Write a menu based program to maintain student records. Programming Assignment Help

Write a menu based program to maintain student records. Programming Assignment Help. Write a menu based program to maintain student records. Programming Assignment Help.

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Instruction: You must use pointers for this lab. No arrays, no structures. For example, if you need an array of floats to hold the scores, do not use float score[15]. Rather use float *score, then use dynamic memory allocation to hold required memory. You must use memory optimally, that is if you have only 6 scores, you must point to a memory chunk of sizeof(float)*6 bytes. Similarly, to hold a name, instead of doing it with 2D char arrays, use 2D pointers (char firstName[15][20]→ char **firstName).


Write a menu based program to maintain student records. Your program should take the following inputs:

1. Student first name (max. 20 characters)

2. Student last name, (max. 20 characters)

3. Student scores (float/double), e.g. 85.4

Your program should be able to take records of a minimum of 5 students. After taking the records,

you should provide 8 functionalities to the user.

1. Print records – prints records of all students

2. Add a new record – take a new record from the user for a new student. Be careful, you may need

to allocate more memory using dynamic memory allocation.

3. Delete record(s) – to delete a record, ask for the last name of the student from the user. If there

are multiple students with same last name, you must delete all of their records. You must free up the

memory holding these records.

4. Search by last name – prints record of the student with a given last name. If there are multiple

students with the same last name, print records for all of them.

5. Sort by score – sort the records of students according to their scores, and then print the sorted


6. Sort by last name – sort the records of students according to their names alphabetically, and then

print the sorted records.

7. Find the median score – compute the median score and print it. Also, print how many students are above this median score.

8. Exit the program – terminate on a specific input from the user. Let that specific input be an

integer of value 0.

You should print the record in the following format:

First Name: firstname 1, Last Name: lastname 1, Score: score 1

First Name: firstname 2, Last Name: lastname 2, Score: score 2




You should write each functionality from 1-7 in separate functions. You should provide a menu to

the user as following:

For inputs:

Please indicate number of records you want to enter (min 5, max 15):

#of records

After user gives the number of records, you should inform the user how to enter the records:

Please input records of students (enter a new line after each record), with following format

first name last name score

After user gives the inputs for the records, inform the user about the functionalities:

Print records (press 1)

Add a new record (press 2)

Delete record(s) (press 3)

Search by last name (press 4)

Sort by score (press 5)

Sort by last name (press 6)

Find median score (press 7)

Exit the program (press 0)

After user chooses functionality, your program performs that and provides this menu again to

select another functionality. This goes on until user presses 0.

Write a menu based program to maintain student records. Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

read the description Computer Science Assignment Help


Your assignment is to implement the SkewHeap class which implements a skew heap that can store both strings and integers using the tagged union construction. In addition, SkewHeap allows the user to determine how priorities are computed by passing a pointer to a prioritization function to the constructor. In addition, the user can change the prioritization function of an existing skew heap using a setter method, and the class will rebuild the heap using the new prioritization.

You must complete an additional class that uses SkewHeap, the TypedHeap class. The TypedHeap class maintains two skew heaps: an integer heap and a string heap. The user provides a vector of strings to insert, which are processed as follows:

  • If the string represents an integer (consists only of decimal digits), then convert it to an integer and insert it into the integer skew heap.
  • If the string does not represent an integer (contains non-digit characters), insert it into the string skew heap.

In addition, the user may request, through a combineHeaps() method, that the string and integer heaps be merged into a third “total” heap. Functions to change the priority function and to dump the skew heaps must also be implemented.

Although several test programs are provided, you are responsible for thoroughly testing your program. It is particularly important that your code run without segmentation faults, memory leaks, or memory errors. Memory leaks are considered as bad as segmentation fault since many segmentation faults are caused by poorly written destructors. A program with a poorly written destructor might avoid some segmentation faults but will leak memory horribly. Memory leaks will incur a penalty similar to that of a segmentation fault.

