Wk 6 – Signature Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help. Wk 6 – Signature Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help.
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Purpose of Assignment
The purpose of this assignment is for students to synthesize the concepts learned throughout the course. This assignment will provide students an opportunity to build critical thinking skills, develop businesses and organizations, and solve problems requiring data by compiling all pertinent information into one report.
Resources: Microsoft Excel®, Signature Assignment Databases, Signature Assignment Options, Part 3: Inferential Statistics
Scenario: Upon successful completion of the MBA program, imagine you work in the analytics department for a consulting company. Your assignment is to analyze one of the following databases:
- Manufacturing
- Hospital
- Consumer Food
- Financial
Select one of the databases based on the information in the Signature Assignment Options.
Provide a 1,600-word detailed, four part, statistical report with the following sections:
- Part 1 – Preliminary Analysis
- Part 2 – Examination of Descriptive Statistics
- Part 3 – Examination of Inferential Statistics
- Part 4 – Conclusion/Recommendations
Part 1 – Preliminary Analysis
Generally, as a statistics consultant, you will be given a problem and data. At times, you may have to gather additional data. For this assignment, assume all the data is already gathered for you.
State the objective:
- What are the questions you are trying to address?
Describe the population in the study clearly and in sufficient detail:
- What is the sample?
Discuss the types of data and variables:
- Are the data quantitative or qualitative?
- What are levels of measurement for the data?
Part 2 – Descriptive Statistics
Examine the given data.
Present the descriptive statistics (mean, median, mode, range, standard deviation, variance, CV, and five-number summary).
Identify any outliers in the data.
Present any graphs or charts you think are appropriate for the data.
Note: Ideally, we want to assess the conditions of normality too. However, for the purpose of this exercise, assume data is drawn from normal populations.
Part 3 – Inferential Statistics
Use the Part 3: Inferential Statistics document.
- Create (formulate) hypotheses
- Run formal hypothesis tests
- Make decisions. Your decisions should be stated in non-technical terms.
Hint: A final conclusion saying “reject the null hypothesis” by itself without explanation is basically worthless to those who hired you. Similarly, stating the conclusion is false or rejected is not sufficient.
Part 4 – Conclusion and Recommendations
Include the following:
- What are your conclusions?
- What do you infer from the statistical analysis?
- State the interpretations in non-technical terms. What information might lead to a different conclusion?
- Are there any variables missing?
- What additional information would be valuable to help draw a more certain conclusion?
Format your assignment consistent with APA format.
Submit your assignment.
- Signature Assignment Grading Guide
- Center for Writing Excellence
- Reference and Citation Generator
- Grammar and Writing Guides
Wk 6 – Signature Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Research foundation week 3 discuss Humanities Assignment Help
My program of study is:is domestic and gender violence in the society.
Internal validity refers to the design of the study and confidence that it was the independent variable(s) that produced changes in the dependent variable. (See Chapter 8 in Creswell and Creswell (2018) for a list of common threats to internal validity).
So if a researcher wanted to compare the effect of meditation versus no meditation on measured levels of anxiety, but some people in the no meditation group were actually meditating, then that is a threat to internal validity. If the researcher found no difference in measured levels of anxiety between the two groups then he/she might erroneously conclude there is no effect of meditation on anxiety when in fact both groups included meditators and it wasn’t possible to tell if meditation affected feelings of anxiety.
Random samples always provide a better representation of a population than other sampling methods because bias is minimized and a true representation of the population is more likely. (Sampling is discussed in Chapter 8 in Creswell and Creswell (2018)).
External validity refers to the confidence in generalizing findings from a sample to the larger population, from the setting of the study to other settings, or from the present to past or future situations. So, for example, a study conducted just in men would face a threat to external validity if the researcher wanted to generalize the study results to men and women. (External validity is discussed in Chapter 8 in Creswell and Creswell (2018)).
An experimental design involves randomizing subjects to one or more groups and measuring differences between them after an intervention. Details on quantitative research designs is provided in the attached PDF Quantitative Research Design Concepts.
- Read this week’s Learning Resources. Pay particular attention to the required elements of different quantitative designs, and reflect on examples of when you would use each. In addition, consider different quantitative sampling strategies and data collection methods.
- Review your Weeks 1 and 2 Discussions on a quantitative research problem, purpose, research question, and theoretical/conceptual framework.
- Identify an appropriate and specific quantitative research design, sampling strategy, and data collection method that aligns to your research problem, purpose, research question, and theoretical/conceptual framework.
- Alignment of scenario elements is important. See the Examples of Aligned and Misaligned Scenarios document, which can be downloaded from the Week 3 Learning Resources area of the classroom.
- Discussion posts are pass/fail but have minimum criteria to pass. See the Discussion Rubric to ensure you understand the pass/fail criteria.
