What factors contributed to the decline and eventual fall of Rome? Humanities Assignment Help. What factors contributed to the decline and eventual fall of Rome? Humanities Assignment Help.
(/0x4*br />
of the 4 Questions: I am looking for 3 to 4 paragraphs for each question. Times New Roman 12 point font,
worksite your sources.
What factors
contributed to the decline and eventual fall of Rome?
With the collapse
of the Carolingian Empire after the Treaty of Verdun, Europe became an easy
target for foreign invasions. Describe the various assaults on Western Europe.
What impact did the barbarian invasions have on medieval Europe?
Compare the functions and status
of the nobility and clergy in medieval society. Were the two comparable?
What social and economic
effects did the Crusades have on Western civilization?
the course uses book:The Western Heritage, Vol. 1, 11th Edition, Kagan, Ozment, and I don’t have access to it online
What factors contributed to the decline and eventual fall of Rome? Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Drama Paper on play Eng 1302 August Wilson, Fences (1489-1530), English homework help Humanities Assignment Help
This is the example and directions
How it should start just use correct story and author ext. my story is August Wilson, Fences
These should be one paragraph each (approx. 125-150 words, or
half a page), and either six or seven sentences only.
1. Begin with the author, genre, title, and setting.
2. In one or two sentences only, summarize the plot.
3. Give three examples of literary elements used in the
4. State your opinion of the piece.
5. Write a correct MLA citation
Here is an example (the numbers correspond with 1-4 above; do
not include them when you write)
Edgar Allan Poe’s short story “The Fall of the House of Usher” takes place in
an old, crumbling mansion that has been in the Usher family for generations.
(2) The first-person narrator travels to the mansion at the request of Roderick
Usher, a childhood friend apparently undergoing a major crisis that requires
immediate assistance. While there, the narrator experiences a hair-raising
terror associated with Roderick’s reclusive twin sister. (3) Poe uses the lake
outside of the mansion as a symbol to represent the various reversals of
normalcy that characterize the Usher family. He also uses a description of one
of Roderick’s paintings as a symbol that represents the nature of the household
insanity. Finally, Poe effectively uses the setting – the dark, musty, shadowy,
maze of a mansion – to enhance the mood of terror. (4) I thought some of Poe’s
descriptions were too lengthy, but overall, I enjoyed the way he built the
story to its freaky climax.
Short Story and Drama Papers (3 pages)
Each paper should consist of five paragraphs (you
can always write more).
1st par – introduction
1. State the author, genre,
title, and setting, and describe the plot (1-2 sentences only).
2. State your 3 main points regarding literary
elements. Do not say, “There is a lot of irony.” Instead, say something ironic:
“Ironically, the main character’s greatest strength is the same cause of his
downfall.” Likewise, if you are discussing symbols, do not say that “the sword
is a symbol,” but instead, say what it represents. Each of these three main
points must name a literary element.
2nd paragraph – first main idea
1. Begin with a topic
sentence that simply restates your first
main point in the intro.
2. Next, give specific
examples from the story to support your main idea. Quote some and paraphrase
3rd paragraph – second main idea
1. Again, begin with a
topic sentence, this time restating the second
main point listed in your introduction.
2. Again, provide
examples, quoting some and paraphrasing some.
4th paragraph – third main idea
1. Do the same as in
paragraphs 2 and 3 for your third main
4th paragraph – summary/evaluation
1. Restate your main
ideas briefly
2. Add some final
thought, such as whether you liked the story and why (or why not).
Add a work(s) cited
Build A PC Manual, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help
Manual Sections
In addition to including the sections listed below, your manual should
- address the environment in which the computer build will take place. For example, what are the best practices when working in a carpeted room?
- not use computer jargon. Although the manual will be used to train new technicians, it may also be used by someone with limited computer knowledge, so the manual must be easy to understand.
- include explanations on methodology. For example, why is it important to use an antistatic grounding bracelet when working with the computer? Or why is it important to install memory sticks in pairs?
