Whole Foods Case Study, business and finance assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help. Whole Foods Case Study, business and finance assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Whole Foods Case Study Questions (Chapters 1, 2, and 3)
Review the Whole Foods Case Study (pp. 1-6) and answer the questions connected to Chapters 1, 2, and 3 as listed below. Responses to each question should range from 100-200 words. Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards (12 point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, 1″ margins, title and reference pages). Be sure to use the text and/or other sources to support your responses and properly cite the use of such. Must include a reference page with at least one reference per answer.
- Describe how Whole Foods uses human capital as a course of competitive advantage. (Ch 1)
- Identify the aspects of high-involvement management contained in Whole Foods’ approach to managing its associates. (Ch 1)
- How could Whole Foods’ democratic model of selection interfere with the development or continuance of a diverse workforce? What should it do to prevent such difficulties? (Ch 2)
- How do you think globalization will affect Whole Foods over time? Please explain several ways it could affect the company’s operations. (Ch 3)
Whole Foods Case Study, business and finance assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Two Book Based Questions – English Humanities Assignment Help
The first question is:
Compare and contrast Dade (from “Star Food”) and Julian (from “Everything That Rises Must Converge”) at the end of their respective stories. How are the two characters similar? How are they different?
Please complete this in two paragraphs
The second question is:
Consider the protagonist in the novel that you read this semester. In a response of no fewer than three paragraphs, explain how this character changes over the course of the novel. Include examples of these changes in your response.
I read Frankenstein, so please explain how Victor Frankenstein changes over the course of the novel. This should be three paragraphs
I have included the original assignment as a link. Please contact me for questions.
3 AP World History Essays – Follow Directions on Paper Humanities Assignment Help
This is a AP History assignment that has 3 essays.
Please follow the prompt and follow the guidelines given. There is a rubric on the bottom of the provided page. The essays should be well-written and proofread before submitted. THIS IS VERY IMPORTANT.
For the DBQ (Document Based Question) essay, I have attached the documents needed to answer the question. Please make sure that the essays are up to AP standards.
You do not have to include any sources except for the DBQ essays. In the DBQ essay, please use parenthetical citations where you use each document. For example: “This is a sample sentence (Doc 1).”
5 paragraph maximum for each question
Please let me know if you have any questions.
Unit 4IP Understanding Business Drivers and Imroving Business Forecasts Business Finance Assignment Help
U4 MGMT IP Understanding Drivers and Improving Business Forecasts
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The deliverable length for this project is 2,000-2,500 words
Using the information from Units 1–3, Big D Incorporated will be examining how multivariate techniques can serve the organization best and how they can be applied to their new client, the outdoor sporting goods customer. The Board of Directors has asked you to research and explain 3 major ways in which multivariate statistics are utilized in this scenario. In this case, be sure to justify your decision.
Research using the library and the Internet to find at least 1 example of how a real company has used each of the following multivariate techniques: factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, and cluster analysis. This can be considered a benchmark if you can justify how it could benefit Big D Incorporated.
Write a summary to upper management explaining the following:
- How can each multivariate technique be utilized in Big D Incorporated, and what purpose would each serve?
- Which technique is your preferred method, and how is your chosen multivariate technique different from the other two techniques?
- What will the Board of Directors learn from your selected technique and more importantly, how will it contribute to the overall decision-making process? Ensure that your explanation is clear and concise in its explanation.
U4 MGMT IP Understanding Drivers and Improving Business Forecasts Business Finance Assignment Help
The deliverable length for this project is 2,000-2,500 words
Using the information from Units 1–3, Big D Incorporated will be examining how multivariate techniques can serve the organization best and how they can be applied to their new client, the outdoor sporting goods customer. The Board of Directors has asked you to research and explain 3 major ways in which multivariate statistics are utilized in this scenario. In this case, be sure to justify your decision.
Research using the library and the Internet to find at least 1 example of how a real company has used each of the following multivariate techniques: factor analysis, multidimensional scaling, and cluster analysis. This can be considered a benchmark if you can justify how it could benefit Big D Incorporated.
Write a summary to upper management explaining the following:
- How can each multivariate technique be utilized in Big D Incorporated, and what purpose would each serve?
- Which technique is your preferred method, and how is your chosen multivariate technique different from the other two techniques?
- What will the Board of Directors learn from your selected technique and more importantly, how will it contribute to the overall decision-making process? Ensure that your explanation is clear and concise in its explanation.
Marketing Health Care Services Writing Assignment Help
In a 4- to 5-page paper, address the following:
- Using the 5 I’s of marketing, analyze the health care service provided by the organization in the scenario (attached file).
- Inconsistency: Is there consistency in the quality of care?
- Inseparability: When providing the service, do providers demonstrate biases toward or against patients and their families (i.e., racial biases, age biases, gender biases, etc.)?
