What lesson plan aligns with the special education population needs? Humanities Assignment Help. What lesson plan aligns with the special education population needs? Humanities Assignment Help.
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Teachers engage in a continuous cycle of planning, facilitating
instruction, assessing learning, reflecting on experiences and
outcomes, then planning again (and continuing through the cycle). The
lesson plan template is the primary tool used in the planning and
instruction stages.
Compare the “Small Group Guided Reading Lesson Plan” with the “Parts
of a Plant Lesson Plan” to determine which is the most effective for
meeting the learning needs of early childhood special education
students. Address the following questions on the “Evaluating Lesson
Plans Template” to complete this assignment:
- How well do the learning targets/objectives align with the
national/state learning standards? Are the learning
targets/objectives written well enough? - Do the learning
activities align with the learning targets/objectives? Are learning
activities engaging and developmentally appropriate for the intended
group of students? - Is there sufficient differentiation to
meet the learning needs of the intended students?
Include a 250-500 word justification on the template, based on your
findings, explaining which lesson plan would be more effective for
meeting the learning needs of early childhood and special education students.
APA format is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.
1. Small Group Guided Reading Lesson Plan
Review the “Small Group Guided Reading Lesson Plan” to inform the assignment.
2. Parts of a Plant Lesson Plan
Review the “Parts of a Plant Lesson Plan” to inform the assignment.
3. Evaluating Lesson Plans Template
Utilize this document to complete the “Evaluating Lesson Plans”
assignment in this topic.
What lesson plan aligns with the special education population needs? Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Your opinions Business Finance Assignment Help
read each paragraph and give me your opinion if you agree or disagree with it
In white collar crimes the authorities have to figure out the level that the crime has take place. You have to figure out how the perpetrator first gained knowledge then gained access. If it is for example credit card fraud. You must find out was a wallet stolen or was an account hacked. Transactions will be looked at, records from the bank, surveillance footage areal things that can be looked into. It takes lot of manpower to successfully investigate white collar crimes.
Technology is always changing in todays society is always changing. Today you don’t really hear of any bank robberies unless committed by amateurs. Now you hear of more high tech bank heist or cyber crimes concerning banks. People are easily hacking into systems. Puling accounts and creating fake banking sites that have to use their bank info and then their accounts are wiped clean or their passwords and other sensitive info is stolen. It is much easier than traditional bank robberies. No on sees it coming. No one can identify you. No weapons. No physical contact. More difficult for the police to track down the perp or perps. Benefit of working in white collar crime task forces is always knowing what is the new and improve crime out. That way you can make sure you are safe and ensure that the people around you in your community are aware of the possible crimes that can committed against them unknowingly.
In this case I can see two methods to gather the evidence the task forces need in order to be granted a warrant and/or to make an arrest. The methods would be surveillance of the site where the toxic waste are suspected of being disposed, and a internal informant in the company. Surveillance of the site, and to physically witness the company illegally disposing of the toxic waste is a slam dunk case for the prosecution to win. Another method to gather more evidence would be to speak with an informant that is caught in the surveillance. Provide a plea deal for this individual to assist the investigation to obtain more evidence and to use their testimony to prove beyond a reasonable doubt that this crime was knowingly being committed. A challenge with technology in an investigation would be the best way to access the data. Most companies will use an encryption of some sort for their data and if they use a very thorough encryption then the data can be very difficult to access. Another challenge is the integrity of the data. If a company is willing to commit a immoral act of dumping toxic waste into drinking water, then what is to stop them from creating fake data to hand over to the Feds. Therefore, technology cannot be trusted because of the many ways it can be altered. Lastly, two benefits to working in a white collar crime task force with federal and local agencies is more man power, and resources. Obviously the more agencies that are involved in the investigation will provide more “boots on the ground” and a bigger footprint for the investigation. Having more resources can be very beneficial to any organization. For example, if Agents from the FBI were to investigate a crime in Louisiana, then they would be somewhat restricted on the amount of resources they have available to them. The more agencies that are involved creates a bigger network of individuals. Therefore, if the investigation takes them to another company or to another state, they will have the ability to assume the added subjects.
The two different ways evidence was gathered from the Deep Water Horizon Task Force was the use of ROV and AUVs. These automated vehicles were used because of the depth of the hole that was drilled into the ocean floor. Any human could not swim down there to take photos and collect evidence so they had to incorporate these vehicles to accomplish the task for them.
