What is the background of Filipinos that are illegally living in the country of U.S.A, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help. What is the background of Filipinos that are illegally living in the country of U.S.A, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help.
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(Theme/Introduction) – ½ page -What is the background of Filipinos that are illegally living in the country of U.S.A
(BODY 1) – 3 pages for total migration (latest 10 years available) with graph and application of statistical techniques
(BODY 2) – 3 pages for illegal migration (Latest 10 years available) with graph and application of statistical techniques
(BODY 3) – 1 page of legal and illegal migration in the future (Use Simple Linear Regression.)
(Conclusion) 1/2 page wrap-up all the research paper.
Include references. Focus on economic and social data with clarity. Project resources can be found at Department of Homeland and Security Bureau of Census, Labor Bureau but also different resources, that’s only an example where you can get it at but PLEASE DO NOT JUST COPY AND PASTE FROM THE WEBSITE. USE MLA FORMAT
TOTAL of 8 page research paper and references.
What is the background of Filipinos that are illegally living in the country of U.S.A, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Market Structures Economics Assignment Help
This is a discussion questions, not a paper, per se. Cite all work.
Indicate whether the following characteristics represent perfect competition, monopoly, monopolistic competition, oligopoly, or more than one market structure.
Explain why in a few words. Begin indicating the market structure (it could be one or more than one)
Note: if there is more than one answer wrong, you have an U.
1. More than 10 different products.
2. More than 10 sellers.
3. Competitors competing by price.
4. Competitors that tell the customers that their products are better.
5. Easy entry and exit in the market
6. Only three sellers with different products.
7. Only three sellers with the same product.
8. An electricity company that sells in a market that is not regulated.
9. An airline that can charge different prices to different customers for the same kind of seats
Why we should not or should explore space and find another habitable planet, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Hello again,
The requirements are 800-1200 words, In text citation. Please DO NOT go over 1200 words. My professor expect quality not quantity. Be concise and not wordy. USE the sources I gave you before. I’ll list them again and I’ll attach the annotated bib. No need for a cited work page. Also, the thesis statement is very important it has to be strong, perfect, and clear. I attached the assignment instructions for paragraph structure (Writing a Strong Paragraph (Hamburger) (1).pdf) and thesis statement (Thesis Stuff.pdf). Please follow that.
What I want to talk about in the paper:
I want to talk about why we should and why shouldn’t explore space and find another habitable planet. I want to talk about the the reasons of exploring space.
One, the earth might be inhabitable in the future either because of human themselves and what are they doing to the planet like pollution and global warming…etc. Two, because of external reasons like asteroids or the sun death…etc. I want to talk also about possible habitable planets like kepler 452b.
The other point of view that I would talk about is why we should not explore the space. One, it is waste of money and energy. Two, we should focus on repairing our planet. Three, It is impossible to achieve that.
* You are writing about two arguments but be on the side of the first argument which is we should explore space.
Here is the sources I want to use. you can add other sources ONLY If NEEDED but you have to use those as well. Probably you’ll need another source for the second point of view. If use another source list it in the anno bib and talk about it briefly.
I’ll leave a good tip if the paper turned out creative, interesting and carefully written.
If you need anything tell me. This is an important assignment to me.
Sorry for the long instructions.
Final Paper Business Finance Assignment Help
Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016).Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy
Final Paper
Attracting and retaining the most talented employees is essential for long-term organizational success. An important component to attracting and retaining such employees is the design and implementation of an effective compensation and benefit system.
Assume the role of a highly regarded human resource consultant hired to review, analyze, and revise the compensation and benefit system utilized by your city’s largest employer, Holland Enterprises. The firm employs 3,500 employees, but since 2010 has lost 25% of its staff. Exit interviews indicate the primary reason a majority of these employees have resigned is because of a compensation and benefit system that is perceived to be unfair and uncompetitive in the marketplace.
Present to the management a revised compensation and benefit strategy. Your proposal should include:
- Description of how an effective compensation and benefit system contributes to organizational effectiveness.
- Explanation of the principle components of your revised compensation and benefit system for a large-scale organization as well as a recommendation for each component.
- Provision of a clear and convincing argument to the already skeptical top managers of this organization to increase their compensation and benefit expenses.