- Workspace Preparation
- Installing Motherboard
- Installing Power Supply
- Installing CPU
- Installing RAM
- Installing Hard Drive
- Installing Optical Drive
- Installing Video Card
- Connecting Monitors, Keyboard, and Mouse
- BIOS Configuration
- Installing Windows 7
- Configuring Critical Windows Features
Proposal for Final Paper Worksheet, assignment help Writing Assignment Help
After reviewing the list of prompts, choose one that you would like to explore. In addition, you should choose a literary work to discuss that relates to your topic of choice. The suggested literary works for each topic are listed beneath each prompt.
Once you have decided on a prompt and text, respond to the directives below using the Proposal for Final Paper Worksheet. Please make sure your document is double spaced.
So for this assignment you are choosing a writing prompt from the list given filling out the worksheet attached: “Proposal for Final Paper worksheet.docx”
Please look at the sample and follow it and don’t copy it.
the Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Ann Fadiman, please write a 1000 word reflective essay Humanities Assignment Help
Reflection Paper Guidelines
After reading The Spirit Catches You and You Fall Down by Ann Fadiman, please write a 1000 word reflective essay using the following questions as guide:
Explain your interpretation of the meaning of the book’s title
Choose two to three themes to reflect on
Culture collision (collision of two cultures, how?)
Culture compromise
Hope amidst loss
Please refer to the following document under “Cultural reflection: the story of Lia”
Reflection essay outline and link
Using Gibbs’ Reflective Cycle
Reflection paper rubric
The software Turn It In will be used to assess for plagiarism
Please click on the following link and read this article on Reflective Essay as it will give you guidance on how to write a reflection paper: HYPERLINK “https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/argumentative-essay-outline/” HYPERLINK “https://www.kibin.com/blog/?p=2853” Use This Reflective Essay Outline to Get Your Paper Started (HYPERLINK “https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/reflective-essay-outline/” https://www.kibin.com/essay-writing-blog/reflective-essay-outline/)
Hook—give a quick preview of the most exciting part of that story
Thesis Statement—without giving too much away, write how this experience influenced you.
Body Paragraph
Description of an influential person, place or event
Body Paragraph
The effect of the person, place or event had on you at the time
Body Paragraph
Lesson learned from reflecting on person, place or event
Summary of the experience
Overall impact/lesson learned
THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO” BY ERNEST HEMINGWAY, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help
RESEARCH PAPER ASSIGNMENT ENGLISH 2328 The It counts 50% of your grade in the course. You must follow the assignment exactly. Please note that this is not a thesis controlled essay; it is an exploration You will use a total of four sources, including the primary source.
The works cited list must be in MLA format. Use www.easybib.com to help you with
You must follow these instructions exactly.
1. Choose one of the following stories,
short novels, or plays for your research paper. You may wish to read the
introduction to the author and then to read the first few paragraphs of the
story, novel, or play to help you make your choice. If you want to know a
little more about your selection, let me know. I suggest that you read your
primary source (the story, short novel, or play) before looking for
commentaries (secondary sources), since you’ll want to experience it as literature
with all its interesting details and surprises first. Once you have made
your choice, read carefully and take notes, jotting down any questions that
occur to you as you read. These questions will be part of your research paper.
Henry James, “Daisy Miller: A
Study” (C: 421) , “The Real Thing” (C: 460), or “The Beast
in the Jungle” (C: 477)
Katherine Anne Porter, “Pale Horse, Pale Rider” (D: 494)
William Faulkner, “Barn Burning” (D:800)
Ernest Hemingway, “The Snows of Kilimanjaro” (D: 826)
Tennessee Williams, A Streetcar Named Desire (E: 93)
Arthur Miller, Death of a Salesman (E: 238)
James Baldwin: “Going to Meet the Man” (E: 423)
Flannery O’Connor, “Good Country People” (E: 445)
Toni Morrison, “Recitatif” (E: 609)
Philip Roth, “Defender of the Faith” (E: 647)
Raymond Carver: “Cathedral” (E: 737)
Sandra Cisneros: “Woman Hollering
Creek” (E: 1131)
to Write the Essay
2. Find three commentaries (articles,
interviews, overviews, critical essays, etc.) about the story or play and
take notes or highlight the parts that help in your understanding. You should
use at least two substantial quotations from each commentary in your paper.
