WMU The Rights of White People Rock Music & US Civil Rights Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help

WMU The Rights of White People Rock Music & US Civil Rights Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help. WMU The Rights of White People Rock Music & US Civil Rights Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help.

I’m working on a writing test / quiz prep and need a sample draft to help me learn.
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Write a personal essay (minimum 200 words/maximum 250 words):

Part 1. First, describe what your understanding was before you took this class regarding rock-related music’s relationship to U.S. race relations and the U.S. Civil Rights Movement of the 1950s and ’60s.

Part 2. Then, describe how your understanding has been either changed or enhanced about this topic after considering what you saw in these videos.

– Do not re-state what the quotes said
– Do not summarize the Civil Rights Movement
– Do not give me an historical summary
– Do not pull down information from the internet!!

Focus on YOU. Talk only about what your understanding used to be of the relationship of rock-related music to the US Civil Rights Movement of the ’50s & ’60s, AND how your views either changed or were enhanced after considering these videos and commentaries.

(Again, this personal essay must be at least 200 words/maximum 250 words)

video 1 https://wmich.mediasite.com/Mediasite/Play/7d72721…

video 2 https://wmich.mediasite.com/Mediasite/Play/7e9cc40…

WMU The Rights of White People Rock Music & US Civil Rights Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

ENG 102 HCCC Data Confidentiality & Security on Social Media Forums Discussion Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english discussion question and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

This Discussion Question is an opportunity for you to sharpen your proposed idea(s) for the Research Project, which we will work on throughout the second half of the course.

  • First, be sure to read my comments and suggestions on your UNIT 3 DQ2 and follow up as you judge best. Give consideration to your academic major, your educational goals beyond HCCC, and your career interests. If you can complete a research project related to these areas and goals, this could be of significant benefit to you, offering built-in motivation. You can also propose a topic related to an area of personal interest—science, technology, sports, the arts, a hobby.
  • All topics should relate to the contemporary world (but I would discourage any Covid-related topics because there is still too much uncertainty and you will be overwhelmed by the amount of potential research material you’d be facing.)
  • All topics should relate to an area you want to learn more about (rather than a topic that you think you know very well). Remember that the first aim of research is to learn.
  • All topics should have a strong element of argument/controversy. Your research should, in part, be exploring opposing viewpoints, as you will summarize these arguments and, from a neutral perspective, explain points of disagreement. (For this reason, it’s best not to choose a topic about which you already have strong opinions. We’ll be staying away from topics intertwined with religious beliefs or purely ethical/moral principles).

Your DQ1 Post should follow up on your work from the UNIT 3 DQ2, taking, I hope, my suggestions into consideration. Also read the posts of your fellow students to offer helpful suggestions and comments, and also to get some ideas for yourself. Your DQ1 work is not complete until you have posted several replies to others.

If your topic is taking shape and gets my initial approval, you will be able to immediately submit a revised, finished draft before Spring Break, which will count as a DQ for UNIT 5 (I will be making the necessary modifications in the upcoming assignments to make this work).

My respond to UNIT 3 DQ2

As a computer science major with many interests in different fields, it can be difficult to choose a single topic to tackle for my midterm paper. However, I have a broad idea on some topics which I find to be fascinating and would like to delve into. First, I would like to combine virtual reality with philosophy in a topic covering the effect that virtual reality holds on human beings and how it can alter their perception of reality as we know it in real life. Some people argue that using virtual reality often can make a person lose track of their surroundings, this argument can either be backed or debunked. Next, I believe the topic of ethical hacking is one worth discussing and researching as it is a quite controversial one and can unfold different views. Ethical hacking groups can be classified in three groups named: the white, grey and black hat, which help to understand what each group stands for. Finally, an important topic which surfaces on everyone’s mind at some point is privacy with computer and social media users. Many argue that the computer has more ways than one when it comes to breaching the privacy of its users in consensual as well as non-consensual manners. In this, we may research the theory of spying devices and computers as well as how much information they have access to and what it can be used for. These topics may be developed further or changed completely.

His comment:

Excellent ideas here. I would like to see you narrow these down to a topic more suitable for in-depth treatment in a 6-7 page paper. For example: Choose a specific application of virtual reality that’s controversial and explore both sides of the question. Or likewise, focus on a specific controversy related to computer privacy (such as the use of encryption apps, or confidentiality in electronic medical records) to learn about the debate. Try to follow up in your UNIT 4 DQ1 with some more focused possibilities. Do some initial quick searches to see what may be controversial about them.