At a minimum, your compensation and benefit system would include the following components:
- Compensation and benefit philosophy
- Pay structure architecture (pay grades, pay ranges, and pay width)
- Ratio of base pay to incentive (bonus) pay
- Emphases on external equity or internal equity
- Principle type of benefits to include (example: deferred compensation match, health insurance, vacation and sick leave, etc.)
Guidelines for Writing the Final Paper
- Paper must be 2500-3500 words in length, exclusive of Title Page, References Page, Appendix, References, Exhibits, etc .
- Formatted according to APA style as outlined in the approved APA style guide (including title page and reference list).
- Must address the topic of the paper with critical thought.
- Must include an introductory paragraph with a succinct thesis statement.
- Must conclude with a restatement of the thesis and a conclusion paragraph.
Must utilize a minimum of eight scholarly references in addition to the course text.
Here is the book: Weathington, B. L. & Weathington, J. G. (2016).Compensation and benefits: Aligning rewards with strategy
Short essay on interesting highlights of David Grossman’s “On Killing” ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help
Required Length: 500 words
Required Resource: Grossman, D. (2009). On killing, Revised ed. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown & Co., New York, NY
Required Format: APA (with in-text citations and reference)
Deadline: Thursday afternoon
Question: This week we will discuss “On Killing” by Grossman, a publication filled with information about what happens psychologically on battlefields. What are the most interesting highlights from the following parts of “On Killing”: Introduction, Sections I-VIII, and Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4?
Optimal Consumption , assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help
(i) David spends $12/week on orange juice (OJ) and apple juice (AJ).
Price of OJ is $2/cup and price of AJ is $1/cup. David views 1 cup of OJ
as a perfect substitute for 3 cups of AJ. What is David’s optimal
consumption bundle every week? (SHOW WORK)
(ii) Suppose the price of OJ doubles
while price of AJ remains the same. How much are the income and
substitution effects of this price change on David’s consumption of OJ?
(i) Bianca has the same income and faces the same prices as David in
(a)(i). But she views 1 cup of OJ as a perfect complement with 2 cups of
AJ. What is Bianca’s optimal consumption bundle every week? (show work)
(ii) Suppose the price of OJ doubles while price of AJ remains the same. How much are the income and substitution effects of this price change on Bianca’s consumption of OJ? (SHOW WORK)
Optimal Consumption , assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
American Military History I, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Question 1
How did European powers interpret American contributions to the war effort, and why did they form this interpretation? Do you think the contributions made by America were underestimated in these interpretations? Why, or why not?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Question 2
What economic effects were experienced domestically due to American mobilization for World War I? Name and thoroughly explain these effects.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Question 3
Choose one military conflict in which the United States was involved that was discussed during this course. Explain both the causes and effects of this particular conflict and outline how it impacted American History.
Your response should be at least 500 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help
In this paper, you will choose an event from the last 100 years that addresses a why question, or which seeks to explain an outcome of some significance over the last 100 years. The paper must be based on at least 3-5 primary sources that offer insight into the question; three scholarly books and four scholarly articles. This is not an easy assignment and you will work through several stages and drafts. Choose a question that deals with the part of the world you know/like best or are most curious about. If you don’t have a favorite region or country, pick one and do it soon. It is often easier to take one a narrow question rather than a very broad one.
Some examples of broad questions that might be starting places to find a narrower puzzle:
Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
Why did apartheid end in South Africa?
Why did a communist party loyalist like Gorbachev carry out reforms that ultimately led to the end of the Soviet system?
Why did the US in 1991 allow Saddam Hussein to stay in power?
You should organize your paper in:
1. a clear introduction that presents the puzzling event/issue that you will explain and states your argument in brief;
2. supporting sections with evidence that develops your argument and considers alternative explanations, and;
3. a conclusion that summarizes your arguments and illustrates its significance (answering the “so-what” question). In academia, we usually distinguish between “primary sources” and “secondary sources,” which are scholarly interpretations of topics. You are required to consult secondary sources—scholarly books and journal articles—to help make sense of the original documents you work with. They
are “secondary” (not “primary”) in the sense that they are twice removed from the actual events under consideration. (Remember: all primary and secondary sources should be cited in your paper and listed in your bibliography.) Be careful about internet sources. For example, Wikipedia is not an entirely reliable source.
Please write a 5-7 page ORIGINAL, ANALYTICAL research paper.
