When is military force justified?, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

When is military force justified?, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help. When is military force justified?, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help.

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Write an Argument Essay.

Prompt: Choose ONE of the following topics for your essay:

1. When is military force justified?

2. Should parents be held responsible for the crimes of their children?

3. Should academic achievement be a primary concern for college admission?

4.Should YouTube comments be regulated?

5. Should countries drill for oil in protected areas to reduce gas prices?

You must choose one the essay options that I have provided for this assignment. If you submit an essay that does not respond to one of the prompts, your essay will not be accepted as an appropriate response to this writing assignment; instead, you will be asked to write another essay that does respond to the prompt you were assigned.

Please note: The required word length for the final draft of this essay is 500-750 words.

Research Requirement : To successfully complete your persuasive essay assignment, you must incorporate at least two sources (either credible online sources or library resources) within your work to support and advance your claims. DO NOT USE WIKIPEDIA. Any Persuasive Essay Final Draft that does not incorporate research from at least two “outside” sources (sources other than your course textbook) will receive a failing grade . Use the knowledge you gained from completing last week’s research and citation exercises to help you develop your essay.

When is military force justified?, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Research Paper Computer Science Assignment Help

Network Security Paper: In this paper, you will define the security strategies of Defense in Depth and Layered Security along with comparing and contrasting the strategies by explaining, at least, two (2) advantages and two (2) disadvantages of implementing each security strategy. Support your information and make sure all information sources are appropriately cited.

The paper must use APA 6th ed., 7th printing formatting and contain a title page, 5 to 6 pages of content, and a reference page (minimum of 3 peer-reviewed references).

Url: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zBFB34YGK1U

*Introduction, Conclusion, and subheadings are mandatory

*No Plagiarism



Business Case Problem-t, management homework help Business Finance Assignment Help

Answer the question in Business Case Problem 13-6, 14-7, and 15-7 of the text. After you have written your answer based on your readings in the text, you may look up the actual case and add any insights you gained from the sample answer at the end of your assignment. Post your answers to all the problems together in one document.

work with one other student on the assignments. Be sure to work together on all parts of the assignment and the assignment normally should be about a full page in length for each case or question. If you each have a different perspective on a question and can’t agree on the strongest argument then each of you can insert your rationale on the problem and include why you differ from each other. Actually that itself can be a great higher level critical thinking exercise!

text: Cross, F. B., & Miller, R. L. (2015). The legal environment of business: Text and cases (9th ed.). Stamford, CT: Cengage.


Intake Assessment Essay Humanities Assignment Help

To complete this assignment, access the links above regarding alcohol withdrawal treatments and the CIWA. Read the case study of “Mark,” which also includes Mark’s CIWA at the bottom of the case study.

Write a 750-1,000-word essay response to the following questions:

  1. What are the significant diagnostic markers (“red flags”) that indicate acute alcohol withdrawal syndrome for Mark?
  2. What is the most appropriate/safest course of action for Mark? Support your response.
  3. Assess the appropriate DSM diagnoses for Mark.

Include at least three to five scholarly references in your paper.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to Turnitin.


essay 3 on evicted, social science homework help Humanities Assignment Help

In each essay (3-4 pages, double-spaced), briefly describe the author’s main point(s) or argument(s) and your response. Please submit to Canvas by 11:59 on day due. (See course outline) This is not a summary; you should critically and thoughtfully answer the following questions:

  1. What is/are the main point(s)/argument(s) in the particular section of the book?
  2. What sort of evidence does the author use to make his/her/their point(s)?
  3. How does the evidence support/not support the main point(s)/argument(s)?
  4. Application of other course readings to this section of Evicted. Do you see evidence of or lack thereof of the other concepts, theories, approach to housing stability



Thesis statement, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Assignment Details

Based on your work in Units 1 and 2, create a detailed sentence outline for your research paper.