English 112 Northern Virginia Community College Time Management Schedule Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me understand better.

  1. ime Management: Plan your schedule including work hours, class time, study time, reading and writing time. How will you schedule your time to succeed in this and all of your classes this semester? Plan 6-10 hours per week on this class alone.
  2. Procrastination: Watch this Ted Talk by Tim Urban on procrastination (Links to an external site.), instant gratification, and its affects, not just in your college courses but with your long-term goals. How does this information motivate you to combat procrastination?
  3. Plagiarism: Read the website called The Thirteen Types of Plagiarism (Links to an external site.). Think about each type of plagiarism and whether or not you have committed that type in the past. How will you avoid plagiarism in this course based your understanding of each of these types?
  4. Process: Read Betty Flowers article, Madman, Architect, Carpenter, Judge (Links to an external site.) How will you experiment with your writing process this semester? Will you separate madman and judge to stop “writer’s block”?


ENG 112 Northern Virginia CC Leadership Skills Strengths and Weaknesses Paper Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a writing project and need a sample draft to help me learn.

List specific details related to your life. The key is to make this exercise as specific and personal as possible. Use nicknames or words that only you or your family use. Use items and places that are specific to your life, memories, and experiences. Don’t worry about readers not knowing what you’re talking about. This is own your personal poem. When you put it all together, you will see that it conveys a deep sense about you. Some details you might consider are:

          • Parents and relatives
          • Food and meals
          • Family games or activities
          • Songs
          • Children’s stories, books, or poetry you still remember
          • Family sayings that were often repeated
          • Great advice you received from older family members
          • Ordinary household items
          • Traditions or family traits
          • Religious experiences or symbols
          • Accidents or traumatic experiences
          • Joys and losses
          • – follow the poem’s spirit of giving a sense of place through personal details. Use as many of the items on your list as you like. Don’t worry about form or structure. Write your poem however you like.


North Carolina Central University Digitalization of Supply Chain Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help

This assignment is on your individual systems project. This progress report is due by end of day on 3/19/21.

This report is only required to be at least twp pages. Please give updates on the following below.

Overview of Client and Client Needs

-Identify how needs were determined i.e. interviewing, observations, written documents and procedures, etc.

*Proposed Alternatives which include scope and complexity

*Final Solution

-What problem, opportunity, needs does it satisfy?

-Who are the stakeholders and users?

-How is this proposed system useful, of value, or of benefit to its users or stakeholders?

Update on feasibility assessment to determine whether the proposed system is worth being implemented

-Technical, Economic, Operational, Scheduling, Legal and Contractual, Political



SDSU Pyrodiversity Coupling of Biodiversity and Fire Regimes in Food Webs Questions Science Assignment Help

use the two attached papers to answer the following questions

Bowman et al. 2016 and Lake et al. 2017 – Questions for Discussion

  1. List three variables that make the fire regime (1 pt)
  2. Define the hypothesis ‘pyrodiversity begets biodiversity’ in your own words. Do you agree with this hypothesis, why? (2 pts)
  3. Provide one example of how humans directly and one example of how humans indirectly influence fire regimes. (2pts)
  4. Describe how bison and fires interact and affect trophic interactions in the North American tall grass prairie (see Bowman et al, Figure 4). What would happen if fire were eliminated from this landscape? (2 pts).
  5. How do cultural fire regimes differ from natural fire regimes? (2 pts)
  6. List five ways American Tribes used fire to promote their livelihood (1 pt)
  7. Describe two methods of how western knowledge and traditional knowledge can work together to improve fire management. (2 pts)
  8. Describe how the wildlife-urban-interface (WUI) complicates fire management (2 pts)
  9. Define a prescribed fire and a wildfire. How does management of these fire types differ? (2 pts)
  10. What are the challenges with using traditional knowledge and western knowledge in research? (2 pts)

11. Write out the citations for both papers using Ecology formatting. (2pts)

SDSU Pyrodiversity Coupling of Biodiversity and Fire Regimes in Food Webs Questions Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

OU Team Boundaries Human Interaction Team Social Capital & Social Cohesion Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

Question 1 :

A. Define a team boundary.  How do the teams manage their team boundaries? For your class team, what is an example of internal cohesion? If your class team was a face to face team, would you have better internal cohesion? Why? 

B.     Define team social capital.  Does social capital apply to your class team?  why or why not?  

Need 300-350 words with all references in APA Format.

