What is the purpose of a college education Writing Assignment Help. What is the purpose of a college education Writing Assignment Help.
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dialogue RESEARCH PAPER about ( What
is the purpose of a college education? )
you will write a formal, traditional 6-8 page argumentative research paper about education. You MUST use at least three of our unit’s readings AND at least THREE sources found on the CUYAMACA COLLEGE LIBRARY website (see the library research demonstration video on Blackboard), for a minimum of six total sources. Your paper must also include at least one counterargument (argument which opposes your thesis) with a rebuttal.
What is the purpose of a college education?
sources: total 6 sources
1- Deblanco, “3 Reasons College Still Matters”
2-Rotella, “No, it Doesn’t Matter What you Majored in” (467)
3- Malala Yousafzai, “Interview with Jon Stewart”
also, AT LEAST THREE sources found on the CUYAMACA College library website
Final Essay Project Outline: OPTION 2 DIALOGUE ESSAY
**The brief outline here is simply to help you visualize the structure of this paper. Students are encouraged to use the best structure that works for their specific topic. Outlines will vary depending on number of characters and sub-points covered in the paper.**
- Introduction:
- description of your characters, their positions on the given issue
- background information needed to help your “intelligent, naïve” reader to understand your topic
- Body
- Character 1 brings up first point in discussion
- Evidence
- Advances the conversation so that next character responds
- Character 2 responds to first point in discussion (and character 3, 4, etc. if necessary)
- Evidence
- Advances the conversation so that next character responds
- A character advances the discussion by bringing up 2nd point
- Evidence
- Advances the conversation so that next character responds
- Outlie continues in conversation format for the rest of the paper (it is up to the student to determine the most effective structure)
- Character 1 brings up first point in discussion
- Conclusion (You don’t need to write anything for the conclusion for your outline)
you will use a variety of sources to show a spectrum of perspectives on our education topic. It will take the form of a 5-8 page debate, which will look somewhat like a screenplay. The challenge will be to offer coherent arguments by characters who represent not just different points of view, but also different styles of argumentation arising from their varied backgrounds, educational background, cultural and ethnic differences, and personal experience.
The introduction will consist of a description of your characters, their positions on the given issue, and background information needed to help your “intelligent, naïve” reader to understand your topic. Most of the explanation can be included in the context of the discussion. Assume your audience is educated, but isn’t necessarily knowledgeable about the subject. Also assume that they are very sensitive to bias—they shouldn’t see yours, even if you personally have strong feelings about it.
You can choose the setting, but it usually is helpful to think in terms of a venue that encourages high-level discourse. Feel free to be as creative as you would like as long as you think PBS level discussion, not Jerry Springer. The more you can envision the personalities of your characters, the better your choice of rhetorical strategies can be. The context of this debate should encourage the most intelligent arguments possible.
Your characters will be fictional, but can be based on actual people. While they should be representational of certain groups and belief systems, they must not be stereotypes. They should be people whom you would be willing to listen to even if you vehemently disagreed with their particular point of view. If the person has an unpopular viewpoint, you might want to contrast it with an especially appealing personality or intriguing life situation. Each should bring something unique to the discussion. You will write as though they are speaking to each other, and your sources will be part of that speech. (Each quote or paraphrase must be documented in the MLA style to avoid plagiarism.)
It can be difficult to distance yourself from your own words—some people feel very awkward making a strong argument for something they do not believe—but this is an excellent way to train yourself to think critically and be able to articulate others’ points of view honestly and fairly.
The debate itself will be in script form, with speakers asking and answering questions. Characters will address one another’s points, and then go on to bring up new arguments. Make sure that the debate is not just a series of monologues, but is a real conversation. Normally there will be three to five speakers per page—more than that means you might be lacking in your use of sources, and fewer would sound more like speeches than debate.
Speakers will quote or paraphrase their sources as though they are stating their own ideas. Your [minimum of five–at least three readings from our unit AND AT LEAST THREE sources found on the CUYAMACA College Library
website] sources need to include academic journals, transcripts of radio and television shows, oral interviews, on-line discussion, news sources, books, and others. The personality of the individual character will dictate which kind of source s/he might use.
Again…each side should be so persuasive that the reader won’t know your bias. In the conclusion, you can enlighten your audience as to your true beliefs. Talk about why you believe what you do, and how your views might have changed as you did your research and formulated your arguments.
