What is/are the traditional or folk musics heard in this region?, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help

What is/are the traditional or folk musics heard in this region?, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help. What is/are the traditional or folk musics heard in this region?, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help.

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– answers need to be at least one paragraph long.

– PLEASE use citation ( do not plagiarize)

– use standard English which includes correct punctuation; and complete sentences.



Select a region anywhere in the world outside the U.S. Entitle your thread with the name of the region, city or town.

What is/are the traditional or folk musics heard in this region? Is there also traditional dance? What factors in the city’s history, ethnicity, changing population, etc. have been at work to create the musics heard in this city? Where is live music, including traditional or folk music, heard in public and private venues? What instruments/voices are used? Is live traditional music used in religious places or in community, religious or cultural rituals, traditional events or settings?

Be sure to focus on traditional/ethnic/folk musics of your chosen region or city. If Western (American) popular music genres are heard, why do you think this is? Is Western pop music heard more than traditional music in ? If so, why do you think this is the case? Do you think that the influx of Western pop styles will make traditional musical styles obsolete or less well known to the inhabitants of your selected region? Why, or why not?

Please post videos of the traditional music of the region you selected. Document your sources.


1. Listen to “Gapu,” from Tribal Voice, from a CD by the Australian Aboriginal group Yothu Yindi. What is the melodic direction or contour of the singer’s melody? Is this culturally significant for Australian aborigines? What does your text say about the use of this melodic direction in some cultures?

Compare the melodic contour of the Australian “Gapu” with that of the Native American “Eagle Dance” song (CD ex. # 1-25). Are the overall melodic contours or patterns similar or different? What type of voice an/or instruments do you hear?

2. Listen to several songs in the Ch. 4 assignment, from my listening examples and from the text’s Online Illustrations. I have examples of songs using pentatonic, major, minor, blues, Lydian, and other modes. http://highered.mheducation.com/sites/0073526649/s…

Can you hear the differences between the modes? Which modes are you familiar with? Where have you heard these modes before? Are any of these modes used in the music you regularly listen to? If so, which one(s)? Which modes were difficult for you to hear?

What is/are the traditional or folk musics heard in this region?, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Sports Management M2, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help


•What are the differences between organized youth basketball programs and skateboarding, and why would some young people prefer to skateboard than play in an organized basketball league?

•As you look at organized youth sports that exist in your community, what are the most serious problems in the programs and leagues that you know about?

•If you could change two things about organized youth sports, what would you change, and what goals would you hope to achieve by making these changes?


Health and Wellness Units 1 , health and medicine homework help Health Medical Assignment Help

Unit outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

  • Identify the goals and types of needs assessments.
  • Explain how needs assessments are conducted using one or more needs assessment models.
  • Identify the key components of advance planning and organizing for a community needs assessment.
  • Complete an assessment of health priorities among the target population based upon epidemiological data.
  • Discuss various methods of data collection for epidemiologic data.
  • Identify and describe the importance of secondary data.

Course outcomes addressed in this Assignment:

HW425-2: Identify key constituents involved in designing health and wellness programs. HW425-3:Discuss administrative tasks, functions, and responsibilities in designing and administering health and wellness programs.


This is a two-part Assignment. Both parts of the Assignment are due at the end of Unit 2. Submit both parts of the Assignment in one document to the Unit 2 Dropbox.

Part 1 of the Assignment should be approximately 2–4 pages in length, written in essay format and include appropriate supporting citations and references in APA format. Create one reference page for both parts 1 and 2.

Part 1: Review a local needs assessment.

Locate, read, and critique a health needs assessment that has been performed for your community or county.

Within the Assignment, address the following points:

  • Identify the community being assessed.
  • Identify the agency that took the lead role in performing the assessment (i.e. was it a hospital, health department, insurer, etc.) and discuss their interest or stake in the community. Also describe the any partners identified within the assessment as stakeholders or members of coalition (advisory committee).
  • Describe the process or model used to conduct the assessment. If the model is not specified, use your knowledge of models of needs assessments to make a determination. Support your conclusion.
  • Describe the main conclusions and/or health priorities identified by the assessment.
  • Briefly address the extent to which the needs assessment reflects the nine-step World Health Organization (WHO) framework presented in the text.
  • Conclude part one of the assignment by critiquing the assessment and its conclusion. Use data to support your critique.

