Write a professional report that includes all of the below content-related items Computer Science Assignment Help

Write a professional report that includes all of the below content-related items Computer Science Assignment Help. Write a professional report that includes all of the below content-related items Computer Science Assignment Help.

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You work for a high-tech company with approximately 390 employees. Your firm recently won a large DoD contract, which will add 30% to the revenue of your organization. It is a high-priority, high-visibility project. You will be allowed to make your own budget, project timeline, and tollgate decisions.

You must develop the proper DoD security policies required to meet DoD standards for delivery of technology services to the U.S. Air Force Cyber Security Center (AFCSC), a DoD agency. To do this, you must develop DoD-approved policies and standards for your IT infrastructure (see the “Tasks” section below). The policies you create must pass DoD-based requirements. Currently, your organization does not have any DoD contracts and thus has no DoD-compliant security policies or controls in place.

The firm’s computing environment includes the following:

  • 12 servers running Microsoft Server 2012 R2, providing the following:
    • Active Directory (AD)
    • Domain Name System (DNS)
    • Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol (DHCP)
    • Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) application (Oracle)
    • A Research and Development (R&D) Engineering network segment for testing, separate from the production environment
    • Microsoft Exchange Server for e-mail
    • Symantec e-mail filter
    • Websense for Internet use
  • Two Linux servers running Apache Server to host your Web site
  • 390 PCs/laptops running Microsoft Windows 7 or Windows 8, Microsoft Office 2013, Microsoft Visio, Microsoft Project, and Adobe Reader
  • Select a team leader for your project group.
  • Create policies that are DoD compliant for the organization’s IT infrastructure.
  • Note DOD-specific requirements for the organization’s IT infrastructure and U.S. compliance laws that may affect the firm
  • Include DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the User, Workstation, LAN, and LAN-to-WAN Domains
  • Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.
  • List controls placed on domains in the IT infrastructure.
  • List required standards for all devices, categorized by IT domain.
  • Include DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the WAN, Remote Access, and System/Application Domains
  • Develop a deployment plan for implementation of these polices, standards, and controls.
  • List all applicable DoD frameworks in the final delivery document.
  • Write a professional report that includes all of the above content-related items.


You must:

  • Create policies that are DoD compliant for the organization’s IT infrastructure.
  • Note DOD-specific requirements for the organization’s IT infrastructure and U.S. compliance laws that may affect the firm
  • Include DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the User, Workstation, LAN, and LAN-to-WAN Domains
  • Develop a list of compliance laws required for DoD contracts.
  • List controls placed on domains in the IT infrastructure.
  • List required standards for all devices, categorized by IT domain.
  • Include DoD-compliant policies, standards, and controls that affect the WAN, Remote Access, and System/Application Domains
  • Develop a deployment plan for implementation of these polices, standards, and controls.
  • List all applicable DoD frameworks in the final delivery document.
  • Write a professional report that includes all of the above content-related items.


  • Minimum of 1,250 words / Maximum 1,800 words (Double spaced)
  • APA style
  • At least 7 works cited
  • At least 5 of your references have to be scholarly peer-reviewed articles
  • Research paper will be checked for plagiarism so be sure to correctly cite your sources!
  • 80/20 rule for all submissions

Write a professional report that includes all of the below content-related items Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]


  1. MS Project file with schedule and allocated resources with associated costs (50 points)
  2. MS Word file with report of project budget and resource management (50 points)
  3. Follow these steps to set up your Course Project with Microsoft Project 2016.

    Step 1: Allocate Resources

    Once you have the WBS created in MS Projects, assign resources to each activity. Remember, only assign resources to activities, not summary tasks. Before you can do this, you need to create a resources sheet in MS Projects.

    To Create a Resource Sheet, do the Following.

    1. Click on view, resource sheet.
    2. Enter the resource name, whether it is a human resource, a cost, or a material.
    3. Include hourly rate or other costing method.
    4. For materials, designate the resource as work and identify cost for use (i.e., cost per yard).

