Write a cover letter (Software Engineer) Writing Assignment Help. Write a cover letter (Software Engineer) Writing Assignment Help.
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The organization of a good cover letter is
1. First Paragraph—Identify the job you found with details (where you found the ad, what the
posting number is, what the title is, etc.) and state that you are applying for the job. Do not
leave anything to guesswork.
2. Second Paragraph—Note the requirements for the job and link your skills to those wanted for
the job.
3. Third Paragraph (sometimes 2–3 concise and relevant paragraphs)—Address the characteristics
that you bring to the job. Describe projects that you’ve completed and additional skills and
characteristics you offer.
4. Final Paragraph—Include a “call to action,” asking the recipient to contact you and telling the
reader how to do so. Include your contact information here. Thank the recipient, and close with
a signature block.
The first page of the cover letter does not need a page number, but the second does.
Provide a transcript for an Elevator Speech (“tell me about yourself” speech) that is typically appropriate as your
introduction at a job fair or interview or when networking. Per content, your Elevator Speech should be
20–30 seconds long and should address your professional persona (as if you were meeting someone in
the elevator of a corporate building on your way to an interview).
(I will provide more personal information)
Write a cover letter (Software Engineer) Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
I need some help on 4 questions Business Finance Assignment Help
Journal entry amounts must include the supporting calculations. If journal entries for transactions already posted are prepared as part of your analysis, it should be clearly documented that these are for analysis purposes only and are not part of your answer. Provide an audit trail for all numerical figures (dollar amounts, volumes, percentages and so forth). Label all figures (that is, indicate what the figure represents), and ensure either the source of the figure or detail showing how it was calculated is clearly evident in the response when a hard copy is printed. use a separate Excel sheet for each one. Label each sheet with the question number and your name
A reflection on Personal Development in IT field Computer Science Assignment Help
As IT professionals our major goal is to become successful in the areas of IT in which we have chosen to specialize in. You are asked to conduct Internet research in these areas of specialization in terms of skills required, available opportunities, salaries, promotions, etc. In light of what you have accomplished in your field, you are asked to design a short term plan (2-3 years) that you can put in place to ensure your success in your profession. You may opt to list and describe the specific items that you believe must be completed in order to achieve your professional goals.
As always, make sure there is a connection between what you are sharing and the review of the literature. In this way, your reader can validate what you have researched. Also, be sure to apply APA style.
Core requirements,
Whats position you working on? – System Analyst
What position you wants to achieve in 2-3 years? Senior System Analyst/ Data Analyst or you can pick the position which you prefer best and write down about it.
what are the steps you want to follow to achieve your goal.
any role model?
3-4 pages minimum high quality along with APA standard
References needed
Need below completed Business Finance Assignment Help
Introduction and Outline (for Peer Reviewer)
In the last four modules, you have completed important steps toward building your final research paper and received feedback from your instructor to help you make changes and improve. Feedback is essential to the writing process; the more eyes on your work, the better it can become. So this week, you will submit your Milestone 5 assignment so that both your instructor and a peer reviewer can give you their feedback in Module 6. In turn, you will also review another student’s work in Module 6.
Begin by reading pages 5.8 through 5.11 in the webtext and then compile the submission components below in the Milestone 5 Template.
Step 1: Introduction Paragraph
For this assignment, you will draft the introduction for your final paper. First, review the following resources on creating an effective introduction: Excelsior OWL–Introduction paragraphs (Links to an external site.) and UNC Chapel Hill-Introductions. (Links to an external site.)
Your introduction paragraph should be approximately 150-200 words. It should:
- Grab the reader’s attention with an opening “hook” – this may be an interesting example, a quotation, an anecdote, or a question related to your topic
- Include your thesis statement as the last sentence of the introduction and underline it to make it clear to your reader. It’s expected that your thesis statement has changed and improved since you last submitted it in Milestone 3 based on your instructor’s feedback.
- Since you are drafting content that will become part of your final project, which is a formal academic writing assignment, you should avoid informal language (i.e. slang) and first-person pronouns (i.e. “I”, “me”, “my”)
Step 2: Outline
Once you have drafted your introduction paragraph, below it in the same document you will compose an outline of the body paragraphs and conclusion of your paper. First, review the following resource on outlines: Excelsior OWL–Traditional Outlining (Links to an external site.).