- Intangibility: What are the intangible characteristics of providers (i.e., demeanor, posture, etc.)? How do providers behave toward patients?
- Interaction with consumers: Is the organization patient-centered or physician-centered?
- Inventory: How much time is spent on providing the service and how much time is spent on non-service-related activities?
- Recommend strategies to market this service to health care consumers. Include how these strategies might improve operations.
Marketing Health Care Services Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Why Some Americans Do and Do not Like President Trump Writing Assignment Help
Length: 2 full pages in MLA format (12-point Times New Roman font, double-spaced, one-inch margins).
include articles
Most majors at SDSU will require upper-division students to write short response papers with some frequency, as will most graduate programs. Professors generally assign these papers in order to facilitate discussion in smaller upper-division courses and to assess progress via assignments that are quick to grade yet can offer some substance. These assignments are often fairly broad, but they are nearly always for the purpose of eliciting an analytical response; that is, professors don’t want summaries but rather critical interpretations of subject matter. For this paper, use any topic with a plausible relation to readings and discussions from the first five weeks of class.
Form a specific analytical interpretation/argument about the topic, then defend your interpretation with evidence. This evidence should come in the form of specific examples and quotations and of well-developed analysis of how those examples and quotations support your argument. You may also bring in any topic that you think relates, whether it’s from our class, another class, or a topic from outside of your classes altogether; doing so would help establish originality and depth.
Be sure to organize your thoughts into paragraphs. A short, less-formal response paper like these should not feature a lengthy introduction or conclusion. The introductory paragraph can consist of one sentence that establishes the context of your argument and one sentence that contains your argument itself, i.e. the paper’s thesis. It does not require a conclusion paragraph at all. You’ll likely have two or three body paragraphs, each of which should have its own analytical sub-claim in the form of a topic sentence that offers a debatable point and clearly advances the thesis.
Be sure you have a specific interpretation, analysis, or argument rather than merely summarizing the author’s argument. Remember that originality and depth are important on these responses. Originality comes from thinking beyond the parameters of the author’s argument. Depth comes from discussing the more universal implications of the author’s argument.
Most important aspects of your paper for your grade:
1. Originality: An idea, concept, or example that you make relevant to the article or lecture/discussion, even though the article or lecture/discussion didn’t get into it. Ideally, your idea, concept, or example will make the other thirty intelligent people in our class say, “Huh! That’s interesting; I hadn’t thought of that connection. How does it work?”
2. Depth: The application of an idea, concept, or example to human nature in general. You can take the content of the article or lecture/discussion and explain how it is characteristic of humans, or human decision-making, or human interaction. Again, the point here is to make the other thirty intelligent people in our class get an interesting new perspective.
Other aspects of your paper that will have an impact on your grade:
3. Clarity: How clearly you make and develop your points. Your ideas should not be ambiguous or hard for an intelligent audience such as this class to comprehend.
4. Organization: The arrangement of your ideas. Your paper should divide your thoughts and claims into a perceptible order. In a college essay, each body paragraph should begin by stating one major claim or interpretation, and then it should proceed by developing that claim or interpretation fully, supporting it with evidence, before moving on to the next idea/paragraph.
5. Sentences: Sentence-level writing should be polished, clear, and readable. It should reflect a university-level education.
Grading Rubric
A: Paper focuses on an original idea, concept, or example and uses it to explore a concept from RWS 305 in depth. Clarity, organization, and sentences are all above average.
B: Paper focuses on an original idea, concept, or example OR explores an idea, concept, or example from RWS 305 in depth. Clarity, organization, and sentences are mostly above average, although some are average.
C: Paper provides some originality or depth, but that originality or depth is underdeveloped. Clarity, organization, and sentences are mostly average.
D: Paper mostly restates the ideas from an article or a lecture/discussion with little originality or depth. Clarity, organization, and sentences are mostly average or below average.
F: Paper is merely a summary of an article or lecture/discussion that shows deficient comprehension or writing. Clarity, organization, and sentences are below average.
Unit 2 individual project for ITSD322 Programming Assignment Help
The first step in writing a software application is to determine the requirements. There is no value in writing a program that does not address the needs of the client. Requirements can be gathered in many ways, but ultimately, the requirements serve to document what the application should and should not do. After the requirements are written, the application design can be prepared, followed by the actual coding. For this project, you will gain some practice in the design phase of software development by designing a program that will meet a given set of requirements.
In this assignment you will develop a console program that simulates a restaurant menu. The project instructions are as follows:
Program Requirements:
- Each item on the menu must have a different price.
- Your menu must define at least 10 different items.
- Program Requirements:
- Display the menu to the user.
- Allow the user to select an item from the menu. (Record the selection in a variable.)
- Once the user has selected an item, ask them how many they want (quantity). (Record the quantity in a variable.)
- Calculate the total. (Sales tax is not included in this exercise.)