Part 2: Perform a Mini-Needs Assessment for your community.

Part 2 of the Assignment should be approximately 2–4 pages in length, written in essay format and include appropriate supporting citations and references in APA format. Create one reference page for both parts 1 and 2.

Address the following points:

  • Identify the community or county.
  • Describe the demographic and socioeconomic profile of your community or county based on US census data.
  • Identify one or more sub-groups within the population as the target population for your health program.
  • For the sub-group(s) chosen, use epidemiological data to identify one or two health issues that should be considered priorities for intervention. Provide relevant statistics, such as morbidity and mortality rates, to support your choice(s).
  • Describe at least three sources of data that provide information about the overall quality of life within your community.
  • Discuss quality of life in your community based on the data sources you identified. Frame your response based upon the concepts of “being, belonging, and becoming” described in the text.
  • Explain the concept of ‘community capacity’ and its relationship to the needs assessment.
  • Describe the steps you would take to evaluate community capacity in your area.
  • Conclude with a summary of the target population that addresses sociodemographic information and the health priority area(s) that will be the focus of the community-based health promotion program you complete in the Final Project.


Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis, M3 Assignment 2 RA assignment help Humanities Assignment Help

In M3 Assignment 2 RA, you reviewed a case study about Jessica, made primary and secondary diagnoses, and identified differential diagnoses for each principal and secondary diagnosis. The skills you developed and the feedback you received after completing this required assignment, will significantly help you in completing the following LASA. For example, both assignments (RA and LASA), require you to complete similar tasks such as identifying the principal and secondary diagnoses, providing rationale for the diagnoses, and offering differential (alternative) diagnoses.

In this assignment, you will discuss the etiology and treatment of your principal and secondary diagnoses for the following case study using a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources on etiology and a minimum of five peer-reviewed sources on treatment. Your paper should have separate sections for the etiology of each principal and secondary diagnosis, therapeutic modalities for each principal and secondary diagnosis, justification of the selected therapeutic modalities for the disorders, application of the treatment for the disorders, and a reference page for your sources. Your citations and references should be in APA style, and your paper should be 8–10 pages in length.

Click here to read the second case study (Psychological Evaluation for Homer Brine).

Once you read the case, complete the following tasks:

  • Identify a principal and secondary diagnosis for the assigned case study with rationale for each diagnosis.
  • Describe multiple elements of the etiology for the principal and secondary diagnoses. Explain how the etiology contributed to each (principal and secondary) diagnosis.
  • Identify a specific therapeutic modality for each principal and secondary diagnosis.
  • Apply therapeutic modality to treat each of the principal and secondary diagnoses in the case study.
  • Identify at least one differential (alternate) diagnosis for the principal and secondary diagnoses.
  • Discuss key cultural factors that may influence diagnosis and treatment.

Write in a clear, concise, and organized manner; demonstrate ethical scholarship in accurate representation and attribution of sources; and display accurate spelling, grammar, and punctuation. Include citations in text and at the end of the document in the correct APA format.


Discussion Replies, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help

Must be 150 words each.

1) Chapter 11 Automatic Updates

Here’s a real world scenario. You are a help desk technician, you get a call from someone who’s been out on a long term leave and just returned to work and started using their computer and now has discovered that they managed to get some malware on their computer. After investigating the problem you discover that they have missed some updates and their computer was vulnerable and thus got some malware. I’ll expand on this story and solutions later as we talk about update and specifically automatic updates.

This is given scenario what was the issues? (I guess I’ve already provided a clue in the subject line). Why are updates important? And what are the benefits of an automatic update?

2) Chapter 11 Using Windows server update

One the most important things when looking at the health of a server is how current it is on updates and patching because if your servers aren’t getting updates and current patches than your server is vulnerable to attacks, viruses and malware. And if that occurs than your server is in a lot of trouble and potentially cause problem to your users and client computers. That’s the reason why I want to talk about WSUS and it’s importance.