Students may create a context which inspires them, and which encourages strong argumentation. There is often a tendency to demonize those with whom the writer personally disagrees even though most students claim to be “tolerant” of others’ beliefs. This assignment will help students practice how to be able to articulate other sides, a step toward respecting those who hold the opinions.
THREE sources found on the Cuyamaca College Library website
MLA format. 12-point font, Times New Roman. A creative title that hints at the subject matter.
Fully developed analysis of how the evidence supports each topic sentence and overall thesis statement.
Implements proper stylistic conventions to include: sentence variation, college-level vocabulary, target audience, complex sentence structure.
Use an effective structure that carefully guides the reader from one idea to the next, and be thoroughly edited so that sentences are readable and appropriate for an academic audience.
Write the paper as if addressing a scholarly audience.
What is the purpose of a college education Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Project Ideas Humanities Assignment Help
This Discussion will be available from Day 1 through Day 7 of this week. You are required to submit your initial post by Day 3. You are encouraged to post early. Once you have submitted your initial post, start responding to your colleagues. You must begin responding to your colleagues by no later than Day 5 and should continue to interact frequently with your colleagues through Day 7. Part of what makes a discussion a discussion and not a lecture is the back-and-forth, in-depth, animated interaction of at least two people. If you start a topic and none of your peers are responding to your post, consider what you can do to get the conversation going. Include something that would elicit further thoughts and different opinions from peers. Validate your opinions with references and links to the sources you used so that your peers can read them for themselves. See your Discussion Rubric in the Course Information Tab for specific grading requirements.
A grant can be a powerful tool for achieving what might otherwise be impossible, or at least very difficult, to accomplish. What are some project ideas you have in mind for addressing a specific problem or need? If you were to apply for a grant, what would you pursue? What might your organization pursue?
With project ideas in mind, read the literature and familiarize yourself with evidence-based practices associated with the problems you are seeking to address. Determine what is currently being done to solve or mitigate these problems. This step is extremely important in determining how or if to proceed with your own project idea.
For this Discussion, critically think through your project ideas and concepts, as well as the literature, and select one to further develop for your grant proposal. Use the Process Development Template, located in this week’s Learning Resources, to organize your ideas with regard to the purpose of the project and to the research you have conducted.
Note: Use the Process Development Template as an iterative and cumulative worksheet for keeping notes and ideas about the different elements that will be addressed in your grant proposal. While this document will not be submitted for grading, it will inform assignments that are submitted. You are encouraged to use this template as both a guide for and record of the work you are doing.
By Day 3
Post your project idea, explaining the needs it will meet. Explain why this project might be attractive to potential funders, and distinguish it from others that have addressed the same problem.
General survey public health spss dataset Health Medical Assignment Help
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review the Learning Resources for this week related to frequency distributions and graphic displays of data.
- Using the SPSS software, open the General Social Survey dataset found in this week’s Learning Resources.
- Next, create a figure or table from a few selected variables within the dataset.
- Finally, think about what is good about how the data are displayed in the figure or table you created and what is not so good.
By Day 3
Post your display of the table or figure you created and provide an explanation of why this would be the best way to display the data providedRequired Readings
Frankfort-Nachmias, C., & Leon-Guerrero, A. (2018). Social statistics for a diverse society (8th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Chapter 2, “The Organization and Graphic Presentation Data” (pp. 23-62)
Wagner, W. E. (2016). Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Chapter 5, “Charts and Graphs”
Wagner, W. E. (2016). Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (6th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.
- Chapter 11, “Editing Output”
To prepare for this Discussion:
- Review the Learning Resources for this week related to frequency distributions and graphic displays of data.
- Using the SPSS software, open the General Social Survey dataset found in this week’s Learning Resources.
- Next, create a figure or table from a few selected variables within the dataset.
- Finally, think about what is good about how the data are displayed in the figure or table you created and what is not so good.
By Day 3
Post your display of the table or figure you created and provide an explanation of why this would be the best way to display the data provided.
BASIC History 105 FINAL EXAM Humanities Assignment Help
The file I attached below is full version of requirement for HS 105 class FINAL EXAM. English is my second language so the paper doesn’t need to be fancy, just need to answer 3 questions fully, minimum 6 pages for the whole paper. I expect grade B- is enough. You have time from now to Dec. 17 to finish (11 days) and I’ll review it, if I need any edit you will have 2 more days to do. I do rate tutor 5 stars and tip good if you do a good job, and give you good amount of time so please take your time to finish my paper AND SAVE MY COLLEGE PLEASE! I use ebook so I will you account to use them for this paper. Any question, let me know! Thank you.