I encourage you to use more than three commentaries (secondary sources). Keep
in mind that your research should focus on the literature itself, not on the
author, though you may find articles in which the author (writer of the primary
source) discusses the story, novel, or play, or you may find that the
author’s own life is relevant to the story in a very specific way. Many
biographies include discussions of specific pieces of literature by the author.
The primary source (the story, novel, or play) does not count as one of the three
commentaries (secondary sources). This means that you will have at least four
sources in your works cited list. Again, I encourage you to use additional
sources, especially if you don’t find answers to your questions by using only
Don’t use:
- No internet (or print)
sources that are “notes” or “summaries” of the primary
source (CliffsNotes, Endnotes, Classicnotes, Booknotes, Sparknotes,
Novelguide.com, etc) (Anything with lots of
advertisements should be avoided.) - No student papers or
free essays from websites like 1234helpme.com, freeessays.tv,
gradesaver.com, sunflower.singnet.com, cbronte.com, bookrags,
planetpapers.com, antiessays.com, directessays.com, academon.com,
echeat.com, study.com–I’m truly amazed at how many websites like this
exist! (These papers are often already plagiarized, or they are written by
high school students with no real evidence for their views.) - No
encyclopedias, especially Wikipedia, which is a good
general reference but not always reliable, especially not as literary
criticism - No
dictionaries–definitions of words aren’t commentaries (though it’s good
to look up words, of course) - No unsigned internet
articles - No interviews with
friends about the story or play (though it’s good to discuss the primary
source with other people)
- Books (biographies of
the author, compilations of critical essays, critical studies of the
story, novel or play) - HCCS databases,
especially Literature Resource Center. See instructions for
accessing databases from home below. - Movies or documentaries
that relate to the the primary source (You must discuss these in the
paper, not just mention them, to count them as sources.) - Reliable websites (with
authors listed) - Websites with .org,
.gov., .edu (unless the source is a student
All HCCS students are entitled to use the college databases
while enrolled in Houston Community College.
Here is a link that explains how to access the databases
from home: http://hccs.libanswers.com/faq/108002
Writing the Paper
3. In your paper, begin with a brief
introduction in which you tell why you chose this story or play, what questions
you had after reading, how your found your sources, which sources were most
useful. This introduction is required. You should use “I” in the
introduction since you are discussing your personal response.
4. Include a very brief discussion of the primary source itself, including
quotations that you think are important. This part of the paper shouldn’t
be more than a paragraph or two. (I emphasize “brief” because in the
past, some students have discussed the story, novel, or play for half the paper
and responded very briefly to the commentaries.) This part of the
paper should be similar to a short reading response.
5. Then discuss each commentary (source) in a full paragraph for each source,
letting the reader know what the critics have said about your story, novel, or
play. Include at least two substantial quotations from the source and
your responses to what the critics say. You will need to give the name and
author of each commentary, but don’t use these as headings. I prefer that you
organize your essay by discussing the sources one by one in separate
paragraphs. You may, of course, make connections among the sources to make the
essay flow nicely. I’m interested in what you find out about the literature
through research. Please follow punctuation rules for quotations. Quotation
marks don’t substitute for other marks of punctuation (commas, colons,
semicolons, periods). Here is a website that should be useful: Punctuating Quotations in Essays
6. Do not put the author’s name in parentheses after a quotation.
You should introduce your source at the beginning of the paragraph by including
the author’s name and the title of the source in your topic sentence for the
paragraph. You may, of course, mention the author’s name again in a sentence if
you wish, but don’t put the author’s name in parentheses. Use sentences like,
“Baker goes on to say that. . . .” or “he also says that. . .
7. At the end of the paper, summarize what you have learned by doing the
research, perhaps letting your reader know which commentaries answered the questions
you had, which gave you additional insight, which were difficult to understand,
etc. Again, you should use “I.”
