Western Sydney University Written Reflection on Role Play Script Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

Western Sydney University Written Reflection on Role Play Script Paper Business Finance Assignment Help. Western Sydney University Written Reflection on Role Play Script Paper Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Written reflection

·The written reflection should be approximately 800-1000 words.

·students are asked to reflect on the following: –

·Whether the role play went well or not. In other words, did participants achieve what needed to be achieved?

·Why or why not?

·What was the impact on cultural diversity (such as what kind of cultural issues did you come across and recommending the course of action ) in the given situation and how you addressed or resolved the issue.

·What were your strengths and weakness (Give examples for both) ·Next time, what would you do differently

this is my role play

Role Play Script

Auditor: Hello Sir, welcome to Australia

Client: Hello and thank you

Auditor how are you today

Client i am good thank you for asking

Auditor: I am an auditor in the organization, and I provide audits for all businesses within Australia while observing the required standards.

Client: Why should I go for your services? I believe that having an audit is a waste of time. Despite the relevance of auditing to several companies, it will not be helpful to my business operations within Australia. I can only justify internal audits as an improvement cycle rather than an inspection (Whittington, & Pany, 2010). It bothers me when you don’t allow room to ask questions on issues that are not working and the solutions required. I think it becomes pointless when you go quickly through my financial statements, and I feel I will only be able to show you what you want to see if you apply it as an inspection to my business operations.

Auditor: I am not sure if your perception of internal audits is correct. I have never regarded an audit as an inspection in the intense sense you want to describe it. Your suggestion is like saying that a survey on your customer is like an inspection of the services you offer. It all depends on the method of auditing used together with the intention of auditing (Chirițescu, & Dumitru, 2019). Since this is a service sector, we deploy internal audits with open-ended questions to analyze the effectiveness and suitability of auditing processes, often the ‘check’ and ‘act’ in the PDCA. Initially, we experienced the issue of checkbox mentality when companies were majorly providing audits to documents and primarily viewing them as an outcome of the QMS rather than the organization’s knowledge. The process is identical in all auditing sectors, and the same will also apply in your country.

Client: Another essential thing that makes me feel that it a waste of time is that the management at my business can progressive study and review business processes hence there is no need to wait for an internal audit. From the Lean Thinking methodology, it is coherent that continuous focus on business operations implies that there is no need to conduct internal audits.

Auditor: Financial audits are necessary, especially if you want to track the performance of your business. Financial statements must always be accurate, and this is achieved through performing regular auditing controls. Internal audits ensure that your business operations comply with Australian regulatory compliance (Chirițescu, & Dumitru, 2019). The financial audits promote a particular level of privacy for your business with financial records to encourage compliance.

Client: Okay, but do you guarantee me 100% that the figures on the financial statements are correct?

Auditor: It is not a 100% guarantee. The financial statements are not certified, and the only person certified is the accountant. The primary aim of an audit is to issue assurance to your business of the financial statements indicating that the statements are viable and reliable Chirițescu, & Dumitru, 2019). An auditor is not allowed to express an opinion on the accounting records of clients.

Client: I am delighted to report to you that your explanation was clear and precise. I am totally convinced that it is necessary to audit financial statements so that I can improve my business operations Chirițescu, & Dumitru, 2019). There is an essential factor here that we must also check. Regulations and account accounting standards in Australia are not identical to the ones from my country. There is an increased chance that they will affect my business operations in relation to the organizational structure and culture. What is the relevance of Australia’s accounting and legislation standards, if they are not meant to restrict me from free market operation specifically? Is your role and responsibility as an auditor raising a concern?

Auditor: My role and responsibility as an auditor can be affected by specific accounting standards and regulations. The ‘Australian Securities and Investments Commission’ (ASIC) controls consent with financial reporting and auditing requirements for every business related to the corporate act (Hecimovic et al., 2009). The continuous examination of the financial statements results in your business’s confidence and improves on market integrity. The ASIC standards are clear, and your business will have to observe them while operating in Australia. It guides the auditing process in Australia, and all the financial reports and auditing must follow the regulations.