Write separate essays for three of these questions. No outside sources allowed, use only information from our assigned readings and class materials, cited in parenthesis when necessary. Each essay is required to have citations and should have a thesis, intro, body and conclusion. Each essay should be 2-4 full pages in length, double-spaced and in 12-point font.
1. Describe three of the events in the Unit 7 materials about the expansion of the United States prior to the Civil War. To tie your essay together, include the greater historical context for each event by relating it to the concept of Manifest Destiny. Be sure to choose events that you can relate to this concept.
2. What was the greatest force of change in American life during the period 1790-1877?
3. In what ways does American history from 1790 to 1877 influence our society today? Choose one to three major ways, such as events or ideas, talked about in this class. Choose things that, when you learned more about them, gave you a better understanding of US society today.
4. Tell a short history of slavery, abolition, the Civil War and Reconstruction by explaining the significance of Frederick Douglass to American history.
5. The pre-Civil War era was marked by intense social and political change, as Americans undertook many experiments in reform. Trace the origins and development of three major reform movements during this era and analyze their impact on society.
A reminder of how to do citations in parenthesis: (Author year, page number). For example:
(Oakes et al. 2017, 336)
(Bailey and Kennedy 2016, 345)
For citing class materials use this format: (Class Materials year, Unit number)
For example:
(Class Materials 2017, Unit Four)
Exam Rubric
Criteria (100 points total) |
Description |
Answer (40) |
Overall answer to the question and how well the answer is explained throughout your essay both overall and in the details. |
Structure (10) |
Thesis, organization into an introduction, body and conclusion, flow from point to point, style, tone. |
Evidence (30) |
Use of sources and citations |
Requirements (20) |
Length, citations, proofreading |
research , Antonin Scalia (cms format) Humanities Assignment Help
Research Paper
For your research paper, you will develop and test a theory of judicial decision making, using a single Supreme Court justice as a case study. Specifically, you will critically evaluate the justice that you selected for your biography paper and their voting behavior. You are free to develop and test any hypothesis in relation to judicial decision making. For example, you might ask: Is Justice X influenced by his or her ideology in Y cases? Is Justice X influenced by their background Z in Y cases? These questions are meant to be suggestive and are by no means exhaustive. You will be expected to integrate and connect the course readings throughout.
Your paper will be structured similarly to the journal articles we will read this semester and must be 10-12 pages in length (not including title page, references, tables or figures), include a title page, 12 point Times New Roman font, standard margins (1” top-bottom, 1” left-right), double spaced, all figures and tables moved to the end of the paper after the references, include page numbers and must cite all references in CMS format. Failure to properly cite material will be deemed to be plagiarism and you will receive a zero for the assignment. Please see the following
resource for any questions about CMS format:
Also see the following resource for differences between MLA, APA, and CMS:
Papers that do not meet all of the formatting requirements will not be accepted. Papers are due at the beginning of class (within 5 minutes of class starting). Late papers will not be accepted unless accompanied with a documented medical excuse, which the instructor reserves the right to accept or not. Papers that do not meet all of the formatting requirements will not be accepted.
It will consist of the following parts:
- a) Introduction: This should be 1 page or three paragraphs long. It should be no longer than six paragraphs, and always less than 3 pages. You should have no or few citations. Your first paragraph states the puzzle/dilemma to be solved or question to be answered. You may use a famous quote to begin with. Second paragraph summarizes the two sides in the literature about this puzzle/dilemma/question. Third paragraph summarizes your answer and gives a one sentence “map” of what you are doing in this paper.
- b) Literature Review and Road Map: In two pages or less you cite evidence for the puzzle or question you address. This usually involves citations from the literature, but it may involve actually building the case (in which case, give yourself 3 pages for this section). Then outline the major analogies used to address the puzzle/question, with group citations, led by the major works. This is where you make the case for your paper being an important part of the debate in the literature. There are two sides in every debate. Discuss the literature this way, divide it in two sides. You are adding to one side. Lastly, give a brief road map of what is to follow in your paper (1 paragraph as a transition).
- c) Theory:
- Your argument/explanation: State your argument/explanation, beginning with your conclusion, going through your premises and ending with a QED (although perhaps not literally). Make it as simple as possible and use as little jargon as possible. You want people to read it and get it. Use figures, models, analogies here. Indeed, the core point here is for people to understand, appreciate and believe your core analogy about how the world works. That is what we are really arguing about in science.
