write an essay Humanities Assignment Help

write an essay Humanities Assignment Help. write an essay Humanities Assignment Help.

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Hi this essay is due after 5 hours, more than I’ll get a zero.

also this doesn’t have to be very long 2-4 pages

SECTION B – Reflective Essay (50 marks)

This essay is worth 50 marks, broken down as follows: 15 marks for how well

you incorporate information from the readings + 25 marks for how complete and

thoughtful your answer is + 10 marks for the quality of writing and

appropriateness of personal reflection.

This essay should connect to as many readings as possible, and should also include

your own experiences* where appropriate (thus making the essay reflective in

nature). The finished essay should be at least (but not limited to) 5 typewritten

pages in length (1.5 line space). You do not need to include a bibliography for the

essay, unless you incorporate information from sources other than class

readings and/or notes.

*Please include only information you have experienced personally, and refrain

from including opinion statements. In other words, let the experts in your readings

make the claims to truth and include your experiences to either support or refute

those claims.


* The question for the essay :

Thinking back through all of the readings, classroom activities, and discussions

covered throughout the term in DIGI 230, write a reflective essay that answers

the following question:

Question: How is digital media (or digitization) changing society, with special

consideration for communicative aspects of society, and, what are some of the

benefits and challenges of these changes?

Digital media is changing our society in many different ways. Consider the ideas

you’ve read and encountered in class and discuss the effects digital media is having

on society at large and with how people communication and interact with each

other. What are some of the benefits and challenges of these changes that have

been brought about by digital media? Try to bring various perspectives, such as

historical, theoretical, social, generational, etc., to your response as is appropriate.

write an essay Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Bonus Points and Electoral Systems Humanities Assignment Help

answer the questions which are in the study guide not as an essay. every question should be separate and long enough and clear. most of the answers must be from the slides. I will attach the slides

These question swill be designed your knowledge of the definitions and implications of the major concepts we

have covered in the class. The ideal answer will first describe these major concepts (such as electoral

systems) and then provide an informed discussion about the potential implications of them. The answers

should be long enough to contain detailed information about the characteristics and implications of major

concepts. Although I encourage you to provide your own opinion when possible, it is important to note

that the ideal answer will rely heavily on the slides (rather than personal opinions). •

Explain the Cartel Party Thesis. How (and why) did the use of public money to fund political

parties lead to ‘Cartel Parties’ ?

Explain the two important dimensions in candidate selection procedures (inclusiveness/exclusiveness

in candidacy and the select orate). Why are these two dimensions important?

Compare and contrast Two-Round Ballot System, PR systems (closed and open), Single-Transferable

Vote, FPTP (also called SMP) systems. Which systems are more efficient (little room for opposi-

tion), representative (more proportionate results), and simple (for voters)? Which systems create

a stronger link between the representative and the voter? Which systems favor larger parties? In

which systems personal vote earning attributes (i.e., personal reputation) are minimized?

Describe the history, functions and characteristics of the major EU institutions? What role do

they play in the policy making process?

What does the ‘democratic deficit’ mean in the European context? What are the pros and cons of

having a European parliament and commission? How do Europeans perceive these institutions?

It is often hypothesized that politicians are either policy-oriented or office-oriented. What type

of politicians (policy or office seekers) are more likely to form oversized or minority coalition

governments, and why?


Compare and contrast the types of governments (single-party, minimal winning coalition, surplus

majority, single-party minority and minority governments) in terms of their survival rates (I will

provide the statistical data on survival rates). What does explain low and high survival rates in

Western Europe?

Explain the main characteristics of European populist parties? Are they right or left wing (or

both)? What do they seek to achieve? What are the leading examples of populist parties in



the God Of Small Things Humanities Assignment Help

You must be familiar with the novel “The God Of Small Thibgs by Arundhati Roy. This can be located as a PDF. ( http://mindguruindia.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/0… )

Also you must use chapter from the class Textbook titled ” An introduction to literature, criticism and Theory” 5th edition by Bennett and Royle (I will provide pictures of the chapters needed for this Essay. )

I will also add a voice recording of class discussion on the novel in which you add into the essay as well.

There is Absolutely no outside research to be done for this assignment. Only mention things from the two books I mentioned.


Object Orient programming week 4 assignment Programming Assignment Help

Part 1

Modify your Java application so that it is an easy-to-use GUI application where all of the interaction is performed on one screen. You will now take the individual components and translate them to a single interactive GUI interface using the following GUI components, container, the event listeners, and event subclasses to enhance your application as a more GUI-appropriate interface:

  • GUI components
  • Container
  • Event listeners
  • Event subclasses (at least 3–4 utilized)
    • ActionEvent
    • ItemEvent
    • FocusEvent
    • KeyEvent
    • MouseEvent
    • WindowEvent
  • ActionPerformed Method

Part 2

For this assignment, you are being asked to make sure you are exception handling by verifying that all of the customer-entered information is valid before the order is submitted to ensure order accuracy.