    To assign your resources to the aligned tasks in MS Project, follow the steps below.

    To assign Resources

    1. Choose view—Gantt chart.
    2. Select resource tab
    3. Highlight the first task.
    4. Click on the double headed icon on the upper tool bar (assign resources), or click Alt-F10.
    5. In the resource assignment window, select the appropriate resource for each activity.

    Repeat for all resources and activities according to the resource list above.

    Step 2: Review Costs

    1. Right click above last column.
    2. Select insert column.
    3. Select costs.

    The costs will appear and roll up to summary tasks. You have now created your preliminary budget.

    Step 3: Analyze Your Resource Allocation and Assignments

    There are several methods to check for overallocated resources.

    1. Click on view, resource sheet—Resource(s) in red color are overallocated.
    2. Click on view, resource usage—Resource(s) in red color are overallocated resource(s) by date.
    3. Click on project, reports. A dialog box appears, click on assignments then select. Then click the report for overallocated resources, and then select to print or view.
    4. Remember with resources you need to assign how much time (by a percentage) each resource will be allocated to each activity. Simply lowering a given percentage may clear an overallocation, but this is not possible. Overallocations usually mean that the project requires an additional resource or the timing of the tasks has to be made concurrent.

    Step 4: Project Budget (Cost Management)

    1. Explain your approach to estimating the project cost (e.g., top down, bottom up, etc.) and why that method was chosen.
    2. Create a table that shows the original budgeted cost (from the charter) and the actual budgeted cost (side by side). Include line items for labor, materials, contract, equipment, travel cost, and so on. Use the costs you now have in your schedule to compare to your charter costs.
    3. Compare the budget from the charter to the final budget, and explain any variances that occurred from your original budgeted cost in the project charter and the current project cost (include your original estimated cost for the project).
    4. Explain your budget contingency plan and how much is budgeted for contingency.

    Step 5: Resource Management

    1. Explain the results of your resource assignments. Did you assign enough people to the project? Were there any resources overallocated? What approach will you take to fix any allocation problems?
    2. Develop a plan to manage your project team, and define how you will motivate your team and how you will handle team conflicts.
  4. MS Project file with schedule and allocated resources with associated costs (50 points)
  5. MS Word file with report of project budget and resource management (50 points)

Follow these steps to set up your Course Project with Microsoft Project 2016.

Step 1: Allocate Resources

Once you have the WBS created in MS Projects, assign resources to each activity. Remember, only assign resources to activities, not summary tasks. Before you can do this, you need to create a resources sheet in MS Projects.

To Create a Resource Sheet, do the Following.

  1. Click on view, resource sheet.
  2. Enter the resource name, whether it is a human resource, a cost, or a material.
  3. Include hourly rate or other costing method.
  4. For materials, designate the resource as work and identify cost for use (i.e., cost per yard).

To assign your resources to the aligned tasks in MS Project, follow the steps below.

To assign Resources

  1. Choose view—Gantt chart.
  2. Select resource tab
  3. Highlight the first task.
  4. Click on the double headed icon on the upper tool bar (assign resources), or click Alt-F10.
  5. In the resource assignment window, select the appropriate resource for each activity.

Repeat for all resources and activities according to the resource list above.

Step 2: Review Costs

  1. Right click above last column.
  2. Select insert column.
  3. Select costs.

The costs will appear and roll up to summary tasks. You have now created your preliminary budget.

Step 3: Analyze Your Resource Allocation and Assignments

There are several methods to check for overallocated resources.

  1. Click on view, resource sheet—Resource(s) in red color are overallocated.
  2. Click on view, resource usage—Resource(s) in red color are overallocated resource(s) by date.
  3. Click on project, reports. A dialog box appears, click on assignments then select. Then click the report for overallocated resources, and then select to print or view.
  4. Remember with resources you need to assign how much time (by a percentage) each resource will be allocated to each activity. Simply lowering a given percentage may clear an overallocation, but this is not possible. Overallocations usually mean that the project requires an additional resource or the timing of the tasks has to be made concurrent.

