How will you continue to improve your accomplishments in that area?
Your paper should be formatted in the APA style. Include at least 2 references related to course material taken in your academic program and scholarly journals.
COURSE 1: Data Analytics and Business Intelligence
COURSE 2: Business model and strategies
Westcliff University Write an Experience About the Course & Learning Outcomes Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Stats for Psych CQU Finding Independent and Dependent Variable Assignment Mathematics Assignment Help
Hello, I am so confused, I am struggling with understanding how to find the independent and dependent variable if someone could tell me how to answer or find the answer those questions it would be greatly appreciated. I belive the independasnt verible is the personsal Acievement subcale but I am no confident. thank you please find the question belowz!
Q1. (16 MARKS). An occupational psychologist is hired to monitor Lecturer engagement and burnout during the restructure of a Canadian university. The psychologist administers the Maslach Burnout Inventory (MBI) over three time points to the same 30 staff members: 3 months before the restructure started, in the middle of the 6 month restructure, and 3 months after the restructure. The scores on the Personal Achievement sub-scale were reverse scored and an overall score was calculated by adding those scores to scores on the other two sub-scales, i.e. Burnout and Depersonalization. Higher total scores on the MBI are associated with burnout, which can result in greater staff absenteeism, low morale and increased substance abuse. Note: this is hypothetical data and is not based on any one published journal article.
a) What is the independent variable in this scenario? (1 MARK)
b) What is the dependent variable in this scenario? (1 MARK)
c) Is this a within-subjects design, or a between-subjects design? (1 MARK)
Uc Davis Minority Education Recourse Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
Research Paper
Part 1
: Analysis of a Social Problem
(due Saturday 8/24)
Building on the previous part of the assignment, write a
three-to four-page research paper(not including the reference list) analyzing the social problem you chose. The paper should
define what a social problem is and then address these central questions:
What is the social problem? Who claims it is a problem, and
How do they define this issue as
negative or not?What are their reasons?
How well does existing empirical evidence support these claims?
Is there disagreement about this issue representing a social problem?What are the varied perspectives of different groups
(claims makers)?
What does the evidence tell us about who is affected by the issue?
What number of people?Any particular group?
How is the problem related to the way society is organized?How does social structure relate?
What are the
issue’s causes?Are there particular social patterns that help to create this issue?
What are the issue’s consequences?
To what kinds of outcomes does this issue contribute?
Does it contribute to other social problems?How?
If these questions seem to line up with the general structure of course activities, then you are on the right track
Remember, the goal is not to make your own argument that the issue you selected is a social
The paper should identify and evaluate prominent claims about
the issue being a problem.
In general, the clearest papers focus on a narrow set of points with strong evidence. Papers that try to include as much information as possible can easily seem disorganized. Begin with an introductory paragraph and include a thesis statement.
Ch 4 Understanding and Engaging Customers Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
Here are two discussion. Discussion 1 please write 250 words. Discussion 2 Please write 200 words.
Discussion1: Please watch this video and reading before this work. Thanks!
Please view this TedTalk by Alex Cabanas and relate it to some of our readings within the 1st few chapters. What stands out to you? Also, please share an excellent customer service moment that you have encountered (and remember).
Discussion 2:
Post a paragraph that SHOWS rather than TELLS your experience of observing a person or a place. Your purpose is to, through the written word, bring someone else to a place or a moment in time. At the end of this paragraph in the final sentence, strive to push deeper to communicate what idea/message/point is evident in what you have described. This should be fun!
Thank you!?
BUS362 Ashford University Viability of a Proposed Business Concept Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
The goal of a feasibility blueprint is to assess the viability of a proposed business concept. The feasibility blueprint addresses the most critical elements one needs to consider during the initial conceptualization of a new venture.
To assess its viability, you will develop a comprehensive feasibility blueprint (schema) for your proposed entrepreneurial venture based on the data and information developed during the course. The objective is to determine whether the business opportunity is feasible and worthwhile. If not, describe the major constraints that led you to your decision. State the reasons for whether the decision is a go or no go. Research and substantively address the bullets below.
In your paper,
- Assess the problem or opportunity identified for your business.
- Describe solutions proposed for addressing the opportunity.
- Identify the design of the business model for the venture.
- Determine the customer value proposition of the business.
- Evaluate the revenue model to be used to manage the business.
- Analyze the implementation strategies to be developed for launching the venture.
- Examine considerations for assessing the value of the proposed products.
- Summarize the overall assessment of the viability of the business venture.
The Feasibility Blueprint Assessment
- Must be eight to 10 double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style (Links to an external site.)
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013 (Links to an external site.).
