What is the firearms analysis? Science Assignment Help

What is the firearms analysis? Science Assignment Help. What is the firearms analysis? Science Assignment Help.

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Lab 4 Firearms Analysis Lab Notes and ReportAssignment

Overdue – Last Sun at 11:59 PM

Ends Jul 13, 2019 12:00 AM

Laboratory Notes

It is essential that you take good, complete notes while conducting your examination and experiment. Your notes should include an original hypothesis for each experiment, a description of the evidence examined (as listed on the analysis request), a description of the procedures you performed (including all actions performed), any sketches you prepared, and a discussion of the results of your examination. Please note that your hypothesis should relate to the reader specifically what you think the results of your experiment will be and must be formulated prior to completing your experiment. Your hypothesis needs to be specific to your experiment, cannot be a general statement and is not a restatement of the procedures used to examine the evidence.

Notes must be submitted in their original form and must never be recopied. (Recopying means writing out your notes again, this time without mistakes. Recopying notes is considered tampering with evidence.)

As you are performing the labs virtually, you will have two choices in how you take your notes. If you have access to a scanner, you may take handwritten notes and then scan those notes to attach them in the Assignments Folder. You should not erase or obliterate any notes. All changes must be made using a single-line strikeout, with your initials on the mistake. Also, if you insert anything, you must initial the insertions as well.

If you do not have access to a scanner, you may type your notes in Microsoft Word or a similar word processing program. However, you must not use the Backspace or the Delete keys while taking your notes. You should instead draw a single line through the error for any mistakes, followed by your initials.

Note: In the real world, your notes are discoverable by opposing attorneys and may be entered into evidence in court procedures. If you make a mistake when handwriting notes, you correct the mistake by drawing a single line through the error, writing your initials next to it, and rewriting the item correctly. Your notes should contain no obliterations or erasures.

Screen shots from the lab are NOT acceptable. If you wish to provide an image of the data or results, you may either hand draw or use Microsoft Word shapes to re-create the data or results. If you hand draw, you may take a photo of the drawing and REPLACE INTO your Microsoft Word document. If you submit as a separate image, remember that this is still consider a part of your notes and requires the same formatting as your notes (name, lab #, date, page #). Page numbering is sequential.

Report Format

You will be required to use the report format that will be provided to you in Course Content for all of your reports. For each Lab, you will receive a “Analysis Request” in Course Content that will contain required information. You will need information from the “Analysis Request” as well as information from performing the Laboratory Exercise to complete your Lab Report.

The Lab Report will contain the following information:

  • Case Information
    • As provided in each “Analysis Request” or determined by the student
  • Evidence Description
    • A full and complete description of every item of evidence as provided in each “Analysis Request”
  • Examination Procedure
    • A short statement (1-2 sentences) of the procedures used to examine the evidence
  • Examination Results
    • A scientific statement(s) of all the observations and results obtained from each laboratory experiment
  • Conclusions
    • This section contains your original hypothesis from your Notes, whether your examinations supported or rejected your hypothesis and why, as well as a minimum of four possible sources of error for the lab. The sources of error need to be fully discussed, applicable to the experiments performed, and should not include human error.

The report should be scientifically written and not utilize pronouns (I, my, you, we, they). The examination procedure, examination results, and conclusion sections should be written in complete sentences. The possible sources of error should not focus on human error, a source of error is something that could go wrong with the experiment, instrumentation, equipment, et cetera.

Please save your Lab Notes & Report in the following format: LastNameFirstInitial-Course#Lab#Notes and LastNameFirstInitial-Course#Lab#Report (e.g. DoeJ-301Lab4Notes and DoeJ-301Lab4Report).