Step 4: Project Budget (Cost Management)

  1. Explain your approach to estimating the project cost (e.g., top down, bottom up, etc.) and why that method was chosen.
  2. Create a table that shows the original budgeted cost (from the charter) and the actual budgeted cost (side by side). Include line items for labor, materials, contract, equipment, travel cost, and so on. Use the costs you now have in your schedule to compare to your charter costs.
  3. Compare the budget from the charter to the final budget, and explain any variances that occurred from your original budgeted cost in the project charter and the current project cost (include your original estimated cost for the project).
  4. Explain your budget contingency plan and how much is budgeted for contingency.

Step 5: Resource Management

  1. Explain the results of your resource assignments. Did you assign enough people to the project? Were there any resources overallocated? What approach will you take to fix any allocation problems?
  2. Develop a plan to manage your project team, and define how you will motivate your team and how you will handle team conflicts.

I need a lot of help. I have not been getting a good grade so far on this project. I have also attached a file of what I have done and the data that you can use. Please feel free to make any changes that would help. This is 2 different parts that needs to be done. Please reach out to me if need a better understanding on what to do.


Deliverables for Week 4:

  • WBS in PowerPoint Slide or inserted into MS Word (50 points)
  • MS Project file at Gantt View (50 points)

Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): A hierarchical decomposition of the total scope of work to be carried out by the project team to accomplish the project objectives and create the required deliverables.

For this week, you will create a work breakdown structure (WBS) for the project.

Remember that the WBS starts with major deliverables (included in the scope statement) at the highest level. The lower levels have the work package required to complete those deliverables. Review the textbook and the PMBOK® Guide for some suggestions on how to create a WBS.

From your work breakdown structure, develop a project task list with dependencies and add durations, using MS Project.

  • Develop the work breakdown structure.
    • Your WBS should have a minimum of 50–100 line items in MS Project and be three levels deep.
    • Make sure to use verb-object task names (i.e., “Develop software”).

WBS Sample

  • MS Project Schedule
    • Enter tasks in MS Project.
    • Create the predecessor relationships.
    • Do not link summary tasks or assign resources.

Set Up Schedule in MS Project

  1. Set the basic project information.
    • Open MS Project.
    • Click on file (top left), select save as and enter the file name as (your name) cp1. For example, SmithJanecp1.mpp.
    • Click on the project area and select project information. In the project information dialogue box, set the start date of your project.
    • Leave other dates as is. Click on OK.
    • Click on format and click the check box beside project summary task. Now your first summary task is your project name.
    • Set basic Gantt chart format (use also for tracking Gantt chart view).
    • Right click on the mouse in the gray area of the Gantt chart on the right side of the screen where the dates in month and days are for the menu, and select Timescale.
    • In the Timescale dialogue box,
      1. select the middle tier tab and set units to quarters (months) (weeks);
      2. aelect the bottom tier tab and set units to months (weeks) (days); and
      3. Click on OK.
  2. Set up the default task units to weeks.
    • Click file, and then click options.
    • In the project options dialog box, click schedule.
    • Under scheduling options in this project, set the following.
      1. New tasks created select auto scheduled
      2. Duration is entered in select weeks (days)
      3. Default task type select fixed duration
      4. Click OK to close the dialog box.

Once you have set the defaults, we are ready to move on. If you have not done so already, you need to create the project’s work packages and activities from the project’s WBS. Once this is done, insert your project name, deliverables, work packages, and activities in the column task name in MS Project.

  • Enter the task durations in the duration column.
  • Enter the predecessor(s) for each task in the predecessors column. You can also highlight the tasks and click the link icon in the ribbon.
  • If there is no duration or predecessor listed, leave the column blank. Note: If you do not see the predecessors column, move the vertical line between the entry form and the Gantt chart to the right to reveal the column. Click on the line and drag to move it. Columns can be expanded or contracted individually to accommodate information the same way column width is adjusted in MS Excel.