What is Windows Server Update Services? Why is it important? What are some advantages of Windows Server Update Services (WSUS)?

Share your experiences with WSUS or what you’ve learned from the ready. Respond to your classmates comments and experiences.

3) CHapter 11 Monitoring

You’re a network administrator and you get a call from users that states that they are not able to access some network resources. You’re wondering to yourself why did I not know about that before hand? As a network administrator having monitor services is critical in know the health of your environment. You want to know before everyone else does so it doesn’t impact business or cause down time.

What are some features of monitoring? What do you want to monitor?

Share your experiences with monitoring or monitoring software or what you’ve learned from the ready. Respond to your classmates comments and experiences.

4) Chapter 11 Event Viewer

like the event viewer in troubleshooting errors application errors. Often time when we install patches or update it can corrupt on a current program and when it run it will generate an error in the logs in the event viewer. Often time the event view will provide a Microsoft link to a fix or it will give you clues on what the problems are or how to fix it. This is certainly a valuable troubleshooting tool that can be used to identify problems.

5) Chapter 12 Understanding Routing

he concept of routing on the surface can seem to be simple but once you peel away the layers it can be complicated but there are a few concepts and terms if understood can making understanding routing easier. Having said that let get some understand of some terms:

Define these terms.

Routing table

Static Routing

Dynamic Routing

The Routing Information Protocol

Boarder Routing

Multicast Routing

6) Chapter 13

I think security has been covered in every class I have taken so far, and rightly so. You can never have enough security on your system, and hackers are always out there trying to get into it even if you think you’ve got it locked down. Active Directory really helps with this by letting you put user controls and group controls as well. I liked the part about smart cards, never looked into that so it was new.

7) Chapter 17

I felt this chapter might be key, so I’m happy to revisit! There were a few things I missed from last week – for one, AD account integration. I have sort of a different idea of “firewall”. I mean, I know it’s a firewall – designed to keep the bad ones out – but, this firewall actually uses AD to verify remote users have an authorized domainaccount, so it’s more on the inside.

I also got a kick out of the author’s Real World Scenario box referencing Firewalls.

Since we went over this chapter pretty in-depth, I thought I’d answer the review questions. See any wrong, please let me know!

Review Questions
What are the various supported RAID types in Windows Server 2012? (Choose three.)
What type of MPIO policy allows load balancing across multiple active paths?
Round robin
What is the minimum number of disks required in a RAID-5 set?
What is the minimum number of disks required in a RAID-1 set?
What is the default TCP port for iSCSI?
What is the largest partition size available for MBR?
2 TB
How many primary partitions can be made on a disk drive with MBR?
Which of the following names/terms identifies a Fibre Channel HBA?
True or False: A basic disk can be configured in a RAID-5 volume set.
Five 100 GB disk drives are used in a RAID-5 set. Approximately how much disk space is available?
400 GB

Words: 241

8) Chapter 11

When looking at Performance Monitor, there are two options to chose from for the data and they are View Current Activity and View Log File Data. According to Panek (2015), View Current Activity measures and shows real-time statistics on system’s performance while View Log File Data lets the user see the info previously saved to a log file. On top of that, three items let the user customize how the data gets collected in the log file which are Counter Logs, Circular Logging, and Linear Logging. Counter Logs records the stats performance based on many things that are related to performance like objects, counters, and instances, all available in Performance Monitor. Circular Logging stores data in the file but gets overwritten as new when entered in the log, Linear Logging will never delete the data from the log file, and new info gets added at the back of log file (Panek, 2015).



One more time: How do you motivate employees, unit 4 assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help

The tutor that did this won’t respond to me so i need some help with this please. It needs where you found these journal article from. There needs to either be the URL to the journal article or the database name where you found it. The reference is incomplete without it.


Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review.

Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Sage.

Kogut, B., & Zander, U. (1996). What firms do? Coordination, identity, and learning.

Organization science, 7(5), 502-518.

