Write essay about REYNOLDS NUMBER Engineering Assignment Help. Write essay about REYNOLDS NUMBER Engineering Assignment Help.
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e covered different topics about turbomachines, including Reynolds number and Moody friction factor. We did not explain these in detail.
Write an essay (some text about a given topic) of 1000 words (about 2 pages if you use font size 12) with text only (no images, no tables, no equations, no references, no cover page) about the following term:
(You can write for example about: laminar flow, turbulent flow, transition flow, Moody chart, Moody friction factor, why the Reynolds is not very important in turbomachines, or what relative roughness mean.)
The allowed similarity is 10%
Write essay about REYNOLDS NUMBER Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Critical Thinking Assignment Writing Assignment Help
CTA 1: Victoria Clipper service by Clipper Navigation Inc.
Victoria Clipper is a service offered by Clipper Navigation Inc. (Links to an external site.) Victoria Clippers are some of the world’s quickest catamarans; in fact, the Victoria Clipper IV’s turbojet service makes it the fastest passenger ferry in North America. The speed of the clipper ships during the 71-mile voyage between Victoria (the capital of Vancouver Island on the north-west coast of Canada) and Seattle is 25 to 45 knots (about 28 to 53 miles per hour), enabling them to complete the journey in two to three hours. These unique Clipper Ferries operate between Seattle, the San Juan Islands, Victoria and Vancouver. The service is renowned for not only its speed, but also its comfort, reliability, frequency and low cost. It makes perfect sense for holiday-makers who can leave the car behind in the gridlock that is sometimes Seattle, and island hop between the beautiful islands. It is also the favored route of many business travelers and commuters who either live on the many islands or travel between Vancouver City and Seattle. What better way might there be to arrive at work? Sitting on a ‘float plane’ in the comfort of the vast viewing areas (on the sundeck or inside) watching Orca whales and bald eagles circling the stunning vegetation of the many coves and islands. With towering trees and snow-capped Mount Rainier as a backdrop, as an attendant serves you in your seat. It is a unique travel experience. And all this for less than a rail commuter would pay to travel from the Home Counties to London.
Because so little of these aluminum alloy catamarans lies below the waterline, they are remarkably easy to handle and provide both a fast and smooth ride. These are also large ships. The latest Clipper IV carries 350 passengers and is 132 feet from stem to stern with a cruising range of 346 nautical miles. There are 12 ferries in the fleet and they sail four times a day between Seattle, Vancouver and Victoria. In addition there are departures twice a day from each of these cities that stop off at the various islands and other coastal towns.
Coordination of these services is vital. All the departures of Clippers ferries have to be closely coordinated with all the booking services and reservations for both pedestrian and car passengers. Many of the ferry sailing’s link up with local motor coach companies, small seaplane services, helijet flights and Amtrak Railways that will drive on and off and take passengers to destinations further afield such as Portland in Oregon, the Canadian Rockies and the Whistler Ski Resort.
Operations management is a key concern for Clipper Navigation. As their Vice-President for Operations, Tom Morris remarks:
The coordination and management of these interconnected operations is vital to us. But it is not just a matter of internal operations, the success of our services relies heavily upon our partners, both horizontal and vertical.
A home video about Victoria Clipper service (Links to an external site.)
(Apologies for providing a link to someone’s home video, but it does offers a succinct overview of the nature and range of services that Victoria Clipper provides during the journey between Victoria, Canada and Seattle, WA, USA. Obviously, the video is not professionally created/edited so please ignore personal commentary, music selection, and/or typos in captions and instead focus on video imagery.)
Write well-thought out answers to the questions (associated with Victoria Clipper service vignette) below:
- How would you describe the product and service combination supplied by Clipper Navigation?
- Their VP for Operations mentions the importance of horizontal and vertical partners. What products and services might these provide and what is the essential difference between the two categories?
- Think about the need for flexibility necessary for Clipper Navigation and is defined by its internal and external characteristics. What are the particular operational activities vital to ensure Clipper Navigation’s flexibility? Can these be improved?
Please follow the rubric below and write about 700-800 words.
Ethics and YOU in the Automotive Industry Humanities Assignment Help
Discussion “Ethics and YOU in the Automotive Industry”
Respond to the following with 250 words
Ethics are a universal idea that should be practiced throughout one’s life. It can be argued that the automotive industry at times hasn’t had the most ethical reputation. Without mentioning specific examples that you are someone you know may have had, do you feel that people that work in this industry are inherently unethical or do you feel that perhaps that reputation comes from members of the industry not thoroughly explaining and communicating with its customers?
CO210 Week 4 Business Finance Assignment Help
Persuasive Sales Messages
This week you’ll be creating your own sales letter to sell a product! Feel free to get creative and invent a product or sell one you’re familiar with or admire. Now for this assignment imagine yourself as the marketing director for the company selling that product. You are in charge of writing a one-page (250 words double spaced) sales letters to help sell your product!
You will need to create that one-page sales letter using the persuasive techniques you’ve learned from this week’s lecture and textbook chapter. Organize your sales letter covering the four steps of the AIDA Strategy for Sales Messages. You will be graded on your effectiveness to sell this product and the use of the persuasive techniques learned this week.
