write essay The Zero Meter Diving Team by Jim Shepard and The Sisters by James Joyce Humanities Assignment Help. write essay The Zero Meter Diving Team by Jim Shepard and The Sisters by James Joyce Humanities Assignment Help.
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deep analysis of two short stories
must be 8 paragraphs:
introduction(good thesis statement)
analyze characters in 1 story
characters in 2 story
about symbolism in 1 story
about symbolism in 2 story
about theme 1 story
about theme 2 story
Must be very Short quotations from story and it analyze through the essay.
Deep analysis,this essay is for people who already know the stories,so we need just analyze what author meaning,the new vision of story,our understanding,what each word from story mean and how we understand it.
basically compare two stories to prove that both are good and both authors great and same level .
This essay takes into consideration “The Zero Meter Diving Team” by Jim Shepard as well as “The Sisters” in James Joyce’s Dubliners. These two are short stories written by great authors, one of whom is well known while the other is not well known in this realm. This essay focuses its light on the analysis of the ideas employed in the two short stories. The authors are very good at sharing their thoughts and making the stories very much related to real life thus ensuring that familiarization is easily arrived at by the end of their short stories.
write essay The Zero Meter Diving Team by Jim Shepard and The Sisters by James Joyce Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Measuring the U.S. Health Care System: A Cross National Comparison Health Medical Assignment Help
Prepare a paper that meets or exceeds the following requirements:
- Using current data, determine whether or not the United States still has the highest level of spending among OECD countries. Discuss trends in data concerning spending and determine if rates are higher or lower.
- Discuss the impact of technology and its relationship to spending in the United States vs. health outcomes.
- Support and justify your opinions with credible reference sources. Include three to five peer-reviewed articles as reference sources. (sources NOT OLDER THAN 5 YEARS)*******
Assignment Required Reading: http://www.commonwealthfund.org/~/media/Files/Publications/IssueBrief/2010/
Your paper should include the following:
- Four to six pages in length, not including the title and reference pages.
- Include five (5) current quality references, three (3) of these references must be peer-reviewed articles. All references should be five year old or less. Remember, you must support your thinking/opinions and prior knowledge with references; all facts must be supported; in-text references used throughout the assignment must be included in an APA-formatted reference list.
- Formatted according to APA Requirements.
Strategy/Porter article synthesis and application (I AM LOOKING FOR THE BEST TUTOR) Business Finance Assignment Help
Strategy/Porter article synthesis and application
Read the following article (do not use summary articles, this article and only this article):
Porter, M.E. (2008). The five competitive forces that shape strategy. Harvard Business Review, 86(1), 79-93. Retrieved from Business Source Complete.
Students will be assigned a company to research. In this business analysis paper students are to thoroughly analyze the assigned company and its indusry and prepare a Porter’s Five Forces analysis specific to the assigned company and its industry.
Basic APA/format instructions for the P5F Paper
- Four pages (maximum) of writing analysis, double-spaced, 12-point Times Roman font (this is analysis only, not cover page, figures and tables, references, or appendix, if used). Total minimum paper length will be approximately 7 or 8 pages. Papers in excess of 10 pages will be returned ungraded.
- APA style and formatting required. Do not include an abstract. See Week 1, Student Reference Materials, and download an APA template.
- Insert a 5-box figure of the Porter model illustrating your analysis (sample provided on Blackboard in PowerPoint format); do not simply reproduce the generic model – add sufficient bullet points to justify assessments.
- Reference page and title/cover page (copy/create APA template Word document that can re-used for final case study analysis paper).
- Try to match rubric and section headings; include at least 1 sentence as a transition between 1st and 2nd level headings
Basic Content instructions for the P5F Paper
- Your Analysis: Be sure to do your own analysis. Do not simply cite and depend upon others who may have analyzed the same company.
- Do not Plagiarize: Anything you write that is not considered common knowledge requires a citation/reference pair. Do not include anyone else’s ideas or words (direct quotes) as if they were your own or your paper will receive a zero. Always use citations and references. All direct quotes must include page number or paragraph number. I do not want to fail any more students because of plagiarism. When in doubt, use citations.
- APA Citations and References: In APA, you cannot include a work as a reference unless there is a citation in the body of the paper.
- Tables and Figures: Do not copy and paste figures or tables. Even if you cite properly, it is likely a copyright violation.
- Use Headings: To the extent possible, use headings that match the rubric.