The challenges that these vehicles created was the agencies were not familiar on how to operate them. Secondly, using a machine to swim down into the ocean, being controlled by a remote was not a easy task. These vehicles were used to take samples and analyze how much oil was leaking. Not to mention, the information that was given to them was false regarding how much oil was in the ocean and how dangerous it was to the wildlife. Other technological challenges the task force faced was the information gathering and interviews that had to be conducted from the surviving crew members and the company employees. All of this data had to be created and stored in order to be used in court. The amount of data that had to be entered in reference to the measurement of the millions of barrels of oil that was now in the ocean. Experts had to be incorporated in the investigation because the magnitude of the oil spill has never occurred in the history of our country.
I think the biggest benefit that this task force accomplished was the justice that was served for our country and the entire world. The people involved in the efforts to investigate this, were faced with new challenges and new methods of investigating. The experience that any of the agents or law enforcement officials gained from this may not be experienced again in their lifetimes. Additionally, other benefits would include being a part of the biggest oil spill in history. I do not mean the fame or recognition but to be apart of a task force that had the responsibility to find the truth and comb through all of the data that was gathered. Imagine having to analyze pictures, and physical evidence of a machine that exploded and killed 11 people. Also how deep in the water the drill was being used. This investigation and all of the people involved had such a huge uphill battle to get the accurate and true picture of the crime that was committed. In the beginning of this story it was filled with tragic and death that was discovered to be avoidable but due to greed and ignorant choices, 11 people and countless wildlife died.
Two types of evidence gathering techniques that were used during the Deepwater Horizon Oil spill were ROV’s and AUV’s. These were used due to the fact that the depths of the water in which the drilling, and eventual spill, took place it was a level in which human cannot go. With using these vehicles, they are able to do a number of things that humans are not, which include gathering evidence and collecting samples. With these abilities it allowed the agencies involved with the investigation to get an understanding on the amount of oil that was being put into the water and how that much oil can affect the ocean and the wildlife that lives there. Since the ROV’s had not been used there were some difficulties that arose which could not be predicted but ultimately affected the investigation. As these were new devices being used, those who were controlling them had to learn how the machines operated. Along with operation it was important for those who were running to ROV’s to learn and understand how they needed to work together. They needed to work together due to the fact that the magnitude of the oil being spilled was something no one had ever seen before. Working together also allowed investigators to understand the actual amount that was being put into the ocean and not what the company, whom was being investigated, said was being put into the ocean. One benefit of working the DHTF is that since there were so many law enforcement agencies involved there were many different sets of eyes to look over the mass amount of evidence that was collected. Having such a large amount of evidence can be very taxing on any one agency so combining multiple agencies would help with that workload as well as allowing officers to not feel burned out as there could be someone else to review something one person may have thought they overlooked. Another benefit is that with so many officers it makes it easier for the District Attorney to have their charges organized and in an order that will allow for those who committed the crimes to pay for it. With so many agencies it makes for a better system to oversee the evidence and create the case that they needed which resulted in 11 counts of felony manslaughter; one count of felony obstruction of Congress; a violation of the U.S. code for Obstruction of Proceedings Before Departments, Agencies, and Committees; and violations of the Clean Water and Migratory Bird Treaty Acts.
: Literary Research Paper (Selected writer: Ralph Ellison) references from EBSC) (FOLLOW THE INSTRUCTIONS OR DON’T BID) Humanities Assignment Help
For the most part, readers react to literature quickly based on what entertains them or what bores them. They neglect to delve deeply and look at the work from many perspectives. The critical strategies (explained in a previous lesson on literary theory) help readers to expand their ideas and approach literary works from various angles. This also helps to keep writers focused on critical thought and away from simple plot summary.
The Assignment:
Choose an author from the list given below (you will have a sign-up sheet–one student per author) and write an analysis of one or two pieces of their work from the perspective of one of the critical strategies of literary theory. You must choose a work from our textbook (not a book you read in high school two years ago). The research paper must follow MLA format and include in-text citations and a works cited page. It needs to be typed, double-spaced, and 6-8 pages in length (the minimum of 6 pages is not counting the works cited page). You should have several outside sources (3-4), two of which need to be from EBSCO-host. You may not write on an author you have already written an essay on this semester (or recycle a paper from another class). Choose someone new. This assignment will be worth 200 pts. and due at the end of the semester.
