What Is the Role of Superstition in The Black Death Global Pandemic Essay Humanities Assignment Help. What Is the Role of Superstition in The Black Death Global Pandemic Essay Humanities Assignment Help.
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Answer each question as completely as possible, making eight to ten valid statements in your response. Use specific examples from the reading, course material or additional sources and cite your sources in proper MLA format. Please submit your completed final exam as a Word document through this assignment dropbox.
CHOOSE THREE of the SIX questions below:
Humanism was a philosophical and religious stance that advocated the importance of the individual and the use of reason and intellect against church dogma. How did humanism lead to a revival in ancient Greek and Roman works? Choose one figure from this era and discuss how they helped the humanist movement forward.
Consider the impacts of the Columbian Exchange on the indigenous people of the Americas.
The development of maritime trade in China during the 10th century meant sea routes were becoming more popular than land routes for long-distance trade. Discuss at least three of the Song era innovations in maritime travel that led to this change.
What was the role of superstition in the Black Death? How did superstition impede medical advancements in the 14th century?
It has been argued that no other group of invaders has changed history as much as the Mongols. Do you agree with this statement? Why or why not? Use examples to support your opinion.
How and why did Islam spread so rapidly? Consider how the geography and political climate of the world prior to the rise of Islam played a part in Islam’s rapid growth and spread.
What Is the Role of Superstition in The Black Death Global Pandemic Essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Nassau Community College Diverse Stem Influencers Microbiology Paper Writing Assignment Help
Use the link below to learn about diverse individuals who have contributed to Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields. Then, create a thread and post a summary of what you have learned. Be sure to include the name(s) of the individual(s) you learned about, which STEM field they contributed to, and anything else you learned that you would like to share. One bonus point may not sound like much, but if your final grade ends up being an 89 and you did not take this opportunity, then that one (1) point will seem quite large, since it would have made the difference between a B and an A! For those of you who will now be earning your SECOND bonus point, a final grade of 88 becomes an A! To clarify, you may earn one (1) bonus point total from completing this forum assignment, regardless of how many diverse STEM influencers you post about. Even though you can only earn one (1) point overall, I still encourage you to learn about a variety of these diverse STEM influencers. |
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Richland College MySQL Workbench Programming Task Computer Science Assignment Help
-chinook database attached , apps MySQL Workbench .
— 1.Write a SELECT statement that returns InvoiceId and Total from the Invoice table. Use the CONCAT function to insert a ‘$’ in the front of the total value
— 2.Write a SELECT statement that returns CustomerId and average Total from the Invoice table grouped by customerId. Use the CONCAT function to insert a ‘$’ in the front of the average total and the FORMAT function to to display it with commas and 2 decimal places.
— 3. Use the CHAR and CONCAT functions (for the first and last names), to format the the address for each customer in the customer table – the formatted output should look like this
— Gary Hernandez
— 3829 Broadway Ave
— New York, NY 10012
— note ***** the output will not look like this in the workbench the CHAR functions will place columns in each row of the results *****
— 4. Display the first initial, last name, and email address of each customer in the customer table.
— 5. Return these columns from the customer table, customerid, email and Phone. Use the substr and lpad functions to render the phone number like this: ************9999
— 6. use the concat_ws function to render to display the customer lastname and firstname in this manner: Lackey, Toby. Also display the customer’s email address but only list the customers whose email addresses have more than 20 characters
— 7.Display the customerId and the phone for all customers who live in the USA, format the phone numbers so that they look like this 123-456-7899
— 8. For every track in the track table, return the track name and the album title. The album title should be in all uppercase letters.
— 9. For each track, display the unitprice, unitprice rounded to 1 decimal place, unitprice truncated to 1 decimal place, smallest integer >= unitprice, largest integer <= unitprice, and a random number between 1 and 10 using the trackId as a seed.
NB :
Please make sure all the queries are executing succesfullt and returing the data needed .
ECON 101 AP Leto High Effect of Government Raising the Minimum Wage Research Economics Assignment Help
I’m working on a economics project and need support to help me study.