Your outline should include at least 3 body paragraphs supporting your thesis statement, 1 body paragraph to refute opposing perspectives, and a conclusion that reiterates your thesis statement. Each body paragraph should include 1-2 supporting details with the source or sources you plan to use as evidence for that detail. This way you will determine if you have enough evidence for your points, which will make it much easier to draft your full paper in the coming weeks or find additional sources if necessary.
Follow the format in the Milestone 5 Template to make sure your outline includes the necessary components.
Step 3: Reference List
Since you are including source information in your outline, you need to include a list of references at the end for all of your sources. This should be formatted in APA style, just as you did last week for Milestone 4. If your instructor offered corrections and feedback on your Milestone 4 references, make sure to make those changes before submitting Milestone 5.
Submission Instructions
Your final submission should include:
- Your introduction paragraph with your underlined thesis statement as the last sentence.
- Your outline with sources for each of your supporting details.
- A list of references in APA style at the end of the document.
Put all of these components into one document using the Milestone 5 Template and submit it to the dropbox by Sunday of Module 5.
My Explanatory theory based on my PICOT question of a veteran of any age, sex, or ethnicity with a history of alcohol abuse with the effects of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) compared to medication therapy with a reduction in reoccurrence rate after 60 Health Medical Assignment Help
I need a theory to guide and underwrite your EBP project. In this folder you will find some suggestions, you are not limited to these or even to nursing theory, however, you will need to support your choice with scholarly literature (peer-reviewed article, within 5 years publication. No textbook citations for the theory.). Once you have decided on a theory, you will write a 2-3-page paper (not including cover and reference page) which addresses: Theory chosen is Explanatory theory
1) Identifying your theory and explaining the basic tenets of the theory (you will need to cite the primary source by the author of the theory, this source may exceed 5 years as it is the primary source; that is you are looking for literature going back to origins of the theory); Explanatory theory
2) Explaining the rationale for why this theory is appropriate for the EBP Project, providing examples of how specifically it applies to your project; and
3) Concluding with the theory’s sustainability as it relates to your EBP Project.
The paper needs to be submitted in correct APA format, with title page and reference list which do not count in your page count. The body of your paper should include the appropriate headings.
My Explanatory theory based on my PICOT question of a veteran of any age, sex, or ethnicity with a history of alcohol abuse with the effects of cognitive behavior therapy (CBT) compared to medication therapy with a reduction in reoccurrence rate after 60 days of treatment? This research question is based on how veterans’ treatment affects his/her recovery from alcohol addiction.
SOCI 100 – favorite theorists and why – Marx, Durkheim, Weber Humanities Assignment Help
OPTION #2: YOUR FAVORITE THEORIST In this course, we have discussed three major classical theorists—Marx, Durkheim, and Weber—in detail. Which theorist is your favorite and why? Be sure to dedicate at least half of the paper to comparing your chosen theorist to the other two. Aim for about8double-spaced pages. Please number your pages.
Durkheim.1893.The Division Of Labor in Society.pdf
Durkheim.1914.Dualism of Human Nature.pdf
Weber.1904.The Protestant Ethic and the Spirit of Capitalism.pdf
Weber.1915.Religious Rejections of the World.pdf
Weber.1918.Science as a Vocation.pdf
Weber.1924.Bureaucracy & Legitimate Authority.pdf
Marx-Engels.The Marx-Engels Reader.pdf
Smith.1776.Wealth of Nations excerpt.pdf
SOCI 100 – favorite theorists and why – Marx, Durkheim, Weber Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Northern Virginia Middle Class Family Representation in The Middle Show Essay Writing Assignment Help
- Have a clear introduction, body and conclusion
- Include the titles of the shows and the episodes (accurately cited according to MLA) (Note: show titles are underlined or italicized and episodes are within quotation marks)
- Include a clear thesis statement in the Introduction (See sample thesis statement above).
- Topic sentences for each body paragraph that make arguments that support the thesis
- Provide, under the topic sentence, specific supporting examples from the episodes (and, optionally, quotes/paraphrases from the readings)
- Include a conclusion that is related to the thesis
- Read my feedback on your outline.