What is the firearms analysis? Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

• Sociology Freedomland Movie review 3-4 pages Humanities Assignment Help

To complete the essay you should do the following: 1.Read chapter one in Henslin’s “Essentials of Sociology: A Down to Earth Approach.” 2.Watch the movie Freedomland. If you do not have access to this movie via Hulu, Netflix, etc., you can obtain the movie on Amazon by clicking the following link: https://www.amazon.com/Freedomland-Samuel-L-Jackso… 3.Choose one sociological perspective – conflict theory, functionalism, or symbolic interactionism. 4.Write a paper analyzing the movie Freedomland by using key concepts and ideas from the perspective that you have chosen. Include the following elements: introduction, clear but brief explanation of the movie, detailed summary of the theoretical perspective, analysis of the movie through the lens of the perspective (this should constitute the majority of your paper), and conclusion. oDefine key concepts as you use them throughout your paper. oProvide evidence for your claims by using examples from the movie. 5.Cite your sources in the body of your essay and by providing a works cited page using a style guide of your choice. oMinimum of two sources. One of the sources may include the course textbook but the other sources must be from a library book or academic journal article. Please, no websites or text books from other courses. 6.Include a title descriptive of your paper. A descriptive title is one that reflects the main argument of your paper. Thus, simply stating “Essay #2,” “Freedomland,” “Functionalism,” or anything similar, does not constitute a descriptive title. 7.Save as either a Microsoft Word or Pdf file (no other file formats will be accepted).

Formatting requirements: 3-4 pages (not including the works cited page), double-spaced 12 point font 1.25 inch margins Times New Roman. When grading your papers, I will among other things be considering the following: Student provided a detailed and accurate summary of the perspective. Student accurately defined concepts. Student provided a brief yet comprehensive summary of the movie. Student provided a thoughtful and in-depth analysis applying the perspective to the movie. oDid the student provide evidence for his/her argument, did the student explain why a particular scene reflects the concept that he/she is discussing, is there alignment between argument and evidence, etc. Quality of writing – ex. grammar, spelling, organization, flow, sentence structure, etc. (an “A” paper is essentially free from errors). Citations (in text and works cited page). Accurately followed formatting requirements. Fulfillment of other expectations, including source requirements, inclusion of title, etc. Please see syllabus for late paper policies. Suggestions about how to approach the analysis from each perspective (warning for movie spoilers): Functionalism: Students can identify different dysfunctions throughout the movie (for example, Brenda’s lie could be construed as a dysfunction, creating imbalance in society). Students would have to be very specific about the particular actions that constitute dysfunctions in order to provide evidence for the imbalance that escalates with each dysfunction. They should also be very specific about how conditions were more balanced before the dysfunction occurred. FYI: merely identifying manifest and latent functions will not provide the depth of analysis expected to earn a higher grade on this assignment.  Symbolic Interactionism: Students can use the three tenets of symbolic interactionism to identify how meanings are created through social interaction, how such meanings influence social interaction, and how meaning change through an interpretive process. Conflict Theory: Student should be very clear about what the conflict is actually about.


POst 7 – dicussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Go to the website for the TOP 50 Marketing Agencies here (Links to an external site.). Visit the website of three advertising agencies. View some of their creative work.

Find an ad that has been developed for another country (Your Country if you can) for a branded product (one with which you are familiar). Include the link to that ad in your post.

Give a detailed description of the ad and discuss several ways in which you think it and/or its promotional message was adapted to that culture/nation.

Discuss whether you think that advertisement would work well here in the United States and why/why not.


Discussion Post 2 Human Service Issue – Date Rape Health Medical Assignment Help

Topic: Consider 1 human service issue. It might be the lack of affordable housing, poor schools, date rape, divorce, or perhaps discrimination based on race, religion, and disability. You are not limited to these. Consider possible causes for the social problem that has been chosen. Make sure to include both internal and external reasons for the causes you think are responsible for this problem. Use your own insight, ideas from your readings, and include at least 2 scripture references that deal with the issue.

For each of the forums, your instructor will provide you with a topic that will help start your online discussion. Each forum is completed in 2 parts over the course of 2 modules/weeks. In the first module/week of the forum, you will post a thread of at least 250 words that directly addresses the prompt provided by your instructor and includes at least 2 references to the textbook and/or peer-reviewed journal articles.

This is for class HSCO 500 must be 250 words exactly, not under or over 300. MUST include 2 scripture references and MUST include 2 references, one from the Introduction to Human Services Through Eyes of Practice Settings by Michelle E. Martin and one other source from a peer reviewed journal article. MUST be in APA format. Must have textbook: Introduction to Human Services Through Eyes of Practice Settings.