Note: Analyze Your Schedule and Network Diagram

To see the network diagram, click on view, then select network diagram. Activities on the critical path are outlined in red, whereas noncritical path activities are outlined in blue.



  • Resource Allocation: MS project file (.mpp) updated with resource assignments and cost
  • Preliminary Budget: MS Word file with a report of project budget and resource management

For additional instructions and guidelines, refer to the Course Project Overview page, located under Introduction and Resources.

Part 1: Project Budget (Cost Management)

  1. Explain your approach to estimating the project cost (e.g., top down, bottom up, etc.) and why that method was chosen.
  2. Create a table that shows the original budgeted cost (from the charter) and the actual budgeted cost (side by side). Include line items for labor, materials, contract, equipment, travel cost, and so on.
  3. Compare the budget from the charter to the final budget, and explain any variances that occurred from your original budgeted cost in the project charter and the current project cost. (Include your original estimated cost for the project.)
  4. Explain your budget contingency plan and how much is budgeted for contingency.

Part 2: Resource Management

  1. Explain the results of your resource assignments. Did you assign enough people to the project? Were there any resources overallocated? What approach will you take to fix any allocation problems?
  2. Develop a plan to manage your project team, and define how you will motivate your team and how you will handle team conflicts.
  3. What structure would you select for your project: functional, weak matrix, balanced matrix, strong matrix, or pure project? Why?


Correlations Health Medical Assignment Help


– Nursing

Type of service:



Double spacing

Paper format:


Number of pages:

4 pages

Number of sources:

2 sources

Paper detalis:

This week, you

explore key statistical concepts related to data and problem solving

through the completion of the following exercises using SPSS and the

information found in your Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing

Research textbook. The focus of this assignment will be on correlation

coefficients, tools that can help to determine the strength of the

relationship between variables. Because multiple factors influence

health care variables, it is important for you to understand how to

calculate and interpret correlation coefficients.

To prepare:

Review the Statistics and Data Analysis for Nursing Research chapters

that you read as a part of the Week 6 Learning Resources. As you do so,

pay close attention to the examples presented—they provide information

that will be useful for you to recall when completing the software

exercises. You may also wish to review the Research Methods for

Evidence-Based Practice video resources.

Refer to the Week 6 Correlations Exercises and follow the directions to

calculate correlational statistics using Polit2SetB.sav data set.

Compare your data output against the tables presented in the Week 6 Correlations Exercises SPSS Output document.

Formulate an initial interpretation of the meaning or implication of your calculations.

To complete:

Complete the Part I and Part II steps and Assignments as outlined in the Week 6 Correlations Exercises page.


practical assignment Writing Assignment Help


Provide a reflection of at least 500 words (or 2 pages double spaced) of how management of organization can enhance their organizations’ network security. If you are not currently working, share how this could be applied to an employment opportunity in your field of study.

Provide a 500 word (or 2 pages double spaced) minimum reflection.

Use of proper APA formatting and citations. If supporting evidence from outside resources is used those must be properly cited.

Demonstrate a connection to your current work environment. If you are not employed, demonstrate a connection to your desired work environment.


This assignment will be graded using a rubric.

course: telecomm network security


UNHS Communications Customer Service Question Business Finance Assignment Help

In 500 words or less address the below three questions from the exercise. Use the full APA in-text citation and give a bibliography. Refer to Archer, Zhang Waring and Hazen readings, and any other readings that are relevant. Quote the readings.


You are to threatens someones face by being KIND, NICE, PLEASANT to them. Transcribe (orthographically) what you say and how they respond. If there are non verbal behaviours describe them roughly.

You must be KIND. If you send something in that is rude or unkind or mean I will give you a grade of 0.

Discuss the following

1) What your line was, what their line was.