Tax, S. S., Brown, S. W., & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998). Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences: implications for relationship marketing. The journal of marketing,


Tax, S. S., Brown, S. W., & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998). Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences: implications for relationship marketing. The journal of marketing,

The commented is what is wrong with it.

Commented [MK1]: Paraphrasing: Citations should be placed after every two or three sentences covering similar information from the same source with a citation after the first paraphrased sentence. It is important to cite all information used from outside sources to avoid accidentally violating CSU’s academic integrity policy. The following link is a webinar that focuses on paraphrasing: Paraphrasing tutorial.

The current employee’s motivation is low and needs to be improved. As a leader, to improve their motivation I would effectively and responsibly communicate with all the information that the employees need to do. To work effectively, they need enough information for them to make the right and appropriate decisions in their work. I would also ensure that I interact more and communicate to them so often, openly and honestly and also creating an open door policy for them to speak their burning issues, share ideas and discuss the best strategies to focus on that can help the company to easily achieve its goals. I would also appreciate the hardworking employees by giving those tips or ranks as a form of appreciation because by that they would be motivated more (Herzberg, 1968).

Commented [MK2]: Citations goes every two-three sentences. One citation at the end of the paragraph isn’t enough.

To resolve a conflict among the employees, in this case, there must be a general meeting of the team members with the team leader. In the meeting, the main impact of the conflict should be addressed and respective ways of solving the problem get outlined. An agreement to the cooperative process should be set and every individual involved in the conflict must agree to cooperate in resolving the conflict effectively. The main thing here for the conflict resolution among the different individuals is to ensure that everyone speaks out the grievances him /her wants to adhere. A resolution to towards the conflict should make so as to ensure the situation is fully solved. Everyone’s position should be heard and a good approach to working as a team made. Avoiding the true nature of conflict is the best outcome that will encourage teamwork (Kogut, & Zander, 1996).

Commented [MK3]: Sufficient Paraphrasing Paraphrasing does not mean that you should change around words here and there or just find synonyms for certain words in the paraphrased sentence. In these cases, these are still considered direct quotes because of their similarity to the original sentence and are not paraphrased correctly. To paraphrase, you must put the author’s ideas into your own words. This can be accomplished by reading the material, removing yourself from it (close the book, webpage, etc.), and taking notes. This helps you to put these ideas into your own words more easily. It is tempting to rely on the author’s wording with it right in front of you. I recommend the following tutorial: Paraphrasing tutorial

Commented [MK4]: Citations every two to three sentences.

The forming stage takes when a team meets first with each other. During the first meeting, the team members introduced to each other. In this meeting, they are thus subjected to share about their backgrounds, experiences, form the first impression of each other and their interests too. During this meeting, they will thus discuss the projects, objectives, goals as they start thinking about the roles they will play majorly on the team project. As the leader, I would request the employees to state their goals and roles they are taking in the work area. I would also enquire from them if they take into consideration their roles and if they are taking part in their responsibilities. Guiding the employees in realizing their main roles and responsibilities in their working area will also be on the schedule (Tax, Brown, & Chandrashekaran, 1998).

Commented [MK5]: You need to put where you found this journal article. There needs to either be the URL to the journal article or the database name where you found it. The reference is incomplete without it.


Herzberg, F. (1968). One more time: How do you motivate employees. Boston, MA: Harvard Business Review.

Bass, B. M., & Avolio, B. J. (1994). Improving organizational effectiveness through transformational leadership. Sage.

Kogut, B., & Zander, U. (1996). What firms do? Coordination, identity, and learning.

Organization science, 7(5), 502-518.

Tax, S. S., Brown, S. W., & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998). Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences: implications for relationship marketing. The journal of marketing,


Tax, S. S., Brown, S. W., & Chandrashekaran, M. (1998). Customer evaluations of service complaint experiences: implications for relationship marketing. The journal of marketing,


One more time: How do you motivate employees, unit 4 assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

evaluator handbook for an exercise in a disaster, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

This assignment for disaster management major, exercises & drills course

– Please carefully read the articles I uploaded below to comprehensively and fully fill the evaluator handbook template.