Your outline should include the following:

  • Thesis statement: Because you are writing an argument or persuasive paper, your thesis must state a clear stance on the topic that you have selected. The thesis should be written in the third person and not be more than one sentence long. This thesis does not have to be the same as your thesis in the Unit 1 Individual Project. Your new thesis will most likely reflect the research and reflection that you have done since then. You may have even changed your initial stance.
  • Main points or claims: You should include at least 3 main points or claims to support your thesis. These main points should be complete sentences that are phrased entirely in your own words. The main points represent a synthesis of your research on the topic: source readings, discussion with others, and personal reflection combined to produce your thesis. These are not necessarily the same main points that you used in your Unit 1 IP. Because you have researched this topic, you may have gained additional insights, evidence, and arguments that will be reflected in this new thesis and main points.
  • Notations of source usage: Beneath each main point, you should indicate how information from sources may be used to support each point. Because you have not yet written the paper, you do not know for sure how you will use the information from your sources. You are still in the planning stage; however, at this stage, you should be able to indicate with some accuracy how source material will help you develop your main points. Be sure to provide in-text citations.
  • APA reference list: Provide an alphabetized list of the sources that you plan to use to support your main points. These do not have to be the same sources that you listed in the Unit 2 IP. Each of the sources should be listed as a reference citation in correct APA style. This list should have the word “References” in boldface at the top.

Click here for an example of notations of source usage and of the APA reference list.

Peer Responses

Review the reference citations of at least 2 classmates, and focus on the following:

  • Are the references correct or incorrect?
  • Suggest an APA resource that you believe would produce the most correct citation for this type of source: AIU’s APA style guide, the APA section for your class eBook, or a citation machine

Thesis statement, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

English composition Writing Assignment Help

Please use the links attached to complete the writing and essay assignments. Please ensure that you have the textbook; ‘successful college writing’ and please review questions to ensure that you have full understanding and solutions for them before bidding. The writing needs to follow the specific guidelines requested. Please, do not submit a bid unless you’ve throughly evaluated the requirements and you’re sure you can deliver it without difficulty, while following the strict guidelines and requirements. Thanks for your understanding. Please make sure you have this book because it is cross referenced: Successful College Writing by Kathleen T. McWhorter (SIXTH EDITION) 2016 MLA UPDATE. Please do not continue with bid if you don’t have this book. Thanks again.


Philosophical Response to Michael Boylan’s ” To the Promised Land”, Philosophy homework help Humanities Assignment Help

For my philosophy final paper, a philosophical response to fiction is required on the book ” To the Promised Land” by Michael Boylan. Here are the requirements:

A Philosophical Response to Fiction

For the purposes of our class the response paper is 5 pages.

What you need to do in order to fulfill this assignment is:

  • Create a summary sheet on the fictive piece that includes: characters, plot, themes, and evaluation (for an example see: michaelboylan.net, blog, book reviews)—note this is for preparation purposes only and is not to be turned in as part of your 5 pages.
  • Isolate a single passage in the book that you feel is pivotal to the theme of the book (this passage can be consecutive, for example pages 10-22, or it can be constructed on a common theme, for example pages 135-137 & 192-195 & 238-240.
  • Briefly go through the scene highlighting character, plot, and tropes (metaphors, motifs, description, etc.)
  • Try to discern a particular point of view within the passage that mirrors the book in a controversial fashion (the anomaly)
  • Decide whether you agree or disagree with this point of view (your judgment of the anomaly)
  • Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.
  • Use 3 philosophical principles to help you create a positive or negative reaction to the author’s theme (in the small and the large realm). If it is positive, think of bringing up objectors and refute them. If it is negative, engage in a dialog with the author—ending up by rejecting position. The theme should be readily understandable from the scene you have chosen.
  • Reflect on the significance of your position. What abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated? What concrete cases occurring in the world today might be different if your judgment were to be adopted? * most important point. At least a page.

Rubric. If you represent all eight points sequentially in your paper you will earn some kind of “B” grade (so long as you are also close to 5 pages, i.e., within a half-page under or a full page over). To get a high “B” or an “A-“ or “A” grade you will have to do well on the reflection bullet.


Write a summary/essay of Cornbread, Earl and Me movie, film homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Movies; Cornbread, Earl and Me (Youtube) … Five on the black hand side (youtube)

Write a summary/essay of each Movie and include


  1. Who are the main characters?
  2. What is the premise of the movie?
  3. What do you think about the dialogue? Compare black actors dialogue in the present with black actors in this movie.
  4. Did the movie have a beginning, middle and ending? Another words was the conflict in the movie resolved.

