WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) discussion Writing Assignment Help

WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) discussion Writing Assignment Help. WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) discussion Writing Assignment Help.

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Write 7 page t a psychological test instrument is who disability assessment schedule (WHODAS 2.0) that includes elements described below:

  • APA format which is correct in all areas indicated:


Use of past tense

Text citations

Reference list matching text citations

Use of quotations



And all other conventions of APA format style

Five references or more were cited appropriately in APA style in both text and references list, within the past 10 years.

– At least four of the references were from peer-reviewed journals, library bibliographic references, or other scholarly literature.

-The scholarly references were germane to the topic.The remaining references, which could be from popular media sources or the internet were clearly and directly related to the topic.

Elements of Assignment:The following elements must be incorporated into a critique of a psychological assessment instrument:

  • Test title
  • Publisher and date of publication
  • Description of the purpose and nature of the test
  • Professionals who are qualified to administer, score and interpret the test,
  • Test forms available
  • Populations for whom the instrument may be appropriately administered
  • How the test is scored
  • Standardized scoring procedures
  • Test administration procedures
  • Examinee response method
  • Type of test item
  • Scales of response choices
  • Theoretical basis of the test
  • Validity and reliability studies and results.
  • Criticisms that have been made of the test by other professionals.
  • Uses of the tests by other professionals.
  • Potential usefulness of the test to counselor
  • 18.Recommendations for practice with the test.

WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Communication Skills – Critical Thinking questions Business Finance Assignment Help

Define evidence and its importance in critical thinking.

Describe the different types of assumptions and how to evaluate them.

Describe causal reasoning, its importance in critical thinking, and some of the difficulties in establishing causality.

Describe the process of persuasion, i.e., describe how people get others to agree with their point of view.

Summarize how to establish causality or avoid making false causal claims in your writing.

Describe the importance of using different perspectives in the critical-thinking process.

Explain how the different components of critical thinking will help you improve your writing and decision making.


Discussion Board Family Health Health Medical Assignment Help

family Health

Case Management

Read chapter 9 and 20 of the class textbook and review the attached PowerPoint presentations. Once done answer the following questions;

1. In your own word and using the appropriate evidence-based references define family and describe the different types of family.

2. Identify characteristics of the family that have implications for community health nursing practice.

3. Discuss a model of care for families.

4. Describe strategies for moving from intervention at the family level to intervention at the aggregate level.

As stated in the syllabus present your assignment in an APA format word document, Arial 12 font attached to the forum in the discussion tab of the blackboard titled “Week 9 discussion questions” for grading and in the tab titled “Week 9 assignment” in Turnitin to verify originality. A minimum of 2 evidence-based references besides the class textbook must be used. You must post two replies to any of your peers sustained with the proper references and make sure that the references that you use in your assignment are properly quoted in it. A minimum of 700 words is required.


Grand Canyon Sallie Mae Fisher’s Health History and Discharge Orders Writing Assignment Help

Scripted Dialogue Portion

Utilizing the information learned from the home visit, health histories, and discharge orders, write a scripted dialogue in which you provide Sallie Mae with education that describes her problems and the interventions identified to improve her condition. Consider Sallie Mae’s physiological, psychosocial, educational, and spiritual needs when developing your dialogue.

Your dialogue should resemble a script. The following is an example of a few sentences from a scripted dialogue:

Nurse: “Good morning, Salle Mae, my name is ______ and I will be your nurse today. I understand you are experiencing problems with ________.”

APA format is not required for this part of the assignment, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “Home Visit With Sallie Mae Fisher Grading Criteria.”


Application of Management Functions to a Case Study: Planning Business Finance Assignment Help

Scenario: You are employed by a 240-bed urban medical center. You directly supervise 30 staff Physical Therapists in the Rehabilitation Department in which you are the Department Head (DH). Over the last 5 years leadership has discussed merging with another smaller hospital in the local area. This hospital is a 120-bed facility that has faced various financial and patient care safety issues. As a result of the merger the management structure has been realigned to ensure operational functions of both physical facilities are controlled by a single manager-you have been chosen as that new manager.

Instructions: Choose one of the six basic management functions: Planning, Organizing, Directing, Decision Making, Staffing or Controlling. Clearly describe why you chose this function and why you feel this particular function is essential to your effective management as a result of the merger. Hint: In order to sufficiently address this assignment, you will have to refer back to the lectures as well as conduct independent research in efforts to display the level of critical thinking required.