Client: I appreciate your time


Western Sydney University Written Reflection on Role Play Script Paper Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

BIO 182 Maricopa Community Colleges Mesa Do You Believe in Ghost Research Paper Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a biology writing question and need a sample draft to help me learn.

For the second portion of the assignment for this week you will need to complete the writing assignment as outlined below:

  • No more than three pages, typed, written in paragraph format (not with bullets or in “recipe” format)
  • Grammar and spelling count
  • 10points, due electronically before 1159pm on Sunday, 9/6.Submit to link on the BIO182 Canvas site in the Modules Scientific Method area
  • Not a group assignment, everyone is expected to work independently

Do you believe in ghosts? Bigfoot? Alien abductions? If you said yes to any of these, you’re not alone. Many people hold beliefs about the existence of paranormal phenomena. However, many of these things cannot and have not been supported by scientific evidence. Though many people (even well-respected people) claim that science can prove the existence of the phenomena, many of their arguments fall flat in the face of critical thinking. While certainly there is nothing wrong in believing in these things, it’s important to distinguish what science is and how it is used to discover patterns and knowledge about the world around us. Science is based on natural and predictable phenomena that can be tested according to the scientific method with good experimental designs.

  1. Choose a topic that is considered to be in the realm of the paranormal, such as alien abductions, ESP, or ghosts.
  2. Compile a short list (three or four) of claims about the topic and list evidence used by others to support the existence of the phenomena. You can use various websites and your own knowledge base to compile this list. For instance, if doing a report on UFO sightings some of the claims could be eyewitness accounts, video/photographic footage.
  3. Focus on a single item of the phenomenon and then ask a question about this topic that could be tested by the scientific process.
  4. List the independent and dependent variables for your question.Think about confounding variables and how you might control for them in your experiment (controls).
  5. Construct a hypothesis that addresses your research question (meaning the hypothesis must be a tentative prediction about the question).
  6. You will then need to come up with an experiment design to test your hypothesis without relying on weak arguments normally utilized for paranormal occurrences. In your experimental design you must be able to: systematically and precisely manipulate the independent variable, precisely measure the dependent variable, and control any potential confounding variables. Use the scientific method and scientific processes to propose a research method that could support/refute the existence of the phenomenon.
  • Your experimental design must be detailed enough so another individual could complete the experiment without any assistance/instructions from you.
  • The design must implicitly state the dependent and independent variables and controls.
  • The only limits of equipment or materials you have for the experiment are those that are actually found in “real life” – nothing that is made up or theoretical.
  • Make sure to address experimental treatment groups (including a control group) and replicates.
  1. Write a Scientific Research Proposal in the format posted on Canvas in Modules-Lab Information-Week 2.Make sure to cite any sources you use in your paper.


Florida National University Science of Prevention in Nursing Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help

Community Nursing

– Follow the discussion questions participation and submission guidelines.

· Minimum three paragraphs per DQ

· All answers or discussions comments submitted must be in APA format according to Publication Manual American Psychological Association (APA) (6th ed.) 2009 ISBN: 978-1-4338-0561-5

· Minimum of two references, not older than 2015.

Note: All DQ submissions will be monitored for plagiarism.


Community and Public Health Nursing (3th Edition)

Authors: DeMarco, R. F. & Healey-Walsh, J. (2020) Publisher: Wolters Kluwer

ISBN: 978-1-975111-69-4

Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th Edition)

American Psychological Association (2019)

ISBN: 978-1-4338-3216-1

Chapter 6: Epidemiology: The Science of Prevention

1. Jeff is 11 years old and slightly overweight. His father is a truck driver who was recently diagnosed with type 2 diabetes. His mother is a licensed practical nurse at the local hospital. At a recent health science fair at his school, a student-led screening clinic documented Jeff’s blood pressure at 140/92 mm Hg.

a. Is Jeff at risk? If so, for what?

b. Utilizing the Guidelines for High Blood Pressure in Adults (American College of Cardiology, 2017), what is Jeff’s future risk from adolescence through adulthood?

c. How does epidemiologic data define hypertension in a child of Jeff’s age?

d. Are there health promotion activities that you would recommend?