Points to Remember:
You are not writing the author’s biography. You are focusing on their work. However, if you want to demonstrate how aspects of their lives effect their work, you may. Just be sure your focus is analysis, not biography.
Use brief examples (quotes) from the text to support your ideas.
I want to read your words more than other people’s words from secondary sources. This means that you may quote briefly from outside sources, but use summary/paraphrase when appropriate as well.
Literary analysis is called criticism, and to find it on EBSCO Discovery, you need to access the AVC Library:
Id and password: avcebsco and library2016
Click “Find Articles and More”
Click “EBSCO Discovery” tab
Click “Search EBSCO Discovery”
Click “Literary Reference Center”
A library hint: if you do a general search of the library database (not EBSCO-Discovery), look the author up under “subject,” not “author,” when looking for criticism. Under “author” you will only get what he/she wrote. Under “subject” you will get what others have written about the author.
Author List: Ralph Ellison
business and management report Business Finance Assignment Help
Doc Type | Report |
Academic Level | college-undergraduate |
Subject | Business and Management |
Title | Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review TurnItIn: Microsoft Sharepoint |
Citation | APA |
Required Sources | 3 |
Pages | 5 (1500 words) |
Due Date | 4 hours |
Paper Description | Microsoft Sharepoint
————————————— . Dear International High Performance Virtual Teams Managers: . This Learning Week Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Report involves doing some research and getting to know a real-life Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool(s) similar to a basic: . “White Paper Report: . 1.A concise report that informs readers about a complex issue, often used to convey an organization’s philosophy and persuade potential customers. 2.Marketing tool in the form of information on the technology underlying a complex product of system and on how it will benefit the customer.” . http://www.businessdictionary.com/definition/white… . in regards Managing Virtual Teams. Please find more information about White Papers in our “Some Learning Tips for this Learning Assignment” section below. . Usually. a Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review- White Paper is a report between 4 and no more than 8 pagesexcluding Cover Page, Index, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Bibliography, and Appendixes. . . Please take a look and perform a deep dive review into the following Managing Virtual Teams Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool assigned for this learning week. . In your review you must identify in detail and expand the major software-app-hardware-mobile-operating system characteristics of this real-life Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool(s) in regards Managing Virtual Teams and at least three: . Critical Issues . to successfully implement this Managing Virtual Teams Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool in a medium size organization and/or the company you work for its day-to-day operations and Virtual Teams all over the United States and Latin America. . You can support your review according to the following guidelines: . o Check Lists o Processes o Procedures o Systems o Technology o Human Capital: Executives, Managers, and Teams o Chain of Command o Planning and Execution o Project Management o Performance Evaluation . outlined across our class Textbook 2: Manager’s Guide to Virtual Teams By Kimball Fisher, Mareen Fisher – McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. (2011) – Paperback – 256 pages – ISBN 0071754938 . In summary, this Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review- White Paper Report is about what a medium size organization and/or the company you work for needs to do to successfully implement and execute a feasible “virtual teams” environment for their day-to-day operations and projects all over the United States and Latin America through this Managing Virtual Teams Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool. . I expect high caliber Quality Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review- White Paper Reports with top analyses and interesting insights!! If you have any questions, please let me know. . Jose Rocha . Ps. This Learning Assignment does NOT involves downloading this Software. Please just REVIEW it. . . Learning Assignment Guidelines . Please read our class syllabus section: 9. Course Delivery – Learning Assignments Guidelines – 9.4 Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review to double make sure what do we have to do in this Learning Assignment. . Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Executive Summary: This Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review executive summary should be a 1 to 2 pages typed professional written executive summary in Word format with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum. . Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Written Report: This document should be a typed professional written report in Word format with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum. . ** No Word format documents: No grading … . ** Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Reviews which do not follow ALL these Learning Assignment Guidelines described in previous paragraphs will not be graded. . Checklist of Documents to hand in TurnItIn Assignment – Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Reviews Dropbox: . In JUST ONE Word Document: Individual, Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page . Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Executive Summary . Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Written Report . Word format . This WORD document must have in JUST ONE word file the following sections: Individual Team, Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page . ** Please use the Word document Template for this Learning Assignment: Template, Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Document located at our Canvas Learning Management System section: Course Content: 2.1 Class Learning Assignments Templates. . ** Note: Our current FIU Canvas TurnItIn Dropbox ONLY accepts to upload JUST ONE File document, and this File must be a WORD format Document. . *** No WORD format document in this TurnItIn Dropbox, Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review: No grading … *** . *** Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review WORD documents with a TurnItIn Originality Score Index ABOVE 40% will NOT be graded and will be reviewed and assess for potential Academic Dishonesty misconduct … *** |
Accounting Management Enterprises Business Finance Assignment Help
In this case, you are provided the overhead cost data for the Auerbach Enterprises. Management needs advice in determining how to allocate these costs utilizing a job order costing system either department-wide or company-wide. Address Questions 1 through 5 located at the end of the case. Based on the case questions, you are required to provide a three to five double-spaced written report addressing management’s concerns and providing recommendations. The written report should be properly formatted according to APA guidelines and demonstrate research and critical thinking skills. Conclusions and recommendations should be supported by at least two scholarly sources from the Ashford Library or other external sources, excluding the textbook.