The below questions must be addressed in terms of topics in Question 1 :

Question 2 : 

Ask a probing question, substantiated with additional background information, evidence or research.

Need 100 words with all references in APA Format.

Question 3 : 

Having read articles on team boundaries, synthesize the information to provide new perspectives.

Need 100 words with all references in APA Format.

Question 4 :

Validate an idea with your own experience and additional research.

Need 100 words with all references in APA Format



ENG 120 Cuyamaca College Police Brutality and Misconduct Argument Essay Humanities Assignment Help

To begin this assignment, compose your Essay 3 by addressing the following requirements:

  1. Choose a shape } Position or Proposal Argument.
  2. Choose a topic} Incarceration or American Exceptionalism for Position OR Immigration or Police Brutality for Proposal.
  3. Revisit the Page that details your shape prior to writing the essay as the Pages give you instructions to complete the assignment.
  4. Write a Thesis Statement that states a stance (Position) or offers a solution (Proposal).
  5. Offer clear, fully-developed body paragraphs, making sure that compelling and convincing evidence is used.
  6. Acknowledge the opposition and address it via refutation or concession.
  7. Make use of transitions.
  8. Ensure that all borrowed material, quotes and summaries, from the source essays or outside sources is parenthetically cited to avoid plagiarism.
  9. Offer bibliographic citations for any material you choose to use (it is not required that you use any) in the Works Cited at the end of the paper.
  10. Write 800+ words.


Harvard University Identity and Self Image Building Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

This is the third part of the whole assignment, I have attached the first part and second part of the assignment and please read it carefully. Part 3 assignment is based on the last 2 parts and the brands need to be write in this part should be same as the first two.


Brand experts argue that understanding both internal and external perception about the brand is critical to create and sustain a powerful brand. Following this, you are required to assess and manage your personal brand. Therefore, for this part of the assignment, answer the following questions:

  1. Assess Brand Identity (how you see your loved brands) and Self-identity (how you see yourself), by identifying 3 key words that you associate with yourself, your FMCG brand and your CD brand. (2 pages for each brand, 4 pages in total)
  2. Identify 3 key areas of positive and 3 key areas of negative competencies for yourself and your beloved brands
  3. Talk to at least 6 persons (family and friends) and request them to tell you how they see you (your image in their mind)? Based on your interaction with them, list the most commonly told 3 positive competencies and 3 negative competencies about you.
  4. Analyze your findings and identify discrepancies between your identity and image?
  5. You need to build a positive brand image for yourself (considering yourself as a brand). For this, what steps would you take to bridge the gap between your self-identity your image.
  6. Now using a website like www.wordle.net, create a word cloud reflecting your personal image. This should be done based on the information you received about yourself through interaction with 6 persons.

CLOs being assessed:

Following course learning outcomes will be assessed through this assessment:

  • Create key elements of brand architecture including the brand promise, brand purpose, brand identity, and brand reputation

Work-ready deliverables: Brand Research, Meaningful Brand Identity

Following resources will be helpful for this assessment:

  1. The Brand Relationship Spectrum: The Key to the Brand Architecture Challenge. By Aaker, D. A., & Joachimsthaler, E. (California Management Review 42.4 (2000), 8–23)

This reading can be found and purchased at the CMR website, under https://cmr.berkeley.edu/

  1. Exploring brand-person relationships: Three life histories. By Susan Fournier (https://hbsp.harvard.edu/product/597091-PDF-ENG)
  2. Consumers Have Humanlike Relationships with Brands


  1. Chang, Pao‐Long, and Ming‐Hua Chieng. “Building consumer–brand relationship: A cross‐cultural experiential view.” Psychology & Marketing 23, no. 11 (2006): 927-959.
  2. Swaminathan, Vanitha, Karen L. Page, and Zeynep Gürhan-Canli. ““My” brand or “our” brand: The effects of brand relationship dimensions and self-construal on brand evaluations.” Journal of consumer research 34, no. 2 (2007): 248-259.


BIOL 114 FSU Microbiology Bacteria Infections & Sanitization Questions Science Assignment Help

Hello, please help me answer the following homework questions below:

7. All answers must be in your own words. Answers copied directly from the textbook, PowerPoint, or an online source will not be given credit.