1-2 pages For EACH MOVIE (1-2 pages about Cornbread Movie, 1-2 pages on Five on the….)

The essays are separate EACH MOVIE, do not combine in the paper Separate focus!


Use Case Model, Domain Model, Object State, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Use Case Model (40 marks)

Analyse the case study to determine the high level functional requirements for the new system. Express your understanding of those requirements with:
a. A use case diagram capturing at least all critical and significant use cases that the system will have to support
b. A document containing short use case descriptions for the use cases identified in the use case diagram.

2. Domain Model (40 marks)

Analyse the case study to determine the classes required to express the problem domains structure and operation. Express your understanding of the problem domain in:
a. A domain model.

3. State Machine (20 marks)

Analyse the lifecycle and behaviour of the most complex stateful object* identified in your domain model and express its behaviour in:
a. A state machine diagram

*Note: a list of appropriate domain objects will be made available during semester. Please contact the lecturer to confirm your selection if you wish to complete this task before that list is available.


This assignment relates to the following:

  • be able to analyse and verify system requirements;
  • be able to produce and verify analysis and design models for a system

Marking criteria

Use Case Model

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the Use Case Model address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of use cases demonstrated.

Short use case descriptions missing, largely incomplete, or generally wrong.

Presentation poor, bad spelling and poor grammar in use case descriptions.

Correct concept of ‘end-goal’ use cases demonstrated.

Some critical or significant use cases identified, many missing.

Some use cases inappropriately named.

Some important/obvious external actors identified, many missing or misidentified.

incomplete, or poorly described, some missing.

Short use case descriptions generally consistent with use case diagram.

Correct concept of ‘end-goal’ use cases demonstrated.

Most critical and significant use cases identified.

Use cases correctly named with short imperative action statements.

Most important external actors identified

Generally correct UML syntax.

Short use case descriptions provided for all critical and significant use cases.

Short use case descriptions consistent with use case diagram.

All Credit requirements plus

All critical and significant use cases identified

Other necessary but minor use cases identified.

All external actors identified, including external systems and events.

Common elements of end-goal use cases factored out into ‘sub-function’ uses cases.

Generally correct use of <<includes>> and <<extends>> relationships.

Short use case descriptions provided for all identified use cases.

All Distinction requirements plus

Fully correct UML syntax.

Fully correct use of <<includes>> and <<extends>> relationships.

Use cases consistent with needs and features as expressed in Vision

Well-presented use case diagram.

Short use case descriptions correctly spelled, with correct grammar.

Domain Model

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the Domain Model address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of domain object demonstrated.

Domain model includes application concepts such as databases and user interfaces.

Domain model largely incomplete.

Correct concept of domain objects demonstrated.

No application concepts such as databases or user interfaces present in domain model.

Some critical or significant domain objects identified, many missing.

Some relationships between domain object shown, many incorrect.

All Pass requirements plus

Most critical or significant domain objects identified, some missing.

Relationships between domain objects generally correct.

Generally correct UML syntax.

All Credit requirements plus

All critical and significant domain objects identified

Correct concept of inheritance shown (if appropriate)

All Distinction requirements plus

Necessary but minor domain objects shown.

Correct concept of aggregation/composition shown (if appropriate)

Fully correct UML syntax.

Well-presented domain class diagram.

State Machine Diagram

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the State Machine Diagram address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of states and transitions demonstrated.

State machine largely incomplete.

Generally correct concept of states and transitions demonstrated.

All Pass requirements plus

Generally correct representation of required states and transitions for selected domain object.

All Credit requirements plus

Fully correct representation of required states and transitions.

States and transitions correctly labelled.

All Distinction requirements plus

Correct understanding of guard conditions demonstrated (if appropriate)

Correct UML syntax.

Well-presented state machine diagram.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for an example of notations of source usage and of the APA reference list.