Readings Assignment Science Assignment Help
First, read the following
- Core Case Study: Costa Rica – A Global Conservation Leader and Designing and Connecting Nature Reserves
- Science Focus: Putting a Price Tag on Nature’s Ecosystem Services
- Managing Forests More Sustainably (Section 10.2)
- Case Study: Stresses on U.S. Public Parks and Reintroducing the Gray Wolf to Yellowstone National Park
For each of the above four readings, answer the following questions:
1. What is the geographical location of the case study?
2. Identify the specific environmental challenges addressed by the case study.
3. What solutions were implemented to address these challenges?
4. Have those solutions worked? Why or why not?
Answer the 4 question for each reading.
Readings Assignment Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Three Practice Opinion Piece Writing Assignment Help
DA: Practice Opinion Piece III
For your third practice opinion piece, write about a national or global issue that you feel strongly about. This could be something positive or something you would like to see changed or improved.
DA: Practice Opinion Piece
Attached Files:
For your second practice opinion piece, read the article attached and linked below. Based on the information and any other sources you want to use, formulate an argument and stance regarding this topic. This could be something positive or something you would like to see changed or improved.
DA: Practice Opinion Piece I
Attached Files:
For your first practice opinion piece, read the two articles attached to this assignment and develop an argument based on this information.You want to be able to submit this argument to College’s student newspaper.The argument itself can be something positive already in place or something you would like to see changed or improved.
Linking Ideas with Transition Words discussion Writing Assignment Help
or this assignment, carefully review the information on transitions below. Transitions are very important in guiding a reader through your essay and making sure the essay structure and organization are clear.
Once you have carefully read through the handouts and watched through the videos, complete the 3 attached worksheets.
Purdue Global University The Importance of Forensic Evidence Business Finance Assignment Help
The Importance of Forensic Evidence
One of the most powerful parts of a case against a criminal can be the forensic evidence that is collected and presented. Dramatic breakthroughs in both the scientific and technological fields have greatly impacted the criminal justice system.
A recent crime wave has swept your city. Imagine you came home last night to find your home had been burglarized. Understandably, the police and crime lab are overworked and in need of help. Physical evidence (meaning any materials at the scene of the crime that could be valuable to a criminal case) was collected by crime scene technicians at your residence and from a possible getaway car and is listed below. You will need to complete the template provided below after considering the following information:
- Choose three pieces of evidence collected from the link below to examine in detail.
- Define the physical properties of the evidence collected. Also include any biological, chemical, or other characteristics of the data that would be important to the investigation.
- Explain what information can be extrapolated from this evidence
- Hypothesize how the evidence could be used in the investigation.
Review the evidence that was collected from the crime scene .
Note that although this is largely a hypothetical investigation, the description of a material and how it is tested will be factual and you will need to conduct research using the Library to identify reliable sources. The final results and importance of the evidence in an investigation will be up to your interpretation and will be largely hypothetical.
Review the link below for additional information.
- National Forensic Science Technology Center. (2013). A simplified guide to forensic analysis. Retrieved from http://www.forensicsciencesimplified.org/index.htm
- National Institute of Justice. (n.d.) Forensic Science. Retrieved from http://www.nij.gov/topics/forensics/pages/welcome.aspx.
Assignment: Choose three pieces of evidence from the list presented above and complete the questions in the Assignment template.
The art of astronomy in Indianapolis presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Final Imaging Project – Overview
Learning goals:
Students should be able to…
- Create or design an aesthetically pleasing visualization of an astronomical topic
- Apply astronomical imaging skills to an independent project
- Synthesize concepts presented in lecture to complete an astronomically relevant imaging project
- Describe in their own words the source and relevance of the image(s) used in the project
- Due Friday, Feb. 8: A description of what you plan to do for your project submitted via Canvas. Your plan should include enough detail that the scope and content of your project can be evaluated. Your description should state clearly what the topic of your project will be, why you are choosing it, what images you will create, how you plan to obtain the images needed for the project, and what the form of your project will be – a poster, slideshow, an original color image, etc. Include a timeline with milestones for your work on the final project so that you will be able to track your own progress. Remember that most final projects should be submitted as single PDF files and must contain original, digital images. It should be possible to describe your project in no more than 250 words. 100 words is probably too few for the level of detail expected.
- Due Friday, March 22: A draft of your project, submitted via Canvas, including drafts of the digital images you are creating. Also describe the work that still needs to be completed. Your draft project should include enough detail that your progress can be evaluated. Be sure to identify the sources of the images you are using. With additional text, evaluate your progress in meeting the timeline submitted with the project plan. It should be possible to describe your progress in no more than 250 words. 100 words is probably too few for the level of detail expected. (Hint: review the grading rubric to see how your project measures up…)
- Due Friday, April 26: Your final project, submitted via Canvas. Most projects should be submitted as a single PDF file. You may also upload jpg files of your original images.
Project Grade
The project is worth 35% of your grade in this course, 20% for the project itself and 5% for the project plan and 10% for the preliminary draft. Projects will be evaluated according to the following rubric. Reviewing the rubric is highly recommended since the project counts for a big fraction of your grade!