Following is a list of member functions that must be implemented. Function prototypes are provided in SkewHeap.h and TypedHeap.h. You will need to create the implementation files, SkewHeap.cpp and TypedHeap.cpp.

Public Methods in SkewHeap

  • A constructor with the signature:
  • SkewHeap::SkewHeap( pri_fn pri ) ;
  • A copy constructor with the signature:
  • SkewHeap::SkewHeap( const SkewHeap& rhs ) ;
  • A destructor with the signature:
  • SkewHeap::~SkewHeap() ;
  • An overloaded assignment operator with the signature:
  • const SkewHeap& SkewHeap::operator=( const SkewHeap& rhs ) ;
  • A function that returns a pointer to the current priority function:
  • bool SkewHeap::getPriFn() const;
  • A function that sets the priority function:
  • int SkewHeap::setPriFn( pri_fn pri ) ;
  • A function that returns “true” if the skew heap is emtpy; false otherwise:
  • bool SkewHeap::empty() const ;
  • A function that inserts a string value into the skew heap:
  • void SkewHeap::insert( string data ) ;
  • A function that inserts an integer value into the skew heap:
  • void SkewHeap::insert( int data ) ;
  • A function to access the highest priority element of the skew heap:
  • Node* SkewHeap::front() const;
  • A function to remove the highest priority element from the skew heap:
  • void SkewHeap::removeTop() ;
  • A function to merge two skew heaps:
  • void SkewHeap::skewHeapMerge( SkewHeap &sh ) ;
  • A member function inorder() that performs an inorder traversal and prints the data at each node:
  • void SkewHeap::inorder() const ;
  • A function dump() that prints all the data in the skew heap:
  • void SkewHeap::dump() const ;

The default constructor must create an empty SkewHeap object with the given priority function. The skew heap must be ready for heap operations; even an empty tree should behave properly when its methods are called.

The copy constructor must make a deep copy and create a new object that has its own allocated memory.

The destructor must completely free all memory allocated for the object. (Use valgrind on GL to check for memory leaks.)

The assignment operator must deallocate memory used by the host object and then make deep copy of rhs.

Changing the priority function will typically invalidate the current skew heap. This function must rebuild the heap using the new priority function to ensure that the heap is still valid.

Returns a pointer to the highest priority node in the skew heap. Should return nullptr if the heap is emtpy.

Should do nothing if the skew heap is empty.

When the function completes, *this should contain the merged heap and sh should be empty.

The inorder() methods visits each node using an inorder traversal and prints out the data. It also prints an open parenthesis before visiting the left subtree and a close parenthesis after visiting the right subtree. Nothing is printed when inorder() is called on an empty tree, not even parentheses. This function may be used for grading and is useful for debugging.

See the sample output files for an example of what should be printed by dump().

Public Methods in TypedHeap

  • A constructor with the signature:
  • TypedHeap::TypedHeap( pri_fn pri ) ;
  • An insertion function with the signature:
  • TypedHeap::insertToHeaps( vector<string> vec ) ;
  • An function to combine the integer and string heaps:
  • TypedHeap::combineHeaps() ;
  • An function to print the contents of the three heaps:
  • TypedHeap::printHeaps() const ;
  • A function to change the priority function for all three skew heaps:
  • TypedHeap::changePriority( pri_fn pri ) ;

The default constructor must create three empty TypedHeaps, one to hold integer data, one to hold string data, and another to hold the combined skew heaps (when requestd by calling combineHeaps()). Each skew heap must be ready for heap operations; even an empty heap should behave properly when its methods are called.

The input is a vector of strings. For each string in the vector, the function must determine whether it represents an integer (consists entirely of decimal digits, possibly with leading or trailing spaces) and, if so, insert it into the integer heap; if it does not represent an integer, insert it into the string heap.

After combineHeaps() is called, the merged heap will be in totalHeap and the string and integer heaps will be empty.

See the sample output files for examples of what should be printed by this function.