Peer Responses

Review the reference citations of at least 2 classmates, and focus on the following:

  • Are the references correct or incorrect?
  • Suggest an APA resource that you believe would produce the most correct citation for this type of source: AIU’s APA style guide, the APA section for your class eBook, or a citation machine

Thesis statement, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

English composition Writing Assignment Help

Please use the links attached to complete the writing and essay assignments. Please ensure that you have the textbook; ‘successful college writing’ and please review questions to ensure that you have full understanding and solutions for them before bidding. The writing needs to follow the specific guidelines requested. Please, do not submit a bid unless you’ve throughly evaluated the requirements and you’re sure you can deliver it without difficulty, while following the strict guidelines and requirements. Thanks for your understanding. Please make sure you have this book because it is cross referenced: Successful College Writing by Kathleen T. McWhorter (SIXTH EDITION) 2016 MLA UPDATE. Please do not continue with bid if you don’t have this book. Thanks again.


Philosophical Response to Michael Boylan’s ” To the Promised Land”, Philosophy homework help Humanities Assignment Help

For my philosophy final paper, a philosophical response to fiction is required on the book ” To the Promised Land” by Michael Boylan. Here are the requirements:

A Philosophical Response to Fiction

For the purposes of our class the response paper is 5 pages.

What you need to do in order to fulfill this assignment is:

  • Create a summary sheet on the fictive piece that includes: characters, plot, themes, and evaluation (for an example see: michaelboylan.net, blog, book reviews)—note this is for preparation purposes only and is not to be turned in as part of your 5 pages.
  • Isolate a single passage in the book that you feel is pivotal to the theme of the book (this passage can be consecutive, for example pages 10-22, or it can be constructed on a common theme, for example pages 135-137 & 192-195 & 238-240.
  • Briefly go through the scene highlighting character, plot, and tropes (metaphors, motifs, description, etc.)
  • Try to discern a particular point of view within the passage that mirrors the book in a controversial fashion (the anomaly)
  • Decide whether you agree or disagree with this point of view (your judgment of the anomaly)
  • Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.
  • Use 3 philosophical principles to help you create a positive or negative reaction to the author’s theme (in the small and the large realm). If it is positive, think of bringing up objectors and refute them. If it is negative, engage in a dialog with the author—ending up by rejecting position. The theme should be readily understandable from the scene you have chosen.
  • Reflect on the significance of your position. What abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated? What concrete cases occurring in the world today might be different if your judgment were to be adopted? * most important point. At least a page.

Rubric. If you represent all eight points sequentially in your paper you will earn some kind of “B” grade (so long as you are also close to 5 pages, i.e., within a half-page under or a full page over). To get a high “B” or an “A-“ or “A” grade you will have to do well on the reflection bullet.


Write a summary/essay of Cornbread, Earl and Me movie, film homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Movies; Cornbread, Earl and Me (Youtube) … Five on the black hand side (youtube)

Write a summary/essay of each Movie and include


  1. Who are the main characters?
  2. What is the premise of the movie?
  3. What do you think about the dialogue? Compare black actors dialogue in the present with black actors in this movie.
  4. Did the movie have a beginning, middle and ending? Another words was the conflict in the movie resolved.

1-2 pages For EACH MOVIE (1-2 pages about Cornbread Movie, 1-2 pages on Five on the….)

The essays are separate EACH MOVIE, do not combine in the paper Separate focus!


Use Case Model, Domain Model, Object State, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Use Case Model (40 marks)

Analyse the case study to determine the high level functional requirements for the new system. Express your understanding of those requirements with:
a. A use case diagram capturing at least all critical and significant use cases that the system will have to support
b. A document containing short use case descriptions for the use cases identified in the use case diagram.

2. Domain Model (40 marks)

Analyse the case study to determine the classes required to express the problem domains structure and operation. Express your understanding of the problem domain in:
a. A domain model.

3. State Machine (20 marks)

Analyse the lifecycle and behaviour of the most complex stateful object* identified in your domain model and express its behaviour in:
a. A state machine diagram

*Note: a list of appropriate domain objects will be made available during semester. Please contact the lecturer to confirm your selection if you wish to complete this task before that list is available.


This assignment relates to the following:

  • be able to analyse and verify system requirements;
  • be able to produce and verify analysis and design models for a system

Marking criteria

Use Case Model

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the Use Case Model address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of use cases demonstrated.

Short use case descriptions missing, largely incomplete, or generally wrong.

Presentation poor, bad spelling and poor grammar in use case descriptions.

Correct concept of ‘end-goal’ use cases demonstrated.