The customer information that the customer must now enter that should be validated includes the following:

  • Entered user name (must fill in a name)
  • Entered at least one sub to order
  • Selected all three attributes for sub (such as bread type, sub type, and sub size)
  • Entered delivery address that includes street, city, state, and zip code
  • Entered telephone number xxx-xxx-xxxx

In this assignment, you are adding in error handling to make sure the customer is filling in all of the required information.

To accomplish this task, you will be utilizing the following Java classes:

  • Methods in the character class and StringBuilder class to validate and manipulate characters in a string
  • Try… Catch for the exception handling of all input fields


The following are the Unit 4 Individual Project deliverables:

  • Update the title page for the Design Document with the project name (Unit 4 IP) and the date.
  • Add the following section header: Phase 4 Revised Application Screenshots.
  • Add screenshots of each distinct screen from your running application.
  • Name the document yourname_ITSD424_IP4.doc.
  • Submit the design document and the zipped Java project files for grading.


Watch the video and answer the questions Humanities Assignment Help

1. Watch the following documentary available on the internet: The New Asylums PBS Frontline (5/10/05) which is approximately one hour long. Write a review/report of 4-5 pages double-spaced in 12 or 14 points. Discuss the documentary in terms of what you have learned in chapters 1 – 4 of your textbook. Discuss at least 3 of the inmates in the documentary whose stories impacted you the most. No handwritten work will be accepted. Be prepared to discuss this documentary and your review in class.

2. Watch the following available on the internet: “It’s Time to Stop Abandoning America’s Mentally Ill” a presentation by author Pete Earley to the City Club Forum in Cleveland (5/27/16) which is approximately one hour long. Write a review/report of 4-5 pages double-spaced in 12 or 14 points addressing the following: How did Earley’s son get involved with the criminal justice system? What ultimately happened to his son? What advice did the police officer give to Earley regarding his son? What are Earley’s recommendations for improving the system? How has Ohio enacted some of his recommendations? What else needs to be done according to the author?



American Literary Study: Voyage in the dark Writing Assignment Help

Novel: Jean Rhys’ Voyage in the Dark

Show how narrative terminology leads to a novel interpretation of one of our texts. Pick a term or concept (or set of terms or concepts) that we’ve covered in class and use it to analyze a central issue in one of the texts. As a refresher, some of those terms have been: characterization (indirect and direct), focalization, direct speech, indirect speech, free indirect discourse. Make sure to clarify how the terms may work to confirm or to trouble or complicate our understanding of the text.

double-spaced, in Times New Roman 12 point font, and with one-inch margins

American Literary Study: Voyage in the dark Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

writing note Humanities Assignment Help

1-Fragmented Sentences

Please review your class notes and the following link to complete and repair the fragmented sentences below.

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/620/01/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

1. A black cat.

2. Playing basketball.

3. Turning in library books.

4. The student and the professor.

5. To obtain a scholarship.

Essay # 2 Argument and Persuasion.

English 101 Essay 2 Argument and Persuasion.View in a new window

Sample List of Sources English 101.docxView in a new window

(You must follow my example and format, but create YOUR OWN List of Sources, using YOUR OWN sources)

Review the following link regarding Thesis Statements.

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/545/01/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Example of an argumentative thesis statement:

High school graduates should be required to take a year off to pursue community service projects before entering college in order to increase their maturity and global awareness. (retrieved form the OWL at Purdue).

Definition of an Argument Paper

https://www.roanestate.edu/owl/argument.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Sample Argument Paper

https://www.roanestate.edu/owl/Faceless.html (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

An Expository Essay explains, describes, and informs the reader. It is the type of writing that most of us encounter in our daily lives. For example, when we read non-fiction books, magazines, or newspaper articles, the authors use expository writing to inform readers about the topic. And at work, people are required to produce business reports to inform their superiors and co-workers about progress and occurrences that take place at other levels of the company.

In addition to providing clarity and exercising good organizational skills in a written text, the writer of an expository text cannot assume that the reader has prior knowledge or prior understanding of the topic that is being discussed. Also, the writer’s purpose in an expository essay is not to persuade or influence, but to present information clearly, logically, and in most cases, chronologically.