Project Guidelines
Your project must include
- Digital images you have created yourself. The source of all raw images used for the project should be appropriately identified and credited. For images you have photographed yourself, include the time, date, and location where each image was taken. Use of data without appropriate attribution is a violation of IU’s academic code of conduct.
- Text that describes your motivation for choosing the project, the concept or idea portrayed in the project, and how the idea is instantiated in the project or an explanation of what the images convey.
- Text that explains clearly what or how you have learned about astronomy through your project.
- An evaluation of your images using the aesthetic principles discussed in class and described in Chapter 12 of the text.
Most projects should be submitted as a single PDF document via Canvas, and include both your final image(s) and text. IF you need some other format, please discuss it in advance with the instructor.
The form of your project is up to you, so long as it can be made into a PDF file. A poster, a website, an annotated image, a slide show, a travelogue, an illustrated blog or journal, or even a simple document with images…
Caution: This assignment is an IMAGING PROJECT that requires you to create original color images of astronomical sources. IT IS NOT AN ILLUSTRATED REPORT OR PAPER. Students who submit reports or papers that are illustrated with images from the web will be disappointed in their grades!
Project Ideas
- Use the images provided to create original color images of astronomical sources on a particular theme. You may also be able to find appropriate images on the web to create new, color images.
- Take your own digital images of phenomena in the sky and use them to demonstrate and explain the phenomena we observe.
- Sunsets or sunrises throughout the semester to track the Sun’s apparent motion in the sky
- Star-trail images showing the apparent motion of the stars around Polaris or across the sky
- Satellite trails when the International Space Station passes across the sky
- Night sky images of the Milky Way (requires a dark site!)
- Astronomical objects with amateur telescopes (Jupiter’s moons? Saturn’s rings? Close-ups of the Moon?) (Actually we don’t recommend photographing the Moon – It’s difficult to do, and even more difficult to do well. Most students who try a project involving the Moon or its phases do not succeed.)
- Other phenomena of interest – aurorae, the green flash, meteor trails, glories, Sun dogs and halos. Some of these phenomena are rare here in Indiana, so have a backup plan! Your images must be original!
- Create new, original images to illustrate an astronomical concept in digital form –The Universe is big, and so are the possibilities – the Milky Way, star formation, the expansion of space, dark matter, supernovae, black holes, the sky’s the limit!
- For those of you interested in Big Data, use tools from Informatics to create a new visualization of a large astronomical data set.
- Create a novel artistic interpretation of some aspect of the course that intrigues you, using astronomical images you have created or manipulated.
Project Guidelines
Your project must include
- Digital images you have created yourself. The source of all raw images used for the project should be appropriately identified and credited. For images you have photographed yourself, include the time, date, and location where each image was taken. Use of data without appropriate attribution is a violation of IU’s academic code of conduct.
- Text that describes your motivation for choosing the project, the concept or idea portrayed in the project, and how the idea is instantiated in the project or an explanation of what the images convey.
- Text that explains clearly what or how you have learned about astronomy through your project.
- An evaluation of your images using the aesthetic principles discussed in class and described in Chapter 12 of the text.
Most projects should be submitted as a single PDF document via Canvas, and include both your final image(s) and text. IF you need some other format, please discuss it in advance with the instructor.
The form of your project is up to you, so long as it can be made into a PDF file. A poster, a website, an annotated image, a slide show, a travelogue, an illustrated blog or journal, or even a simple document with images…
Caution: This assignment is an IMAGING PROJECT that requires you to create original color images of astronomical sources. IT IS NOT AN ILLUSTRATED REPORT OR PAPER. Students who submit reports or papers that are illustrated with images from the web will be disappointed in their grades!
Project Ideas
- Use the images provided to create original color images of astronomical sources on a particular theme. You may also be able to find appropriate images on the web to create new, color images.
- Take your own digital images of phenomena in the sky and use them to demonstrate and explain the phenomena we observe.
- Sunsets or sunrises throughout the semester to track the Sun’s apparent motion in the sky
- Star-trail images showing the apparent motion of the stars around Polaris or across the sky
- Satellite trails when the International Space Station passes across the sky
- Night sky images of the Milky Way (requires a dark site!)
- Astronomical objects with amateur telescopes (Jupiter’s moons? Saturn’s rings? Close-ups of the Moon?) (Actually we don’t recommend photographing the Moon – It’s difficult to do, and even more difficult to do well. Most students who try a project involving the Moon or its phases do not succeed.)
- Other phenomena of interest – aurorae, the green flash, meteor trails, glories, Sun dogs and halos. Some of these phenomena are rare here in Indiana, so have a backup plan! Your images must be original!
- Create new, original images to illustrate an astronomical concept in digital form –The Universe is big, and so are the possibilities – the Milky Way, star formation, the expansion of space, dark matter, supernovae, black holes, the sky’s the limit!
- For those of you interested in Big Data, use tools from Informatics to create a new visualization of a large astronomical data set.
- Create a novel artistic interpretation of some aspect of the course that intrigues you, using astronomical images you have created or manipulated.