This function must change the priority function for each of the three skew heaps, causing the heaps to be re-built with the new prioritization.


Export and Import Factors Business Finance Assignment Help

I have attached project 1-4, please take a look before you work on project 5. Also, please look at the feedback given by the professor. Really important to follow precise instructions cause they’re strict. Thank you in advance.

The management team is concerned about the economic factors that could impact the organization, particularly as the company transitions from being national to a global organization. They would like you develop a presentation for them that describes, discusses, and analyzes essential economic factors for their company.

For this assignment, your requirement is to create a presentation that covers

  1. The role of banks and foreign exchange in the purchasing and selling product in the selected market place.
  2. Present how exchange rates within your selected country’s market will impact the US bottom line (give an example).
  3. Present recommended techniques that the company can use to protect them from future changes in exchange rates.
  4. Incorporate at least one chart, graph or table into this presentation.

Assignment Requirements:

  • Length: 5-10 slides (with separate title and reference slide)
  • Speaker Notes: 80-200 words for each slide need to be in the Speaker Notes section of the PowerPoint slides. These speaker notes should thoroughly describe the details of the slide.
    Include citations for quotations and paraphrases with references in APA format and style.
  • The presentation should follow good PowerPoint design principles (e.g., readable font, uses one template, one inch borders around the slides) and contain transitions, builds, and animation when appropriate.
  • The first slide in the presentation should be the title page. The last slide(s) in the presentation should be the list of references you used for the assignment in APA format.
  • In addition to the textbook material for this course, use at least three (3) outside peer reviewed journal articles or other textbook references. Use the SPC on-line library to search for and obtain journal articles for this assignment. Websites and other non-peer reviewed references may be used if properly cited in APA format, but these supplemental references are not counted toward the requirement of at least three peer reviewed journals or other textbook references.




human physiology dee unglaub silverthorn​ Health Medical Assignment Help

human physiology dee unglaub silverthorn


You may use newspapers which are dated within one year of the first day of this term. On-line

versions of these media are also acceptable. You are looking for a newspaper article addressing

an area of physiology which is not covered or has limited coverage in the text. New discoveries,

diseases, and ethics issues are some examples of the article topics students have successfully

used in the past. Remember this is a physiology course; please use articles with a clear

connection to physiology topics. If you have questions about the appropriateness of an article,

please discuss it with your instructor.


Need Help on creating portfolio development with 5 course assignments Computer Science Assignment Help

Please read below instructions carefully. I have already selected five assignments and got the approval from professor. I have attached all these 5 assignment documents.

  • You need to select five high-stake assignments from courses taken in your MSIS program. These will be selected from the high-stake Project assignments in Week 5. The criterion for selecting the assignments is that you will select exactly 5 high-stake assignments from at least 4 different courses. You need to obtain the approval of your instructor about the selection of the 5 high-stake assignments that meet the above constraints. You should obtain approval from your instructor on or before Monday, November 11.(Completed)
  • You need to prepare a 150-word statement for each assignment you selected to include in your portfolio, addressing the objective it serves, the goal or purpose, and why the piece is relevant. Each statement about each assignment must use words and concepts from the Blooms Learning Taxonomy chart that is posted. In other words, an explanations about grad student’s development should illuminate his/her analysis and synthesis skill, not merely memorization or copying past or existing materials.
  • Using Jing, a tool for preparing screencasts, prepare a 5-minute clip to present all the 5 assignments you selected. In your recording, you need to show the original work that you posted for each assignment. Your clip should include a visual recording of your screen and your voice commenting on your screen. Again, use high-level learning verbs and adjectives to explain what you added or accomplished in each task, focusing on analysis and synthesis achievements. Once your clip is ready, add the link to your clip into this assignment’s report. Use the subtitle: Screencast Link. For Voice recording use please use below link https://notevibes.com/cabinet.php ( select voice as ” English(IN) – Aditya” ) .
  • See attached PDF version copy of “ Getting to Yes “ book .you can read and mark up/highlight and extract quotable materials from (and, you can use this PDF copy in case you were not in class to receive the book, which I will give you next class. ) Read the book this week; it is a fast read, and it is one of the most famous and easy-to-digest books on the subject of negotiation. I just re-read it, and it takes about 1 minute per page. From your first reading of the book, write a short, 2-3 page essay about negotiation concepts that you found notable in this book, interesting, or challenging. Identify 5 of the highest-interest concepts that the authors wrote about and write a 3-4 sentence paragraph about each of those conference. Use correct APA citation and reference format to reinforce the proper attribution to authors. In each paragraph, you may only quote a maximum of one phrase or sentence from the book; the remainder of each paragraph must be your own words. While you are reading and writing this paper for this week, think about how you might apply these concepts to your upcoming job interview and negotiation activities. You may want to jot down some notes as these ideas occur, because you will need them for assignments later in this course.
  • The final document must be well served by carefully adding some commentary in text boxes in each document to highlight Big Data aspects, gaps, and/or opportunities, too. (Please see attached resume for reference). You can readily update it, too, with any new articles or research you find.
  • Need to fix the document based on professor comments/suggestions.