8. Include a Works Cited list at the end of the paper, listing all
sources alphabetically, using MLA documentation format. Be sure
to list your primary source (the story, play, or novel you are writing about). You
must follow MLA format exactly. If you need help, let me know. You may wish to
pick up a handout at the library or consult the following website: MLA Format. The Purdue On-line
Writing Lab (OWL) is also very useful.
Below you will find instructions for documenting your paper. You must follow
instructions carefully.
Documentation Guidelines: English 2328
1. Include the name of
the author and title in a sentence in the text of the paper, not in
parentheses. The page number should appear in parentheses just after the
quotation. The page number always comes after the quotation marks and is not
preceded by a p.; the period comes after the parentheses. See example below.
Websites and databases usually don’t have page numbers, so you need to include
only the author and title. Remember that any borrowed material (a quotation,
a paraphrase, a summary, an idea) must have an in-text citation.
Example 1 (In-text
In Carlos Baker’s
excellent biography of Ernest Hemingway (called Hemingway: The Writer as
Artist), he says that “‘The Snows of Kilimanjaro’ is an experiment in
the psychology of a dying man” (191).
Notice that I have not repeated “Baker”
in parentheses before the page number. It is very important not to repeat the
author’s name unnecessarily. Doing so is distracting to the reader and implies
that he or she can’t remember the name of the author, even though you have
included it at the beginning of the sentence. (Imagining yourself as the reader is a good idea.)
Works Cited Entry:
Baker, Carlos. Hemingway, the Writer as Artist. 4th ed.
Princeton, NJ. Princeton UP. 1972. Print.
Example 2 (In-text
In Theatre U.S.A: 1665-1957, the author,
Barnard Hewitt, says the following about Tennessee Williams and the production
of A Streetcar Named Desire: “Tennessee Williams had succeeded in
investing contemporary materials with poetry by intensifying the expression of
the suffering of realistically conceived characters” (441).
Notice that there is punctuation after the introduction to the quotation. In
this case, I used a colon; however, depending on the lead-in, you might use
some other mark of punctuation. It’s important to follow normal punctuation
rules when using quotations. Notice also that the ending quotation marks come
before the parentheses and that the period comes after. Notice also that I have
not repeated the author’s name.
Works Cited Entry:
Hewitt, Barnard. Theatre U.S.A.: 1665-1957.
New York: McGraw-Hill, 1959. Print.
2. For your primary source (the story, novel, or
play you are researching), use page numbers only as long as it’s clear that you
are quoting from the primary source (and as long as you have included the author
and title in the introduction). The full citation will appear in the Works
Cited list.
narrator of “The Real Thing” by Henry James explains his philosophy
of illustration in the following passage:
liked them [Major and Mrs. Monarch]–I felt, quite as their friends must have
done–they were so simple; and I had no objection to them if they would suit.
But somehow with all their perfections I didn’t easily believe in them. After
all they were amateurs, and the ruling passion of my life was–the detestation
of the amateur. Combined with this was another perversity–an innate preference
for the represented subject over the real one: the defect of the real one was
so apt to be a lack of representation. I liked things that appeared; then one
was sure. Whether they WERE or not was a subordinate and almost always a
profitless question. (434)
The quotation above is “blocked,” which means it
is indented 10 spaces from the left margin. Quotations of four lines or more should
be blocked. Notice that there are no quotation marks around the quotation.
Blocking it reveals to the reader that you are quoting. Also, in a blocked
quotation, the period comes before the parentheses.
Examples of Works Cited Entries for primary sources:
Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. The Norton
Anthology of American Literature. Vol. E. Eds. Nina Baym et al. 8th ed. New York: Norton, 2012. 90-155. Print.
James, Henry. “The Real Thing.” The Norton Anthology of
American Literature. Vol. C. Eds. Nina Baym
et al. 8th ed. New York: Norton, 2012. 460-76. Print.
Notice that you should include the inclusive page numbers for the
story or play.
