Wright State University Create a Gantt Chart and a Network Diagram Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

Wright State University Create a Gantt Chart and a Network Diagram Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help. Wright State University Create a Gantt Chart and a Network Diagram Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help.

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Your team has been asked to test and document enhancements to a web application that allows buyers to purchase custom-printed canvas shoes. The tasks and dependencies are as follows:

  • Create a testing plan

Once the testing plan is ready, your team can:

  • Test the user interfaces
  • Test the database
  • Test the network
  • Write the documentation first draft

When the user interface tests are complete, you can:

  • Perform user testing—enlist some users to test the user interface

When the database and network testing are complete, you can:

  • Perform integration testing—network with the database

When the user testing of the user interface and the database testing are complete, you can:

  • Perform integration testing—database, network, and user interface

When all integration testing and user testing are complete, you can:

  • Perform system testing

Then you can:

  • Review and revise documentation

After all other tasks are complete, you can:

  • Obtain management approval

Duration estimates for the tasks:


3 days


10 days


6 days


7 days


20 days


5 days


3 days


2 days


8 days


4 days


5 days

  1. Create a network diagram and a Gantt chart for the project tasks. Ask your instructor if you are permitted to use software such as Microsoft Project to help you prepare your diagrams.
    1. What is the planned duration for the testing project?
    2. What is the critical path for the testing project?
    3. For each task NOT on the critical path, calculate the amount of slack available.
    4. If the user testing of the user interface takes 15 days, what will the impact be on the project duration?





Wright State University Create a Gantt Chart and a Network Diagram Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Health & Medical Blood Classification Hospital Acquired Condition Question Health Medical Assignment Help

  • Introduction

    Note: The assessments in this course build upon each other. Therefore, you are strongly encouraged to complete them in the order in which they are presented.A research problem statement expresses the issue or phenomenon that a project is seeking to solve or improve. It also helps to show readers the importance of the issue and defines the context for the study. To make problem statements more compelling, we can use the past research of others to improve care and inspire further research. A review of the literature can provide knowledge about what others found useful in addressing problems that are similar to the ones you face. By leveraging this evidence base, you can create clearer and more compelling problem statements.The purpose statement tells the reader the intent of your research. Within the context of this course, it will be to make improvements related to one or more hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) of your choice. Take, for instance, the case of a hospital-acquired infection resulting from the insertion of a central line. You may determine through the literature search that there are other methods to prevent infections.Perhaps you note that the staff in your organizations were not properly using sterile techniques and outlining a sterile field. Your new process may involve adopting better sterilization protocols prior to inserting a catheter. In order to make the change, you will need to provide evidence that this practice is based on research and is clearly accepted as the standard practice.

    Demonstration of Proficiency

    By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and assessment criteria:

    • Competency 2: Develop a research question based on a hospital-acquired condition.
      • Explain the background of a given research problem based on information in the literature.
      • Apply evidence-based information to support the development of a given research problem.
    • Competency 3: Plan a research project.
      • Develop a problem statement based on relevant literature. 
      • Formulate a purpose statement supported by a review of the literature.
    • Competency 4: Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.
      • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.


    This assessment has three distinct parts.

    Part 1: Background and Evidence

    Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

    • Explain the background of a given research problem based on information in the literature.
    • Apply evidence-based information to support the development of a given research problem.
    • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

    For this section you will need to select one or more hospital-acquired conditions (HACs) from the list of Hospital-Acquired Conditions created by the Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services (CMS). From your readings and independent research you will compose a background explanation of the HAC and how it is manifesting as an issue in a health care setting of your choice. You will also be creating an evidence-based rationale for why it is important to further study this particular HAC.This first section should be one to two pages, with support from the literature for the background of the issue, the importance of the problem within the context of your chosen health care setting, and support for your purpose in pursuing your research project.

    Part 2: Problem Statement

    Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

    • Develop a problem statement based on relevant literature.
    • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

    For this part you will create a problem statement that developed out of your review of the literature related to the HAC(s). This problem statement will help to inform the research questions; you will develop these further in Assessments 2 and 3 and include them in your work for Assessment 4.A well-written problem statement should be one or two sentences.Problem Statement Checklist:Identify the problem that led to the research.

    • Is it easy to determine?
    • Were there identifying words that justify the problem?
    • Was the rationale or justification of the problem clearly stated?
    • Do the words in the problem statement indicate the kind of study performed? What words in particular?
    • Was the evidence for the problem provided in the literature?
    Part 3: Purpose Statement

    Relevant Scoring Guide Criteria:

    • Formulate a purpose statement supported by a review of the literature.
    • Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.