- Make changes, as necessary, to your outline and develop it into a 750-1000 word essay, paying close attention to:
- the conventions of good writing.
- critical thinking and analysis
- the required components of an analysis essay.
- the rules of MLA (Links to an external site.) for in-text citations, formatting and works cited.
- Save your revised essay on your computer.
- Submit your final essay as a file upload.
Discussion Board Forum 1 Instructions Health Medical Assignment Help
Discussion Board Forum 1 Instructions
Brief Description
You will survey 1 person and write a report based on the findings. Data may be collected through informal interviews or questionnaires. You will post the data AND your summary of findings to Discussion Board Forum 1.
The first part of this assignment is the survey. (It is to be presented in chart format.) Select someone to interview. The subject must not be related to you and must not live in the same household. Use either interview or questionnaire format to gather answers to the following:
- Demographic information of your chosen subject. Demographics include age, height, weight, and any other variables that you would like to add. Do not provide names or identify the subjects.
- Does the subject eat fortified foods? Does he/she know what a fortified food is? Can he/she give any examples of fortified foods?
- Can the subject list foods that contain high amounts of or are good sources of each of the following: vitamin A, D, E, K, and B12?
- Does the subject take a vitamin supplement? Why or why not? If he/she takes supplements, how much does he/she spend a month on vitamins?
- What resources does the subject use to get most of his/her nutrition information?
- How many times a week does the subject eat vegetables? How many servings per day?
- Does the subject know what a serving is? Have him/her show you.
- How does he/she cook vegetables?
- On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being not valued much and 10 being highly valued), ask the subject to rate how valuable health is.
- On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being poor and 10 being great), ask the subject to rate his/her current health status.
- On a scale of 1 to 10 (1 being a weak match and 10 being a strong match), ask the subject to rate how well his/her current eating habits line up or match with the value placed on health. Have him/her expand or explain the answer. In this discussion, ask if he/she can identify any barriers to overall health. In other words, if the above scores do not match, why does he/she think that is the case?
- What concerns does the subject have about diet or health, if any?
- If the subject were to learn more about nutrition, what specifically would he/she like to learn about, or what would be helpful to him/her in the present situation?
The second part of this assignment is the report. This analysis/report will be posted to the Discussion Board Forum in Module/Week 4 along with a chart of the data (the above responses) you collected.
- In addition to providing the above data (data should be presented in chart format), provide a discussion of the results from the survey. Be sure the discussion uses the following headings (shown in bold below) as talking points:
- A discussion of why you think the subject’s scores do or do not match. Be sure to provide specific examples to support your conclusions.
- Perceived barriers present and if you agree or disagree with the barriers the subject identified.
- Evaluate the responses you received. Compare the subject’s responses compared to the recommendations of a healthy diet (cite your references).
- Report and adequately explain the data from the survey, including knowledge of fortified foods, vitamin knowledge, supplements used, frequency of vegetable consumption, and cooking methods.
- Does the subject appear to be using credible sources for nutritional information? Explain.
- Based on the responses, what do you believe has had influence on the subject’s behavior (e.g., knowledge, education, background, family habits, etc.)? Explain.
- Discuss what role a public health nutritionist plays in the lives of people similar to those you interviewed.
- What were the subject’s concerns and interests? Do you find these to be relevant to the individual? Why or why not?
- Be sure to cite at least 2 peer-reviewed resources in current AMA format (your textbook can be one of them). Be specific. This is your opportunity to demonstrate that you know the material. Specific examples earn points. General, sweeping comments do not demonstrate that you understand the material.
- Provide specific recommendations you have for your subject.
- If you suggest a nutritional supplement of any kind, you must justify it with research.
Reflective practice- Lesson observation Writing Assignment Help
This week, record yourself teaching a lesson. You will need to ensure with your administration that this will be acceptable since there will be students in the video. This video will only be for personal use during this course, and will not be posted online. If filming yourself is a problem or you are not currently teaching, the following alternative options are also available:
Option 1: Film a colleague or friend who is a teacher.