Some critical or significant use cases identified, many missing.

Some use cases inappropriately named.

Some important/obvious external actors identified, many missing or misidentified.

incomplete, or poorly described, some missing.

Short use case descriptions generally consistent with use case diagram.

Correct concept of ‘end-goal’ use cases demonstrated.

Most critical and significant use cases identified.

Use cases correctly named with short imperative action statements.

Most important external actors identified

Generally correct UML syntax.

Short use case descriptions provided for all critical and significant use cases.

Short use case descriptions consistent with use case diagram.

All Credit requirements plus

All critical and significant use cases identified

Other necessary but minor use cases identified.

All external actors identified, including external systems and events.

Common elements of end-goal use cases factored out into ‘sub-function’ uses cases.

Generally correct use of <<includes>> and <<extends>> relationships.

Short use case descriptions provided for all identified use cases.

All Distinction requirements plus

Fully correct UML syntax.

Fully correct use of <<includes>> and <<extends>> relationships.

Use cases consistent with needs and features as expressed in Vision

Well-presented use case diagram.

Short use case descriptions correctly spelled, with correct grammar.

Domain Model

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the Domain Model address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of domain object demonstrated.

Domain model includes application concepts such as databases and user interfaces.

Domain model largely incomplete.

Correct concept of domain objects demonstrated.

No application concepts such as databases or user interfaces present in domain model.

Some critical or significant domain objects identified, many missing.

Some relationships between domain object shown, many incorrect.

All Pass requirements plus

Most critical or significant domain objects identified, some missing.

Relationships between domain objects generally correct.

Generally correct UML syntax.

All Credit requirements plus

All critical and significant domain objects identified

Correct concept of inheritance shown (if appropriate)

All Distinction requirements plus

Necessary but minor domain objects shown.

Correct concept of aggregation/composition shown (if appropriate)

Fully correct UML syntax.

Well-presented domain class diagram.

State Machine Diagram

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the State Machine Diagram address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of states and transitions demonstrated.

State machine largely incomplete.

Generally correct concept of states and transitions demonstrated.

All Pass requirements plus

Generally correct representation of required states and transitions for selected domain object.

All Credit requirements plus

Fully correct representation of required states and transitions.

States and transitions correctly labelled.

All Distinction requirements plus

Correct understanding of guard conditions demonstrated (if appropriate)

Correct UML syntax.

Well-presented state machine diagram.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for an example of notations of source usage and of the APA reference list.

Peer Responses

Review the reference citations of at least 2 classmates, and focus on the following:

  • Are the references correct or incorrect?
  • Suggest an APA resource that you believe would produce the most correct citation for this type of source: AIU’s APA style guide, the APA section for your class eBook, or a citation machine

Thesis statement, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

English composition Writing Assignment Help

Please use the links attached to complete the writing and essay assignments. Please ensure that you have the textbook; ‘successful college writing’ and please review questions to ensure that you have full understanding and solutions for them before bidding. The writing needs to follow the specific guidelines requested. Please, do not submit a bid unless you’ve throughly evaluated the requirements and you’re sure you can deliver it without difficulty, while following the strict guidelines and requirements. Thanks for your understanding. Please make sure you have this book because it is cross referenced: Successful College Writing by Kathleen T. McWhorter (SIXTH EDITION) 2016 MLA UPDATE. Please do not continue with bid if you don’t have this book. Thanks again.


Philosophical Response to Michael Boylan’s ” To the Promised Land”, Philosophy homework help Humanities Assignment Help

For my philosophy final paper, a philosophical response to fiction is required on the book ” To the Promised Land” by Michael Boylan. Here are the requirements:

A Philosophical Response to Fiction

For the purposes of our class the response paper is 5 pages.