On a separate page, after the end of the sales letter, share a paragraph (150 words) about who your target audience was, the persuasive techniques you used, and clarify how you used the AIDA strategy.
W4 Midterm Exam
Select the link above to access your Midterm. The Midterm consists of 50 multiple choice questions. You will have two hours to complete your exam. Once the time runs out the exam will automatically submit.
Assignment: Cyberterrorism {4 pages} Humanities Assignment Help
Assignment Details
The potential threat posed by cyberterrorism has provoked considerable alarm. Numerous security experts, politicians, and others have publicized the danger of cyberterrorists hacking into government and private computer systems and crippling the military, financial, and service sectors of advanced economies. Psychological, political, and economic forces have combined to promote the fear of cyberterrorism. From a psychological perspective, two of the greatest fears of modern times are combined in the term cyberterrorism. The fear of random, violent victimization blends well with the distrust and outright fear of computer technology.
Debate continues to exist regarding the nature and definition of cyberterrorism. Using the assigned readings and additional resources, discuss the extent to which cyberterrorism exists and the characteristics that distinguish cyberterrorism from cybercrime. Provide specific examples to support your application and analysis of the debate surrounding the nature and definition of cyberterrorism. In addition, discuss the potential effects of cyberterrorism, providing specific examples. Your paper should be 4-6 pages in length and include at least five specific examples of different types of cyberterrorism that might be conducted and the associated effects that would be expected from such an attack.
Use at least two credible sources beyond the assigned reading and discuss how you evaluated the credibility of each source. You may consult the Library, the internet, the textbook, other course material, and any other outside resources in supporting your task, using proper citations and references in APA style.
Download the Unit 3 Assignment Checklist.
Directions for Submitting Your Assignment
Compose your essay in Word and save it with a name you will remember. Be sure to include your name, class, and unit number in your essay. Submit your Assignment by selecting the Unit 3: Assignment 2 Dropbox by the end of Unit 3.
This is the reading for Unit 3 Assignment
Reading and Resources
The following resources are available from the Purdue Global Library:
Klein, J. (2018). Deterring and dissuading cyberterrorism. Air & Space Power Journal: Afrique Et Francophonie [serial online], 9(1), 21–34
Warf, B., & Fekete, E. (2016). Relational geographies of cyberterrorism and cyberwar. Space & Polity, 20(2), 143–157.
The following resources are available online:
Cerre, M. (2018, March 30). An exclusive look behind the scenes of the U.S. military’s cyber defense. PBS NewsHour. Retrieved from https://www.pbs.org/newshour/show/an-exclusive-look-behind-the-scenes-of-the-u-s-militarys-cyber-defense
Weimann, G. (2004, May). Cyberterrorism: How real is the threat? United States Institute of Peace. Retrieved from http://www.usip.org/publications/cyberterrorism-how-real-threat
Materials Characterization Laboratory( Phase Mapping by EBSD ) Engineering Assignment Help
Aim of the project:
➢ To identify the phases present in a meteorite specimen and map the corresponding phase
morphology from the electron backscatter diffraction patterns (EBSDs) obtained from a
scanned area
➢ To determine the phases present in the specimen of iron-nickel (Fe-Ni) meteor.
➢ Compare and contrast pole figures collected.
Experimental Procedures:
➢ You will be given 3 specimens (tentative):
▪ One meteorite specimen
▪ Polycrystalline Copper
▪ Single Crystal Silicon
➢ For all 3 specimens, find out the number of phases present in each specimen and identify
➢ Steps to determine the identity of an unknown phase:
❖ Collect a EBSP from a phase and detect the bands
*You must demonstrate that each phase is properly identified by overlaying the indexed
solution over the original EBSP and show that the detected Kikuchi bands and the
simulations are well matched.
➢ For the meteorite specimen, create a phase map and estimate the volume fraction of each
phase in the structure.
➢ Compare and contrast the pole figures for copper and silicon.
➢ Discuss data collected with respect to their orientation maps.
➢ Each individual is expected to obtain your own diffraction images from all phases in the 3
➢ The EBSD scan can be done together.
MSE 323 Materials Characterization Laboratory Spring 2020
Report :
Please refer to document on Blackboard Learn regarding
• Style of report; and
• Contents expected in the report (grading guidelines)
You may find the following references helpful:
• Chapter “ Electron Backscatter Diffraction Aluminum Alloys” (Chapter 10) from DS
MacKenzie and GE Totten, Analytical Characterization of Aluminum, Steel, and
Superalloys, CRC Press, Boca Raton, FL, 2006. (on e-learning)
• Electron Backscatter Diffraction in Materials Science 2, Ed. by Schwartz, Kumar,
Adams, and Field, Kluwer Academic, New York, 2009.
• http://www.alaska.net/~meteor/mineral.htm
• http://www.classicgems.net/gem_kamacite.htm
• http://www.uwgb.edu/dutchs/Petrology/Kamacite-Taen…
I did not download all the files,
You also need to watch the YouTube videos below
Materials Characterization Laboratory( Phase Mapping by EBSD ) Engineering Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Risk Analysis Computer Science Assignment Help
Required Podcast
Required Videos
Qualitative v Quantitative Risk Analysis
An example of qualitative risk analysis
Compare and evaluate in 500 words or more qualitative v quantitative risk assessment.