3. Use the following format if you’re quoting from
a multi-volume source like Twentieth Century Literary Criticism, Contemporary
Literary Criticism, Twentieth Century Views, etc. (Always
cite the actual author of a piece, not an editor.)
Example: In-text citation:
Trilling, in “F. Scott Fitzgerald” (from The Liberal Imagination),
says this about Fitzgerald’s writing style: “Even in Fitzgerald’s
early, cruder books, or even in his commercial stories, and even when his style
is careless, there is a tone and pitch to his sentences that suggest his warmth
and tenderness, and, what is rare nowadays and not likely to be admired, his
gentleness without softness.” (12)
Works Cited Entry:
Trilling, Lionel. “F. Scott Fitzgerald.” The Liberal Imagination.
New York: Viking, 1951. Rpt. in F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Collection of
Critical Essays. Arthur Mizener, ed. Twentieth
Century Views. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice Hall, 1963. 11-19. Print.
4. If you’re using the Internet, follow MLA guidelines by including
the author (if known) and title of the piece, the date the site was
created (if indicated), the http address (optional), and the date accessed. If
the author isn’t known, use the title of the piece (even if it’s a simple title
like “A Poe Chronology”).
Melissa Byles, in a New Yorker essay called “Richard Ford on
Raymond Carver,” comments on Ford’s view of life:
Life, in Ford’s view, is something that is or flows
in easily recognizable ways. About art, he makes, I believe, the following
well-worn but not necessarily well-taken points: art can have an insignificant
subject matter (think of old shoes in Van Gogh paintings); art makes life more
worthy, and may even a surprisingly unmodern point teach us morals, a conduct;
yet art is not like life, in that art is a calculated construction, while life
involves less calculation than chance.
cited entry:
Byles, Melissa. “Richard Ford on Raymond Carver.” The New
Yorker. 5 Oct. 1998. Rpt. in Off
Course: A Literary Journey. Web. 27 June 2016.
5. If you use a database like Literature Resource
Center, follow this format:
Example (in-text documentation):
Linda Wagner-Martin in ” ‘A Pair of Silk Stockings’: Overview,”
comments on the story’s style: “Chopin’s departure from a plot-oriented
narrative, to the emphasis on the inner motivation of her character, was as
important as her abandonment of the details of local color writing.”
Works Cited entry:
Wagner-Martin, Linda. ” ‘A Pair of Silk Stockings’:
Overview.” Reference Guide to Short Fiction. Ed. Noelle Watson. 1st
ed. St. James Press, 1994. Literature Resource Center. Web. 17 October 2009.
Do not include the web address for databases.
6. To avoid repeating all of the information about
a book with several essays about your story, you may include one full reference
to the entire book (with the editor) and then cross-reference the
individual essays. Here is an example.
Arthur, ed. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A Collection of Critical Essays.
Twentieth Century Views. Englewood Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966. Print.
Cowley, Malcolm. “Third Act and Epilogue.” Mizener
64-69. Print.
Andrews. “Fitzgerald and His Brethren.” Mizener
57-63. Print.
*To access Galenet, go to the HCCS
Library Home Page, choose Databases by Subject, Literature, and then
“Literature Resource Center.” After typing in the author’s name,
choose “Criticism” to find articles about your story. Check with me
if you need more information.
Note: You will
find information for the citation at the end of the commentary in Literature Resource
Center, so you don’t have to create it yourself.
For help with creating the works cited list, check this website:
English 2328:
Sample Works Cited List
I am providing this mainly so that you will know what your Works Cited list
should look like. The list should be alphabetized by the author’s last name,
double-spaced, and all lines after the first of each entry should be indented
five spaces (not the first line).
Works Cited
Baker, Carlos. Hemingway, the Writer as Artist. 4th ed.
Princeton, NJ. Princeton UP. 1972. Print.
Byles, Melissa. “Richard Ford on Raymond Carver.” The New
Yorker. 5 Oct. 1998. Rpt. in Off Course: A Literary Journey. Web. 27
June 2016.
Cowley, Malcolm. “Third Act and Epilogue.” Mizener
64-69. Print.