    For this part, you will develop your purpose statement, which will clearly lay out what you would hope to accomplish as you work towards addressing the problem you have identified. Purpose statements should be grounded in the evidence and indicate the kind of study that will be performed. This purpose will help to inform the research questions you will develop in Assessments 2 and 3 and include in your work for Assessment 4.A well-written purpose statement should be one or two sentences in length.Purpose Statement Checklist:Identify the purpose that led to the research study.

    • What does the study hope to accomplish? What are the desired outcomes?
    • Was the rationale or justification of the purpose clearly stated?
    • Do the words in the purpose statement indicate the kind of study performed? What words in particular?
    • Was the item cited as evidence for the purpose published within the last five years?

    Additional Submission Requirements

    • Structure: Include a title page, table of contents, and reference page.
    • Length: There is no length requirement for this assessment. Most submissions that fully address all scoring guide criteria will be 2 to 3 pages in length.
    • References: Cite at least five current scholarly or professional resources.
    • Format: Use APA style for references and citations.
    • Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced for narrative portions only.

    Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated.VIEW SCORING GUIDE

  • CRITERIANON-PERFORMANCEBASICPROFICIENTDISTINGUISHEDExplain the background of a given research problem based on information in the literature.Does not describe the background of a given research problem based on information in the literature.Describes the background of a given research problem based on information in the literature.Explains the background of a given research problem based on information in the literature.Explains the background of a given research problem based on information in the literature, providing specific examples.Apply evidence-based information to support the development of a given research problem.Does not explain evidence-based information to support the development of a given research problem.Explains evidence-based information to support the development of a given research problem.Applies evidence-based information to support the development of a given research problem.Applies evidence-based information to support the development of a given research problem, providing specific examples.Develop a problem statement based on relevant literature. Does not describe a problem statement based on relevant literature.Describes a problem statement based on relevant literature.Develops a problem statement based on relevant literature. Develops a problem statement based on relevant literature, providing specific examples.Formulate a purpose statement supported by a review of the literature.Does not describe a purpose statement supported by a review of the literature.Describes a purpose statement supported by a review of the literature.Formulates a purpose statement supported by a review of the literature.Formulates a purpose statement supported by a review of the literature, providing specific examples.Communicate in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.Does not communicate in a manner that is consistent with expectations for the health care profession.Communicates in a manner that is consistent with expectations for the health care profession.Communicates in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.Communicates with exceptional clarity in a manner that is scholarly, professional, and respectful of the diversity, dignity, and integrity of others and is consistent with expectations for health care professionals.


OC Art & Experience in The Middle Ages Life in A Medieval Monastery Discussion Writing Assignment Help

1. Length: 3 pages, typewritten, double-spaced

2. Question: What can you say about life in a medieval monastery from the two main witnesses that we have to it from the early Middle Ages: the parchment plan from St. Gall (ninth century) and the Rule of St. Benedict (sixth century)? The St. Gall plan shows what a monastery might have looked like, and the Rule of St. Benedict tells us what was supposed to have gone on in there. I would like you to think about these two together. Discuss the ways in which they relate to one another, or also conversely, the ways in which they don’t.


Saudi Electronic University Organic First Food Restaurant Analytical Review Business Finance Assignment Help

  • Students are advised to make their work clear and well presented, marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This includes filling your information on the cover page.
  • Students must mention question number clearly in their answer.
  • Avoid plagiarism, the work should be in your own words, copying from students or other resources without proper referencing will result in ZERO marks. No exceptions.
  • All answered must be typed using Times New Roman (size 12, double-spaced) font. No pictures containing text will be accepted and will be considered plagiarism).

  • Start-up Business Plan

Assume yourself as an entrepreneur of a small startup business in Saudi Arabia.

Write brief notes on the following objectives:

1. Owners

a. Your Business Name, Address, E‐Mail

2. General Business Description (300 – 400 words)

A. What business will you be in? What will you do?

•Mission Statement

•Company goals and objectives

B. Business Philosophy

a. What is important to you in your business?

• To whom will you market your product?

• Describe your Industry: Is it a growth industry? What long term or Short-term changes do you foresee in the industry? How will your company take advantage of it?

• Describe your most important company strengths and core competencies: What factors will make the company succeed? What do you think your major competitive strengths will be? What background experience, skills, and strengths do you personally bring to this new venture?

• Legal form of ownership: Sole proprietor, Partnership, Corporation, Limited liability corporation (LLC)? Why have you selected this form?