– Please fully understand the articles and what is exactly the evaluator handbook to fill the template well.

– Its a tabletop exercise, which is one of the exercises types for disasters. Those exercises aims to identify and evaluate the agencies, resources, personnel, and what needs to be developed in a certain area.

– I am working with a group to do a tabletop exercise (TTX) in Liberty county, state of Columbia (hypothetical area), and I am responsible to do the evaluator handbook. I uploaded a document below about Liberty county which is located in state of Columbia. You should fully read this document to understand the full information of Liberty county, which is the place where I and my group doing the tabletop exercise (TTX).

– I also uploaded a word document describes an overview about our work, and it includes the type of hazard, scope, purpose, exercise objectives, the narrative of our hazard case, and the scenario the we are working on.

– please fill each part of the evaluator handbook template below (don’t miss any part), you will find some of the information in the overview document will be just copy-pasted in the template. There are names, phone numbers, and other information that can be filled hypothetically. Remember, that every part of the template should be completed.

– You should first fully understand the tabletop exercise (TTX) from the articles I uploaded, the understand what is the evaluato handbook, then read the information of Liberty county ( in the ESSD document below) that located in state of Columbia (hypothetical area), then fully read the overview of our exercise case, after all of that, comprehensively fill each part of the evaluator handbook template.

– Please follow the whole instructions and requirements I wrote.


hrm/300 participation class, business & finance homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Please review the eight question and the word count be 60 words. Please do plagerism the question.

Chapter 5/Framework for Human Resource Management, Ch. 2

1. Because of disparate treatment and disparate impact, four key areas have evolved to clarify how these are interpreted and enforced. They are:

  • Business Necessity and Job Relatedness: Practice necessary for safe and efficient organizational operations.
  • Bona Fide Occupational Qualification (BFOQ): Characteristic providing a legitimate reason why an employer can exclude persons on a otherwise illegal bases of consideration.
  • Burden of Proof: What individuals who file suit against employers much provide in order to establish that illegal discrimination has occurred.
  • Retaliation: Punitive actions taken by employers against individuals who exercise their legal rights (Mathis and Jackson, 2008).

Please provide an example of a necessary business hiring practice, a BFOQ and retaliation.

Chapter 5/Equal Pay

2. What important precedents were set by the Griggs v. Duke Power Company case? The Albemarle v. Moody case?

Chapter 7/ affirmative actions/hidden Bias

3. Affirmative action does not work. When you’re hired under an affirmative action program,, you’re automatically labeled as such and are rarely recognized for the value that you can bring to an organization.” Do you agree or disagree with the statement? Defend your position.

4. Sometimes bias isn’t intentional but are unconscious; prejudices or stereotypes imparted by upbringing, culture and mass media that influence perceptions about people and our behavior toward them. According to Wilkie, 2014, there are many other biases that are not what you would think of as a “common” bias, such as, height and weight, introversion and extroversion, martial and parental status, disability status, foreign accents, where someone attended college and hobbies and extracurricular activities.

Having biases such as these may affect the way people are hired, mentored and how employees socialize with each other.

5. f you fail to hire people that have different backgrounds and experiences, you will limit the creativity that the employees bring to the organization. As a result, the organization could remain stagnant or fail. For instance, five years ago our former CEO hired our former Director of HR. He hired someone exactly like himself. Unfortunately, that meant they were both introverted, didn’t take a firm stand in what they believed in and overall weren’t really people persons. As leaders of our organization, those are not traits that translated well to our employees. Consequently, the employees didn’t respect either of them, our business was not as successful as it could have been and neither of them are with our company any longer. The same scenario played out with other senior managers that are no longer with our organization. Bringing in employees that are different challenges the other employees to stand up for what they believe in and also brings new ideas and perspectives to the table.

On the flip side, there may be instances where it is a good idea to hire employees that are not as diverse. Can you think of a scenario where that may occur?

6. Chapter9 /Good-Faith Bargaining

7. Good-Faith Bargin

What is good-faith bargaining? When is bargaining not in good faith?