Hewitt, Barnard. Theatre U.S.A.: 1665-1957. New York:
McGraw-Hill, 1959. Print.
James, Henry. “The Real Thing.” The Norton Anthology of American Literature. Vol. E. Eds.
Nina Baym et al. 7th ed. New York: Norton, 2007.
429-447. Print.
Arthur, ed. F. Scott Fitzgerald: A
Collection of Critical Essays. Twentieth Century Views. Englewood
Cliffs, N.J.: Prentice-Hall, 1966. Print.
Wagner-Martin, Linda. ” ‘A Pair of Silk Stockings’:
Overview.” Reference Guide to Short
Fiction. Ed. Noelle Watson. 1st ed. St. James Press, 1994. Literature
Resource Center. Web. 22 Aug. 2010.
Andrews. “Fitzgerald and His Brethren.” Mizener
57-63. Print.
Williams, Tennessee. A Streetcar Named Desire. The Norton Anthology of American Literature.
Vol. E. Eds. Nina Baym et al. 7th ed. New York:
Norton, 2007. 2186-2248. Print.
THE SNOWS OF KILIMANJARO” BY ERNEST HEMINGWAY, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Identify what you consider to be the five most important and/or significant events contributing to the evolution of the modern Internet that occurred in the period 1800–1991. Humanities Assignment Help
As we said earlier, the development of the Internet involved a considerable period of more-or-less parallel evolution of a number of technologies and organizations. But like any process of social evolution, some events were more important than others in terms of influencing where we are today. Your task in this project is to identify some of those key turning points.
There are a lot of tools to help you. One of the most useful is “Hobbes’ Internet Timeline” found athttp://www.zakon.org/robert/internet/timeline/, a compilation of key events in Internet evolution dating back to the 1950s. You should also be prepared to consult some of the readings and other resources suggested in the Background page as useful sources of information. Your aim is to get a picture clear in your mind about how the different threads of the Internet got woven together.
Case Assignment
For this assignment, write a 3- to 4-page paper that addresses the following question:
Identify what you consider to be the five most important and/or significant events contributing to the evolution of the modern Internet that occurred in the period 1800–1991.
Provide a few paragraphs explaining why you consider each event to be one of the most important Internet-related milestones. Be sure to cite any resources that you used. The fifth and last event in your catalog should be the following, from Hobbes’ 1991 listing:
World-Wide Web (WWW) released by CERN; Tim Berners-Lee developer (:pb1:). First Web server is nxoc01.cern.ch, launched in Nov 1990 and later renamed info.cern.ch.
Many of the events you choose will be listed in the Hobbes timeline, but it is not the only source you will want to draw on. Be sure to include examples of 1) technological developments and 2) social/organizational events in your listing.
Assignment Expectations
Your paper should be 3–4 pages in length and reflect your personal experiences with the timeline.The important part of the project assignments is to carefully assess your own experiences with the topic, and then reflect critically on what you might have learned about yourself and about situations through this assessment process.
What are the positive and negative effects of the dot-com bubble burst, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
After you have reviewed some of the sources about the bubble and have a good feel for it, you will be in a position to write a short (3- to 4-page) paper on the topic: The Major Effects of the “Dot-Com Bubble Burst” on the Internet of Today. You are expected to address the following questions in your paper:
- What are the positive and negative effects of the dot-com bubble burst on the Internet of today?
- What lessons were learned from the dot-com bubble burst? What is your conclusion about the major effects of the dot-com bubble burst on the current Internet?
Your paper should be 3–4 pages long. Take a definite stand on the issues, and develop your supporting argument carefully. Using material from the background information and any other sources you can find to support specific points in your argument is highly recommended; try to avoid making assertions for which you can find no support other than your own opinion.
Provide proper citations for any material you reference from other sources.