EDSP 569 Week 2 Student Learning and Attention Research Discussion Writing Assignment Help

All attachments must be the same topic… capstone might need to be rewritten if topic is not accepted.

An example of an appropriate focus would be: Perhaps you have
noticed an increase in students who need more reminders to gain their
attention, especially as you transition between tasks throughout the
day. You conduct some preliminary research and decide that you want to
start using ‘Attention Signals’ as part of your classroom behavior
management strategy to increase attention and focus for all students,
especially during transition periods between activities throughout the
day. This is not a new type of curriculum that drastically alters what
you are teaching students in your class compared to other grade level
teachers, but it is something that you have identified as a problem area
in your class that you want to put a new strategy into ‘ACTION’ to see
if it yields positive results.

It is recommended that you keep the topic of your research very
focused and narrow, and be sure to define and operationalize your
variables. For example, “the impact of technology on improving student
learning”, is an interesting topic but it is TOO BROAD. WHAT specific
technology would you be exploring? and how would you DEFINE, MEASURE,
and determine effectiveness of “improved student learning”?


American InterContinental University Training of Statisticians Presentation Mathematics Assignment Help

This is a two part assignment.


Create a comprehensive explanation of a future analysis Teton Grand could run at some point in

the future and how significance testing, confidence intervals and standard error of measurement

would help them understand the results. Your post should be in a client-ready format, using

professional and language appropriate for talking to an organization.

The assignment should be posted as a video (must include narration) of you describing the future

analysis for Teton Grand.


Teton Grand is interested in hiring a statistician intern for the summer to help them analyze data. Your

role is to explain statistical concepts to the intern so that he/she has a good foundation for running these

analyses moving forward.

You must explain the purpose and use of significance testing, confidence intervals and standard error of

measurement using examples for how each concept could be used in relation to Teton Grand’s data.

You are not expected to run any analyses this week but this exercise should highlight your ability to talk

credibly about the value of each statistical concept. You must go beyond simply defining the concepts to

talking about their relevance to Teton Grand.

This can be in a video format, presentation, or step-by-step handout. It must be client-ready,

professionally formatted, and easy to understand. If creating a video, length should be approximately 5-

10 minutes. If creating a presentation, the length should be approximately 10-15 slides. Your submission

should adhere to the APA format and guidelines.


Technical Information: This assignment may require a video submission. Click here

(https://resources.adler.edu/knowledgebase/my-media-and-media-gallery/) for directions.

   (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366613)

 (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366615)

 (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366616)

 (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366617)

 (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366618)

 (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366619)

 (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366620)

  (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366623)

   (https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/modules/items/366622)

1/7/2021 [4.1] Statistician Intern Assignment

https://adler.instructure.com/courses/12203/assign… 2/4

Your presentation can be created using PowerPoint, Prezi or any other multimedia tool, but it must be

viewable by anyone in the class. As your instructor and classmates will most likely be a mix of Windows

and Macs user, you must export your presentation as a video and upload it to your media. If you use

Prezi, you can post a link to the presentation.

PowerPoint (Windows Users): https://support.office.com/en-za/article/Turn-your-presentation-

into-a-video-c140551f-cb37-4818-b5d4-3e30815c3e83 (https://support.office.com/en-


Keynote (Mac Users): https://support.apple.com/en-us/HT202220




Sharing with Prezi: https://prezi.com/support/article/sharing/sharing-…




EDUC 6263 Walden University Overlapping Of Student Affairs And Faculty Essay Business Finance Assignment Help

The interviewees in this week’s media segment discuss support services provided by student affairs staff and faculty at a leading community college. The importance of faculty support seems to grow as institutions focus more intensely on learning outcomes. Traditional roles are blurring. Discuss with your colleagues the overlap in their roles and the strengths that each group (i.e., student affairs staff, faculty) brings to the student support mission.

By Day 3

Post your thoughts on how the roles of faculty and staff overlap and the ways that each group can support students. What can they learn from each other?