  1. Imagine that a parent has brought their child in for a routine vaccination. They say, “Before you give my child the shot, make sure to sanitize their skin!” Should you sanitize their child’s skin? Why or why not? Make sure to show your understanding of the word sanitize in your answer.
  2. Explain the statement from your textbook, “Destroying them (endospores) is the goal of sterilization.” Make sure to explain what an endospore is and show your understanding of the word sterilization in your answer.
  3. Why is hydrogen peroxide so effective against anaerobes like Clostridium tetani that have infected a puncture wound? Make sure to explain what an anaerobe is as well as the action of hydrogen peroxide in your answer.
  4. Why would surfactants be more effective against gram-negative bacteria than against gram-positive bacteria? Make sure to show your understanding of the differences between the two types of bacteria.
  5. Is pasteurization considered sterilization? Explain your reasoning.
  6. Clostridium difficile spores can often be found on all surfaces of an infected patient’s room (even the ceiling!) Consider the different types of surfaces and propose a plan to sterilize a C. difficile contaminated room.

8. All answers must be in your own words. Answers copied directly from the textbook, PowerPoint, or an online source will not be given credit.

  1. You have read about many drugs used to treat bacterial infections. Explain why it is easier to develop a drug to treat bacterial infections compared to developing a drug to treat infection caused by other living microbes (fungi, protozoa, and helminthes.) Consider the types of cells causing the infection in your answer.
  2. While there are drugs available to treat viral infections, again, it is a very small number compared to the number available to treat bacterial infections. Explain why it is easier to develop a drug to treat bacterial infections compared to developing a drug to treat viral infections. Consider the life cycle of a virus in your answer.
  3. In 2015, the WHO surveyed 10,000 people on the subject of drug resistance. Seventy-five percent of them said that antibiotic resistance is due to the human body becoming resistant to the drug. Explain how you would correct this misconception?
  4. Name and briefly describe the modes of action of the five major antimicrobial drug groups.
  5. Imagine that you have set up a Kirby Bauer experiment on Mueller Hinton agar (non-selective agar) in order to test if Escherichia coli is susceptible or resistant to Drug X. After 24 hours, you notice a zone of inhibition (clear zone) around your antibiotic disc and determine that E. coli is susceptible to Drug X. You then take a cotton swab and subculture a sample from this zone of inhibition (where no growth was apparent) onto a new agar plate without antibiotics and after 24 hours you see growth of E.coli. What can you conclude about Drug X? Explain your answer for full credit.
  6. Many visits to your physician do not result in a culture or a drug-test of the causative infectious agent, yet you still leave with a prescription for antibiotics. Name one instance where it would be best to be prescribed a narrow spectrum antibiotic. Name a second instance where it would be best to be prescribed a broad spectrum antibiotic. Justify your answers for full credit.



  1. Chang, Pao‐Long, and Ming‐Hua Chieng. “Building consumer–brand relationship: A cross‐cultural experiential view.” Psychology & Marketing 23, no. 11 (2006): 927-959.
  2. Swaminathan, Vanitha, Karen L. Page, and Zeynep Gürhan-Canli. ““My” brand or “our” brand: The effects of brand relationship dimensions and self-construal on brand evaluations.” Journal of consumer research 34, no. 2 (2007): 248-259.


BIOL 114 FSU Microbiology Bacteria Infections & Sanitization Questions Science Assignment Help

Hello, please help me answer the following homework questions below:

7. All answers must be in your own words. Answers copied directly from the textbook, PowerPoint, or an online source will not be given credit.

  1. Imagine that a parent has brought their child in for a routine vaccination. They say, “Before you give my child the shot, make sure to sanitize their skin!” Should you sanitize their child’s skin? Why or why not? Make sure to show your understanding of the word sanitize in your answer.
  2. Explain the statement from your textbook, “Destroying them (endospores) is the goal of sterilization.” Make sure to explain what an endospore is and show your understanding of the word sterilization in your answer.
  3. Why is hydrogen peroxide so effective against anaerobes like Clostridium tetani that have infected a puncture wound? Make sure to explain what an anaerobe is as well as the action of hydrogen peroxide in your answer.
  4. Why would surfactants be more effective against gram-negative bacteria than against gram-positive bacteria? Make sure to show your understanding of the differences between the two types of bacteria.
  5. Is pasteurization considered sterilization? Explain your reasoning.
  6. Clostridium difficile spores can often be found on all surfaces of an infected patient’s room (even the ceiling!) Consider the different types of surfaces and propose a plan to sterilize a C. difficile contaminated room.

8. All answers must be in your own words. Answers copied directly from the textbook, PowerPoint, or an online source will not be given credit.