Final essay , need someone to do a great job Humanities Assignment Help

It was a few steps before this so this is the last step

Remember minimum development requirements (2500 words). This is a minimum requirement; if you have more to say, I sincerely want to read it, but keep the notions of precision and clarity in mind.

– Consider the number of pages in the final paper to be the minimum number of sources you should cite.

– Please review the rubric that will be used to evaluate this paper. You can view the rubric if you are reading these instructions from the “Assignments” tab. You will see that it places heavy emphasis on content, organization, and development, but polishing touches related to mechanics and formatting account



Finance Research Project (Company:Caltex Australia) Writing Assignment Help

Research Project Part 2

This project is closely aligned with the Course Outcomes and Finance Program Objectives. Completion of this project can be used as part of a portfolio to show potential employers the student is skilled at performing company valuations and financial statement analysis and can be included on the student’s resume.

Bond and Stock Performance Analysis


In this part of the project you are to assume to have been hired to join a team serving as an internal financial analyst to THE COMPANY. Your client plans to invest in bonds and (or) stocks issued by THE COMPANY (SELECTED BY INSTRUCTOR). In part 6 of the assignment you are asked to provide some recommendations to THE COMPANY’S management.

THE COMPANY for part 2 of the project can be the company that you were using for the Research Project Part 1 or ANOTHER COMPANY determined by your professor. THE COMPANY for this part of the project must have bonds listed on the website http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/BondCenter/Default.jsp. To find the information on bonds, click on Search in the middle of the screen (under Market Center Bond Guide), under Quick Search type the Issuer Name and the Symbol, and click SHOW RESULTS.

Alternatively, you can request approval of another publicly traded company. This request must be submitted before the end of the first week of the course. The request must include

  • identification of the company by ticker symbol and name
  • a reasonable and appropriate explanation of why you want to examine the alternative company
  • the source of the analyst’s report that will be used in the analysis (which must be submitted to me)
  • acknowledgement by you that all the specific elements of the assignment (see below) will be prepared by you and included in the final research project report


www.morningstar.com – To find the information for your company you need to type the stock symbol in the Quotes window to get into the company’s page.

http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/BondCenter/Default.jsp – To find the information on bonds, click on Search in the middle of the screen (under Market Center Bond Guide), under Quick Search type the Issuer Name and the Symbol, and click SHOW RESULTS.

https://markets.businessinsider.com/bonds. To find the information on bonds, scroll down the page, type the name of the company in the window under Bond Finder, and click SEARCH.

www.marketwatch.com -To find the information for your company you need to type the stock symbol in the Search window to get into the company’s page.

www.money.cnn.com -To find the information for your company you need to type the stock symbol in the Search window to get into the company’s page.

www.finance.yahoo.com – To find the information for your company you need to type the stock symbol in the Search window to get into the company’s page.

www.nyse.com – Click on Data, then click on Stocks (under Quotes), and type the name of the company or the stock symbol in the window “Keyword or symbol” to get into the company’s page.

www.nasdaq.com – To find the information for your company you need to type the stock symbol in the Search window to get into the company’s page.

Company’s websites


Using the information from the websites the student will develop evaluation of bond and stock performance for THE COMPANY (SELECTED BY INSTRUCTOR). (The evaluation portion will total 85% of the assignment grade)

-1—Background and Industry (one short paragraph).

-2- The financial leverage ratios (10% of the project grade)

a) Find the financial leverage ratios for THE COMPANY assigned for you of the project for the last 3-5 years in the Internet. Present these ratios as the table(s) in your project.

  • Debt-to-assets ratio (Debt ratio)
  • Debt-to Equity ratio
  • Interest Coverage ratio (the Times Interest Earned)

b) Write (about) 1 page of the analysis of the ratio results. In your analysis you should answer the following questions. Please explain your answer to each question.

How is THE COMPANY financing its assets? Discuss how much risk is associated with the bonds issued by the company? How can this risk be measured? Please explain.