- Ask the user to enter the amount of their payment. (Record this amount in a variable.)
- Subtract the order total from the payment amount and present any remainder on screen as the customer’s “change”.
- Remind the program operator to thank the customer for their patronage.
- Remember to test your program fully to ensure that all functions operate correctly.
Documentation Requirements:
- Create a document in Word and add the following:
- Title page
- Course number and name
- Project name
- Student name
- Date
- List the data items that must be stored and used by the program. Each data item should be given a name for reference. Create a diagram that illustrates where this data comes from (such as “selected by the user,” “entered by the user,” “item name from menu,” “price from menu,” etc.) and how it is handled by your program (what happens to that data).
- List the decisions the program must make. References to the data items in the previous step should be used where appropriate.
- Describe the flow of operation of the program so that a potential user can understand how it works. All key activities should be included, and references to the data items and decisions listed in the previous steps should be used.
- Title page
Project deliverables are as follows:
- Create a ZIP file that includes:
- Project folder containing your Java program (see Program Requirements above).
- Word document (see Documentation Requirements above).
- Upload your ZIP file to the course portal.
Unit 2 discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
Unit 2 Discussion: Ethics in Healthcare: Euthanasia
77 unread replies.77 replies.
The term euthanasia means “the act of ending the life of a person suffering from either a terminal illness, or an incurable disease.” The American Medical Association has a firm stance against physicians assisting in euthanasia. Oregon was the first state in the U.S. that allows for euthanasia with 6 others to follow. In 1997, the Death With Dignity Act was enacted in Oregon. Euthanasia advocates stress that it should be allowed as an extension of a person’s autonomy. Those against euthanasia often say it can lead to the devaluation of human life. Please read the following case and discuss the questions below.
A 60 year-old patient at Saint Catherine’s Nursing Home was diagnosed with Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis (Links to an external site.) (ALS) five years ago. [This condition destroys motor nerves, making control of movement impossible, but does not affect the mind. Typically, individuals inflicted with this disease die within four years after the initial onset of symptoms due to suffocation]. The patient’s condition has steadily declined and he is not expected to live more than a few weeks. The patient is extremely worried about the pain that he will endure in his final hours and asks his doctor to give him Diamorphine (Links to an external site.) for pain if he begins to suffocate or choke. This will lessen his pain, but it will also hasten his death. The following week, the patient begins to have trouble breathing.
Research the Death with Dignity Act. Here is one website to help you get started: http://public.health.oregon.gov/ProviderPartnerResources/EvaluationResearch/DeathwithDignityAct/Pages/index.aspx (Links to an external site.)
Please discuss the following questions in your initial post:
- Is there a moral difference between prescribing the drug and actually giving it to the patient? If not, why have rules?
- Why do you think they wouldn’t let a person who is terminally ill, and in pain with possibly more than six months to live, receive assistance in dying? What if a patient was diagnosed with HIV?
- Does the justification of euthanasia necessarily justify the assisted suicide of a healthy person?
- Do you think a weakness of this law is the probability of patients being influenced by family members? (For example, for financial or other reasons?) Note: Approximately 60% of Oregonians in 2000 said (before they died) that they used the prescription at least in some part due to fear of being a burden on their family.
- The AMA states that euthanasia is fundamentally incompatible with the physician’s role as healer. As a Healthcare Administrator, what do you think about this statement? Why should a physician have to be the one who does this?
Power Point Presentation Writing Assignment Help
The growth, development, and learned behaviors that occur during the
first year of infancy have a direct effect on the individual
throughout a lifetime. For this assignment, research an environmental
factor that poses a threat to the health or safety of infants and
develop a health promotion that can be presented to caregivers.
Create a 10-12 slide PowerPoint health promotion, that outlines a teaching plan, add an additional
slide for references at the end.
Include the following in your presentation:
- Describe the selected environmental factor. Explain how the
environmental factor you selected can potentially affect the health
or safety of infants. - Create a health promotion plan that
can be presented to caregivers to address the environmental factor
and improve the overall health and well-being of infants. - Offer recommendations on accident prevention and safety
promotion as they relate to the selected environmental factor and
the health or safety of infants. - Offer examples,
interventions, and suggestions from evidence-based research. At
least three scholarly resources are required. Two of the three
resources must be peer-reviewed and no more than 6 years old. - Provide readers with two community resources, a national
resource, and a Web-based resource. Include a brief description and
contact information for each resource. - In developing your
PowerPoint, take into consideration the health care literacy level
of your target audience, as well as the demographic of the
caregiver/patient (socioeconomic level, language, culture, and any
other relevant characteristic of the caregiver) for which the
presentation is tailored.
While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment,
solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources
should be presented using APA formatting guidelines.
Whole Foods Case Study, business and finance assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help
Whole Foods Case Study, business and finance assignment help Business Finance Assignment Help