  1. You have read about many drugs used to treat bacterial infections. Explain why it is easier to develop a drug to treat bacterial infections compared to developing a drug to treat infection caused by other living microbes (fungi, protozoa, and helminthes.) Consider the types of cells causing the infection in your answer.
  2. While there are drugs available to treat viral infections, again, it is a very small number compared to the number available to treat bacterial infections. Explain why it is easier to develop a drug to treat bacterial infections compared to developing a drug to treat viral infections. Consider the life cycle of a virus in your answer.
  3. In 2015, the WHO surveyed 10,000 people on the subject of drug resistance. Seventy-five percent of them said that antibiotic resistance is due to the human body becoming resistant to the drug. Explain how you would correct this misconception?
  4. Name and briefly describe the modes of action of the five major antimicrobial drug groups.
  5. Imagine that you have set up a Kirby Bauer experiment on Mueller Hinton agar (non-selective agar) in order to test if Escherichia coli is susceptible or resistant to Drug X. After 24 hours, you notice a zone of inhibition (clear zone) around your antibiotic disc and determine that E. coli is susceptible to Drug X. You then take a cotton swab and subculture a sample from this zone of inhibition (where no growth was apparent) onto a new agar plate without antibiotics and after 24 hours you see growth of E.coli. What can you conclude about Drug X? Explain your answer for full credit.
  6. Many visits to your physician do not result in a culture or a drug-test of the causative infectious agent, yet you still leave with a prescription for antibiotics. Name one instance where it would be best to be prescribed a narrow spectrum antibiotic. Name a second instance where it would be best to be prescribed a broad spectrum antibiotic. Justify your answers for full credit.



  1. Chang, Pao‐Long, and Ming‐Hua Chieng. “Building consumer–brand relationship: A cross‐cultural experiential view.” Psychology & Marketing 23, no. 11 (2006): 927-959.
  2. Swaminathan, Vanitha, Karen L. Page, and Zeynep Gürhan-Canli. ““My” brand or “our” brand: The effects of brand relationship dimensions and self-construal on brand evaluations.” Journal of consumer research 34, no. 2 (2007): 248-259.


BIOL 114 FSU Microbiology Bacteria Infections & Sanitization Questions Science Assignment Help

Hello, please help me answer the following homework questions below:

7. All answers must be in your own words. Answers copied directly from the textbook, PowerPoint, or an online source will not be given credit.

  1. Imagine that a parent has brought their child in for a routine vaccination. They say, “Before you give my child the shot, make sure to sanitize their skin!” Should you sanitize their child’s skin? Why or why not? Make sure to show your understanding of the word sanitize in your answer.
  2. Explain the statement from your textbook, “Destroying them (endospores) is the goal of sterilization.” Make sure to explain what an endospore is and show your understanding of the word sterilization in your answer.
  3. Why is hydrogen peroxide so effective against anaerobes like Clostridium tetani that have infected a puncture wound? Make sure to explain what an anaerobe is as well as the action of hydrogen peroxide in your answer.
  4. Why would surfactants be more effective against gram-negative bacteria than against gram-positive bacteria? Make sure to show your understanding of the differences between the two types of bacteria.
  5. Is pasteurization considered sterilization? Explain your reasoning.
  6. Clostridium difficile spores can often be found on all surfaces of an infected patient’s room (even the ceiling!) Consider the different types of surfaces and propose a plan to sterilize a C. difficile contaminated room.

8. All answers must be in your own words. Answers copied directly from the textbook, PowerPoint, or an online source will not be given credit.

  1. You have read about many drugs used to treat bacterial infections. Explain why it is easier to develop a drug to treat bacterial infections compared to developing a drug to treat infection caused by other living microbes (fungi, protozoa, and helminthes.) Consider the types of cells causing the infection in your answer.
  2. While there are drugs available to treat viral infections, again, it is a very small number compared to the number available to treat bacterial infections. Explain why it is easier to develop a drug to treat bacterial infections compared to developing a drug to treat viral infections. Consider the life cycle of a virus in your answer.
  3. In 2015, the WHO surveyed 10,000 people on the subject of drug resistance. Seventy-five percent of them said that antibiotic resistance is due to the human body becoming resistant to the drug. Explain how you would correct this misconception?
  4. Name and briefly describe the modes of action of the five major antimicrobial drug groups.
  5. Imagine that you have set up a Kirby Bauer experiment on Mueller Hinton agar (non-selective agar) in order to test if Escherichia coli is susceptible or resistant to Drug X. After 24 hours, you notice a zone of inhibition (clear zone) around your antibiotic disc and determine that E. coli is susceptible to Drug X. You then take a cotton swab and subculture a sample from this zone of inhibition (where no growth was apparent) onto a new agar plate without antibiotics and after 24 hours you see growth of E.coli. What can you conclude about Drug X? Explain your answer for full credit.
  6. Many visits to your physician do not result in a culture or a drug-test of the causative infectious agent, yet you still leave with a prescription for antibiotics. Name one instance where it would be best to be prescribed a narrow spectrum antibiotic. Name a second instance where it would be best to be prescribed a broad spectrum antibiotic. Justify your answers for full credit.