For Questions 1 through 4, you will need to complete several calculations. Be sure to label and clearly identify your work to demonstrate your understanding of the concept even if you arrive at the incorrect answer. The calculations should be included as part of your analysis and written recommendations required for submission.
For Question 5, fully address management’s concerns as part of your written analysis and recommendation using the new or the previous calculations to support your recommendation/explanation. The written analysis should be supported by at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbook.
Week 2 Written Assignment should:
- Demonstrate graduate level work including appropriate research and critical thinking skills.
- Be presented as a written analysis (not a question/answer format).
- Incorporate case questions into the overall analysis.
- Follow APA formatting guidelines including title page, reference page and in-text citations.
- Consists of three to five double-spaced pages of content.
Provide at least two scholarly sources, excluding the textbookInsert prompt
Business ,management report Business Finance Assignment Help
Doc TypeReport
Academic Levelcollege-undergraduateSubjectBusiness and ManagementTitleVirtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review TurnItIn: Microsoft SharepointCitationAPARequired Sources3Pages5 (1500 words)Due Date4 hoursPaper DescriptionMicrosoft Sharepoint
Dear International High Performance Virtual Teams Managers:
This Learning Week Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Report involves doing some research and getting to know a real-life Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool(s) similar to a basic:
“White Paper Report:
1.A concise report that informs readers about a complex issue, often used to convey an organization’s philosophy and persuade potential customers.
2.Marketing tool in the form of information on the technology underlying a complex product of system and on how it will benefit the customer.”
in regards Managing Virtual Teams. Please find more information about White Papers in our “Some Learning Tips for this Learning Assignment” section below.
Usually. a Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review- White Paper is a report between 4 and no more than 8 pagesexcluding Cover Page, Index, Table of Contents, Executive Summary, Bibliography, and Appendixes.
Please take a look and perform a deep dive review into the following Managing Virtual Teams Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool assigned for this learning week.
In your review you must identify in detail and expand the major software-app-hardware-mobile-operating system characteristics of this real-life Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool(s) in regards Managing Virtual Teams and at least three:
Critical Issues
Lessons Learned
Best Practices, and
to successfully implement this Managing Virtual Teams Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool in a medium size organization and/or the company you work for its day-to-day operations and Virtual Teams all over the United States and Latin America.
You can support your review according to the following guidelines:
o Check Lists
o Processes
o Procedures
o Systems
o Technology
o Human Capital: Executives, Managers, and Teams
o Chain of Command
o Planning and Execution
o Project Management
o Performance Evaluation
outlined across our class Textbook 2:
Manager’s Guide to Virtual Teams
By Kimball Fisher, Mareen Fisher – McGraw-Hill Companies,Inc. (2011) –
Paperback – 256 pages –
ISBN 0071754938
In summary, this Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review- White Paper Report is about what a medium size organization and/or the company you work for needs to do to successfully implement and execute a feasible “virtual teams” environment for their day-to-day operations and projects all over the United States and Latin America through this Managing Virtual Teams Software-App/Technology Productivity Tool.
I expect high caliber Quality Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review- White Paper Reports with top analyses and interesting insights!! If you have any questions, please let me know.