8. Chapter 9/Collective Barging

The duty to bargain in good faith includes an employer’s obligation to supply the union with information relevant to the collective bargaining process. The general rule is that when a union representative requests information, an employer must supply information that is needed to bargain intelligently and to administer a contract. The following conditions must be met before an employer is required to provide the information:

  • The union must request the information
  • The information requested must e relevant to the bargaining process
  • The information requested cannot be “unduly burdensome” to furnish (Bryant, 2012).

What are some areas of concern for both employers and employees?


Methodological Issues Article Review, Psychology homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Read the following articles

  • Evidence-based practice in psychology: Implications for research and research training.
  • Practice-based evidence: Back to the future.
  • Psychological treatments: Putting evidence into practice and practice into evidence.

Write a three- to four-page article review in which you discuss methodological issues unique to psychological research and analyze basic applied psychological research relevant to the treatment of mental disorders. In your paper, you will discuss the topics of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence and their roles in providing practitioners useful information for making decisions about appropriate mental health treatments.

In the body of your paper:

  1. Discuss the methodological issues and challenges that are unique to psychological research investigating effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  2. Explain the concepts of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence and identify controversies associated with these concepts.
  3. Select one treatment modality associated with a disorder in the DSM-5 and present at least one example of pertinent, applied psychological research investigating the efficacy of the treatment modality. Discuss the findings of the research. Locate at least one peer-reviewed article that contains a research study on a treatment modality to fulfill this requirement. You may not use any of the course materials.
  4. Take the point of view of Bauer (2007) to analyze the article(s) you selected in #3. Using this author’s arguments from his Evidence-Based Practice in Psychology: Implications for Research and Research Training article, what would be his evaluation of the article(s) you selected?
  5. Take the point of view of Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and analyze the article(s) you selected in #3. Using these authors’ arguments from their Practice-Based Evidence: Back to the Future article, what would be their evaluation of the article(s) you selected?
  6. Discuss ways in which an evidence-based practice model might provide practitioners useful information for making decisions about the degree to which the treatment modality you selected in #3 is an appropriate treatment for the disorder you specified.
  7. Conclude your paper with a discussion of your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  8. Utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed journal articles published within the last five years (not including the course text or any of the course materials). At least one article must be used to satisfy the requirement in #3, and at least one article must also be included to support your arguments. All sources must be documented in APA style, as outlined by the Ashford Writing Center.

Writing the Methodological Issues Article Review

The Assignment:

  1. Must be three to five double-spaced pages in length, and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  2. Must include a title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  3. Must begin with an introductory paragraph that has a succinct thesis statement. (Refer to the Ashford Writing Center Thesis Generator (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site. ).
  4. Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  5. Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  6. Must utilize each of the three required articles: Bauer (2007); Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and Dozois (2013).
  7. Must utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years (not including the course text).
  8. Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  9. Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.


Essay paper based from surveys or questionnaires Humanities Assignment Help

***Please read content below and understand well before bidding. I will provide the surveys in a moment once bid taken***

Complete nine surveys from Leadership Questionnaires located in CONTENT WRITING RESOURCES. Down load and complete the following surveys: Ch’s 2,3,4,6,8,9,10, 11, and 12. Chapters 2, 10, 11, and 12 requires others besides yourself to completed the surveys. After you have completed the surveys, write a self-reflective report that addresses the following:

1. Present the results of each assessment.
2. Summarize what you have learned from the assessment findings by describing your strengths and areas that you need to improve in. Do you agree with the findings? If not, explain why?
3. Describe the qualities needed to be an effective leader in your workplace (or previous workplace.
4. List five strategies for strengthening your leadership competence and create a plan/timeline for implementing this development plan.

Grading Criteria: 8-10 page, double-spaced paper excluding title page, reference page, and appendices if needed. It is acceptable to write the paper in the first person. Your analysis of questionnaire results should be documented from the course readings or other sources that you have consulted to write this paper.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ ).