  • Title Page
  • 2-3 pages (double spaced) to include introduction, body, conclusion or summary
  • Reference Page (2 references minimum)
  • Written document should conform to American Psychological Association (APA) 6thedition



Organizational Culture and Growth discussion Writing Assignment Help

Readings:Read case “Leading Change at Simmons (A)by Casciaro, Edmondson, McManus, and Roloff

Read article “What Is an Organization’s Culture” by Christensen and Shu

To access readings use this link: https://hbsp.harvard.edu/import/595810

I will provide login info in private messages

Note: I will look for evidence of the readings in your written portion of this assignment so do not attempt to short cut the readings as lack of such evidence will affect your grade.

Writing Portion: Use the article to analyze the culture at Simmons and contemplate what cultural obstacles might be encountered in the process of change.

Length and Quality: Minimum of 3 pages, double spaced, 12 point New Roman font. APA format. In text citation and refrence page

Grading: Writing skills AND the quality of your analysis of the case are graded in this assignment

Organizational Culture and Growth discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Expectancy Motivational Theory And Concepts Psychology Discussion Help Other Assignment Help

a) Which motivational theory/theories or concept(s) best explains what may have happened in the Jussie Smollet case? (To earn full credit, you must name and describe the theory/concept in your own words, then explain how it applies to this situation. You may take the perspective of any of the parties involved in this case – Jussie Smollet, the Chicago Police or the other suspects.)

b) What are some feeling and display rules that you think that President Trump uses on a regular basis. (To earn full credit, you must define feeling and display rules in your own words and provide specific examples of each from President Trump’s/your selected person’s life.


The US history since 1865 essay Humanities Assignment Help

Part 1: Post a Response

This week we have no new reading or subjects. Over the 11-week
course, we have covered many events and issues that arose in the United
States between 1865 and today. From the era of Reconstruction, the
Progressive era and Jim Crow, the roaring 20s and the Great Depression,
the Cold War and Civil Rights struggles, on through the age of
Information to now. We have seen many examples of people struggling for
rights and freedoms and people having to adapt to significant changes in
the economy, technology, laws, and society. We have seen military
engagements impact lives and our country. Think about these various
periods and challenges.

Please do the following two things for your main post in our last discussion—this reflection:

  1. Choose a specific historical event or example and reflect on the “long range” effect of it on your own life.
  2. Choose another historical event and reflect on the “long range”
    impact on the modern workplace—perhaps on the profession you have
  3. Reference Material
    No new reading; reflect back on the course.


Article Writing on Social Breaching Experiment Homework Help Writing Assignment Help

Social Breaching Experiment Paper(1500 words)

Topic:“analyze the role of social norms in an online community”: related to“Social Norm” & “Social Breaching”


You can use the following experiment to verify what happens when you follow the default rules of the online community, and what happens when you do not follow the default rules of the online community (such as some strange behavior, crazy comments on strangers’ photos? Etc.)


In 1967 sociologist Harold Garfinkel asked his students to conduct a spring break experiment: spend fifteen minutes to an hour imagining they were a boarder in their home, rather than a family member, and then act if that assumption was true. Garfinkel’s intention was for the students to violate some of the social norms we take for granted (“social breaching“) and consequently make such “background expectancies” more apparent. In this case, when the students were polite and respectful, as if they were staying in a stranger’s home, some parents thought the students were mocking them or ill!

Assignment guide

  • Conduct one (or more) of the experiments listed below.
  • You can explain it as a class assignment only when the experiment is over.
  • Write up the results in a paper that describes:
    • Experiment: Which experiment you tried (e.g. “GChat stranger”).???
    • —————-
    • Ø1. Message a Stranger. Use a chat service (e.g., Google, MSN, and AIM) to begin conversations with people that you don’t know (or don’t know very well). Vary the kinds of things you say to see if you can get them to start a chat conversation with you. Describe what kind of chat message will successfully get a stranger to chat. Remember to be polite and respectful at all times. Note: You may have to try to this a lot before you get someone to respond to you; do not keep trying the same people if they do not respond.
    • Ø2. The Oversharer. Pick either an acquaintance you don’t know that well or a parent. In a 24 hour period dramatically increase the amount of information you send this person using a text-based mobile communication technology that you know they can receive (like IM on your phone, text/SMS, or e-mail on your phone/PDA). For example, you could communicate with them every time you do anything (“hi I am getting on the bus”, “arrived in class,” “class is boring,” “having lunch,” “talking with friend.”)