By Day 3
This week is only about the quantitative scenario. Repost, or build on or refine as needed, your Week 1 and Week 2 Discussion of your quantitative scenario using the following headings and according to the italicized instructions given for each element:
Program of Study: Identify your specific program of study and, if applicable, your concentration area.
Social Problem: Briefly describe the social problem or phenomenon of interest. Typically, this can be done in 3 or fewer sentences.
Quantitative Research Problem: Complete the following sentence: The scholarly community does not know…
Quantitative Research Purpose: Typically, this is a 1-sentence statement addressed by completing the following sentence: The purpose of this quantitative study is…
Quantitative Research Question: Typically, this is a 1-sentence question unless you have more than one research question.
Theory or Conceptual Framework: Identify a specific psychological or sociological theory or specific aspects of a conceptual framework that guides the scenario. Briefly describe how the specific theory or conceptual framework guides your research question and will aid in interpretation of results.
Quantitative Research Design: Identify a specific quantitative research design. Do not use broad terms, such as survey design, cohort design, longitudinal design, causal-comparative design, cross-sectional design, and so on. Briefly describe how the selected design fits your scenario. If you have the Campbell and Stanley (2015) textbook, use it to inform your response.
Quantitative Sampling Strategy: Be specific.
Quantitative Data Collection Method: Be specific.
Note: Use proper APA format. If helpful, support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources.
Please follow this sample.
Program of Study: Teaching Psychology
Social Problem: There is currently a lack of knowledge of the use of essential oils for counselor self-care, in particular stress management.
Quantitative Research Problem: The scholarly community does not know the extent to which stress levels will differ between those counselors who use essential oils compared to those counselors who do not use essential oils to manage their stress levels.
Quantitative Research Purpose: The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine the extent of difference between stress levels in those counselors who use essential oils to manage their stress versus those counselors who do not.
Quantitative Research Question: What is the extent of difference between stress levels in those counselors who use essential oils to manage their stress versus those who do not?
Theory or Conceptual Framework: The theory that guides this scenario is called The Transactional Model of Stress and Coping. I will use this framework to guide my research question because it is based on the core assumption that a person who is faced with a stressful event will make a coping effort, defined as, “actual strategies used to mediate primary and secondary appraisals.” (Utwente, p.50). Using this theoretical framework, relaxation techniques are used for improving a person’s mood, in my specific study the relaxation techniques being used are essential oils. I will assess whether the counselors who use the relaxation technique of essential oils find it to be an effective coping strategy for stress reduction compared to those counselors who do not use essential oils for stress reduction. (Utwente, 2017).
Quantitative Research Design: The quantitative research design that I will use is a quasi-experimental design, more specifically, a Nonequivalent (pre-test and post-test) Control Group Design. This is one of the favorite methods use by the Transactional Model of Stress and Coping (University of Twente, 2017). In this design, “the experimental Group A and the control Group B are selected without random assignment. Both groups take a pretest and posttest. Only the experimental group receives the treatment.” (Creswell & Creswell, p.168). The experimental Group A is the group that I will give the essential oils intervention to, and the Control Group B will not take the essential oils as an intervention to manage their stress. The pre-test will measure both Group A and Group B’s stress levels as well as asking what they use to manage their stress, and what is the most effective intervention for reducing stress. The same survey will be given post-treatment (for Group A using essential oils, and Group B no essential oils).
Quantitative Sampling Strategy: I would use a convenience sample, in which, “respondents are chosen based on their convenience and availability”. (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). To do this, I would send an email out to mental health counselors (ideally Walden students and alumni), and those that responded and are willing to be in my research study, are the ones who would be included. If I am able to have access to a Walden list of students and alumni, then I would proceed with my single-stage sampling procedure, since I would have access to student’s names. (Creswell & Creswell, 2018).
Quantitative Data Collection Method: Internet survey administered online. This method will be used due to its benefits of convenience for the survey taker, a busy mental health counselor, lower cost to design and administer, and expedited data collection. (Creswell & Creswell, 2018). I would create the survey questions myself and I would use a survey making instrument that would collect the data on the website for me, to reduce my data entry errors and to speed up the data collection and data entry part of the process. (Craswell & Craswell, 2018).
Creswell, J. W., & Creswell, J. D. (2018). Research design: Qualitative, quantitative, and mixed methods approaches (5th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage.
University of Twente. (2017). Communication
attach you will find more instruction
Health Care Policy Health Medical Assignment Help
1 full page ( not words) cover or reference page not included)
¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨APA norms¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨¨
? It will be verified by Turnitin and SafeAssign?