Jose Rocha
Ps. This Learning Assignment does NOT involves downloading this Software. Please just REVIEW it.
Learning Assignment Guidelines
Please read our class syllabus section:
9. Course Delivery – Learning Assignments Guidelines – 9.4 Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review
to double make sure what do we have to do in this Learning Assignment.
Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Executive Summary:
This Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review executive summary should be a 1 to 2 pages typed professional written executive summary in Word format with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum.
Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Written Report:
This document should be a typed professional written report in Word format with a 1.5 max line space, a suitable font such as Times Roman or Calibri of 12 point maximum, and left, right, top, bottom margins of .8 inches maximum.
** No Word format documents: No grading …
** Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Reviews which do not follow ALL these Learning Assignment Guidelines described in
previous paragraphs will not be graded.
Checklist of Documents to hand in TurnItIn Assignment –
Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Reviews Dropbox:
In JUST ONE Word Document:
Individual, Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page
Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Executive Summary
Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Written Report
Word format
This WORD document must have in JUST ONE word file the following sections:
Individual Team, Certification of Authorship Assignment Cover Page
Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Executive Summary according to the Learning Assignment Guidelines required for this Learning Assignment.
Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Written Report according to the Learning Assignment Guidelines required for this Learning Assignment.
** Please use the Word document Template for this Learning Assignment:
Template, Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review Document
located at our Canvas Learning Management System section:
Course Content: 2.1 Class Learning Assignments Templates.
** Note: Our current FIU Canvas TurnItIn Dropbox ONLY accepts to upload JUST ONE File
document, and this File must be a WORD format Document.
*** No WORD format document in this TurnItIn Dropbox,
Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review: No grading … ***
*** Virtual Teams Real Life Business Apps and Software Review WORD documents with a
TurnItIn Originality Score Index ABOVE 40%
will NOT be graded and will be reviewed and assess for potential Academic Dishonesty
misconduct … ***
Business ,management report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
28.Follow the requirements to write 500words essay. Business Finance Assignment Help
Pretend you are
completing this “Experiencing Effective Group Communication Survey”
1.Share the definition of small group communication (p. 233) with
the person you are surveying.
2.Ask your interviewee: What is one group you have participated in
that used effective group communication? (Pay special attention to how your
interviewee defines effective communication.)
3.Share the definition of norms (p. 243) with the person you are
4.Ask your interviewee: What are the norms of the group?
5.Ask your interviewee: How does (or did) the group enforce the
communication norms? What happens when a group member ignores or violates a
group communication norm? Please give a specific example.
6.Ask your interviewee: How would you rate your own skills for
understanding and following group communication norms? Use the following scale:
good, fair, or poor. Please give a specific example to explain your rating.
7.Share the definition of communication interaction patterns and the
types of small group communication networks on pages 248-249 with your
8.Ask your interviewee: What can you tell me about evidence of any
of the group communication behaviors that contribute to their group
communication pattern? (Show them the networks on p. 249 Figure 9.1.) Was the
pattern intentional? Tell me about one to two of these behaviors.
9.Share the phases of group and team development with the person you
are surveying.
10.Ask your interviewee: What phase do you think your group is in?
11.Ask your interviewee: What can you tell me about evidence of any
of the group communication behaviors that demonstrate conflict and conflict resolution
in group communication that is necessary for the problem solving and group
relationships that enable the group to accomplish the group’s goal? Tell me
about one to two of these behaviors.
Now write the reflection based on the survey above, addressing the
following questions:
1.List the people you surveyed and the groups they discussed in the
lesson. What similarities and differences between the groups did know notice
from the surveys? Use concepts from the lesson, and specifically discuss the
type of group(s), norms, and phases of group/team development. Give specific
examples from the surveys.
2.Describe when and how a group should institute norms in your own
words. Share an example of when a norm was followed successfully and an example
of when a norm was violated or broken.
3.How did power and status affect the enforcement of group norms
with the people you surveyed? Refer back to your lesson and textbook regarding
these concepts, and give specific examples incorporating these terms.
4.List the four phases of group development. What phase is each of
your groups in? Use specific examples and concepts from the lesson to justify
your answer.
5.Given what you have learned in previous lessons about
interpersonal relationships, why does more conflict arise during the secondary
tension phase of group development? Did the groups you surveyed report
personality conflicts that prevented the group from going forward with their
goals, or were they able to reach the emergence and reinforcement phase of
All the work has to be 100 percent original.