Readings : login?url=https://search.ebscohost.com/login.aspx?dire

Video: Laureate Education, Inc. (Executive producer). (2011). Best practices for student success: Faculty and staff roles in student success. Baltimore, MD: Author.ct=true&db=a9h&AN=34464902&site=ehost-live&scope=site”>https://ezp.waldenulibrary.org/login?url=https://s…

Optional Resources

Article: Association of American Colleges and Universities. (2007). The principles of excellence. Retrieved from http://www.aacu.org/LEAP/documents/PrinciplesExcel…

Article: NSSE Institute for Effective Educational Practice. (2011). DEEP practice briefs. Retrieved from http://nsse.iub.edu/institute/?view=deep/briefs

EDUC 6263 Walden University Overlapping Of Student Affairs And Faculty Essay Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

CSU Hindu Concepts of Reincarnation Karma and Heaven Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Unit I Reflection Paper

Tuesday, 01/26/2021 11:59 PM (CST)



As the newest member of the organization, you will be exploring many different religions from varying viewpoints throughout this course. This ongoing travel will have you reporting on various religions around the world and will conclude with a final project for the news station.

For your first assignment, you will be packing your bags and traveling to India! It is there where you will find the major concentration of those practicing Hinduism.

As you begin traveling for Religious News, your boss wants you to embrace the Hindu culture as much as possible. Per his request, he has asked that you visit a temple, attend one festival of your choosing, and observe either an investiture, marriage, or funeral ceremony.

For your write-up, be sure to include the following components for your report:

  • summarize the impact samskaras have on Hindu society;
  • compare and contrast a selected Hindu ceremony (e.g., the investiture, marriage, or funeral ceremony) or festival (pages 50–54 in your textbook) to one that takes place within your culture; and
  • compare and contrast social statuses within Hinduism to that of your culture.

Your reflection should be at least one page in length. You must include at least two outside sources, one of which can be your textbook, and one must come from the CSU Online Library. Remember to use APA formatting throughout the assignment.


Florida National University Nursing Theory and Theory of Goal Attainment Essay Writing Assignment Help

This is the book to find the information.( ISBN-13: 9780803633124) Models/Grand Theories in the Integrative- Interactive Paradigm Chapter 7: Dorothy Johnson’s Behavioral System Model and its Application Chapter 8: Dorothea Orem’s Self-Care Deficit Nursing Theory Chapter 9: Imogene King’s Theory of Goal Attainment.

Reflection assignment which is just a short paragraph based on your readings from chapters 7, 8, and 9. When writing about your readings, think about how and why you came to your insights. Evaluate your experiences, comment on ideas, how you feel, what did you learn? In your conclusion, you will restate your thoughts, ask others how they came to their ideas. please just submit your short essays, and please include a title page.



ECO 2023 Broward College Distinct Types of Unemployment Questions Economics Assignment Help

I’m working on a micro economics writing question and need a sample draft to help me study.

Business Pathway:

Answer the following questions based upon your current knowledge of your field of study. These answers should be based upon your knowledge of your own field of study combined with the knowledge of unemployment covered within this course. These are your opinions and should reflect thoughtful consideration of the topic. Each answer should be at least one paragraph.

1. What knowledge or skills would you advise a person enrolled in your field of study to pursue if they wish to avoid the distinct types of unemployment? (cyclical, structural, seasonal, frictional). These do not have to be skills or knowledge gained in formal college courses. If they are not covered in your formal education, how do you plan on acquiring these skills, certifications, and knowledge?

2. List three jobs that you might pursue after graduation and briefly describe the job outlook for each of the jobs you listed. You might want to refer to predictions listed here: https://www.bls.gov/ooh/

3. How do you feel an overall higher unemployment rate for the country might impact your career prospects within your chosen field of study?


AMU Create a Database Referring Monitoring & Tuning Operational System Database Task Computer Science Assignment Help


Read Connolly/Begg text:
Chapter 19 – Methodology – Monitoring and Tuning the Operational System section 19.2
Chapter 20 – Security and Administration
Review MS Office 365 Access 2016 text:

HINT: Review the Normalization Process: Parts and Suppliers One-to-Many Example in the Terms and Concepts Discussion.