2) Which form of face you threatened.

3) Whether it was with or without redress, on or off record.

4) How they responded, did they acknowledge the potential loss of face? Did they avoid it?

Use ALL relevant readings in your response. This is an assessment of whether you are doing all the readings. It may also be helpful to cite from Philburn et al on ‘I and Me’.



This section of the Course Paper, which may be named whatever you like (e.g., “Executive Summary,” “Introduction,” “Preamble,” etc.), should only be a handful of sentences; certainly no more than a page. Here, your team will describe the nature of your bu Computer Science Assignment Help

This section of the Course Paper, which may be named whatever you like (e.g., “Executive Summary,” “Introduction,” “Preamble,” etc.), should only be a handful of sentences; certainly no more than a page. Here, your team will describe the nature of your business. You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audience—i.e., your company’s staff—why privacy is important in your business. Essentially, this is where you “sell” your audience on the fact that they must abide by your company’s privacy policies.

ON ecommerce BUSNISS

SAMPLE :https://www.daimler.com/documents/company/other/da…

This section of the Course Paper, which may be named whatever you like (e.g., “Executive Summary,” “Introduction,” “Preamble,” etc.), should only be a handful of sentences; certainly no more than a page. Here, your team will describe the nature of your bu Computer Science Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Please discuss the following prompt: The Buddha was known to have said that if women had been allowed into the Sangha from the start, the impact of the Dharma would have only lasted half as long. What do you think he meant by this? Do you think the Buddha Humanities Assignment Help

its a mini essay of 500 words and it should be a chicago style essay. The full prompt is Please discuss the following prompt: The Buddha was known to have said that if women had been allowed into the Sangha from the start, the impact of the Dharma would have only lasted half as long. What do you think he meant by this? Do you think the Buddha was against women, or were there other factors that the Buddha was addressing? also we are asked to use one quote from the book Rel S 338 Buddhism Course Reader, second edtition compiled by kirk sandvig, ph.d. san diego state university. another quote should be from the website www.jstor.org. thank you!


Music questions, listen and answer! Humanities Assignment Help

Question 10.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

This composer….

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 20.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

What word best describes the example?

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 30.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

Who is the composer?

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 40.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

What word best describes the example?

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 50.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

This composer…

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 60.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

What word best describes the example?

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 70.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

Who is the composer?

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 80.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

What word best describes the example?

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 90.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

Who is the composer?

Group of answer choices

Flag this QuestionQuestion 100.5 pts

LISTENING EXAMPLE Play media comment.

What word best describes the example?

Group of answer choices


Topic you want, should be related with the Health Care field but not necessary a disease, definition and a brief explanation of the topic; Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Topic you want, should be related with the Health Care field but not necessary a disease, definition and a brief explanation of the topic; then make a

2. Hypothesis something that you want to prove or disprove related to the topic, research all information about and find numbers of cases that relate to, make graphics with your findings

3. Report the statistics or number of cases related to your hypothesis (the CDC Center for Disease Control or WHO World Health Organization) can be the source,

4. Make graphics with your findings ( number of cases)

5. Make a conclusion that may or not validate your hypothesis; you must follow the rules of the scientific method; and list the

6. Bibliographic information. Include all information required (topic, hypothesis, statistics, graphics conclusion, bibliographic information and make this words bold.)


You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audi Computer Science Assignment Help

“DOMANI ON ecommerce ” This section of the Course Paper, which may be named whatever you like (e.g., “Executive Summary,” “Introduction,” “Preamble,” etc.), should only be a handful of sentences; certainly no more than a page. Here, your team will describe the nature of your business. You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audience—i.e., your company’s staff—why privacy is important in your business. Essentially, this is where you “sell” your audience on the fact that they must abide by your company’s privacy policies.



What word best describes the example?