For purposes of this writing assignment, please choose one of the three organizational patterns listed below:

*Explain a process- (i.e. how to bake a birthday cake, how to play soccer)

*Compare or contrast two items (i.e. college students in the United States vs. college students in Canada or another industrialized country)

*Identify a cause-effect relationship (i.e. what lead to the Revolutionary or Gulf War, or the many causes of asthma)

You may choose your own topic for this assignment, but you must use only ONE of the organizational patterns listed above.

Also, please access the following links to assist you with completing this writing assignment.

https://owl.english.purdue.edu/owl/resource/685/02/ (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.

Sample MLA Style Paper – Copy.pdfView in a new window

Sample Thesis Statement and Works Cited List.docxView in a new window

You must use MLA Style documentation to complete this paper. A Works Cited List must be submitted with this essay and in text and parenthetical citations must be used in the essay as well.. The student will use the conventions of standard written American English to establish a clear purpose in this essay, and use adequate and pertinent evidence.

This well- developed expository essay must be at least 3-5 pages. In addition, the essay must have the following elements.

  1. Thesis statement which covers and support the topic of the essay.
  2. The supporting paragraphs must be unified and presented in a logical sequential order.
  3. Documentation must be used within the essay (parenthetical citation) as well as a Work(s) Cited page.
  4. A minimum of 3 sources must be included on your Works Cited List. One of the sources must be an article from an Academic Journal. Your sources can be accessed from BCCC”s Library Database.
  5. The closing paragraph should conclude the essay as well as reinstate the main idea and reinforce the claim of the thesis.
  6. The hook (introduction) should engage the audience and bridge to the thesis.



Week 10 discuss the presidential election candidates with 15 friends Mathematics Assignment Help

Homework Assignment 9
Due in week 10 and worth 30 points

Suppose that there are two (2) candidates (i.e., Jones and Johns) in the upcoming presidential election. Sara notes that she has discussed the presidential election candidates with 15 friends, and 10 said that they are voting for candidate Jones. Sara is therefore convinced that candidate Jones will win the election because Jones gets more than 50% of votes.

Answer the following questions in the space provided below:

  1. Based on what you now know about statistical inference, is Sara’s conclusion a logical conclusion? Why or why not?
  2. How many friend samples Sara should have in order to draw the conclusion with 95% confidence interval? Why?
  3. How would you explain your conclusion to Sara without using any statistical jargon? Why?


Already have answer just rewrite it to make no similarity and need a bit more detail on question 3 in each part. Humanities Assignment Help

First, I have my friend’s answer, and the first two questions can just be the same idea as long as it’s no similarity and follow the rules down below. (I will post the answer after you take the question) besides I think the question 3 should have a bit more detail, such as give an example, and the sources of the answer were already marked in the answer.

open the doc called ink_Individual Assignment- Modern Society, watch doc I post down and video from YouTube, and answer 3 questions from the Individual Assignment- Modern Society.

  • You will receive an incomplete grade (zero) for minimalist submissions or submissions which do not demonstrate understanding and thorough explanation of the concepts, or which simply copy and paste from the assigned reading.
  • In each of the answers, you should apply facts about commodity chains to illustrate the concepts. Don’t generalize about countries in the zones, but refer to workers, businesses, and states of the different zones
  • you may need…
    Watch this video, read the PDF “supply and demand and proximate and Ultimate”,read “Read and View: Unequal Exchange in Commodity Chains” doc.read “Modern Society”View the PPT Modern Society watch video look African Exploiitation NYT interactive: http://www.nytimes.com/interactive/2008/12/14/worl…

      and this video for the mega city question


ece497 week 3 discussion Writing Assignment Help

Changing Family Structure

Knowing that you will encounter many different family dynamics when you are working with children, it is important to know in advance how you will support different types of family structures (single parent, divorced, same sex, etc.). For this discussion, you will need to choose one of the articles below to read that focuses on a family structure that you will likely encounter in your career when working with children.

After reading your chosen article, you will need to discuss the following:

  • What is the family structure that is discussed in the article? Summarize the article in three to four sentences.
  • How does the text support or refute the ideas shared in this article regarding children in this type of family structure?
  • How would this family structure influence a child’s development according to Bronfenbrenner’s Ecological Systems Theory (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.?
  • What would you do as a child development professional to help support children and their families from the family structure described in the article?
  • Make sure that the ideas you share are relatable to the age of children you intend to work with (i.e. Prenatal, Infancy and Toddlerhood, Early Childhood, Middle childhood and Adolescence).
Title of Article Link to Article

Children Living With Grandparents


The Rise of Single Fathers


Breadwinner Moms


A Portrait of Stepfamilies (Links to an external site.)Links to an external site.


Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual and Transgender families









write an essay Humanities Assignment Help

write an essay Humanities Assignment Help

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