  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  • Must utilize each of the three required articles: Bauer (2007); Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and Dozois (2013).
  • Must utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years (not including the course text).
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

  • [supanova_question]

    Essay paper based from surveys or questionnaires Humanities Assignment Help

    ***Please read content below and understand well before bidding. I will provide the surveys in a moment once bid taken***

    Complete nine surveys from Leadership Questionnaires located in CONTENT WRITING RESOURCES. Down load and complete the following surveys: Ch’s 2,3,4,6,8,9,10, 11, and 12. Chapters 2, 10, 11, and 12 requires others besides yourself to completed the surveys. After you have completed the surveys, write a self-reflective report that addresses the following:

    1. Present the results of each assessment.
    2. Summarize what you have learned from the assessment findings by describing your strengths and areas that you need to improve in. Do you agree with the findings? If not, explain why?
    3. Describe the qualities needed to be an effective leader in your workplace (or previous workplace.
    4. List five strategies for strengthening your leadership competence and create a plan/timeline for implementing this development plan.

    Grading Criteria: 8-10 page, double-spaced paper excluding title page, reference page, and appendices if needed. It is acceptable to write the paper in the first person. Your analysis of questionnaire results should be documented from the course readings or other sources that you have consulted to write this paper.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ ).

  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  • Must utilize each of the three required articles: Bauer (2007); Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and Dozois (2013).
  • Must utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years (not including the course text).
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

  • [supanova_question]

    Essay paper based from surveys or questionnaires Humanities Assignment Help

    ***Please read content below and understand well before bidding. I will provide the surveys in a moment once bid taken***

    Complete nine surveys from Leadership Questionnaires located in CONTENT WRITING RESOURCES. Down load and complete the following surveys: Ch’s 2,3,4,6,8,9,10, 11, and 12. Chapters 2, 10, 11, and 12 requires others besides yourself to completed the surveys. After you have completed the surveys, write a self-reflective report that addresses the following:

    1. Present the results of each assessment.
    2. Summarize what you have learned from the assessment findings by describing your strengths and areas that you need to improve in. Do you agree with the findings? If not, explain why?
    3. Describe the qualities needed to be an effective leader in your workplace (or previous workplace.
    4. List five strategies for strengthening your leadership competence and create a plan/timeline for implementing this development plan.

    Grading Criteria: 8-10 page, double-spaced paper excluding title page, reference page, and appendices if needed. It is acceptable to write the paper in the first person. Your analysis of questionnaire results should be documented from the course readings or other sources that you have consulted to write this paper.


    https://anyessayhelp.com/ ).

  • Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
  • Must end with a conclusion that summarizes your opinion of the utility of evidence-based practice and practice-based evidence for practitioners needing to identity effective treatments for psychological disorders.
  • Must utilize each of the three required articles: Bauer (2007); Brendtro, Mitchell, & Doncaster (2011) and Dozois (2013).
  • Must utilize a minimum of two additional peer-reviewed sources published within the last five years (not including the course text).
  • Must document all sources in APA style, as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.
  • Must include a separate reference page, formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

  • [supanova_question]

    Essay paper based from surveys or questionnaires Humanities Assignment Help

    ***Please read content below and understand well before bidding. I will provide the surveys in a moment once bid taken***

    Complete nine surveys from Leadership Questionnaires located in CONTENT WRITING RESOURCES. Down load and complete the following surveys: Ch’s 2,3,4,6,8,9,10, 11, and 12. Chapters 2, 10, 11, and 12 requires others besides yourself to completed the surveys. After you have completed the surveys, write a self-reflective report that addresses the following:

    1. Present the results of each assessment.
    2. Summarize what you have learned from the assessment findings by describing your strengths and areas that you need to improve in. Do you agree with the findings? If not, explain why?
    3. Describe the qualities needed to be an effective leader in your workplace (or previous workplace.
    4. List five strategies for strengthening your leadership competence and create a plan/timeline for implementing this development plan.

    Grading Criteria: 8-10 page, double-spaced paper excluding title page, reference page, and appendices if needed. It is acceptable to write the paper in the first person. Your analysis of questionnaire results should be documented from the course readings or other sources that you have consulted to write this paper.


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    What is/are the traditional or folk musics heard in this region?, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help

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