-3- Collect and evaluate the data about bond performance of the assigned company. (15% of the project grade).

The information on bonds can be found on the website http://finra-markets.morningstar.com/BondCenter/Default.jsp. To find the information on bonds, click on Search in the middle of the screen (under Market Center Bond Guide), under Quick Search type the Issuer Name and the Symbol, and click SHOW RESULTS.

Another useful website on bond information is https://markets.businessinsider.com/bonds. To find the information on bonds, scroll down the page, type the name of the company in the window under Bond Finder, and click SEARCH.

Copy the quotations of two bonds issued by THE COMPANY (SELECTED BY INSTRUCTOR) that contain the Price. Present these quotations in your project.

  1. Assume that par value of the bond is $1,000. What were the last prices of the bonds in $$$ (listed in the Price column)? Show your work in your project.
  2. Assume that par value of the bond is $1,000. Calculate the annual coupon interest payments. Show your work in your project.
  3. Assume that par value of the bond is $1,000. Calculate the current yield of the bonds. Show your work in your project.
  4. Write a 1-2 page of the analysis of the bonds. In your analysis you should answer the following questions. Please explain your answer to each question.
    1. How much is the YTM listed in quotations is for the bonds? Explain the meaning of YTM?
    2. If you are going to buy a bond issued by THE COMPANY, which bond would you choose? Why?
    3. Are these bonds callable? If the bonds that you chose are callable (non-callable), will it change your decision to buy them?
    4. If you are an investor who is looking for a bond to invest in, are you going to buy a bond that you chose? Take a look at the balance sheet and income statement of the company. What data or ratios support your decision to buy this bond or not? You may want to incorporate the results of the Research Project Part 1, as well as the results of the financial leverage ratios to answer this question. You should develop a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale to explain your answer.

-4- Collect and evaluate the data about stock performance of the assigned company for the last one year. (totally 35% of the project grade).

1) Find the market ratios for the company for the last 1-3 years and its major competitor for the last year in the Internet. (10% of the project grade)

  1. Present the market ratios as the table(s) in your project.
  2. Write about 1 page of analysis of the market ratio results that you found. Compare the market ratio results against the industry or main competitor. In your report please answer the question: Are the common stockholders receiving an adequate return on their investment?
  3. Compare the P/E ratio of your company with the industry average or 5-year average. Is the stock overvalued, undervalued, or properly valued? Why? In accordance with your findings, is it reasonable to buy the stock? Please explain your answers.

-2) Analysis of the historical stock prices trend for the last year. (10% of the project grade)

  1. Collect and evaluate the data about stock prices of the assigned company for the last one year for the company and its major competitor.
  2. Create the chart(s) using the stock price chart tools on the websites or Excel. Present the chart(s) in your project.
  3. Write about 0.5 page of analysis the historic stock prices trend for the last year.

3) Apply the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Security Market Line to estimate the required return on THE COMPANY stock. Note that you will need the risk-free rate and the market return. Show this information in your project. (15% of the project grade)

1. Apply the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Security Market Line to estimate the required return on stock. Note that you will need the risk-free rate, beta, and the market return.

a) To get the current yield on 10-year Treasury securities go to www.finance.yahoo.com -click on Markets – U.S. Treasury Bonds Rates. You will use the current yield on 10-year Treasury securities as the risk-free rate to estimate the required rate of return on stocks. Discuss how appropriate this rate is as a measure of risk.

b) Between 1926 and 2017, the compound annual rate of return of S&P 500 is estimated a 10%. We will use this number as the market return. Discuss how appropriate this rate is as a measure of return.

c) Beta is listed in www.finance.yahoo.com under Trading Information – Stock Price History, as well as on the company’s front page. What is the beta listed for the company? What does it mean?

d) Calculate the required return on the stock using the Capital Asset Pricing Model (CAPM) Security Market Line. Please show your work.

2. There are several methods how to calculate the growth rate. One of the possible ways is to calculate the sustainable growth rate as g = ROE *(1- Dividend payout ratio). You can find ROE and the dividend Payout Ratio on www.finance.yahoo.com under Statistics.