CWnEconomy. (2012, February 24). Dot-com bubble documentary. [Video file]. Retrieved fromhttp://www.youtube.com/watch?v=W2FybpdrlYM
Norwood, J. (2011). History of the Internet timeline. High Speed Internet. Retrieved fromhttp://www.high-speed-internet-access-guide.com/articles/internet-timeline.html
WiseGeek. (2012). What was the dot-com bubble? Retrieved from http://www.wisegeek.com/what-was-the-dot-com-bubble.htm
International Business Case study, business and finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help
Five questions and one CLA, related to International Business:
Needs to be done strongly:
In APA 6th edition format a must
Citations and reference list a must (please use MS Word’s “References” tab to insert Citation)
Total: each DQ in about 1 page =total 5 pages and CLA about 3 pages and In total about 8 pages in single space
Answers all questions need to be completely demonstrating knowledge and understanding of key concepts, ability to think critically, and has included original examples in response.
It is required that the textbook and/or scholarly research be included to justify and/or solidify any argument or reasoning
Textbook info: International Business Competing in the Global Marketplace 2016, 11th edition, by Charles W.L. Hill G. Tomas M Hult
1. W3DQ1
Do you think governments should consider human rights when granting preferential trading rights to countries? What are the arguments for and against taking such a position?
2. W3DQ2
Read the Management Focus on Cemex, and then answer the following questions: a.) Which theoretical explanation; or explanations, of FDI best explains Cemex’s FDI? b.) What is the value that Cemex brings to a host economy? Can you see any potential drawbacks of inward investment by Cemex in an economy? c.) Cemex has a strong preference for acquisitions over greenfield ventures as an entry mode. Why?
3. W3DQ3
Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios:
·As applied to your current professional career
·As applied to enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career
·As applied to a management, leadership, or any decision-making position
·As applied to a current or future entrepreneurial endeavor
·Using your textbook, LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to a business organization that exhibits and demonstrates these concepts. You should develop a summary of the organizations strategy and how they use these concepts to compete.
4. W4DQ1
Which side is right in the vigorous debate between those who favor a fixed exchange rate and those who favor a floating exchange rate? Economist cannot agree. Would international business be better off under a fixed regime or are flexible rates better? Provide a comprehensive rationale for your answer.
5. W4DQ2
Why has the global capital market grown so rapidly in recent decades? Do you think this growth will continue throughout the next decade? Why or why not?
6. CLA1
o Content rich, all questions and their parts have been answered and communicates substantive, accurate, and evidence-based analysis and critical thought.
o Effective in supporting the student’s argument. The student provides supporting evidence for the argument
o Well organized with a logical flow, contains correct grammar, spelling, and sentence structure.
o Follow all formatting guidelines, including page-length and APA formatting requirements.
o The student is able to effectively demonstrate the ability to draw logical and valid conclusions based on the supporting researched based evidence presented.
o Use at least 5 quality peer-reviewed and scholarly resources (non-website based) outside of the textbook to support your argument.
Case Study:
1. Please review: Declining Cross-Border Capital Flows-Retreat or Reset on page 359 of our text. How can the risk of occurrence of crisis such as 2007-2008 global financial crisis be mitigated in the future? What actions do you think a multinational firm can take to limit the impact of future crisis in the global financial system on the ability of the enterprise to raise capital to pay its short term bills and fund long term investments?
2. Write a 3 page minimum APA formatted paper in response to the case study. Students must reference at least 2 sources beyond the course materials. Please provide a concise, cogent argument and include details to support your response. CLA 1 focuses on assessing course foundations and the student’s ability to define and understand its main concept
Return on Equity, economics homework help Economics Assignment Help
Select three publicly traded companies Johnson &
John son, AT&T, JCPenney. Choose one each from the following sectors:
manufacturing, service, and retail. At least one of the three companies
should be foreign. If possible, choose from among the team members’ places of
business or similar industries.
Analyze the Return on Equity (ROE) for the last 2
years using the DuPont method.
Develop a 600-word comparison of your three companies
in which you include the following:
Contrast IASB basis for accounting (IFRS) and
FASB/GAAP accounting. -
Compare the three companies and their strategies
for managing their working capital. -
Discuss the financial ratios and analyses and
what they indicate about the companies and their financial forecast.