  • Research Paper in in APA format. Plagiarism is not acceptable. (Please consider this top priority).
  • For Project complete instructions are posted. All instructions or tasks must be addressed.( Try to address all the information specified in each task )
  • Paper must be included all the references and in-text citations. The references you cite should be credible, scholarly, or professional sources and Not older than 3 years.



Need a few things done to a wordpress site. It is for school, please feel free to ask me questions if you have any doubts Programming Assignment Help

Objective 1:

  • Create a child theme for your site
  • Customize your site using a child theme


  • Install and configure the Child Theme Configurator plug-in.
  • Create a child theme from your parent theme
  • Modify at least 3 styles from the parent theme in the child theme stylesheet
  • Add at least 2 styles in the child theme that do not exist in the parent theme.
  • Add a web font and apply it to at least one CSS selector
  • Preview and activate the new child theme

Grading Rubric:

Criteria Points
Install and configure the Child Theme Configurator plug-in 10 points
Create a child theme 10 points
Modify at least 3 styles from the parent theme 15 points
Add at least 2 additional styles to the child theme 15 points
Add a web font and apply it to a CSS selector 20 points
Activate your child theme 10 points
Total 80 points

Objective 2:

  • Update your WordPress site for SEO
  • Configure automatic backups for your site
  • Create users for your site


  • Download and install the Free version of Yoast SEO. You can download it from: https://yoast.com/wordpress/plugins/seo/
  • Using the information from the Yoast WordPress SEO tutorial, update your site for SEO as follows:
    • configure the permalinks for your site to use the postname or category and postname
    • configure the titles for your posts with the Yoast SEO plugin
    • add meta descriptions to your pages and posts
    • add meaningful alternate text to all of your images
    • generate an XML sitemap for your site
    • configure the sitewide meta settings for your site to noindex subpages of archives
  • Install and configure BackWPUP plugin for automatically scheduled backups.
  • Create 4 users with different roles for your site (editor, author, contributer, subscriber)

Grading Rubric:

Criteria Points
Create a gravatar for WordPress 10 points

Install and configure the Yoast SEO Pack plug-in:

  • sitewide meta settings
  • XML sitemap
15 points

Update your content for SEO:

  • permalinks
  • titles
  • alternate text for images
  • meta descriptions for all pages and posts
25 points
Install and configureBackWPUp for automatically scheduled backups 15 points
Create 4 users for your site, one for each role (editor, author, contributer, subscriber) 15 points
Total 80 points

Objective 3:

  • Create a custom theme using the Underscores starter theme


  • Download the Underscores starter theme
  • Create a custom theme based on the _s thee
  • Customize the theme according the course instructions

Grading Rubric:

Criteria Points
Download the _s starter them 10 points
Create a new theme based on the _s theme in your WordPress Site 10 points
Customize the styles for the page header 20 points
Customize the styles for the page footer 20 points
Customize the main page layout 20 points
Customize the blog entry layout 20 points
Total 100 points

Objective 4:

  • Create custom page layouts using the Elementor plugin.