My topic: Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
The research question and argument must be laid out clearly and the draft should give a sense of how you will prove
your argument.
Hispanic Culture in America related to social work, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help
topic: hispanic culture in america related to social work
Professor’s Comments on Topic…need to narrow down to a specific focus in the Hispanic Community in social work:
Wonderful job identifying your community and the relevant literature. What I would caution is that you attribute these characteristics to the entire population. What you describe above are typically the Latino population in a particular area (immigrants or those who are not acculturated appropriately). Be careful not to generalize certain characteristics to an entire population. When identifying the appropriate social work interventions, be sure to specify who the target population will be and why.
In your Cultural Competency Paper you will need to discuss the history of the underserved population you identified in Week 2.
This week we want to help you begin working on this section of your paper by researching and writing about the history of your underserved population.
Use the select questions (taken from the final paper assignment) below, to guide you:
- How has this group been treated historically in our culture? What is the history (e.g., laws, experiences, etc.) related to this type of oppression? What assumptions, beliefs, or attributions appear to drive the oppression or discrimination of this group?
- What are examples of specific oppressive or discriminatory practices that this group has encountered as they interact with various institutions? You may include social, economic, educational, faith, and health care institutions in your discussion, as well as any other institutions of relevance.
- What examples of strength and resilience are, or have been, evident within members of this group?
Remember, when writing your papers please adhere to the following expectations:
- Organization – Five sentence paragraph with an introduction, three supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence. Think about this same organization for your whole paper: five paragraphs in this paper, one paragraph as an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and then your conclusion paragraph. (Please note: This format is only a suggestion, you may need more paragraphs to reach the expected length of each paper).
- Don’t rely too heavily on quotes. Take several articles and point them together into a unique way. We want your thinking supported by research. An example of this is to remember to paraphrase the work that you are researching and make it your words but still cite the source. We want to see more of your words and less quotes. When using the TurnItIn program the similarity should be 20% or less.
Your instructor will provide you with feedback that you can incorporate in your final paper.
Your Tasks:
This should be 1 – 2 pages long and should be APA formatted, making sure you use in-text citations for your references. You will be graded on content of the intervention and APA formatting.
Informatics Nurse, presentation help (17 pages) Health Medical Assignment Help
create a 17 page powerpoint prrsentation detailing Informatics Nurse’s and how technology is changing the nursing job field. each slide must have at least 100 words in the notes section. each slide must have a transition, there must be at least 4 hyperlinks in the presentation; one of which should be anchor to a image. there should be at least two animated GIF’s, 5 sound effects and there should be at least one short movie clip dealing with the subject matter at hand. the project has to show PowerPoint innovation.
all work must be properly cited in APA style 6
Short essay on interesting highlights of David Grossman’s “On Killing” ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help
Required Length: 500 words
Required Resource: Grossman, D. (2009). On killing, Revised ed. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown & Co., New York, NY
Required Format: APA (with in-text citations and reference)
Deadline: Thursday afternoon
Question: This week we will discuss “On Killing” by Grossman, a publication filled with information about what happens psychologically on battlefields. What are the most interesting highlights from the following parts of “On Killing”: Introduction, Sections I-VIII, and Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4?
Optimal Consumption , assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help
(i) David spends $12/week on orange juice (OJ) and apple juice (AJ).
Price of OJ is $2/cup and price of AJ is $1/cup. David views 1 cup of OJ
as a perfect substitute for 3 cups of AJ. What is David’s optimal
consumption bundle every week? (SHOW WORK)
(ii) Suppose the price of OJ doubles
while price of AJ remains the same. How much are the income and
substitution effects of this price change on David’s consumption of OJ?
(i) Bianca has the same income and faces the same prices as David in
(a)(i). But she views 1 cup of OJ as a perfect complement with 2 cups of
AJ. What is Bianca’s optimal consumption bundle every week? (show work)
(ii) Suppose the price of OJ doubles while price of AJ remains the same. How much are the income and substitution effects of this price change on Bianca’s consumption of OJ? (SHOW WORK)
Optimal Consumption , assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
American Military History I, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Question 1
How did European powers interpret American contributions to the war effort, and why did they form this interpretation? Do you think the contributions made by America were underestimated in these interpretations? Why, or why not?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Question 2
What economic effects were experienced domestically due to American mobilization for World War I? Name and thoroughly explain these effects.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Question 3
Choose one military conflict in which the United States was involved that was discussed during this course. Explain both the causes and effects of this particular conflict and outline how it impacted American History.