Examine how nurses in Florida and other nursing organizations might improve policies that impact diversity in nursing? Review the American Association of Colleges of Nursing’s Position Statement on Diversity and Inclusion (March 2017) and compare it to the August 13, 2019 White Paper by the American Academy of Nursing.
Please state, what you see is missing from each report and what discussion points do you support. Please provide a rationale for each.
To write a business model report Business Finance Assignment Help
1,500-word business model for an original business idea in Oman (30%). This can be a real or an imaginary commercial or social business or a plan for an existing small business. The interactive chapter exercises on the textbook website allow you to build your business model. This should include a brief description of the business idea, a market and competitor analysis followed by the business model for its commercial launch, using the format in your textbook. Your word-limit does not include the title page, any references, and any supporting documentation.
Payroll Project Appendix A 2019 Business Finance Assignment Help
This is the Payroll Project in Appendix A of the textbook.
You should use the Excel Templates provided to complete all the steps in Appendix A and then answer the questions in Cengage based on your answers in the Excel Templates.
First attachment is the Payroll Excel Template (you do not have to complete the excel files I just need to turn in the 51 question) you just have to use the data in the excel template in order to get the answers for the 51 questions.
Second attachment is the 51 question test
Writing a report and a reflective report Business Finance Assignment Help
For the main project report;
Identifies an issue or problem in (Petroleum Development Oman) that has multiple and varied approaches to its resolution. This should be a current or impending but not a past issue. You will identify and integrate a range of theories and techniques drawn from multiple appropriate disciplines from your MBA in the creation of appropriate solutions.
Once you have framed the problem you will identify and discuss relevant theories, models and paradigms related to the problem. Make sure that you look at the problem from different points of view and relate them to your learning from as many different units of the MBA. For example:
This is not an exhaustive list and you may want to broaden the range of theories as you see fit. You will also want to be selective in the approach you adopt, justifying the selection methodologically. It is important to use an integrated approach rather than look at each dimension on its own.
Having done this, which will be roughly half of your word count, You will need to produce a critical review of the literature where you will locate your work, discussing its broader contribution and demonstrating its distinctiveness. You will do this by critically evaluating the concepts, theories, models, etc., used and extending this to identify and review the wider body of knowledge and latest research in the field.
For the reflection report;
You produce a reflective account that critically evaluates your capabilities at managing the process of producing the Project and reflects upon your development during the MBA and future needs as a practitioner based on your learning during the Project.
You are free to use your creativity and imagination in this regard. However, below are some guidelines for reflection on your MBA ‘journey’.
This is an opportunity to think back on your learning experience and self-evaluate in terms of strengths and weaknesses. There is no prescription of format or content, but the following might help.
Ask questions such as:
Learning theory can be helpful in providing a framework of analysis.
Consider, for example, Kolb’s Learning Cycle – experiential learning theory, 1984 and Rolfe et al’s Reflective Cycle, 2001 – What? So, what? Now what? Having undertaken the reflection/self-evaluation think about providing a personal development plan which includes realistic goals and time lines and aids the monitoring of progress.
Reflection and self-evaluation are the key – supported by learning theory. Avoid description
Writing a report and a reflective report Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
World Bank Indicator Assignment Computer Science Assignment Help
World Bank Indicator Assignment:
1) Examine the World Bank Indicator data file included with this project.
2) Clean the file so that it can be analyzed with Tableau.
3) Come up with two hypothesis about the data. Remember, hypothesis are not about the facts, they are about high level relationships. Make sure you document your hypothesis statements in your workbook that you will publish.
4) Create a workbook for each showing your conclusions. Make sure you make a dashboard out of the visualizations you create to help you prove or disprove your hypothesis or if you find some interesting knowledge that you discover along the way to exploring your hypothesis analysis, document that aspect of your project.
5) Make sure you put comments about the hypothesis and conclusions on the workbook.
6) Find something interesting about the data with Tableau and report it in your storyboard that you will create and publish.
Please work only on Tableau version 2019.3, also please provide the output file as .twbx
Please be aware that you need to work inside tableau for this assignment.
Read the attached essay and copy the outline template below and follow the guidelines to complete the outline Writing Assignment Help
Copy this format for your final paper outline on the DEATH OF A SALESMAN FINAL PAPER PROMPT
Sample Literary Analysis Outline
Thesis Statement (one sentence that sums up your specific interpretation of the story): In “Desiree’s Baby,” Chopin illustrates that dependence can be an important component of healthy relationships, but she also strongly warns of the dangers of being overly dependent.
Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Desiree’s dependence within her relationships begins even before her marriage, in her upbringing in the Valmonde household.
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): Monsieur Valmonde found her when “she was of the toddling age”
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topicsentence):As a toddler, she’s completely dependent on those who found her.