Use at least three sources. Include at least 3 quotes from your sources enclosed in quotation marks and cited in-line by reference to your reference list. Example: “words you copied” (citation) These quotes should be one full sentence not altered or paraphrased. Cite your sources using APA format. Use the quotes in your paragaphs.
Compare the results between your Decision Tree and the Naive Bayes algorithm. Which is more accurate? Programming Assignment Help
watch the 2 short lectures on Naive Bayes and Spam Filters and Word clouds. (You watched the first 10 seconds last week, so I know everyone can see it)
2. Refer back to the old slides on decision trees if you don’t remember them
3. Either find a data set you like or use this one https://www.kaggle.com/c/titanic/data and build a decision tree based on the data.
4. You may use either R or Python. If you want to get fancy, see http://blog.revolutionanalytics.com/2013/06/plotting-classification-and-regression-trees-with-plotrpart.html
5. Using the same data set from above do a Naive Bayes classification on the data like in the video lecture above.
6. Compare the results between your Decision Tree and the Naive Bayes algorithm. Which is more accurate?
7. Paste summary and plots into a Microsoft Word document or Excel or Jupyter notebook and create a pdf or html file so I don’t have to compile your code to get an answer.
Data is attached below in .zip file
Please follow the instructions Programming Assignment Help
output: html_document
“`{r setup, include=FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set(echo = FALSE)
## Introduction
Road Trip! After the extensive social distancing, you have decided to take road trip tour the country and visit friends. You want to map out your route to decide the best path.
“`{r message=FALSE, warning=FALSE}
# recommended packages
## Set Up
Name | City
————- | ————-
Luke | Denver CO
Rachel | Dallas TX
Vicki | Columbia MO
Brent | Phoenix AZ
* Create a data frame (df) for the 4 friends you want to visit (you can use different names & cities that are available on us.cities!)
* Join (or merge) df with ‘us.cities’ data from the maps package to get the city pop, latitude and longitude
## Questions
1. What is the mean and median population for the cities listed? Output a html table the kable function
2. Work to recreate the 3 different route graphic using ggplots.
+ This will require creating 3 data frames (one for each route) that has the route defined as a factor and the data frame ordered by that variable.
+ Use the ggplot2 [reference site](https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org) to help adding the points, line, labels and borders. For example, here is the reference to adding [US borders](https://ggplot2.tidyverse.org/reference/borders.html)
+ Use the grid package and grid.arrange function to combine the plots into one graphic. Reference the gridextra package [vignettes](https://cran.r-project.org/web/packages/gridExtra/vignettes/arrangeGrob.html). The other option would be to rbind the data and use facet_wrap in ggplot.
3. Use the latitude and longitude to calculate the shortest route in total miles between routes A, B and C. This will require searching google for a package with a function that can calculate the distance in miles. A GOOD IDEA WOULD BE TO USE TO GOOGLE MAPS TO VALIDATE YOUR ANSWER!
Please read and follow carefully, 3 pages single spaced Business Finance Assignment Help
– This assignment is for someone who is expert in the U.S. tax law
-You will be required to do a tax research and write a file memo
(file meme example in the attachments) on a problem a client is having (Problem will be given to you after accepting this
– You are required to ask the client at least 5 questions related to her issue to extract more info to help you to solve their problem –
It is better to have access a website that you can research U.S. laws related to the assignment – The file tax memo should be at least 4 pages and it must be supported by good evidence
-The tax problem will be given after accepting the assignment and more detailed instructions
So this is the problem that my client is facing, you are required to ask them questions (5 at least) in order to get more information from them that will help you to write the paper.
I own a home–my personal residence–north of Indianapolis on a tributary of the White River. I bought this home because it was located on the river where my family could boat and fish–probably not swim, too muddy. Due to some industrial pollution of the river, thousands of fish were killed in the White River and now nobody wants to get close to the water. I figure that the value of my property has dropped dramatically. I purchased the home for $500,000 five years ago and now it may be worth only $300,000. The polluting company was penalized by the EPA, but we didn’t get anything and my lawyer doesn’t think we can sue. Can I write this $200,000 loss off? Let me know if you need more information.
Muddy Waters
See the file memo sample it should be the same format. The analysis part should not be that long.
You should have 1 issue and 1 conclusion
It is important to include which section in the U.S. laws is applied to the client in the analysis part
i want you to come up with at least 5 questions about the clients problem as soon as you can. So i can ask them via email and post the answers here when they reply. If you can send me the question in 15 or 20 hours please
https://anyessayhelp.com/). The other option would be to rbind the data and use facet_wrap in ggplot.
3. Use the latitude and longitude to calculate the shortest route in total miles between routes A, B and C. This will require searching google for a package with a function that can calculate the distance in miles. A GOOD IDEA WOULD BE TO USE TO GOOGLE MAPS TO VALIDATE YOUR ANSWER!