Term Project – week 8 – (17%):
You were just hired to create a database to track blood draws at a lab.
Discussions with the representatives decided on two entities, Blood Draws and Patients; the following key points were agreed:
1) Each blood draw is assigned a unique DrawNum
2) Each Patient has a unique PatID
3) Each blood draw is taken from one patient, each patient may have more than one blood draw.
4) No fields beyond those in the report / spreadsheet are needed

DrawNum is a unique number assigned to each blood draw, Date is the date of the blood draw, Nvials is the number vials drawn, PatID is the patient ID – it is unique for each patient, fName is the patient’s first name, lName is the patient’s last name, DOB is the patient’s date of birth

The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts covered in the course. The exercise is a straightforward application of those concepts – there are no “hidden” complexities – should you identify something in the key points or data that adds complexity, contact the instructor before submission – you may be over thinking the exercise.
The sample data may not represent all possible values – consider each field’s domain during the assessment and design.
The goal is to replace the following report / spreadsheet with a relational database. The submission will consist of a word compatible document to record the design process, and an Access DB.

(A matching Excel spreadsheet is attached. This is provided to reduce typos – do not assume the spreadsheet is a table in the final design.)

Here is the un-normalized (UNF) relational schema (table) notation for the above report:
BloodDraws (DrawNum, Date, Nvials, PatID, fName, lName, DOB)

The functional dependencies are:
DrawNum – – > Date, Nvials, PatID, fName, lName, DOB
PatID – – > fName, lName, DOB

The specific tasks to perform are listed below, the percentage corresponds to the grade weight for each task: Organize your document to match the tasks.
Name your document Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). When you are asked to provide an explanation or description, you mustinclude sufficient content to demonstrate that you understand the definition, term, concept, etc. and how it applies to this exercise.

SUGGESTION: Review the Terms and Concepts Forum, especially the Normalization One-To-Many example. There is also a normalization MP4 file that can be downloaded from the Resources section.

Follow the below outline in your submission – include Task numbers and questions with your answers.
1) Review the existing report, functional dependencies, and sample data (consider field domains and common knowledge) then document any assumptions you feel are appropriate (beyond those in the key points) and identify the initial entities. (10%)

2 Explain functional dependency and describe each row of the functional dependencies provided above (use field names and values). (15%)
(you do not need to describe full, partial or transitive dependency in this task)

3) Based on multiplicity – in plain English explain the relationship between the Entities provided in the above description – (either one-to-many, or many-to-many). (15%)

4) Design: all tables and fields must be specified at each normal form level
a) First Normal Forum (1NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 1NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the UNF table provided and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 1NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 1NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format (see – the above example or page 111 Figure 4.2.6 of the text). Ensure primary keys are identified.

b) Second Normal Form (2NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 2NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the 1NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 2NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 2NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format. Ensure primary keys are identified.

c) Third Normal Form (3NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 3NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the 2NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 3NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 3NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format. Ensure primary keys are identified.

5) Using the 3NF tables in your design, create a new MS Access database, load the sample data provided, and ensure any table relationships are established.
Name your database Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). (5%).
6) Create a Query, for the following request: List each Patient and their blood draws; include the following fields (in the order provided) PatID, fName, lName, DrawNum, date, and Nvials, sort Ascending by lName. Name the Query BloodDraws. (5%)
7) Create a Form: to enter a New Patient, only enter Patient related fields – do not include fields associated with a blood draw in the Form, name the form NewPatient. (5%)
8) Create a Report: List all Blood Draws (5%)
Upload the database to the assignment area as one of the deliverables
9) Submission content organization, clarity, spelling and grammar (10%)



3. How do you feel an overall higher unemployment rate for the country might impact your career prospects within your chosen field of study?


AMU Create a Database Referring Monitoring & Tuning Operational System Database Task Computer Science Assignment Help


Read Connolly/Begg text:
Chapter 19 – Methodology – Monitoring and Tuning the Operational System section 19.2
Chapter 20 – Security and Administration
Review MS Office 365 Access 2016 text:

HINT: Review the Normalization Process: Parts and Suppliers One-to-Many Example in the Terms and Concepts Discussion.