What you need to do in order to fulfill this assignment is:

  • Create a summary sheet on the fictive piece that includes: characters, plot, themes, and evaluation (for an example see: michaelboylan.net, blog, book reviews)—note this is for preparation purposes only and is not to be turned in as part of your 5 pages.
  • Isolate a single passage in the book that you feel is pivotal to the theme of the book (this passage can be consecutive, for example pages 10-22, or it can be constructed on a common theme, for example pages 135-137 & 192-195 & 238-240.
  • Briefly go through the scene highlighting character, plot, and tropes (metaphors, motifs, description, etc.)
  • Try to discern a particular point of view within the passage that mirrors the book in a controversial fashion (the anomaly)
  • Decide whether you agree or disagree with this point of view (your judgment of the anomaly)
  • Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.
  • Use 3 philosophical principles to help you create a positive or negative reaction to the author’s theme (in the small and the large realm). If it is positive, think of bringing up objectors and refute them. If it is negative, engage in a dialog with the author—ending up by rejecting position. The theme should be readily understandable from the scene you have chosen.
  • Reflect on the significance of your position. What abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated? What concrete cases occurring in the world today might be different if your judgment were to be adopted? * most important point. At least a page.

Rubric. If you represent all eight points sequentially in your paper you will earn some kind of “B” grade (so long as you are also close to 5 pages, i.e., within a half-page under or a full page over). To get a high “B” or an “A-“ or “A” grade you will have to do well on the reflection bullet.


Write a summary/essay of Cornbread, Earl and Me movie, film homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Movies; Cornbread, Earl and Me (Youtube) … Five on the black hand side (youtube)

Write a summary/essay of each Movie and include


  1. Who are the main characters?
  2. What is the premise of the movie?
  3. What do you think about the dialogue? Compare black actors dialogue in the present with black actors in this movie.
  4. Did the movie have a beginning, middle and ending? Another words was the conflict in the movie resolved.

1-2 pages For EACH MOVIE (1-2 pages about Cornbread Movie, 1-2 pages on Five on the….)

The essays are separate EACH MOVIE, do not combine in the paper Separate focus!


Use Case Model, Domain Model, Object State, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Use Case Model (40 marks)

Analyse the case study to determine the high level functional requirements for the new system. Express your understanding of those requirements with:
a. A use case diagram capturing at least all critical and significant use cases that the system will have to support
b. A document containing short use case descriptions for the use cases identified in the use case diagram.

2. Domain Model (40 marks)

Analyse the case study to determine the classes required to express the problem domains structure and operation. Express your understanding of the problem domain in:
a. A domain model.

3. State Machine (20 marks)

Analyse the lifecycle and behaviour of the most complex stateful object* identified in your domain model and express its behaviour in:
a. A state machine diagram

*Note: a list of appropriate domain objects will be made available during semester. Please contact the lecturer to confirm your selection if you wish to complete this task before that list is available.


This assignment relates to the following:

  • be able to analyse and verify system requirements;
  • be able to produce and verify analysis and design models for a system

Marking criteria

Use Case Model

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the Use Case Model address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of use cases demonstrated.

Short use case descriptions missing, largely incomplete, or generally wrong.

Presentation poor, bad spelling and poor grammar in use case descriptions.

Correct concept of ‘end-goal’ use cases demonstrated.

Some critical or significant use cases identified, many missing.

Some use cases inappropriately named.

Some important/obvious external actors identified, many missing or misidentified.

incomplete, or poorly described, some missing.

Short use case descriptions generally consistent with use case diagram.

Correct concept of ‘end-goal’ use cases demonstrated.

Most critical and significant use cases identified.

Use cases correctly named with short imperative action statements.

Most important external actors identified

Generally correct UML syntax.

Short use case descriptions provided for all critical and significant use cases.

Short use case descriptions consistent with use case diagram.

All Credit requirements plus

All critical and significant use cases identified

Other necessary but minor use cases identified.

All external actors identified, including external systems and events.

Common elements of end-goal use cases factored out into ‘sub-function’ uses cases.

Generally correct use of <<includes>> and <<extends>> relationships.

Short use case descriptions provided for all identified use cases.

All Distinction requirements plus

Fully correct UML syntax.

Fully correct use of <<includes>> and <<extends>> relationships.

Use cases consistent with needs and features as expressed in Vision

Well-presented use case diagram.

Short use case descriptions correctly spelled, with correct grammar.

Domain Model

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the Domain Model address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of domain object demonstrated.

Domain model includes application concepts such as databases and user interfaces.

Domain model largely incomplete.

Correct concept of domain objects demonstrated.

No application concepts such as databases or user interfaces present in domain model.

Some critical or significant domain objects identified, many missing.