  • Install and activate the Elementor plugin
  • Create 2 unique page layouts for your site using Elementor.
  • Use an Elementor template for at least 1 page on your site
  • Indicate which pages use the layouts you created

Grading Rubric:

Criteria Points
Install and activate the Elementor plugin 10 points
Create 2 unique page layouts using Elementor 20 points
Use an Elementor template on one page 10 points
Identify the pages where your layouts can be viewed. 10 points
Total 50 points

Need a few things done to a wordpress site. It is for school, please feel free to ask me questions if you have any doubts Programming Assignment Help[supanova_question]

TOUR students will develop a proposal for a realistic new attraction or an extension to an existing attraction. Writing Assignment Help

Product Development Essay

Individually or in groups of 2, students will develop a proposal for a realistic new attraction or an extension to an existing attraction. Your proposal must be strongly linked to the academic literature on visitor attraction management throughout. The format is an academic essay so do not use personal pronouns such as “I, you, we” when writing the essay. Note: Rural based attractions (if you are currently taking TREN 4P32 Sustainable Rural Tourism) are excluded from this essay. If the students chose to work in a group of 2 they will receive the same grade so it is important that students work collaboratively and share the work. Any details in file “TOUR 3p95 outline” and you can force on in class note “395” file.


Elaboration Programming Assignment Help

Please watch this https://www.screencast.com/t/T0dJttakp6 and do the quiz

In this activity, you will evaluate two students’ elaborations.

This activity serves two purposes.

1) You will see examples of students’ elaborations of varying quality.

2) You will begin practicing monitoring the accuracy of elaborating.

Practicing monitoring will help you better monitor your own performance as well as your peers.

What to Do:

  • Download the Elaboration_Monitoring examples and worksheets
  • Record the number of points you think each student earned
  • Suggest two ways the elaborations could be improved
  • Scan worksheets into one file (e.g., use Adobe Scan on smart phone)
  • Upload a single file of the worksheets on eCampus


Accounting research- casualty loss tax consequences Business Finance Assignment Help

Business Casualty Loss, Writing a Client Letter

Facts: Your client, Mr. Brakes Inc., owns and operates an auto-motive repair shop in Cooperstown, New York. Mr. Brakes specializes in replacing and repairing brakes on cars, sport utility vehicles, and pickup trucks. In November of last year, the roof over two-thirds of Mr. Brakes’ building collapsed due to the weight of the snow on the roof. Since then, the portion of the building damaged by the roof collapse has been demolished, an addition was built onto the undamaged (one-third) portion of the building, and Mr. Brakes reopened for business on September 1st of this year. The fair market value of the building (immediately before the roof collapse) was $1,800,000, and Mr. Brakes’ adjusted federal tax basis in the building was $300,000. The fair market value of the building immediately after the roof collapse was $600,000. Mr. Brakes received $1,200,000 of insurance proceeds due to the destruction of two-thirds of the building. Mr. Brakes spent $1,500,000 in demolition and construction costs (including $300,000 of its own funds and the $1,200,000 of insurance proceeds). Mr. S. Perry Tyre, the president of Mr. Brakes Inc., would like to know the federal income tax consequences of this matter.