Your response should be at least 500 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help
In this paper, you will choose an event from the last 100 years that addresses a why question, or which seeks to explain an outcome of some significance over the last 100 years. The paper must be based on at least 3-5 primary sources that offer insight into the question; three scholarly books and four scholarly articles. This is not an easy assignment and you will work through several stages and drafts. Choose a question that deals with the part of the world you know/like best or are most curious about. If you don’t have a favorite region or country, pick one and do it soon. It is often easier to take one a narrow question rather than a very broad one.
Some examples of broad questions that might be starting places to find a narrower puzzle:
Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
Why did apartheid end in South Africa?
Why did a communist party loyalist like Gorbachev carry out reforms that ultimately led to the end of the Soviet system?
Why did the US in 1991 allow Saddam Hussein to stay in power?
You should organize your paper in:
1. a clear introduction that presents the puzzling event/issue that you will explain and states your argument in brief;
2. supporting sections with evidence that develops your argument and considers alternative explanations, and;
3. a conclusion that summarizes your arguments and illustrates its significance (answering the “so-what” question). In academia, we usually distinguish between “primary sources” and “secondary sources,” which are scholarly interpretations of topics. You are required to consult secondary sources—scholarly books and journal articles—to help make sense of the original documents you work with. They
are “secondary” (not “primary”) in the sense that they are twice removed from the actual events under consideration. (Remember: all primary and secondary sources should be cited in your paper and listed in your bibliography.) Be careful about internet sources. For example, Wikipedia is not an entirely reliable source.
Please write a 5-7 page ORIGINAL, ANALYTICAL research paper.
My topic: Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
The research question and argument must be laid out clearly and the draft should give a sense of how you will prove
your argument.
Hispanic Culture in America related to social work, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help
topic: hispanic culture in america related to social work
Professor’s Comments on Topic…need to narrow down to a specific focus in the Hispanic Community in social work:
Wonderful job identifying your community and the relevant literature. What I would caution is that you attribute these characteristics to the entire population. What you describe above are typically the Latino population in a particular area (immigrants or those who are not acculturated appropriately). Be careful not to generalize certain characteristics to an entire population. When identifying the appropriate social work interventions, be sure to specify who the target population will be and why.
In your Cultural Competency Paper you will need to discuss the history of the underserved population you identified in Week 2.
This week we want to help you begin working on this section of your paper by researching and writing about the history of your underserved population.
Use the select questions (taken from the final paper assignment) below, to guide you:
- How has this group been treated historically in our culture? What is the history (e.g., laws, experiences, etc.) related to this type of oppression? What assumptions, beliefs, or attributions appear to drive the oppression or discrimination of this group?
- What are examples of specific oppressive or discriminatory practices that this group has encountered as they interact with various institutions? You may include social, economic, educational, faith, and health care institutions in your discussion, as well as any other institutions of relevance.
- What examples of strength and resilience are, or have been, evident within members of this group?
Remember, when writing your papers please adhere to the following expectations:
- Organization – Five sentence paragraph with an introduction, three supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence. Think about this same organization for your whole paper: five paragraphs in this paper, one paragraph as an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and then your conclusion paragraph. (Please note: This format is only a suggestion, you may need more paragraphs to reach the expected length of each paper).
- Don’t rely too heavily on quotes. Take several articles and point them together into a unique way. We want your thinking supported by research. An example of this is to remember to paraphrase the work that you are researching and make it your words but still cite the source. We want to see more of your words and less quotes. When using the TurnItIn program the similarity should be 20% or less.
Your instructor will provide you with feedback that you can incorporate in your final paper.
Your Tasks:
This should be 1 – 2 pages long and should be APA formatted, making sure you use in-text citations for your references. You will be graded on content of the intervention and APA formatting.