- Your hypotheses/predictions. Next derive your hypotheses from your theory above. These derivations must be deductively valid or there can be no testing of your theory.
- d) Data:
i. Your constructs and construct validity: Next you define how you are going to
measure some of the relationships in your theory/analogy/model. You must prove, or make very plausible, that you have very good constructs for the variables and parameters in your theory/model/analogy. This always requires the use of more analogies, to relate abstract theoretical constructs to real world observable constructs. Be explicit, be precise, and provide proof that your observable constructs can be derived from the abstract constructs in your theory.
- Your test/correlation/exploration: Explain what you are doing here. Tell the reader what is to follow. If you are conducting a correlation, show how your data analysis will demonstrate that if your theory is true, then this relationship must also be true, thus you have a partial test, using comparative statics, what we call a refutational challenge: that is, if you find the relationship doesn’t hold, we can reject the theory, but if we do find that it holds we can not accept the theory’s hypotheses, as it wasn’t a test. Often case studies are refutational challenges, they are almost never tests.
- Describe your data. Define your variables and describe where they are from. Be explicit, so that anyone could go back and redo your work. If you dropped cases, explain why. If you were limited in your data collection, or the data is truncated, or whatever, explain it.
- Discuss any potential methodological concerns and how you resolved them or what to make of them if you did not resolve them.
e) Results
i. Give your results, interpreting them in light of your theory/hypotheses.
Remember, you are testing your analogy, in fact you are testing a string of analogies, and you need not worry, at this point, about external validity.
f) Conclusion. Here is where you worry about external validity, here is where you step back and LIMIT your findings. You may anticipate criticisms here and provide counter-arguments/evidence. Always conclude with a summary paragraph extolling what you did find, however. Remember, external validity relates to your theory not your findings.
Required Texts: Carp, Robert A., Ronald Stidham, Kenneth L. Manning, and Lisa M. Holmes. 2017. Judicial Process in America, 10th Edition. Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press. In addition to the text, there will be cases and other supplementary material posted on Blackboard that is required reading.
Attached is syllabus, supreme court databases codebook, examples for the typothesis I will also post some of the assign reading.
The James “Whitey” Bulger Investigation Business Finance Assignment Help
For this discussion, assume the role of one of the lead special agents with the FBI who worked on the James “Whitey” Bulger case. You are now tasked by your supervisor to prepare a presentation to present to agent trainees at the FBI academy in Quantico, Virginia. In preparation for this presentation, conduct some research on the James “Whitey” Bulger case.
Address the following in your main post:
- Appraise two evidence gathering techniques employed by law enforcement in the capture of James “Whitey” Bulger.
- Evaluate two challenges associated with the role of the FBI informants in the investigation and the prosecution of the case.
- Explain two benefits of working in an organized crime task force on the James “Whitey” Bulger case, synchronizing efforts of federal, state, and local authorities that led to his ultimate capture.
The James “Whitey” Bulger Investigation Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
three questions need to be answered in like a paragraph Humanities Assignment Help
Suppose you ask a friend what he thought of a new movie, and he said, “Well, the costumes were authentic.” His answer does not seem to be saying something positive about the movie. Nevertheless, he is guiding you to infer that he probably did not like the movie.
i. Which maxim is he flouting in order to do this?
ii. Why might he choose to convey his dislike by flouting that maxim instead of saying directly that he did not like the movie?
Q2. Language Files 12th ed. File 7.6, pg 488 #14
What do colors terms and direction terms have in common that makes them good candidates for testing the principle of linguistic relativity? Give an example of some other area that might prove to be a fruitful testing ground, and explain how you think it could be used as such.
Imagine you traveled back in time to the year 1066. You find yourself in medieval London. Do you think you could understand the language being spoken at that time? Do you think people of the time would be able to understand you? Why or why not? Use specific examples that we discussed in class and detail some of the problems you might encounter, linguistically speaking.
Developing an Innovative IT and Return on Investment Health Medical Assignment Help
Assignment: Developing an Innovative IT Strategy–Data Driven Approaches to Challenges in the Health Care Continuum
Hospital Systems, Ancillary Services, and Physician Practices are often the focus of HIT initiatives. While these settings are key areas for HIT advancement and data acquisition, there are places within the continuum of care that often lack automation or comprehensive data management strategies, creating gaps in the longitudinal health record and both an individual and population level.