Calculate the company’s sustainable growth rate. Please show your work.

3. Apply the Gordon model (constant growth rate model) to calculate the intrinsic (economic) value of the stock. Please show your work.

Please note that for some companies it is not possible to use the Gordon model. If that is the case, please explain why it is not possible to use this model for your company. What other models is it possible to use?

4. Compare the result of your calculations with the current stock price. Is the stock overvalued, undervalued, or properly valued? Why? In accordance with your findings, is it reasonable to buy the stock? Why? Please explain your answer.

5- Develop a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale for your client, as to whether the assigned company’s recent trend in financial and stock performance is of sufficient financial strength to warrant entering in a long-term investment in bonds and/or stocks of the company. Explain your answer (about 1 page) (10% of the project grade).

-6- Develop a specific recommendation, with supporting rationale for the COMPANY’S management – Think about the financial strategy of the company, how to best balance THE COMPANY’S financial leverage to optimize shareholder wealth going forward taking into consideration the company’s current market position, credit rating, dividend policy, etc. (10% of the project grade).

-7- Reflection – the students should write a paragraph in their own words reflecting on what they learned from the assignment and how they think they could apply what they learned in the workplace. (5% of the project grade).

PRESENTATION OF PAPER AND WRITING (15%) of the project grade):

-Organization, Format and Presentation of Paper including the Title page, Introduction, Body, and Summary. Each section of the paper must begin with a sub-heading. Please use the sub-headings included in the assignment (4% of the project grade)

Use of Tables, Figures and Other Graphics to Summarize and Support Analysis Presented in the Paper (3% of the project grade)

Logical and Smooth Flowing Transitions and Relationships among Sections of the Written Report (3% of the project grade)

Research Sources and Significance of Research Information and Data, Use of APA Citation Methodology (5% of the project grade)

Finance Research Project (Company:Caltex Australia) Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Human Resources Management Writing Assignment Help

Prepare a two (2) page, APA format, typed, double-spaced and grammatically correct report in Times New Roman with Font size set at 12 point with margins of at least 1 inch document by responding to the following questions. In text citation and reference page. Completely original work.

Use https://www.dopusvi.org/ and other trusted sites

  • Explain why talent management is important for the V.I. Government?
  • What are the various methods used to perform Job Analysis in the V.I. Government agencies?
  • Explain the purpose and importance of recruitment for Department of Personnel in the V.I.?


research paper 1250 words to 1500 words Writing Assignment Help

Individual Report (25%)

Your Human Resource Director, Mr Richard Eng, would like encourage staff to adopt a healthier lifestyle. You are asked to conduct a survey to find out the eating habits, general health and fitness level of your colleagues.

As part of your report, you are expected to carry out both primary and secondary research. You may use the articles provided or search for others. Research involving primary data will require you to conduct a survey as part of the information gathering process.

Your report should include an analysis of the problem based on information and data that you have gathered. You will need to draw conclusions from your findings and give recommendations to address the conclusions. An executive summary should also be given at the beginning of the report. For referencing, please use APA citation style as shown:


John, A. (2017, September 09). Step up to become healthier. Retrieved from https://www.tnp.sg/news/singapore/step-become-heal…
Khoo, B. K. (2018, September 17). Singaporeans are not eating enough vegetables – and health experts know why. Retrieved from https://cnalifestyle.channelnewsasia.com/wellness/…
Lai, I. (2018, January 27). Commentary: Let’s exercise ownership over our health, not wait for illness to set in. Retrieved from https://www.channelnewsasia.com/news/health/commen…
Lai, L. (2018, September 05). One in three Singaporeans not active enough. Retrieved from https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/one-in-thre…
Lai, L. (2017, July 09). Singaporeans eating more due to busy lifestyles, food variety: Experts. Retrieved from https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/sporeans-ea…
Two schemes to promote healthier eating expanded. (2017, August 23). TODAY. Retrieved from https://www.todayonline.com/singapore/two-schemes-…
Wong, C. (2018, November 5). Multi-agency task force to promote healthy lifestyles. The Straits Times. Retrieved from https://www.straitstimes.com/singapore/health/mult…
Here are additional links for you:

https://www.hpb.gov.sg/healthy-living https://www.moh.gov.sg/
BCCM003 Reports & Business Communication AY2019/20 April Semester