Step 2:
Create a graph to show the effect (shortage or surplus) of the government regulation you chose. Discuss why these issues do or do not affect your claim. Include the appropriate labels for your graph such as:
- price
- quantity
- supply
- demand
- surplus or shortage
Write a persuasive argument as an essay or blog entry to address your topic. Use a minimum of 400 words. State your claim clearly with details from reliable sources. Be sure to include:
- Your claim on the topic question
- Three strong arguments that support your claim
- At least one argument that opposes your claim, and how you challenge it
- Economic terms from the lesson such as price controls, equilibrium price, shortage, and surplus
Create a reference section that includes links to your sources. Be sure to include your sources in MLA format.
Everest College Chicago Ultimate End For Criminals Discussion Law Assignment Help
What if you were asked to pick a research topic that dealt with all of the following: communication, perceptions of crime problems, individual behavior, and criminal justice policy? Can you think of a clear research idea that would implicate all four?
You are required to post 1 thread of at least 500–700 words and 2 replies of at least 200–300 words. For each thread, you must support your assertions with citations from the Scripture, required readings and presentations as well as at least 2 scholarly (i.e. “peer-reviewed) sources. Likewise, each reply must have citations from 2 scholarly (i.e. “peer-reviewed) sources.
The thread and replies must follow current APA format. Please note, with any discussion board, there are formatting limitations. For example, Times New Roman and double-spacing are difficult, so that requirement may be waived. However the “spirit” of APA must be present with references, citations, and a readable 12-point font (Blackboard default is acceptable).
Top Income Cut Off Average Income Share of Income from Labour Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help
- just use these data for write, u can use essay format to answer all the question or answering every question
- 1)Background:
- 2)Policy evaluation.
In this section, draw on Statistics Canada’s public tables to cover the following:
Who are the top 1%?
- Top income cut-off, average income, share of income from labour & how much tax they pay
- Sex and age
- Province/Location
Compared to the bottom 50th percentile of tax filers, how has the income share and effective tax rate of the top 1% evolved over the data period?
By province, how has the income share and effective tax rate of the province-specific top 1% evolved over time?
Consider the following proposal to increase the top marginal tax rate on the top (province-specific) 1%:
Cover the following issues (by province) with this proposal (Assume a constant ETI of 0.664):
- What is the net revenue effect (by province) of this proposal? Comment on any noticeable provincial differences.
- How much of the mechanical revenue gain disappears because of a behavioural effect?
- What are the revenue and mechanical effects per tax filer?
- Why is the elasticity of taxable income important?
- What might explain these differences
- Think about skewness & revenue gain share of the mechanical effect
- What is the marginal cost of public funds?
- Explain and calculate the optimal province-specific top 1% marginal tax rate. How far off is it from the fictitious +5 marginal tax rate?
- Assuming no income shifting, what is the size of the vertical fiscal externality?
- What are the progressivity implications of this proposal?
there is no requirement with the page and words, u just need to answer the question, use the data. its is policy brief.
The question one you will need (tax 7) page 3. The question 2 u need use some formula form tax 45 6
I spend time to calculate the data for the question 2. u can use this data to work on the question 2. i think if u can use this data Convert to chart is best and add to the assignment. The document is attached
So u just need ppt (tax 7) page3 there have link that u can use these data to work on the question 1, and use this excel to work on the question 2
This is first question u can use tax7 ppt Page 3 provide link use that data to work on the it, and the second u can use that excel,
U don’t need to do calculation, just use these data to write, u can use essay format to answer all the question or answering every question
You just need the data to be accurate.
Top Income Cut Off Average Income Share of Income from Labour Discussion Questions Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Victimology Participation Activity Writing Assignment Help
Answer each set of questions. Complete answers are worth 5 points each.
- Describe the UCR, who administers it, and its goal. Discuss the problems with the UCR.
- What is NIBRS and why was it developed? Give the history of its development. Who manages this system and what is the goal of NIBRS? How does NIBRS differ from the UCR?
- What is the NCVS and how is it used? What was the original name of the survey and why was it changed?
- What is the NAP? How is it administered and who is it administered to? How does the NAP information benefit victim service professionals?