The Final Project allows you to develop a comprehensive IT strategy for one of these settings of care. This week you choose the Scenario for your Final Project from the following list. Descriptions of these settings can be found in your Learning Resources. Beginning this week, you will be building on the progressive HIT topics that culminate in your Final Project (due in Week 11). This week’s Assignment asks you to reflect on your setting of choice as you develop a Charter for the acquisition of a strategic HIT solution.
To Prepare for this Assignment:
- Review the Final Project Scenarios in your Learning Resources and select a setting of care from one of these scenarios:
- Long-Term Care
- Critical Access Hospital
- Telemedicine for Rural-Based Health Facility
- Research current and specific clinical and financial management problems in these settings of care and evaluate how technology might be justified to address the most pressing challenges.
The Assignment:
Write a 3- to 4-page (excluding title and reference pages) APA style paper, addressing the following elements for the scenario that you choose. This will also be the scenario used to complete your Final Project. For this Assignment, address the elements of a project Charter used to plan the acquisition of an HIT solution for the setting of choice. The Charter should include:
- Problem statement. A specific statement of the problems that you intend to address in this scenario using technology solutions.
- Scope of the HIT solution to be acquired. This includes both the technical elements of the scope and the business and clinical functional elements of the scope.
- Stakeholders analysis including the needs of both internal and external stakeholders. This analysis includes a summary of the business and clinical system functions that the technology should address for each of the executive stakeholders.
- Risk Analysis. A specific statement of the financial, technical, legal, ethical, and operational risks involved in introducing HIT into this setting and the feasible mitigation strategies to address these risks.
You will continue the Charter in Week 4 and submit the full Charter on Day 7 of Week 4.
Note: The paper should be 3–4 pages, not including the title and reference pages. Your Assignment must be written in standard edited English. Be sure to support your work with 4–6 specific citations from this week’s Learning Resources and additional scholarly sources as appropriate. Refer to the Essential Guide to APA Style for Walden Students to ensure that your in-text citations and reference list are correct. Your Assignment should show effective application of triangulation of content and resources to show your conclusion and recommendations. See the Week 4 Assignment Rubric for additional requirements related to research and scholarly writing.
Assignment: Return on Investment (ROI) Analysis in HIT Planning
Determining the (TCO) or total cost of ownership for a strategic information system investment is a critical part of the leaders’ role in using technology in a transforming way. The Return on Investment Analysis depends upon reliable estimates of both the capital outlay and ongoing operational costs associated with the initiative over a period of time. This Assignment focuses on outlining both the capital and ongoing operational costs associated with a typical technology investment. You will outline the costs and, as importantly, the assumptions that you used in deriving these financial estimates.
To prepare:
Review the Pro Forma Explanation Material and HIT Program Pro Forma Template in the Learning Resources.
The Assignment:
Write a 2-page APA style paper, addressing the following elements for the scenario that you chose in Week 3. This will also be the scenario used to complete your Final Project. For this Assignment, address the financial element of the project Charter used to plan the acquisition of an HIT solution for the setting of choice. The financial analysis has two parts:
- Using the HIT Pro Forma Template provided in your Learning resources, complete the anticipated capital and operating costs of the HIT solution that you are proposing in the Week 3 Assignment.
- Justify the assumptions that you used in your proforma.
Submit the entire project Charter inclusive of Week 3’s materials and Week 4’s HIT Pro Forma Template and assumptions paper.
Human Resource Management Business Finance Assignment Help
1500 word essay +/- 10% (Not including references and tables).
Choose ONE question from below for your essay.
Very important for you to use examples in the essay.
The essay needs to reflect analysis rather than lists of issues.
Engage critically, rather than just putting forward a single perspective.
1. Critically evaluate the impact of new technology in modern corporate workplaces and the role of human resource management. Students may wish to consider the following when writing the essay:
a) Recent developments in the new technology in a range of fields
b) How/Why does it impact on job and role performance?
c) What/how/why do Issues of control and surveillance emerge?
2. ‘Boundaryless careers squarely place freedom and agency in the hands of the employee’. Critically evaluate this statement with reference to relevant theory. Students may wish to consider the following when writing the essay:
a) Structured organisational career management, is it one size fits all or are there issues of level of skills of individual employees?
b) Debates about balancing career management needs in the wider context of employment relationship and personal life of the employee.
c) Type of job and employment contract, and their consequent impact on career trajectories.
3. Gig economy and zero hour contracts present an example of a ‘double edged sword’. Critically engage with this statement drawing on an example of work in the gig economy (For example, Uber).
a) In such situations are psychological contracts really relevant?