2 | P a g e

Questionnaire Specifications:
Minimum sample size = 10

 Part A: Respondent’s facts  Part B: Respondent’s opinions and behaviour

For Part B, you need to design a minimum of FIVE (5) questions. These should cover a range of questions such as:
A. Open questions* B. Closed questions  Binary*  Multiple choice  Checklist  Ranking  Scaling C. Combination question*

* Do not use these questions more than twice in your survey.

Report Specifications:

 Length: Total of 4 – 6 pages (excluding Cover Page, References and Appendices)  Format: Paper size A4, typewritten, 2 line spacing  Font: Times New Roman/Arial, 12 points  Visual(s): Include at least ONE (1) visual in your report

Deadline:  13 August 2019 Tuesday (DBP – LM)  14 August 2019 Wednesday (DBP – BA)

Submit your report personally to your tutor during lesson. Do note the penalties for late submission.

Penalties for Late Submission of Individual Report

If you are late in submitting your report, marks will be deducted as follows:  One (1) day late: 20 % of your total marks will be deducted  Two (2) days late: 50 % of your total marks will be deducted  Late for three (3) or more days: 100 % of your total marks will be deducted. This means that zero (0) marks will be awarded.


Quality and Safety in Practice Science Assignment Help

I have attached a document that states how this assignment should be completed and what is required, along with the grading rubric.

This assignment is designed to highlight the role you play in quality, safe patient care on a daily basis.

1) Identify a patient care case from your own practice experience that involves quality and safety.

Note: If you are not practicing or have nor practice, use a case that has received media attention or one from the textbook.

2) Summarize the situation.

3) Describe your (or the nurse’s) role in the patient care situation.

4) Explain the role the patient played in their own quality- or safety-related situation.

5) Evaluate the relationship between the patient’s care and the outcome.

6) Identify how the care environment affected the situation, including the nurse or provider, the patient, and the outcome.

7) Determine whether a quality model was employed. If yes, identify and explain it. If not, identify one that could have improved the situation.

8) Explain what actions you might take to improve the outcome or prevent an adverse outcome in the future.

9) Format your assignment as: 900 word paper.

10) All references/citations must be within the last 3 years.


Psy101: Analyze Paper on “A Beautiful Mind” / Psychological Disorders Writing Assignment Help

This week you will complete your “Psychological Disorders and the Movies” paper. For this assignment, you will watch “A Beautiful Mind” and discuss the main characters and/or plot line in terms of psychological disorders and/or treatment

In your analysis paper, you must analyze the movie and create a cohesive response that addresses the following questions (do not answer the questions in numerical order, create a paper that addresses all the questions):

  • What psychological disorder was illustrated in this film? Did the person meet the criteria for “abnormal” in this portrayal?
  • What are the typical symptoms and behaviors of an individual with this disorder?
  • What symptoms of mental illness did you see in the movie? After considering typical symptoms and behaviors for this disorder, determine the extent to which you believe this was a realistic portrayal of this disorder.
  • Were any causal factors for the character’s disorder suggested in the film? If so, which ones?
  • What types of treatment, if any, did the person in the film receive? Provide specific examples. Based on what you’ve learned, is this form typical for individuals with this disorder? Why or why not?
  • What impact did the person’s disorder have on others in his/her life? Do you think the impact was realistically portrayed? Why or why not?
  • After viewing the movie, what do you think it would be like to live with this mental illness?
  • What was your overall reaction to the movie and how mental illness was portrayed?

Assignment Expectations:

  • Length:
    • 2000-2500 words (not counting title or reference page)
  • Structure:
    • Formatted in APA style; must include title and reference page (you do not need an abstract)
  • References:
    • Minimum of 3 references related to the targeted psychological disorder


What is the firearms analysis? Science Assignment Help

What is the firearms analysis? Science Assignment Help

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