What would be included as the total dollar amount of Investment In Juice on Grape’s balance sheet at 12/31/20?​ Business Finance Assignment Help

What would be included as the total dollar amount of Investment In Juice on Grape’s balance sheet at 12/31/20?​ Business Finance Assignment Help. What would be included as the total dollar amount of Investment In Juice on Grape’s balance sheet at 12/31/20?​ Business Finance Assignment Help.

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On 1/1/20, Grape Company purchased 20% of Juice Company’s outstanding stock for $1,000,000. At the date of purchase, Juice Company’s total common stockholders’ equity was $5,000,000. Assume no fair value/book value difference for Juice Company stockholders’ equity exists at 1/1/20.

Juice Company paid $500,000 in dividends during 2020 and reported net income of $750,000. Juice’s common stock is selling for $6,000,000 at the end of 2020.

a. If Grape’s intent for the purchase is to invest excess cash for a shorter period of time,

1. What would be included as the total dollar amount of Investment In Juice on Grape’s balance sheet at 12/31/20?

2.What would be the dollar amount included in Grape’s stockholders’ equity related to Grape’s Investment In Juice on 12/31/20?

b. If Grape’s intent for the purchase is to be able to influence Juice financing and operating decisions since it can now have a seat on Juice’s Board of Directors,

1. What would be included as the total dollar amount of Grape’s Investment In Juice asset on Grape’s balance sheet 12/31/20?

2. What dollar amount would be included in Grape’s stockholders’ equity related to this Investment in Juice on 12/31/20?

What would be included as the total dollar amount of Investment In Juice on Grape’s balance sheet at 12/31/20?​ Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Psychology Question Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

This is a paper about PTSD. The following is the prompt:

What do we know about Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD)? What psychological symptoms are associated with it, and what effective treatments exist today (if any) to manage those symptoms?

It must be in APA format.

It must be 3-5 pages in length, but it can be much more than that.

It must have a minimum of five sources, with most of the sources having been published within the past five years.

I have an outline, if you need it.


History Question Humanities Assignment Help

Campaign Assignment Instructions – History of American Politics HIUS-341

Students will research a specific presidential or congressional political campaign of his/her choosing between 1920 and 1970.
The focus of the research will be on the slogans and paraphernalia
used in the campaign and what that reveals about the political
culture of the period. The student will make a 6–8-minute narrated
Adobe Spark presentation in which he/she analyzes the significance of
1 slogan and 1 piece of paraphernalia used by 1 candidate in the

To make a presentation using Adobe Spark Web, the student will need to create an Adobe ID by going to spark.adobe.com,
which will enable the student to access and use Spark Web for free.
Students who already have an Adobe ID may use that to get Spark Web.
The student must provide a bibliography of at least 4 scholarly
sources in the current Turabian format. The student must provide brief,
verbal attributions of sources within the narration as appropriate
(e.g., “According to so and so…”).


​Oral History Interview – HIUS-341 Humanities Assignment Help

History Interview Instructions – History of American Politics HIUS-341

Students will conduct an Oral History Interview with a family member,
friend, co-worker, etc. of his/her choosing. The student must select
the interviewee who can best discuss an opinion/perspective on a
major political development/event/idea/controversy since 1960. This
opinion need not be scholarly, but it must be informed in some way,
either through professional interest/involvement (a politician),
unique perspective (a pastor or activist), or personal interest. (If
the student’s grandpa brags about never voting because all
candidates are the same, he might not be a good candidate
to interview.) The student will create a set of at least 10 questions
designed to elicit substantive information about the interviewee’s
perspective and will write a 300-word summary of the interview. No
more than 3 questions may relate to necessary personal questions such
as identity/employment/interests of the interview subject.

The student will also write a 1–2-page analysis of the views expressed
in the interview. In the analysis, the student will assess how those
views reflect larger developments in American political culture and
thinking, and how those views compare/contrast with traditional
American understandings of politics and government.
The student will also video record the interview and submit the
recording with the written part of the assignment. The interview
itself must be at least 10 minutes.


R studio 3 very simple question Programming Assignment Help

Data from here: https://canvas.uoregon.edu/courses/175081/files/fo…

Question 1:

Now, please download the dataset hw1_2018.csv onto your computer.

Make sure in R Studio you install two packages: tidyverse, and broom. I’ll walk you through your R script. Unless there is a double space, things go on the same line.

In your script file at the top type:



To read in your dataset, next type (after updating the directory for where you put the data)

gross_test <- read_csv “C:/Users/benja/Dropbox/HealthvUndergrad/R examples/HW1.csv”)

Now run a linear regression of days_poor_health on age, and educ.

ols1 <- lm (days_poor_health ~ coll+age, data=gross_test)


What is the estimated effect of education on days in poor health?

Question 2:

What is the estimated effect of age on days in poor health?

Question 3:

Next you need to estimate the first stage for an IV regression.


###College Height as instrument
first <- lm (coll ~ act+age, data=gross_test)

#### storing predicted values
coll_hat <- fitted(first)

What is the estimated effect of ACT test score on college completion?

Question 4:

Now you need to estimate the second stage of two stage least squares.


### SEcond Stage

second <- lm (days_poor_health ~ coll_hat+age, data=gross_test)

###Final Output

What is the estimated effect of college attainment on health now?