Some relationships between domain object shown, many incorrect.

All Pass requirements plus

Most critical or significant domain objects identified, some missing.

Relationships between domain objects generally correct.

Generally correct UML syntax.

All Credit requirements plus

All critical and significant domain objects identified

Correct concept of inheritance shown (if appropriate)

All Distinction requirements plus

Necessary but minor domain objects shown.

Correct concept of aggregation/composition shown (if appropriate)

Fully correct UML syntax.

Well-presented domain class diagram.

State Machine Diagram

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the State Machine Diagram address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of states and transitions demonstrated.

State machine largely incomplete.

Generally correct concept of states and transitions demonstrated.

All Pass requirements plus

Generally correct representation of required states and transitions for selected domain object.

All Credit requirements plus

Fully correct representation of required states and transitions.

States and transitions correctly labelled.

All Distinction requirements plus

Correct understanding of guard conditions demonstrated (if appropriate)

Correct UML syntax.

Well-presented state machine diagram.


https://anyessayhelp.com/ for an example of notations of source usage and of the APA reference list.

Peer Responses

Review the reference citations of at least 2 classmates, and focus on the following:

  • Are the references correct or incorrect?
  • Suggest an APA resource that you believe would produce the most correct citation for this type of source: AIU’s APA style guide, the APA section for your class eBook, or a citation machine

Thesis statement, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

English composition Writing Assignment Help

Please use the links attached to complete the writing and essay assignments. Please ensure that you have the textbook; ‘successful college writing’ and please review questions to ensure that you have full understanding and solutions for them before bidding. The writing needs to follow the specific guidelines requested. Please, do not submit a bid unless you’ve throughly evaluated the requirements and you’re sure you can deliver it without difficulty, while following the strict guidelines and requirements. Thanks for your understanding. Please make sure you have this book because it is cross referenced: Successful College Writing by Kathleen T. McWhorter (SIXTH EDITION) 2016 MLA UPDATE. Please do not continue with bid if you don’t have this book. Thanks again.


Philosophical Response to Michael Boylan’s ” To the Promised Land”, Philosophy homework help Humanities Assignment Help

For my philosophy final paper, a philosophical response to fiction is required on the book ” To the Promised Land” by Michael Boylan. Here are the requirements:

A Philosophical Response to Fiction

For the purposes of our class the response paper is 5 pages.

What you need to do in order to fulfill this assignment is:

  • Create a summary sheet on the fictive piece that includes: characters, plot, themes, and evaluation (for an example see: michaelboylan.net, blog, book reviews)—note this is for preparation purposes only and is not to be turned in as part of your 5 pages.
  • Isolate a single passage in the book that you feel is pivotal to the theme of the book (this passage can be consecutive, for example pages 10-22, or it can be constructed on a common theme, for example pages 135-137 & 192-195 & 238-240.
  • Briefly go through the scene highlighting character, plot, and tropes (metaphors, motifs, description, etc.)
  • Try to discern a particular point of view within the passage that mirrors the book in a controversial fashion (the anomaly)
  • Decide whether you agree or disagree with this point of view (your judgment of the anomaly)
  • Set out the relevant practical and theoretical philosophical principles at stake and apply them to the problem.
  • Use 3 philosophical principles to help you create a positive or negative reaction to the author’s theme (in the small and the large realm). If it is positive, think of bringing up objectors and refute them. If it is negative, engage in a dialog with the author—ending up by rejecting position. The theme should be readily understandable from the scene you have chosen.
  • Reflect on the significance of your position. What abstract general points about the world have now been elucidated? What concrete cases occurring in the world today might be different if your judgment were to be adopted? * most important point. At least a page.

Rubric. If you represent all eight points sequentially in your paper you will earn some kind of “B” grade (so long as you are also close to 5 pages, i.e., within a half-page under or a full page over). To get a high “B” or an “A-“ or “A” grade you will have to do well on the reflection bullet.


Write a summary/essay of Cornbread, Earl and Me movie, film homework help Humanities Assignment Help

Movies; Cornbread, Earl and Me (Youtube) … Five on the black hand side (youtube)

Write a summary/essay of each Movie and include


  1. Who are the main characters?
  2. What is the premise of the movie?
  3. What do you think about the dialogue? Compare black actors dialogue in the present with black actors in this movie.
  4. Did the movie have a beginning, middle and ending? Another words was the conflict in the movie resolved.