Required: First Step: Identify the relevant Code Sections and regulations and find a court decision that is relevant to Mr. Brakes’ situation. Be sure to check the citator to make sure that the case is current and that subsequent authority has not affected the precedential value of the decision.Second Step: Based on your findings in the First Step, write a brief letter to Mr. Tyre advising him of Mr. Brakes’ federal income tax consequences with respect to this matter

  • The submitted assignment should be two to three pages. The first page will address the first step, which requires you to list the relevant Code sections, regulations, court cases etc. The second step, the client letter, will be on the second page. The actual letter should be no longer than 2 pages.
  • The letter should still include information about the background, issues, analysis and conclusion. However, in a client letter these would not be formally labeled. These would be typically be individual paragraphs
  • [supanova_question]

    Mod. 3: analyze effective verbal and nonverbal communications Writing Assignment Help

    ***Powerpoint is attached***

    In our work and personal lives, we need to be able to identify and analyze effective verbal and nonverbal communication in various situations. In the same way that you would analyze a work or personal life communication situation, you will be asked to create a short presentation (using media choices below) about the nonverbal communication demonstrated in a series of photographs. In addition to identifying aspects of nonverbal communication, you will also need to show how these elements can affect communication both positive and negatively. Include your observations of how nonverbal elements that you see alter the direction of communication.

    1. Select four of included photographs.
    2. Using either PowerPoint or Prezi, create a presentation that demonstrates your comprehension regarding these communication elements: Please include the following:
      1. A title slide including your name.
      2. Four slides that explain aspects of the nonverbal communication that you see depicted in the photographs. Be sure to include the photograph on the slide. Be as specific and detailed as possible in your description of body language, facial expression, physical distance (if applicable), gesture, and other aspects of nonverbal communication that you see.
    3. Using Screencast-o-matic (screencast-o-matic.com) or similar software, create a short video presentation of your PowerPoint or Prezi. Explain in detail the nonverbal elements of communication that you observe in each of the four photographs you have selected. Video should be between four and seven minutes long. This video should either be of the presentation itself or a hybrid video that includes both the presentation and an inset webcam video.
    4. Upload your video to screencast-o-matic, YouTube, or similar online video sharing site and provide a link to your video. Include your PowerPoint or Prezi with your submission.

    Grading Rubric











    Not Submitted

    Below Standard

    Meets Requirements of Mastery



    Not Submitted

    Video is less than 3 minutes or more than 10 minutes long. Presentation does not use PowerPoint, Prezi, or similar presentation software. Sound is muddy or impossible to understand.

    Video is between 3:00 and 3:30 or between 8:30 and 10:00 minutes long. Video and sound quality is low, but sufficient to see and understand the presentation.

    Video is between 3:30 and 4:00 or 7:00 and 8:30 minutes long. Video and sound quality is generally clear with some potentially difficult portions.

    Video is between 4:00 and 7:00 minutes long. Video and sound quality is excellent through the entire recording.

    Not Submitted

    Fails to identify relevant elements of nonverbal communication from the photographs

    Correctly identifies at least two elements of nonverbal communication.

    Correctly identifies three or more elements of nonverbal communication.

    Correctly identifies three or more elements of nonverbal communication and demonstrates deep understanding of how these elements help to define the communication event depicted.

    Not Submitted

    Elements of nonverbal communication are discussed, but with no detail or explanation. Student offers no real justification for claims made concerning the nonverbal communication depicted in the photographs.

    At least two elements of nonverbal communication are described and explained for each photograph with enough detail to demonstrate a knowledge of these elements.

    At least three elements of nonverbal communication are described and explained for each photograph with enough detail to demonstrate a knowledge of these elements.

    At least three elements of nonverbal communication are described and explained for each photograph with enough detail to demonstrate a knowledge of these elements and how these nonverbal elements can affect communication.

    Not Submitted

    Student does not utilize various nonverbal communication elements such as inflection, tone, and rate of speech in the presentation.

    Student comments are generally clear and accurate with some emphasis placed on inflection, tone, rate of speech and other nonverbal communication factors.

    Student comments are clear and accurate with significant focus placed on inflection, tone, rate of speech and other nonverbal communication factors.

    Student comments are clear, accurate, and insightful and show mastery of using nonverbal elements such as inflection, tone, and rate of speech.


    Write a menu based program to maintain student records. Programming Assignment Help

    Write a menu based program to maintain student records. Programming Assignment Help

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