Option 2: Select a video from the follow link: http://search.alexanderstreet.com.proxy1.ncu.edu/ediv/search?ff0=educational_topic_facetTeachingMethods
Record one class lesson (or choose one of the alternative options). Review the lesson using the observation guide, available in this week’s resources, to make notes and help you reflect. The observation guide is based on the Model for Structured Reflection (see Figure 1) (Johns, 2017). Then reflect further on this lesson through writing the same evening in your online journal/blog making sure to address the following questions in your reflection:
- How has reading about reflective practice affected you, and how has this changed your beliefs about the ways you teach?
- What specific parts of the readings changed, or did not change, the way you think about your teaching?
- How will what you have learned change or not change the way you approach teaching?
- Were you effective in terms of consequences for others and yourself?
- What factors influenced your response?
- How were you feeling?
- How were others feeling?
- How does this situation connect with previous experiences?
- What would be the consequences of alternative actions for the students and yourself?
- What Factors might stop you from responding differently?
- How do you now feel about the situation?
Length of blog: 1000+ words
Your blog must be effectively designed and meet the following criteria:
- Your blog should contain text that is legible (e.g., appropriate size of font, type of font, contrasts with background, contains sufficient white space).
- Be sure to include information within the blog that supports the assignment.
In addition to creating your blog, you will also submit a copy of your blog, along with the link to your blog, as you would with other written assignments.
Your blog should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your submission should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.
1000 words Writing Assignment Help
This is intentionally a “No Tricks” exam, due to all the social/environmental problems we are experiencing the past several days and the Covid-19 all quarter.
Overview of Exam Question: How does the attached April 25, 2020 Economist article, “Schumpeter – Minting It”, hereinafter the “Article”, discuss and describe the key principles/points of our Class?
Background:Previously, as we ended Week 8’s lecture, your instructor referred the class to read the April 25, 2020 Economist article entitled, “Netflix will remain a blockbuster hit beyond the covid-19 era – Minting it”. The article is posted on our class Canvas files under Week 8 files and attached to this exam document. (Note – The attachment is per the original Economist print edition, and is different only in page layout from the Canvas posting in the layout on a single magazine page.)As described in our Week 8 lecture, the details of the article are good examples of many of the factors and principles of successful international businesses presented in this class during the quarter. These include such factors as (a) a good product or service; (b) knowing the competition; (c) managing risk; (d) developing and following a Plan; (e) leverage and liquidity; (f) growing the business; (g) entering new markets; and many more.
Exam Question:Either in the form of a detailed essay OR a detailed outline with significant explanations, using the facts of the Netflix Article, identify and explain the important principles and factors of international business presented in class and as described in the Article. Your answer may also include principles in our class not mentioned in the Article, and any other factors you believe should be important in a successful international business.
Record one class lesson (or choose one of the alternative options). Review the lesson using the observation guide, available in this week’s resources, to make notes and help you reflect. The observation guide is based on the Model for Structured Reflection (see Figure 1) (Johns, 2017). Then reflect further on this lesson through writing the same evening in your online journal/blog making sure to address the following questions in your reflection:
- How has reading about reflective practice affected you, and how has this changed your beliefs about the ways you teach?
- What specific parts of the readings changed, or did not change, the way you think about your teaching?
- How will what you have learned change or not change the way you approach teaching?
- Were you effective in terms of consequences for others and yourself?
- What factors influenced your response?
- How were you feeling?
- How were others feeling?
- How does this situation connect with previous experiences?
- What would be the consequences of alternative actions for the students and yourself?
- What Factors might stop you from responding differently?
- How do you now feel about the situation?
Length of blog: 1000+ words
Your blog must be effectively designed and meet the following criteria:
- Your blog should contain text that is legible (e.g., appropriate size of font, type of font, contrasts with background, contains sufficient white space).
- Be sure to include information within the blog that supports the assignment.
In addition to creating your blog, you will also submit a copy of your blog, along with the link to your blog, as you would with other written assignments.
Your blog should demonstrate thoughtful consideration of the ideas and concepts presented in the course by providing new thoughts and insights relating directly to this topic. Your submission should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards where appropriate. Be sure to adhere to Northcentral University’s Academic Integrity Policy.