1-2 pages For EACH MOVIE (1-2 pages about Cornbread Movie, 1-2 pages on Five on the….)

The essays are separate EACH MOVIE, do not combine in the paper Separate focus!


Use Case Model, Domain Model, Object State, computer science homework help Computer Science Assignment Help

1. Use Case Model (40 marks)

Analyse the case study to determine the high level functional requirements for the new system. Express your understanding of those requirements with:
a. A use case diagram capturing at least all critical and significant use cases that the system will have to support
b. A document containing short use case descriptions for the use cases identified in the use case diagram.

2. Domain Model (40 marks)

Analyse the case study to determine the classes required to express the problem domains structure and operation. Express your understanding of the problem domain in:
a. A domain model.

3. State Machine (20 marks)

Analyse the lifecycle and behaviour of the most complex stateful object* identified in your domain model and express its behaviour in:
a. A state machine diagram

*Note: a list of appropriate domain objects will be made available during semester. Please contact the lecturer to confirm your selection if you wish to complete this task before that list is available.


This assignment relates to the following:

  • be able to analyse and verify system requirements;
  • be able to produce and verify analysis and design models for a system

Marking criteria

Use Case Model

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the Use Case Model address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of use cases demonstrated.

Short use case descriptions missing, largely incomplete, or generally wrong.

Presentation poor, bad spelling and poor grammar in use case descriptions.

Correct concept of ‘end-goal’ use cases demonstrated.

Some critical or significant use cases identified, many missing.

Some use cases inappropriately named.

Some important/obvious external actors identified, many missing or misidentified.

incomplete, or poorly described, some missing.

Short use case descriptions generally consistent with use case diagram.

Correct concept of ‘end-goal’ use cases demonstrated.

Most critical and significant use cases identified.

Use cases correctly named with short imperative action statements.

Most important external actors identified

Generally correct UML syntax.

Short use case descriptions provided for all critical and significant use cases.

Short use case descriptions consistent with use case diagram.

All Credit requirements plus

All critical and significant use cases identified

Other necessary but minor use cases identified.

All external actors identified, including external systems and events.

Common elements of end-goal use cases factored out into ‘sub-function’ uses cases.

Generally correct use of <<includes>> and <<extends>> relationships.

Short use case descriptions provided for all identified use cases.

All Distinction requirements plus

Fully correct UML syntax.

Fully correct use of <<includes>> and <<extends>> relationships.

Use cases consistent with needs and features as expressed in Vision

Well-presented use case diagram.

Short use case descriptions correctly spelled, with correct grammar.

Domain Model

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the Domain Model address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of domain object demonstrated.

Domain model includes application concepts such as databases and user interfaces.

Domain model largely incomplete.

Correct concept of domain objects demonstrated.

No application concepts such as databases or user interfaces present in domain model.

Some critical or significant domain objects identified, many missing.

Some relationships between domain object shown, many incorrect.

All Pass requirements plus

Most critical or significant domain objects identified, some missing.

Relationships between domain objects generally correct.

Generally correct UML syntax.

All Credit requirements plus

All critical and significant domain objects identified

Correct concept of inheritance shown (if appropriate)

All Distinction requirements plus

Necessary but minor domain objects shown.

Correct concept of aggregation/composition shown (if appropriate)

Fully correct UML syntax.

Well-presented domain class diagram.

State Machine Diagram

Criteria Fail (Bad) Pass (OK) Credit (Good) Distinction (Very Good) High Distinction (Excellent)
How well does the State Machine Diagram address its intended purpose?

Incorrect concept of states and transitions demonstrated.

State machine largely incomplete.

Generally correct concept of states and transitions demonstrated.

All Pass requirements plus

Generally correct representation of required states and transitions for selected domain object.

All Credit requirements plus

Fully correct representation of required states and transitions.

States and transitions correctly labelled.

All Distinction requirements plus

Correct understanding of guard conditions demonstrated (if appropriate)

Correct UML syntax.

Well-presented state machine diagram.


When is military force justified?, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

When is military force justified?, English homework help Humanities Assignment Help

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