Informatics Nurse, presentation help (17 pages) Health Medical Assignment Help
create a 17 page powerpoint prrsentation detailing Informatics Nurse’s and how technology is changing the nursing job field. each slide must have at least 100 words in the notes section. each slide must have a transition, there must be at least 4 hyperlinks in the presentation; one of which should be anchor to a image. there should be at least two animated GIF’s, 5 sound effects and there should be at least one short movie clip dealing with the subject matter at hand. the project has to show PowerPoint innovation.
all work must be properly cited in APA style 6
Short essay on interesting highlights of David Grossman’s “On Killing” ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help
Required Length: 500 words
Required Resource: Grossman, D. (2009). On killing, Revised ed. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown & Co., New York, NY
Required Format: APA (with in-text citations and reference)
Deadline: Thursday afternoon
Question: This week we will discuss “On Killing” by Grossman, a publication filled with information about what happens psychologically on battlefields. What are the most interesting highlights from the following parts of “On Killing”: Introduction, Sections I-VIII, and Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4?
Optimal Consumption , assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help
(i) David spends $12/week on orange juice (OJ) and apple juice (AJ).
Price of OJ is $2/cup and price of AJ is $1/cup. David views 1 cup of OJ
as a perfect substitute for 3 cups of AJ. What is David’s optimal
consumption bundle every week? (SHOW WORK)
(ii) Suppose the price of OJ doubles
while price of AJ remains the same. How much are the income and
substitution effects of this price change on David’s consumption of OJ?
(i) Bianca has the same income and faces the same prices as David in
(a)(i). But she views 1 cup of OJ as a perfect complement with 2 cups of
AJ. What is Bianca’s optimal consumption bundle every week? (show work)
(ii) Suppose the price of OJ doubles while price of AJ remains the same. How much are the income and substitution effects of this price change on Bianca’s consumption of OJ? (SHOW WORK)
Optimal Consumption , assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
American Military History I, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Question 1
How did European powers interpret American contributions to the war effort, and why did they form this interpretation? Do you think the contributions made by America were underestimated in these interpretations? Why, or why not?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Question 2
What economic effects were experienced domestically due to American mobilization for World War I? Name and thoroughly explain these effects.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Question 3
Choose one military conflict in which the United States was involved that was discussed during this course. Explain both the causes and effects of this particular conflict and outline how it impacted American History.
Your response should be at least 500 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help
In this paper, you will choose an event from the last 100 years that addresses a why question, or which seeks to explain an outcome of some significance over the last 100 years. The paper must be based on at least 3-5 primary sources that offer insight into the question; three scholarly books and four scholarly articles. This is not an easy assignment and you will work through several stages and drafts. Choose a question that deals with the part of the world you know/like best or are most curious about. If you don’t have a favorite region or country, pick one and do it soon. It is often easier to take one a narrow question rather than a very broad one.
Some examples of broad questions that might be starting places to find a narrower puzzle:
Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
Why did apartheid end in South Africa?
Why did a communist party loyalist like Gorbachev carry out reforms that ultimately led to the end of the Soviet system?
Why did the US in 1991 allow Saddam Hussein to stay in power?
You should organize your paper in:
1. a clear introduction that presents the puzzling event/issue that you will explain and states your argument in brief;
2. supporting sections with evidence that develops your argument and considers alternative explanations, and;
3. a conclusion that summarizes your arguments and illustrates its significance (answering the “so-what” question). In academia, we usually distinguish between “primary sources” and “secondary sources,” which are scholarly interpretations of topics. You are required to consult secondary sources—scholarly books and journal articles—to help make sense of the original documents you work with. They
are “secondary” (not “primary”) in the sense that they are twice removed from the actual events under consideration. (Remember: all primary and secondary sources should be cited in your paper and listed in your bibliography.) Be careful about internet sources. For example, Wikipedia is not an entirely reliable source.
Please write a 5-7 page ORIGINAL, ANALYTICAL research paper.
My topic: Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
The research question and argument must be laid out clearly and the draft should give a sense of how you will prove
your argument.
Hispanic Culture in America related to social work, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help
topic: hispanic culture in america related to social work
Professor’s Comments on Topic…need to narrow down to a specific focus in the Hispanic Community in social work:
Wonderful job identifying your community and the relevant literature. What I would caution is that you attribute these characteristics to the entire population. What you describe above are typically the Latino population in a particular area (immigrants or those who are not acculturated appropriately). Be careful not to generalize certain characteristics to an entire population. When identifying the appropriate social work interventions, be sure to specify who the target population will be and why.
In your Cultural Competency Paper you will need to discuss the history of the underserved population you identified in Week 2.
This week we want to help you begin working on this section of your paper by researching and writing about the history of your underserved population.