Group of answer choices


Topic you want, should be related with the Health Care field but not necessary a disease, definition and a brief explanation of the topic; Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Topic you want, should be related with the Health Care field but not necessary a disease, definition and a brief explanation of the topic; then make a

2. Hypothesis something that you want to prove or disprove related to the topic, research all information about and find numbers of cases that relate to, make graphics with your findings

3. Report the statistics or number of cases related to your hypothesis (the CDC Center for Disease Control or WHO World Health Organization) can be the source,

4. Make graphics with your findings ( number of cases)

5. Make a conclusion that may or not validate your hypothesis; you must follow the rules of the scientific method; and list the

6. Bibliographic information. Include all information required (topic, hypothesis, statistics, graphics conclusion, bibliographic information and make this words bold.)


You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audi Computer Science Assignment Help

“DOMANI ON ecommerce ” This section of the Course Paper, which may be named whatever you like (e.g., “Executive Summary,” “Introduction,” “Preamble,” etc.), should only be a handful of sentences; certainly no more than a page. Here, your team will describe the nature of your business. You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audience—i.e., your company’s staff—why privacy is important in your business. Essentially, this is where you “sell” your audience on the fact that they must abide by your company’s privacy policies.



What word best describes the example?

Group of answer choices


Topic you want, should be related with the Health Care field but not necessary a disease, definition and a brief explanation of the topic; Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Topic you want, should be related with the Health Care field but not necessary a disease, definition and a brief explanation of the topic; then make a

2. Hypothesis something that you want to prove or disprove related to the topic, research all information about and find numbers of cases that relate to, make graphics with your findings

3. Report the statistics or number of cases related to your hypothesis (the CDC Center for Disease Control or WHO World Health Organization) can be the source,

4. Make graphics with your findings ( number of cases)

5. Make a conclusion that may or not validate your hypothesis; you must follow the rules of the scientific method; and list the

6. Bibliographic information. Include all information required (topic, hypothesis, statistics, graphics conclusion, bibliographic information and make this words bold.)


You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audi Computer Science Assignment Help

“DOMANI ON ecommerce ” This section of the Course Paper, which may be named whatever you like (e.g., “Executive Summary,” “Introduction,” “Preamble,” etc.), should only be a handful of sentences; certainly no more than a page. Here, your team will describe the nature of your business. You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audience—i.e., your company’s staff—why privacy is important in your business. Essentially, this is where you “sell” your audience on the fact that they must abide by your company’s privacy policies.



What word best describes the example?

Group of answer choices


Topic you want, should be related with the Health Care field but not necessary a disease, definition and a brief explanation of the topic; Health Medical Assignment Help

1. Topic you want, should be related with the Health Care field but not necessary a disease, definition and a brief explanation of the topic; then make a

2. Hypothesis something that you want to prove or disprove related to the topic, research all information about and find numbers of cases that relate to, make graphics with your findings

3. Report the statistics or number of cases related to your hypothesis (the CDC Center for Disease Control or WHO World Health Organization) can be the source,

4. Make graphics with your findings ( number of cases)

5. Make a conclusion that may or not validate your hypothesis; you must follow the rules of the scientific method; and list the

6. Bibliographic information. Include all information required (topic, hypothesis, statistics, graphics conclusion, bibliographic information and make this words bold.)


You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audi Computer Science Assignment Help

“DOMANI ON ecommerce ” This section of the Course Paper, which may be named whatever you like (e.g., “Executive Summary,” “Introduction,” “Preamble,” etc.), should only be a handful of sentences; certainly no more than a page. Here, your team will describe the nature of your business. You should explain what your firm does, who your customers are, and briefly mention any other key stakeholders in light of privacy concerns. This is also the place to list your team members. And, finally, in this section, you should explain to your audience—i.e., your company’s staff—why privacy is important in your business. Essentially, this is where you “sell” your audience on the fact that they must abide by your company’s privacy policies.


Write a professional report that includes all of the below content-related items Computer Science Assignment Help

Write a professional report that includes all of the below content-related items Computer Science Assignment Help

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