Term Project – week 8 – (17%):
You were just hired to create a database to track blood draws at a lab.
Discussions with the representatives decided on two entities, Blood Draws and Patients; the following key points were agreed:
1) Each blood draw is assigned a unique DrawNum
2) Each Patient has a unique PatID
3) Each blood draw is taken from one patient, each patient may have more than one blood draw.
4) No fields beyond those in the report / spreadsheet are needed

DrawNum is a unique number assigned to each blood draw, Date is the date of the blood draw, Nvials is the number vials drawn, PatID is the patient ID – it is unique for each patient, fName is the patient’s first name, lName is the patient’s last name, DOB is the patient’s date of birth

The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts covered in the course. The exercise is a straightforward application of those concepts – there are no “hidden” complexities – should you identify something in the key points or data that adds complexity, contact the instructor before submission – you may be over thinking the exercise.
The sample data may not represent all possible values – consider each field’s domain during the assessment and design.
The goal is to replace the following report / spreadsheet with a relational database. The submission will consist of a word compatible document to record the design process, and an Access DB.

(A matching Excel spreadsheet is attached. This is provided to reduce typos – do not assume the spreadsheet is a table in the final design.)

Here is the un-normalized (UNF) relational schema (table) notation for the above report:
BloodDraws (DrawNum, Date, Nvials, PatID, fName, lName, DOB)

The functional dependencies are:
DrawNum – – > Date, Nvials, PatID, fName, lName, DOB
PatID – – > fName, lName, DOB

The specific tasks to perform are listed below, the percentage corresponds to the grade weight for each task: Organize your document to match the tasks.
Name your document Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). When you are asked to provide an explanation or description, you mustinclude sufficient content to demonstrate that you understand the definition, term, concept, etc. and how it applies to this exercise.

SUGGESTION: Review the Terms and Concepts Forum, especially the Normalization One-To-Many example. There is also a normalization MP4 file that can be downloaded from the Resources section.

Follow the below outline in your submission – include Task numbers and questions with your answers.
1) Review the existing report, functional dependencies, and sample data (consider field domains and common knowledge) then document any assumptions you feel are appropriate (beyond those in the key points) and identify the initial entities. (10%)

2 Explain functional dependency and describe each row of the functional dependencies provided above (use field names and values). (15%)
(you do not need to describe full, partial or transitive dependency in this task)

3) Based on multiplicity – in plain English explain the relationship between the Entities provided in the above description – (either one-to-many, or many-to-many). (15%)

4) Design: all tables and fields must be specified at each normal form level
a) First Normal Forum (1NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 1NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the UNF table provided and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 1NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 1NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format (see – the above example or page 111 Figure 4.2.6 of the text). Ensure primary keys are identified.

b) Second Normal Form (2NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 2NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the 1NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 2NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 2NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format. Ensure primary keys are identified.

c) Third Normal Form (3NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 3NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the 2NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 3NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 3NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format. Ensure primary keys are identified.

5) Using the 3NF tables in your design, create a new MS Access database, load the sample data provided, and ensure any table relationships are established.
Name your database Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). (5%).
6) Create a Query, for the following request: List each Patient and their blood draws; include the following fields (in the order provided) PatID, fName, lName, DrawNum, date, and Nvials, sort Ascending by lName. Name the Query BloodDraws. (5%)
7) Create a Form: to enter a New Patient, only enter Patient related fields – do not include fields associated with a blood draw in the Form, name the form NewPatient. (5%)
8) Create a Report: List all Blood Draws (5%)
Upload the database to the assignment area as one of the deliverables
9) Submission content organization, clarity, spelling and grammar (10%)



3. How do you feel an overall higher unemployment rate for the country might impact your career prospects within your chosen field of study?


AMU Create a Database Referring Monitoring & Tuning Operational System Database Task Computer Science Assignment Help


Read Connolly/Begg text:
Chapter 19 – Methodology – Monitoring and Tuning the Operational System section 19.2
Chapter 20 – Security and Administration
Review MS Office 365 Access 2016 text:

HINT: Review the Normalization Process: Parts and Suppliers One-to-Many Example in the Terms and Concepts Discussion.