3. Products and Services

a. Describe in depth your products or services. (Technical specifications)

b. What factors will give you competitive advantages or disadvantages? Examples include level of quality or unique or proprietary features


KPU Wk 5 Project Management Project Scheduling Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

I’m working on a management discussion question and need an explanation to help me learn.

  • Based on your understanding of chapter 5, when would you use slack/float time?
  • When would you use a Lag vs a Lead in your project scheduling?
  • You are given a high level scope for your project which involves migration from on premise server computing environment to cloud (e.g. Amazn web services, Google Cloud, etc) and your job is to first figure out what the detailed requirements, and at some point throughout this process using any method appropriate (e.g. mind mapping, or sticky notes, etc) come up with a project estimate with a high level of confidence. Considering various levels of complexity, effort associated with some of these detailed tasks , and also numerous uncertainties, how would you come with a project estimate on effort (hours) and also cost? please explain your chose of estimation method(s) and explain your process from beginning to end.
  • [supanova_question]


    Harvard University Apple Stock & Honeywell Case Study Writing Assignment Help

    (NO grammar errors can be accepted for this paper or incoherent paragraphs)

    (Paraphrase the paper attached)

    (Avoid PASSIVE VOICE as much as possible)

    (The number of words should stay close to the original file)

    File Name:Paraphrase document

    Request: The document is fully retrieved from external sources due to that it has a high plagiarism percentage. Your purpose is to rephrase each paragraph in order to reduce the plagiarism to under 6% ( make it passable through Turnitin). Also the paper needs to score at least 90 points out of 100 on Grammarly (which means it should not have grammar errors). Providing a work which is not coherent will result in a refund.

    Other information: DO NOT USE ANY PARAPHRASING SOFTWARES – my universities system identified this type of paraphrased work. In some instances, you might even have to change the place of the paragraph (highly sensitive plagiarism software!)


    • APA Format
    • No plagiarism is accepted
    • No Grammar errors (this has to be written as a native English writer, otherwise it will be declined).

    *** Thank you in advance for your support ***(NO grammar errors can be accepted for this paper or incoherent paragraphs)

    Harvard University Apple Stock & Honeywell Case Study Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    University of Florida History Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    I’m stuck on a History question and need an explanation.

    does Arellano mean when he argues that “we must consider the infinite
    varieties of Mexican food in the United States as part of the Mexican
    family – not a Fraud, not a lesser sibling” (Intro., p. 9)? To what
    extend do you agree or disagree with him? Why?

    Required Reading range:

    Taco, USA: Intro Chapter – Chapter 1

    IMPORTANT: 1. You need to show direct connections to the reading text
    as evidences. 2. You need to answe each questions directly 3. You need
    to cite and quote materials from readings and analyze the cited
    materials to explain why they are supportive of your answer to the

    Approximately 300 words. I have attached the reading text below.


    Online Terror Discussion Law Assignment Help

    I don’t understand this Law question and need help to study.

    Do you believe that we are winning the war on terrorism online? Why or why not? Suggest one policy implication that you think should be put in place to target one area of national security and/or terrorism online and discuss how this policy would help to thwart terroristic activities online or better protect people in the online environment.

    Respond to this post (Gio):

    I believe that the question of whether or not we are winning the war on terrorism online is a general question that cannot be answered with a simple yes or no but rather can draw to specific areas of online terrorism where there have been an increase of recent victories. One primary example is that I do believe based upon my research that we are winning the war against terrorist propaganda online. In modern age terrorist groups have taken to the internet to spread ideology as a method of instilling fear or even with the goal of radicalizing new recruits and will use a variety of social media sources to spread such ideology. Social media companies such as facebook have reached a rate of 99% efficiency in being able to detect terror related content before it is even able to be reported by users of the platform or even life on the website. This is accomplished through the use of audio and video matching technology which allows for the detection of terror propaganda and provides the company with the ability to delete up to 83% of content copies within one hour alone.

    In addition to the use of automated technology to combat and detect the spread of terrorist ideology via the internet and social media, a further deterrent and perhaps more important is the knowledge of trained experts. Through the collaboration of cyber experts across various social media and technology platforms with the common goal of combating online terrorism, major platforms will be able to share insights and findings on recent trends in methodology used by terrorists online as well as findings on ways to combat them. Industries are also able to share databases of hashes uncovered from terrorist propaganda which can be used as fingerprints allowing companies to detect each attempt of potential terror related content.