Any guides/existing papers you find on internet will definitely not be
Any kind of plagiarism will definitely not be accepted.
Please read all requirement very very carefully and make sure it follows
the instruction very well.
Database Development Assignment Help: Entity Relationship Diagram, Cardinality, Normalization Programming Assignment Help
Please use attached file to answer the questions below:
Create an Entity-Relationship diagram for the information you will need. Be sure to clearly name the entities and the relationships. Include and indicate the primary key attributes, as well as any foreign keys, or other attributes implied by the materials. Determine and indicate the cardinality of each relationship.
Provide a normalized version of the diagram in at least Third Normal Form.
Explain the reason for any model changes you made as part of the normalization. Specify how entities, relationships, and their attributes will be represented. Consider the common and urgent activities that will access this information.
Explain where you might use denormalization, indexing, or other techniques to improve performance for these operations, and why.
Combine all items and submit in a 1- to 2-page APA formatted paper.
Question and Answer Business Finance Assignment Help
1250 words in total for the 4 questions and in apa format, 3 scholarly journal articles references
Case Summary and the Narrative Format: The case summary is supposed to be on the Real time case assigned for the unit. In Unit 4, it is Real-Time Case 24: Papa John’s..In other words, “these firms” refers only to Papa John’s. Remember to use the narrative format in your summary. Remember as well that you need to find additional “real time” information from the internet and integrate the information into your summary.
Case Analysis #1: Analyze Papa John’s competitive strategy using the Porter, and the Miles and Snow typologies discussed in the textbook. Please make sure that you develop a very clear focus. You can enhance clarity by discussing each typology in a different paragraph. Please do not confuse Porter’s typology with Porter’s Five Forces; this question is on the typology (low-cost, differentiation, focus). Note as well that you are required to discuss BOTH Porter and Miles & Snow typologies.
Case Analysis #2: This question requires that you analyze the relationship between competitive strategies and functional strategies in the case of Papa John’s. Do not forget to give examples to support your claims.
Application: In your application essay, you will do very well to tie together Porter’s Five Forces, SWOT analysis, and competitive strategies. Be very clear about which of the threats in the Five Forces you will be facing, and the appropriate competitive strategies you would choose to meet this threat, given your internal strengths and weaknesses.
1.In a narrative format, discuss these firms from a strategic perspective. Information concerning recent changes in the firms is readily available online and should be accessed. Strategic issues should be discussed in “real time.”
2. How would you describe Papa John’s competitive strategy along the lines of the Porter and the Miles and Snow typologies? Support your response.
3. Do Papa John’s marketing and production (service) strategies support its competitive strategy effectively? Provide examples to support your answer.
4. Suppose you are the CEO of Papa Johns, and McDonald’s just announced that it would begin to serve pizza in and deliver from all of its restaurants in the United States. Would you make any changes to your competitive strategy? What additional information would you like to have before you make your decision? Explain.
Anthropology Final Paper Writing Assignment Help
For this assignment you have a choice of 2 topics. Please select only one of these for
your paper. This paper is to be at least 2000 words (approximately 6 pages), typed, double spaced,
size 10–12 font with reasonable sized margins (1”-1.5”). Spelling and grammar are
important to any college paper and if you have significant grammar and spelling mistakes they
will detract from your final score. This paper is worth a possible 200 points.
This assignment should include a discussion opf
key themes from our class. In other words, whether you choose to interview an immigrant or
interview a senior citizen, you need to discuss a minimum of three issues from our class.
These issues could include topics such as immigration experiences – sexuality, dating and
marriage experiences – family and kinship experiences – economic (subsistence) experiences –
the roles of race and ethnicity in the life of your informant (including the impact of racism and/or
racial tension) – the social expectations of men and women (gender roles) as experienced by
your informant- problems related to living in an increasingly industrialized society – social
pressures related to the body – education experience- religious beliefs and experiences- or any
other topic that we cover in class this quarter. Please be sure to discuss your informants own
personal experiences as related to these key topics. Please focus on discussing how these issues
personally effected your informant’s life.
More details are in the file below.
What lesson plan aligns with the special education population needs? Humanities Assignment Help
What lesson plan aligns with the special education population needs? Humanities Assignment Help