Language Acquisition and Disorders Presentation Writing Assignment Help

Wk 3 – Language Acquisition and Disorders Presentation

  1. Imagine that you are a special education teacher that is also a licensed speech–language pathologist (SLP). You were recently hired by a large school district as a language development specialist to support the teachers and school staff that work with children with learning disabilities and language and development disorders within the district. The Director of Special Education Services wants all teachers and support staff to receive a refresher training on language acquisition and language disorders and has assigned this task to you.
    Create a self-led training presentation that addresses the following:

    • Key components in the acquisition of language
    • Examples and characteristics of common language disorders seen in school-age children
    • Tools and strategies used to support these children in the classroom
    • Linguistic and cultural influence

    Note: You may choose a delivery medium from the Technology Resource Library located on the College of Education Resources page, or use another medium as approved by your instructor. Some possibilities include Google Slides™, Glogster, Piktochart®, Popplet, Powtoon, Prezi®, and Smore. Include the following in your presentation:

    • A timeline showing at least 10 milestones in language acquisition
    • Signs that may indicate a child has a language disorder
    • Differences between developmental and acquired language disorders
    • Characteristics of 3 to 5 language disorders seen in school-age children
    • Description of 2 to 3 assessment tools used to diagnose language disorders
    • Description of 3 to 5 strategies or tools used to support students with language disorders in the regular classroom
    • Relationship between linguistically and culturally diverse learners and language disorders

Language Acquisition and Disorders Presentation Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

University of Maryland University College Management Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

1. List and describe four methods of project estimation.
What variables factor into the selection technique?

2. Describe the terms “Project Scheduling” and “Project Planning”. State how each is used and what benefit a Project Manager may reap from each.

3. Project X has a cost performance index of 1.1 and schedule performance index is 0.8.
The planned value is $500,000 and the schedule variance is -$1,000.
What is Project X’s numerical value of the cost variance?
Is this favorable or unfavorable? What does this value mean?

4. Define the term “Critical Path”.
List two methods Project Managers can use to decrease the project critical path.

5. Define the term “Critical Path”.
List two methods Project Managers can use to decrease the project critical path.

6. Define the term “Constraint”. List the three primary types, and cite three methods to overcome those constraints.

7. Project Z is estimated to cost $100,000 to be executed linearly across a timeline of 100 days.

After 75 days, the Project Manager finds that 50% of the project is complete and actual costs are $100,000.

What is the (numerical value) Cost Performance Index (CPI) of the project at day 75?
Is the answer favorable? Why or why not?

8. Describe the content and value of the work breakdown structure.


Engineering Question Engineering Assignment Help

I’m working on a engineering question and need an explanation to help me study.

I will send u my tinkercad account once u accept the question.

I need u to explain the steps to me through zoom meeting when u finish it please coz I will need to explain it to the professor ( no cam needed i just need u to share the screen and explain the steps).

please read the description and check this link the prof shared it as a sample. https://www.instructables.com/Connecting-a-4-x-4-M…





Implement a basic Calculator using an Arduino, push buttons/keypad and LEDs

The calculator must perform at least the basic arithmetic operations ADD, MULTIPLY, SUBTRACT and DIVIDE

the result may be displayed on the serial monitor, although using an LCD component is preferable (LCD will be required for the next project). Bonus points (up to 30%) will be awarded for use of LCD, use of the additional functions FACTORIAL, ODD or EVEN, MODULUS and PRIME FACTORS.

The submission requirements are a report, source code (INO file) for the Arduino and link to the tinkercad design.

You will be required to show a short (~5 min) demo of the project working.


report sample is attached to the question.


American Public University Week 1 Environmental Wellness Definition Worksheet Health Medical Assignment Help

I’m working on a health & medical question and need guidance to help me study.

Assignment Instructions

Before one is ready to complete a wellness program design and assessment, they must be able to reflect critically on their own health and wellness. Complete a journal profile by answering the following questions.

What are your strengths and weaknesses? 

Provide thoughtful and reflective answers. Each answer should be well developed with rationales including APA in-text documentation and at least five end references. 

A one statement response is not considered acceptable. This is a 4-5 page assignment, plus a separate reference page.Consider your lifestyle, attitudes, and characteristics as they relate to each of the 6 dimensions of wellness. Also, make sure you apply the information presented this week on stress.

Identify and analyze at least one strength and weakness in each area. Answer questions such as who, what, why , when, where, and how.

Physical Wellness: To maintain overall physical health and engage in appropriate physical activity. (stamina, strength, flexibility etc)

Emotional: To have a positive self-concept, deal constructively with your feelings and develop positive qualities. (optimisms, trust, self-confidence)

Intellectual Wellness: To pursue and retain knowledge, think critically about issues, make sound decisions, identify problems, and find solutions. (common sense, creativity, curiosity)

Interpersonal/ social wellnes s: To develop and maintain meaningful relationships with a network of friends and family members, and to contribute to your community. (friendly, good natured, compassionate, supportive and good listener)

Spiritual wellness: to develop a set of beliefs, principles or values that give meaning or purpose to your life. (religion, faith, services to others)

Environmental Wellness: To protect yourself from environmental hazards and to minimize the negative impact of your behavior on the environment. (carpooling, recycling)


Psychology Question Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a psychology writing question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

There have been numerous allegations of human rights violations and abuse at the Abu Ghraib prison.

Choose one of the following social experiments:

– Asch’s Conformity Experiment

– The Stanford Prison Experiment

-The Milgram Obedience Experiment

Provide a synopsis of the experiment you selected and explain how it is similar to the Abu Ghraib situation. Apply the concepts and theories of this experiment to Abu Ghraib. What social psychology factors and theories do you think were involved in the social experiments? Additionally, express what has been done or what might be done to prevent this from happening again.

This must be 4-6 pages in length, but you can go over that, if desired.

It must be in APA format.

It must include 4-6 references, or more, desired.


What would be included as the total dollar amount of Investment In Juice on Grape’s balance sheet at 12/31/20?​ Business Finance Assignment Help

What would be included as the total dollar amount of Investment In Juice on Grape’s balance sheet at 12/31/20?​ Business Finance Assignment Help

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