  1. Chang, Pao‐Long, and Ming‐Hua Chieng. “Building consumer–brand relationship: A cross‐cultural experiential view.” Psychology & Marketing 23, no. 11 (2006): 927-959.
  2. Swaminathan, Vanitha, Karen L. Page, and Zeynep Gürhan-Canli. ““My” brand or “our” brand: The effects of brand relationship dimensions and self-construal on brand evaluations.” Journal of consumer research 34, no. 2 (2007): 248-259.


BIOL 114 FSU Microbiology Bacteria Infections & Sanitization Questions Science Assignment Help

Hello, please help me answer the following homework questions below:

7. All answers must be in your own words. Answers copied directly from the textbook, PowerPoint, or an online source will not be given credit.

  1. Imagine that a parent has brought their child in for a routine vaccination. They say, “Before you give my child the shot, make sure to sanitize their skin!” Should you sanitize their child’s skin? Why or why not? Make sure to show your understanding of the word sanitize in your answer.
  2. Explain the statement from your textbook, “Destroying them (endospores) is the goal of sterilization.” Make sure to explain what an endospore is and show your understanding of the word sterilization in your answer.
  3. Why is hydrogen peroxide so effective against anaerobes like Clostridium tetani that have infected a puncture wound? Make sure to explain what an anaerobe is as well as the action of hydrogen peroxide in your answer.
  4. Why would surfactants be more effective against gram-negative bacteria than against gram-positive bacteria? Make sure to show your understanding of the differences between the two types of bacteria.
  5. Is pasteurization considered sterilization? Explain your reasoning.
  6. Clostridium difficile spores can often be found on all surfaces of an infected patient’s room (even the ceiling!) Consider the different types of surfaces and propose a plan to sterilize a C. difficile contaminated room.

8. All answers must be in your own words. Answers copied directly from the textbook, PowerPoint, or an online source will not be given credit.

  1. You have read about many drugs used to treat bacterial infections. Explain why it is easier to develop a drug to treat bacterial infections compared to developing a drug to treat infection caused by other living microbes (fungi, protozoa, and helminthes.) Consider the types of cells causing the infection in your answer.
  2. While there are drugs available to treat viral infections, again, it is a very small number compared to the number available to treat bacterial infections. Explain why it is easier to develop a drug to treat bacterial infections compared to developing a drug to treat viral infections. Consider the life cycle of a virus in your answer.
  3. In 2015, the WHO surveyed 10,000 people on the subject of drug resistance. Seventy-five percent of them said that antibiotic resistance is due to the human body becoming resistant to the drug. Explain how you would correct this misconception?
  4. Name and briefly describe the modes of action of the five major antimicrobial drug groups.
  5. Imagine that you have set up a Kirby Bauer experiment on Mueller Hinton agar (non-selective agar) in order to test if Escherichia coli is susceptible or resistant to Drug X. After 24 hours, you notice a zone of inhibition (clear zone) around your antibiotic disc and determine that E. coli is susceptible to Drug X. You then take a cotton swab and subculture a sample from this zone of inhibition (where no growth was apparent) onto a new agar plate without antibiotics and after 24 hours you see growth of E.coli. What can you conclude about Drug X? Explain your answer for full credit.
  6. Many visits to your physician do not result in a culture or a drug-test of the causative infectious agent, yet you still leave with a prescription for antibiotics. Name one instance where it would be best to be prescribed a narrow spectrum antibiotic. Name a second instance where it would be best to be prescribed a broad spectrum antibiotic. Justify your answers for full credit.


WMU The Rights of White People Rock Music & US Civil Rights Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help

WMU The Rights of White People Rock Music & US Civil Rights Movement Discussion Writing Assignment Help

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