Case Study Business Finance Assignment Help
Case Discussion Board Questions:
- Perform an analysis for strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats (SWOT) on the decision to build DIA
- Who are the stakeholders and what are their interests or objectives?
- What appears to be the single greatest risk in the decision to build DIA?
- What is the function of the project management team (PMT) and why were two companies involved?
- When did the effectiveness of the project management team begin to be questioned?
- Due Wednesday, 11:59 p.m. ET: Provide an original response to each question
- Due Sunday, 11:59 p.m. ET: For each question, post a reply to two different student’s posts. To ensure everyone receives feedback, first choose students who do not yet have replies
Papers that do not meet all of the formatting requirements will not be accepted. Papers are due at the beginning of class (within 5 minutes of class starting). Late papers will not be accepted unless accompanied with a documented medical excuse, which the instructor reserves the right to accept or not. Papers that do not meet all of the formatting requirements will not be accepted.
It will consist of the following parts:
- a) Introduction: This should be 1 page or three paragraphs long. It should be no longer than six paragraphs, and always less than 3 pages. You should have no or few citations. Your first paragraph states the puzzle/dilemma to be solved or question to be answered. You may use a famous quote to begin with. Second paragraph summarizes the two sides in the literature about this puzzle/dilemma/question. Third paragraph summarizes your answer and gives a one sentence “map” of what you are doing in this paper.
- b) Literature Review and Road Map: In two pages or less you cite evidence for the puzzle or question you address. This usually involves citations from the literature, but it may involve actually building the case (in which case, give yourself 3 pages for this section). Then outline the major analogies used to address the puzzle/question, with group citations, led by the major works. This is where you make the case for your paper being an important part of the debate in the literature. There are two sides in every debate. Discuss the literature this way, divide it in two sides. You are adding to one side. Lastly, give a brief road map of what is to follow in your paper (1 paragraph as a transition).
- c) Theory:
- Your argument/explanation: State your argument/explanation, beginning with your conclusion, going through your premises and ending with a QED (although perhaps not literally). Make it as simple as possible and use as little jargon as possible. You want people to read it and get it. Use figures, models, analogies here. Indeed, the core point here is for people to understand, appreciate and believe your core analogy about how the world works. That is what we are really arguing about in science.
- Your hypotheses/predictions. Next derive your hypotheses from your theory above. These derivations must be deductively valid or there can be no testing of your theory.
- d) Data:
i. Your constructs and construct validity: Next you define how you are going to
measure some of the relationships in your theory/analogy/model. You must prove, or make very plausible, that you have very good constructs for the variables and parameters in your theory/model/analogy. This always requires the use of more analogies, to relate abstract theoretical constructs to real world observable constructs. Be explicit, be precise, and provide proof that your observable constructs can be derived from the abstract constructs in your theory.
- Your test/correlation/exploration: Explain what you are doing here. Tell the reader what is to follow. If you are conducting a correlation, show how your data analysis will demonstrate that if your theory is true, then this relationship must also be true, thus you have a partial test, using comparative statics, what we call a refutational challenge: that is, if you find the relationship doesn’t hold, we can reject the theory, but if we do find that it holds we can not accept the theory’s hypotheses, as it wasn’t a test. Often case studies are refutational challenges, they are almost never tests.
- Describe your data. Define your variables and describe where they are from. Be explicit, so that anyone could go back and redo your work. If you dropped cases, explain why. If you were limited in your data collection, or the data is truncated, or whatever, explain it.
- Discuss any potential methodological concerns and how you resolved them or what to make of them if you did not resolve them.
e) Results
i. Give your results, interpreting them in light of your theory/hypotheses.
Remember, you are testing your analogy, in fact you are testing a string of analogies, and you need not worry, at this point, about external validity.
f) Conclusion. Here is where you worry about external validity, here is where you step back and LIMIT your findings. You may anticipate criticisms here and provide counter-arguments/evidence. Always conclude with a summary paragraph extolling what you did find, however. Remember, external validity relates to your theory not your findings.
Required Texts: Carp, Robert A., Ronald Stidham, Kenneth L. Manning, and Lisa M. Holmes. 2017. Judicial Process in America, 10th Edition. Washington D.C.: Congressional Quarterly Press. In addition to the text, there will be cases and other supplementary material posted on Blackboard that is required reading.
Attached is syllabus, supreme court databases codebook, examples for the typothesis I will also post some of the assign reading.