    Bickert, Monika, Fishman, Brian (28 November, 2017) Hard Questions: Are We Winning the War On Terrorism Online? Retrieved: https://about.fb.com/news/2017/11/hard-questions-are-we-winning-the-war-on-terrorism-online/

    Ines von Behr, Anaïs Reding, Charlie Edwards, Luke Gribbon (Accessed: 17 February, 2021) Radicalisation in the digital era. Retrieved: https://learn.umgc.edu/content/enforced/544170-027246-01-2212-OL1-6384/Radicalisationinthedigitalera.pdf?_&d2lSessionVal=jpsqIZuBBxDoVxXYmBfctgBFn&ou=544170


    Harvard University Managerialism and Teacher Professional Identity Case Questions Business Finance Assignment Help

    Request: Read the attached case and then answer the following questions (two questions)

    Q1: Given the change in stressors resulting from the change in the telecommuting policy, what can you predict about the commitment and job performance of Honeywell’s employees? Explain ( min 200 words)

    Q2:Describe your dream job and then provide a list of the types of stressors that you would expect to be present. How much of your salary , if any at all, would you give up to eliminate the most important hindrance stressors? Why (min 300 words)

    You need to support your responses with at least two scholarly, peer reviewed journal articles. No grammar errors can be accepted. The class powerpoint was provided which contains some useful information.


    GCU Accommodating Religious Practices in The Global Workplace in US Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

    Option #1: Setting Policy on Religious Holiday Leave in Compliance with U.S. Federal Law

    Religion permeates society and daily life and, for many, it requires special considerations in the workplace. In organizations with a diverse workforce, employees may identify themselves as Christian, Jewish, Muslim, or members of other religions. Increased religious diversity in the workplace has led to a doubling in the number of religious discrimination claims over the past decade. Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of l964 prohibits employers—in matters of hiring, firing, and other terms and conditions of employment—from discriminating against individuals because of their religion.


    1. For this assignment, you are to take the role of a leader in an organization. This may be an organization with which you are affiliated (as an employee, student, or volunteer, for example); or, if you do not have an affiliation with an organization, you may select a well-known company operating in the United States. Describe the organization and familiarize yourself with it so that you can write your responses based on the organization’s policies.
    2. Prepare a policy brief that clearly defines how the organization will accommodate requests for religious holiday leave. Read this fact sheet from the EEOC in preparation for your assignment: EEOC (2010) Facts about religious discrimination. (Links to an external site.)
    3. Include the following in your policy brief:
      • Describe “religion” as defined by the EEOC and Title VII.
      • Describe the legal requirement to accommodate requests for religious holidays, and give examples of these types of requests.
      • Explain the obligations on the part of the employer and employee regarding notification of religious leave.
      • Explain how the policy will be communicated to all employees.
      • Articulate the specific policy language you wish to have approved by senior and executive leadership.
      • Offer an explanation of how employees and leaders will communicate and resolve scheduling conflicts that may arise as a result of multiple requests for leave.
      • Explain how you will communicate this policy to your employees.

    Paper Requirements:

    • Your well-written paper should be 3-4 pages in length, not including the required title and references pages.
    • Include two scholarly references (not assigned for this module) that support your policy statement. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these sources.

    Option #2: Accommodating Religious Practices in the Global Workplace

    Countries have different approaches to religious practices in the workplace. In the Unites States, for example, Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 expressly prohibits discrimination against applicants or employees based on their religion. Still, there might be exceptions that can favor the employer.


    1. Research a recent (2015 or later) case where an individual claimed religious discrimination as a basis for being fired. It is preferable if you choose a case that occurred in the country in which you currently work or plan to work.
    2. State the facts of the case.
    3. Identify any relevant laws (these may be social, traditional, or legal) utilized by the court/authority in considering or determining the outcome of the case.
    4. Define any applicable legal/social doctrines or customs, the provisions of the laws or customs, and elements of a specific course of action.

    Then, address the following:

    • Are there exceptions to the doctrines or customs named above that give employers an advantage in hiring and firing employees? Explain your answer.
    • What is the responsibility of employees with regard to their religious behavior in the workplace?
    • How might an employer avoid a religious discrimination lawsuit or issue? Provide three points on proactive religious policy in the workplace for the country you have chosen to study for your case.

    Paper Requirements:

    • Your well-written paper should be 3-4 pages in length, not counting the required title and references pages
    • Include two scholarly references (not assigned for this module) that support your positions. The CSU Global Library is a good place to find these sources.


    Wright State University Create a Gantt Chart and a Network Diagram Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

    Wright State University Create a Gantt Chart and a Network Diagram Excel Task Business Finance Assignment Help

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