Term Project – week 8 – (17%):
You were just hired to create a database to track blood draws at a lab.
Discussions with the representatives decided on two entities, Blood Draws and Patients; the following key points were agreed:
1) Each blood draw is assigned a unique DrawNum
2) Each Patient has a unique PatID
3) Each blood draw is taken from one patient, each patient may have more than one blood draw.
4) No fields beyond those in the report / spreadsheet are needed

DrawNum is a unique number assigned to each blood draw, Date is the date of the blood draw, Nvials is the number vials drawn, PatID is the patient ID – it is unique for each patient, fName is the patient’s first name, lName is the patient’s last name, DOB is the patient’s date of birth

The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts covered in the course. The exercise is a straightforward application of those concepts – there are no “hidden” complexities – should you identify something in the key points or data that adds complexity, contact the instructor before submission – you may be over thinking the exercise.
The sample data may not represent all possible values – consider each field’s domain during the assessment and design.
The goal is to replace the following report / spreadsheet with a relational database. The submission will consist of a word compatible document to record the design process, and an Access DB.

(A matching Excel spreadsheet is attached. This is provided to reduce typos – do not assume the spreadsheet is a table in the final design.)

Here is the un-normalized (UNF) relational schema (table) notation for the above report:
BloodDraws (DrawNum, Date, Nvials, PatID, fName, lName, DOB)

The functional dependencies are:
DrawNum – – > Date, Nvials, PatID, fName, lName, DOB
PatID – – > fName, lName, DOB

The specific tasks to perform are listed below, the percentage corresponds to the grade weight for each task: Organize your document to match the tasks.
Name your document Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). When you are asked to provide an explanation or description, you mustinclude sufficient content to demonstrate that you understand the definition, term, concept, etc. and how it applies to this exercise.

SUGGESTION: Review the Terms and Concepts Forum, especially the Normalization One-To-Many example. There is also a normalization MP4 file that can be downloaded from the Resources section.

Follow the below outline in your submission – include Task numbers and questions with your answers.
1) Review the existing report, functional dependencies, and sample data (consider field domains and common knowledge) then document any assumptions you feel are appropriate (beyond those in the key points) and identify the initial entities. (10%)

2 Explain functional dependency and describe each row of the functional dependencies provided above (use field names and values). (15%)
(you do not need to describe full, partial or transitive dependency in this task)

3) Based on multiplicity – in plain English explain the relationship between the Entities provided in the above description – (either one-to-many, or many-to-many). (15%)

4) Design: all tables and fields must be specified at each normal form level
a) First Normal Forum (1NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 1NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the UNF table provided and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 1NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 1NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format (see – the above example or page 111 Figure 4.2.6 of the text). Ensure primary keys are identified.

b) Second Normal Form (2NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 2NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the 1NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 2NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 2NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format. Ensure primary keys are identified.

c) Third Normal Form (3NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 3NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the 2NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 3NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 3NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format. Ensure primary keys are identified.

5) Using the 3NF tables in your design, create a new MS Access database, load the sample data provided, and ensure any table relationships are established.
Name your database Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). (5%).
6) Create a Query, for the following request: List each Patient and their blood draws; include the following fields (in the order provided) PatID, fName, lName, DrawNum, date, and Nvials, sort Ascending by lName. Name the Query BloodDraws. (5%)
7) Create a Form: to enter a New Patient, only enter Patient related fields – do not include fields associated with a blood draw in the Form, name the form NewPatient. (5%)
8) Create a Report: List all Blood Draws (5%)
Upload the database to the assignment area as one of the deliverables
9) Submission content organization, clarity, spelling and grammar (10%)



3. How do you feel an overall higher unemployment rate for the country might impact your career prospects within your chosen field of study?


AMU Create a Database Referring Monitoring & Tuning Operational System Database Task Computer Science Assignment Help


Read Connolly/Begg text:
Chapter 19 – Methodology – Monitoring and Tuning the Operational System section 19.2
Chapter 20 – Security and Administration
Review MS Office 365 Access 2016 text:

HINT: Review the Normalization Process: Parts and Suppliers One-to-Many Example in the Terms and Concepts Discussion.