- What are the National Family Violence Surveys and when were they conducted? Why are the data from the surveys still important?
Judicious Use of Antibodies Disease Surveillance and Family Nurse Practitioner Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Mason, D. J., Leavitt, J.K., Chaffee, M.W. (2016). Policy and Politics: In Nursing and Health Care. (7th• Ed) St. Louis, Missouri: Elsevier, Saunders. ISBN-13: 9780323299886
Examine how might nurses and nursing organizations improve policies to encourage the judicious use of antibiotics in humans? Identify the correlation between global disease surveillance and domestic disease surveillance, and the significant role the family nurse practitioner plays.
*- Also, please elaborated two responses with a minimum of 150 words and reference as if it were to respond to two peers based on the above .
*- 3 paragraphs minimum, 3 sentences per paragraph minimum. ( A minimum of 250 words in total required )
*- Please follow all APA 6th Edition Guidelines,
*- Must contain at least two peer-reviewed reference articles/sources to support posting (make sure to use scholarly sources to support your discussion.)
CSU Professional Standards and Ethics Adopted in Business by Employees Questions Writing Assignment Help
Welcome to the world of academic writing. Please use the Castille, Buckner, and Thoroughgood (2018) article and the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (7th ed.) to address the following questions.
- Clearly identify the type of article. That is, is the article a qualitative, quantitative, or mixed methods article? Explain your answer.
- Ethical, legal, and professional standards are important. Do the article’s authors appear to uphold ethical, legal and professional standards—why or why not? Were the rights of the human subjects involved in the research upheld? If so, in what ways?
- What are the main sections of an academic paper and does the Castille et al. (2018) article contain these sections? If so, which ones?
- What is bias-free language? Do the authors of the Castille et al. (2018) article use bias-free language? Why or why not?
American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American psychological association (7th ed.). American Psychological Association.
Castille, C. M., Buckner, J. E., & Thoroughgood, C. N. (2018). Prosocial citizens without a moral compass? Examining the relationship between Machiavellianism and unethical pro-organizational behavior (Links to an external site.). Journal of Business Ethics, 149(4), 919-930. https://doi.org/10.1007/s10551-016-3079-9 (Links to an external site.)
At least 250 words that answer or address the issues in the discussion board.
Your posts must be formatted according to the CSU Global Writing Center’s APA resources (Links to an external site.). Refer to the discussion grading rubric for more information on expectations of class discussions.
ECO 203 Ashford University Week 2 The Measure of Economic Health Discussion Economics Assignment Help
The Measure of Economic Health
[WLOs: 1, 2, 3] [CLOs: 2, 4]
Gross domestic product (GDP) is defined as the value of final goods and services that are produced in a country’s territories within a certain time period, usually a year.
In your paper,
- Assess GDP’s importance.
- Examine the shortcomings of GDP in measuring a country’s economic health?
- Discuss using GDP to evaluate the business cycle.
- Examine factors that may affect the business cycle.
- Evaluate the health of the current U.S. economy by its GDP, business cycle, and economic growth.
The Measure of Economic Health paper
- Must be three to four double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s APA Style resource.
- Must include a separate title page with the following:
- Title of paper
- Student’s name
- Course name and number
- Instructor’s name
- Date submitted
- For further assistance with the formatting and the title page, refer to APA Formatting for Word 2013.
- Must utilize academic voice. See the Academic Voice resource for additional guidance.
- Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.
- For assistance on writing Introductions & Conclusions as well as Writing a Thesis Statement, refer to the Ashford Writing Center resources.
- Must use at least three scholarly, peer-reviewed, and/or other credible sources in addition to the course text.
- The Scholarly, Peer-Reviewed, and Other Credible Sources table offers additional guidance on appropriate source types. If you have questions about whether a specific source is appropriate for this assignment, please contact your instructor. Your instructor has the final say about the appropriateness of a specific source for a particular assignment.
- Must document any information used from sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center’s Citing Within Your Paper guide.
- Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center. See the Formatting Your References List resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.
https://anyessayhelp.com/ resource in the Ashford Writing Center for specifications.