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): She was the “idol of Valmonde” and thought to be “sent to her [mother] by a beneficent Providence. . .”
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): With such a status, Desiree completely taken care of by mother, father, servants, furthering her dependence on others
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation): Desiree was “beautiful and gentle, affectionate and sincere”
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence): Apparent mutual benefit for everyone, including Desiree, as a result of her dependence
Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation): Desiree’s dependence within her family carries over into her marriage to Armand Aubigny.
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
Topic Sentence (sums up a major point about the story that helps support your interpretation):
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
- Support
- Evidence from the story (relevant detail and/or quotation):
- Your explanation of the evidence (what it shows that is relevant to your topic sentence):
Summary of facts.
How do our theorists understand the role of freedom and democracy (understood broadly)? Does freedom require democracy? Does democracy threaten freedom? Do either justify revolution? Writing Assignment Help
Using three theorists, answer the question. Choose among these theorists: Locke, the Federalists, Marx & Engels (considered as one theorist) Rousseau, Wollstonecraft and Mill. In your essay, be sure to use specific evidence from the readings to back up your thesis. Material from the lectures and discussion is also appropriate, but the primary emphasis should be on the readings. ALL OF THE QUESTIONS SHOULD BE ANSWERED! THE ESAAY NEEDS TO BE ARGUMENTATIVE IF NOT WILL ASK FOR A REFUND!
COMM 301-50 investigate how differences in the reporting of a piece of news across different outlets Writing Assignment Help
Please see attachments.
Choose a news story/event from the list or work with me to find one of your own. It should be a
fairly substantial news story that appeared in the last few years and would have been reported
in a variety of news outlets.
2. Find at least 7 examples of reporting on the story from a wide variety of news outlets/channels
in a variety of formats (print, audio, video, podcast, etc.). Your examples should meet the
following criteria:
Be examples of straight reporting not opinion, analysis, or editorial pieces
At least 1 examples should be from foreign (outside the United States) news source.
At least 1 example should be from an ethnic or alternative news source.
At least 1 example from a far right or far left news source.
At least 1 example from a well-regarded national newspaper (New York Times,
Washington Post, etc.).
At least 1 video example from CNN or another prominent news network.
Be careful that the examples you select are not simply reprints of Associated Press (AP) versions
of the story (look at the author). If you are struggling to find examples or have questions about
any of your sources, please talk with us as soon as possible.
While you can obviously use Google News and other similar online sources, there are several
library databases you can use to find news. To access them, go to the library’s homepage, then
Subject Guides, News, News Sources or http://library.louisville.edu/ekstrom/news-sources
Lexis-Nexis (has transcripts from media news sources as well as foreign news)
Access World News (lots of smaller, more local papers and foreign news)
US Newstream (includes Louisville Courier-Journal)
Ethnic Newswatch
Newspaper Source (Ebsco)
New York Times
Alt-Press Watch (includes advocacy press, left-wing, libertarian, and other issueoriented news sources)
3. Create a bibliography of the examples you find in a citation style of your choice. Identify
whether each story is a straightforward/traditional news report or if it veers more towards
analysis/commentary on events.
4. Write a double-spaced paper of 4-6 pages analyzing the similarities and differences you find in
the ways the story was reported. Consider the following questions in your paper. You do not
necessarily need to answer every question in detail, but your analysis should demonstrate that
you have thoroughly considered these aspects of the reporting. You should also use ideas from
our class discussions and readings (e.g., Bennett, Graves, Parenti) to inform your analysis.
Your analysis should NOT be focused on the source’s perceived political bias (Fox is
conservative, CNN is liberal, etc.) If you do not go beyond those terms, your grade will reflect
a lack of engagement with the class readings!
In what outlets did the story appear?
What similarities and differences can you identify in how the stories are framed
across media outlets?
What headlines were used? How do the headlines frame the story?
How long were the stories? Which outlets provided the most and least detail?
Which details were emphasized and why? What was left out or what questions
remain unanswered?
How were the stories organized or structured? How do organizational choices
impact the framing and/or narrative?
How does word choice in the stories impact the content or tone? Was there
evidence of biased language or language that might be “loaded” in some sense?
What kinds of sources were used in the stories and why? People? Documents?
Other media outlets? Anything else?
Were prominent politicians, political leaders, or government officials cited in
any of the stories? How were they introduced or described? Were their words
taken at face value? Were they analyzed or fact-checked in some way?
How were sources balanced? Was there evidence of false balance or other sides
that weren’t consulted?
Were experts cited? Who were they and what were their credentials? Did all the
outlets cite the same experts? Trace at least 2 of the experts’ credentials. Are
Wk 6 – Signature Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help
Wk 6 – Signature Assignment Business Finance Assignment Help