Use the select questions (taken from the final paper assignment) below, to guide you:
- How has this group been treated historically in our culture? What is the history (e.g., laws, experiences, etc.) related to this type of oppression? What assumptions, beliefs, or attributions appear to drive the oppression or discrimination of this group?
- What are examples of specific oppressive or discriminatory practices that this group has encountered as they interact with various institutions? You may include social, economic, educational, faith, and health care institutions in your discussion, as well as any other institutions of relevance.
- What examples of strength and resilience are, or have been, evident within members of this group?
Remember, when writing your papers please adhere to the following expectations:
- Organization – Five sentence paragraph with an introduction, three supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence. Think about this same organization for your whole paper: five paragraphs in this paper, one paragraph as an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and then your conclusion paragraph. (Please note: This format is only a suggestion, you may need more paragraphs to reach the expected length of each paper).
- Don’t rely too heavily on quotes. Take several articles and point them together into a unique way. We want your thinking supported by research. An example of this is to remember to paraphrase the work that you are researching and make it your words but still cite the source. We want to see more of your words and less quotes. When using the TurnItIn program the similarity should be 20% or less.
Your instructor will provide you with feedback that you can incorporate in your final paper.
Your Tasks:
This should be 1 – 2 pages long and should be APA formatted, making sure you use in-text citations for your references. You will be graded on content of the intervention and APA formatting.
Informatics Nurse, presentation help (17 pages) Health Medical Assignment Help
create a 17 page powerpoint prrsentation detailing Informatics Nurse’s and how technology is changing the nursing job field. each slide must have at least 100 words in the notes section. each slide must have a transition, there must be at least 4 hyperlinks in the presentation; one of which should be anchor to a image. there should be at least two animated GIF’s, 5 sound effects and there should be at least one short movie clip dealing with the subject matter at hand. the project has to show PowerPoint innovation.
all work must be properly cited in APA style 6
Short essay on interesting highlights of David Grossman’s “On Killing” ASAP! Humanities Assignment Help
Required Length: 500 words
Required Resource: Grossman, D. (2009). On killing, Revised ed. Back Bay Books/Little, Brown & Co., New York, NY
Required Format: APA (with in-text citations and reference)
Deadline: Thursday afternoon
Question: This week we will discuss “On Killing” by Grossman, a publication filled with information about what happens psychologically on battlefields. What are the most interesting highlights from the following parts of “On Killing”: Introduction, Sections I-VIII, and Chapters 1, 2, 3, 4?
Optimal Consumption , assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help
(i) David spends $12/week on orange juice (OJ) and apple juice (AJ).
Price of OJ is $2/cup and price of AJ is $1/cup. David views 1 cup of OJ
as a perfect substitute for 3 cups of AJ. What is David’s optimal
consumption bundle every week? (SHOW WORK)
(ii) Suppose the price of OJ doubles
while price of AJ remains the same. How much are the income and
substitution effects of this price change on David’s consumption of OJ?
(i) Bianca has the same income and faces the same prices as David in
(a)(i). But she views 1 cup of OJ as a perfect complement with 2 cups of
AJ. What is Bianca’s optimal consumption bundle every week? (show work)
(ii) Suppose the price of OJ doubles while price of AJ remains the same. How much are the income and substitution effects of this price change on Bianca’s consumption of OJ? (SHOW WORK)
Optimal Consumption , assignment help Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
American Military History I, history homework help Humanities Assignment Help
Question 1
How did European powers interpret American contributions to the war effort, and why did they form this interpretation? Do you think the contributions made by America were underestimated in these interpretations? Why, or why not?
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Question 2
What economic effects were experienced domestically due to American mobilization for World War I? Name and thoroughly explain these effects.
Your response should be at least 200 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Question 3
Choose one military conflict in which the United States was involved that was discussed during this course. Explain both the causes and effects of this particular conflict and outline how it impacted American History.
Your response should be at least 500 words in length. You may use only your textbook as source material for your response. All source material must be referenced (Paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying citations). You may use the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (APA Style Guide) or the CSU Citation Guide for reference.
Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003, writing homework help Writing Assignment Help
In this paper, you will choose an event from the last 100 years that addresses a why question, or which seeks to explain an outcome of some significance over the last 100 years. The paper must be based on at least 3-5 primary sources that offer insight into the question; three scholarly books and four scholarly articles. This is not an easy assignment and you will work through several stages and drafts. Choose a question that deals with the part of the world you know/like best or are most curious about. If you don’t have a favorite region or country, pick one and do it soon. It is often easier to take one a narrow question rather than a very broad one.