      Ø3.Way Off Topic. On Google+ or Facebook leave a large number of comments that are all completely and obviously off-topic and not relevant to the thread over a period of three days. For this to work, there can be no relation between the reply and the topic at all; just start talking about something else. If you like, address some of them to the wrong person as well.

      Ø4.FACEBOOK PICTURE CREEPER. On Facebook, go through an acquaintance’s photo albums and comment on at least 15-20 photos older than six months over a period of 3 days. Write only positive comments (e.g. “cute photo!”). Check back and see if anyone else has commented on the photos after you have. Describe the responses and how you feel about doing this.


    • Method: What you did. Describe the specific steps. For example, “I contacted 17 different people. I messaged 10 of them ‘What’s up’ and 7 ‘How are you?’ I found their names by looking through group emails and seeing who was online.”
    • Results: What happened? What types of reactions did you get? How did you feel? Use Garfinkel’s students’ descriptions as models (for example, pp. 45-49).
    • Discussion: Given what we have learned in class about social norms, what did this reveal about communication norms, or the specific norms of the technology you used? Refer back to the class concepts and readings. Make an argument.

Do not spend too many words on experiment and method; focus on concepts and analysis(result & discussion).

SourceHave to read and use!!!!!!can’t use other sourcesonly can choose sources to use below

Writing requirement:

  • Writing demonstrates impressive understanding of readings, discussions, themes and ideas. Written work is fluid, clear, analytical, well-organized and grammatically polished. Reasoning and logic are well-grounded and examples precise.
  • These assignments must be double-spaced, 12 point font, 1-inch margins. (One page contains approximately 250 words.) Pages must be numbered and stapled together. Citations must be in the APA style. No APA cover page is required.

************************suggested outline********************

Recommended structure(Make the article more coherent/connect each paragraphs)conjunctions

P1.Background(150~200words): why do you do this experiment? What’s your experiment? What’s the conception of social norm and social breaching? what’s the role of social norms in an online community? (general introduce) —-try to have a theme

P2. What’s your experiment?(200~250words)(chose one or two experiments)—specifically describe them with detail

  • Experiment: Which experiment you tried (e.g. “GChat stranger”).
  • Method: What you did. Describe the specific steps. For example, “I contacted 17 different people. I messaged 10 of them ‘What’s up’ and 7 ‘How are you?’ I found their names by looking through group emails and seeing who was online.?

P3&P4: Analysis and discussion(700~900words)—Important!!!!FOCUS MORE!

  • Results: What happened? What types of reactions did you get? How did you feel? Use Garfinkel’s students’ descriptions as models
  • Discussion: Given what we have learned in class about social norms, what did this reveal about communication norms, or the specific norms of the technology you used? Refer back to the class concepts and readings. Make an argument.———(maybe)You can use the following experiment to verify what happens when you follow the default rules of the online community, and what happens when you do not follow the default rules of the online community (such as some strange behavior, crazy comments on strangers’ photos? Etc.) —–read the first resource first! It will be helpful!(https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Breaching_experiment)

P5:Conclusion:(150~200 words)

What is your experimental feeling?What did you conclude from the experiment?What have you learned about “social norm”or “social breaching”?summarythe role of social norms in an online community?(the effects or functions?)


Managing organizational change discussion Writing Assignment Help

Q1: Read “The Story of Beth Israel Deaconess Medical Center” and
summarize it.

Q2: To what extent are you more comfortable with one or another
of the six images described in chapter 2 in terms of your own approach to
managing change–or your anticipated approach to managing change? Why is this
the case?

Q3: Using your textbook,LIRN-based research, and the Internet, apply the learning outcomes for the week/course and lecture concepts to one of the following scenarios: As applied to your
current professional career

As applied to
enhancing, improving, or advancing your current professional career

As applied to a
management, leadership, or any decision-making position

As applied to a current
or future entrepreneurial endeavor

(My current work in human resource company and my master degree with management and leadership)


WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) discussion Writing Assignment Help

WHO Disability Assessment Schedule 2.0 (WHODAS 2.0) discussion Writing Assignment Help

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