Term Project – week 8 – (17%):
You were just hired to create a database to track blood draws at a lab.
Discussions with the representatives decided on two entities, Blood Draws and Patients; the following key points were agreed:
1) Each blood draw is assigned a unique DrawNum
2) Each Patient has a unique PatID
3) Each blood draw is taken from one patient, each patient may have more than one blood draw.
4) No fields beyond those in the report / spreadsheet are needed

DrawNum is a unique number assigned to each blood draw, Date is the date of the blood draw, Nvials is the number vials drawn, PatID is the patient ID – it is unique for each patient, fName is the patient’s first name, lName is the patient’s last name, DOB is the patient’s date of birth

The objective of this exercise is to demonstrate an understanding of basic concepts covered in the course. The exercise is a straightforward application of those concepts – there are no “hidden” complexities – should you identify something in the key points or data that adds complexity, contact the instructor before submission – you may be over thinking the exercise.
The sample data may not represent all possible values – consider each field’s domain during the assessment and design.
The goal is to replace the following report / spreadsheet with a relational database. The submission will consist of a word compatible document to record the design process, and an Access DB.

(A matching Excel spreadsheet is attached. This is provided to reduce typos – do not assume the spreadsheet is a table in the final design.)

Here is the un-normalized (UNF) relational schema (table) notation for the above report:
BloodDraws (DrawNum, Date, Nvials, PatID, fName, lName, DOB)

The functional dependencies are:
DrawNum – – > Date, Nvials, PatID, fName, lName, DOB
PatID – – > fName, lName, DOB

The specific tasks to perform are listed below, the percentage corresponds to the grade weight for each task: Organize your document to match the tasks.
Name your document Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). When you are asked to provide an explanation or description, you mustinclude sufficient content to demonstrate that you understand the definition, term, concept, etc. and how it applies to this exercise.

SUGGESTION: Review the Terms and Concepts Forum, especially the Normalization One-To-Many example. There is also a normalization MP4 file that can be downloaded from the Resources section.

Follow the below outline in your submission – include Task numbers and questions with your answers.
1) Review the existing report, functional dependencies, and sample data (consider field domains and common knowledge) then document any assumptions you feel are appropriate (beyond those in the key points) and identify the initial entities. (10%)

2 Explain functional dependency and describe each row of the functional dependencies provided above (use field names and values). (15%)
(you do not need to describe full, partial or transitive dependency in this task)

3) Based on multiplicity – in plain English explain the relationship between the Entities provided in the above description – (either one-to-many, or many-to-many). (15%)

4) Design: all tables and fields must be specified at each normal form level
a) First Normal Forum (1NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 1NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the UNF table provided and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 1NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 1NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format (see – the above example or page 111 Figure 4.2.6 of the text). Ensure primary keys are identified.

b) Second Normal Form (2NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 2NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the 1NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 2NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 2NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format. Ensure primary keys are identified.

c) Third Normal Form (3NF) assessment / action 10%
– Copy the 3NF definition from the text (include quotes and page number)
– Assess the 2NF table(s) in the previous section and if necessary, make the changes needed to conform to the 3NF definition. Explain any action taken and why (use field names and values).
– Specify all 3NF table(s) using relational schema notation or spreadsheet format. Ensure primary keys are identified.

5) Using the 3NF tables in your design, create a new MS Access database, load the sample data provided, and ensure any table relationships are established.
Name your database Last Name_TermProject (i.e. Smith_TermProject). (5%).
6) Create a Query, for the following request: List each Patient and their blood draws; include the following fields (in the order provided) PatID, fName, lName, DrawNum, date, and Nvials, sort Ascending by lName. Name the Query BloodDraws. (5%)
7) Create a Form: to enter a New Patient, only enter Patient related fields – do not include fields associated with a blood draw in the Form, name the form NewPatient. (5%)
8) Create a Report: List all Blood Draws (5%)
Upload the database to the assignment area as one of the deliverables
9) Submission content organization, clarity, spelling and grammar (10%)


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