Some examples of broad questions that might be starting places to find a narrower puzzle:
Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
Why did apartheid end in South Africa?
Why did a communist party loyalist like Gorbachev carry out reforms that ultimately led to the end of the Soviet system?
Why did the US in 1991 allow Saddam Hussein to stay in power?
You should organize your paper in:
1. a clear introduction that presents the puzzling event/issue that you will explain and states your argument in brief;
2. supporting sections with evidence that develops your argument and considers alternative explanations, and;
3. a conclusion that summarizes your arguments and illustrates its significance (answering the “so-what” question). In academia, we usually distinguish between “primary sources” and “secondary sources,” which are scholarly interpretations of topics. You are required to consult secondary sources—scholarly books and journal articles—to help make sense of the original documents you work with. They
are “secondary” (not “primary”) in the sense that they are twice removed from the actual events under consideration. (Remember: all primary and secondary sources should be cited in your paper and listed in your bibliography.) Be careful about internet sources. For example, Wikipedia is not an entirely reliable source.
Please write a 5-7 page ORIGINAL, ANALYTICAL research paper.
My topic: Why did the US invade Iraq in 2003?
The research question and argument must be laid out clearly and the draft should give a sense of how you will prove
your argument.
Hispanic Culture in America related to social work, assignment help Humanities Assignment Help
topic: hispanic culture in america related to social work
Professor’s Comments on Topic…need to narrow down to a specific focus in the Hispanic Community in social work:
Wonderful job identifying your community and the relevant literature. What I would caution is that you attribute these characteristics to the entire population. What you describe above are typically the Latino population in a particular area (immigrants or those who are not acculturated appropriately). Be careful not to generalize certain characteristics to an entire population. When identifying the appropriate social work interventions, be sure to specify who the target population will be and why.
In your Cultural Competency Paper you will need to discuss the history of the underserved population you identified in Week 2.
This week we want to help you begin working on this section of your paper by researching and writing about the history of your underserved population.
Use the select questions (taken from the final paper assignment) below, to guide you:
- How has this group been treated historically in our culture? What is the history (e.g., laws, experiences, etc.) related to this type of oppression? What assumptions, beliefs, or attributions appear to drive the oppression or discrimination of this group?
- What are examples of specific oppressive or discriminatory practices that this group has encountered as they interact with various institutions? You may include social, economic, educational, faith, and health care institutions in your discussion, as well as any other institutions of relevance.
- What examples of strength and resilience are, or have been, evident within members of this group?
Remember, when writing your papers please adhere to the following expectations:
- Organization – Five sentence paragraph with an introduction, three supporting sentences, and a conclusion sentence. Think about this same organization for your whole paper: five paragraphs in this paper, one paragraph as an introduction, three supporting paragraphs, and then your conclusion paragraph. (Please note: This format is only a suggestion, you may need more paragraphs to reach the expected length of each paper).
- Don’t rely too heavily on quotes. Take several articles and point them together into a unique way. We want your thinking supported by research. An example of this is to remember to paraphrase the work that you are researching and make it your words but still cite the source. We want to see more of your words and less quotes. When using the TurnItIn program the similarity should be 20% or less.
Your instructor will provide you with feedback that you can incorporate in your final paper.
Your Tasks:
This should be 1 – 2 pages long and should be APA formatted, making sure you use in-text citations for your references. You will be graded on content of the intervention and APA formatting.
Informatics Nurse, presentation help (17 pages) Health Medical Assignment Help
create a 17 page powerpoint prrsentation detailing Informatics Nurse’s and how technology is changing the nursing job field. each slide must have at least 100 words in the notes section. each slide must have a transition, there must be at least 4 hyperlinks in the presentation; one of which should be anchor to a image. there should be at least two animated GIF’s, 5 sound effects and there should be at least one short movie clip dealing with the subject matter at hand. the project has to show PowerPoint innovation.
all work must be properly cited in APA style 6
What is the background of Filipinos that are illegally living in the country of U.S.A, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help
What is the background of Filipinos that are illegally living in the country of U.S.A, statistics homework help Mathematics Assignment Help