- Stay Relevant: Do not include anything in the paper that is not relevant no matter how prosaic or brilliant. I will ask you about any information you provide that does not help discover the company’s financial performance, estimated future performance, or factors related to each of the five forces. Great content that does not help with the company’s analysis will work against your paper.
Grading Criteria |
Maximum Points |
Analysis is concise, detailed, thorough; accounts for all five forces (include financial analysis, particularly profitability ratios and stock price) |
20 |
Demonstrated understanding of Porter article concepts |
10 |
Research sources are thorough and appropriate for business analysis (authority and expertise of external sources) |
15 |
Applies Porter article concepts appropriately to selected business and industry (P5F is industry oriented, thus, industry provides context for company) |
25 |
Prepares five forces model that clearly ties in with analysis (figure must be more than the generic model – include details unique to company, industry) |
10 |
Writing style: concise, clear, master’s-level, APA format (consult APA manual and/or Purdue OWL APA web site) |
10 |
Flawless spelling, punctuation, grammar; Business-style writing (run grammar/spell checks, have someone proof-read your paper) |
10 |
Total |
100 |
HIP response Humanities Assignment Help
For ONE of the correlations:
- Transform into an experimental study and identify the independent variable (IV) as well as the dependent variable (DV). Then, describe the experimental and control groups. Discuss any confounding variables that may occur.
- Explain whether you think this study would be better as a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
- Discuss how the results of this study may differ depending on if it is a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
For ONE of the experiments:
- Transform into a correlational study and discuss what the variables are and whether it is a positive or negative correlation.
- Explain whether you think this study would be better as a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
- Discuss how the results of this study may differ depending on if it is a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
All HIP responses must be written in APA style – headers, title page, in-text citations, reference page (will be reviewed in class), double-spaced, 1” margins, and Times New Roman font. The HIP responses should also be a full 1 to 2 pages long (not including the group assignment, title page, or reference page). The source used to complete this assignment should be the class textbook.
acct CASE STUDY Business Finance Assignment Help
Requirements for Written Case Analyses
1. Answer the questions in the assignment in order. Number your answers to the questions to make it clear which question you are answering. No introduction or statement of the problem is required.
2. Clearly show all calculations done to arrive at your answers and analyses. Where possible, use Tables and Exhibits to present calculations and quantitative analyses. You will be evaluated on the clarity of the presentation as well as the quality of the analysis.
3. Support your assertions with evidence drawn from the case facts, and from your analysis.
4. Calculations are only the beginning of the analysis. You must interpret the calculations and assess their implications and significance for the managerial analysis and decisions under discussion.
5. Type your answers, double-spaced, in 12 point font. Number each page sequentially (including Exhibits) except the cover page. Margins must be reasonable, no smaller than 1 inch on all sides.
Do NOT copy lengthy portions of the text or assigned
articles into your papers for two reasons.
First, I am interested in your work, not someone else’s. Second, when you analyze a case, you must
explain what is happening in a specific context. The text and readings, on the other hand,
provide general explanations not necessarily relevant to the specific case
No plagiarism plz! Will run for turnitin, if it is plagiarism, I’ll withdrawal.
sentencing peer response Business Finance Assignment Help
The five sentencing philosophies include, retribution, deterrence, rehabilitation, incapacitation and restoration (Neubauer, 2015). The five philosophies have different aspects to them that are both punishment for past behavior and correction for future behavior.
Retribution focuses on past behavior and the seriousness of the crime committed (Neubauer, 2015). Retribution seems to be the idea of “an eye for an eye”. “Because the victim suffered, the criminal should suffer as well” (Neubauer, 2015).
Deterrence is to prevent future crime from happening. However, it is not to punish the given wrongdoer; rather it seeks to prevent other potential offenders from committing crimes. So if a person sees someone else get punished for a robbery, they could decide that the punishment is not worth it for them to commit the robbery which would mean deterrence worked.
Rehabilitation helps criminals gain a constructive place in society with treatments, correctional facilities or programs (Neubauer, 2015). A lot of our system is based around rehabilitation currently as we try to rehabilitate people for minor offenses or ongoing offenses. If a person gets a DUI they have to pay some fines, and in Arizona few nights in jail. If it is a consistent thing, the court may order the person start AA counseling, UA’s and a breathalyzer.
Incapacitation is the idea that crime is prevented “if criminals are physically restrained” (Neubauer, 2015). While incapacitation is straight forward it lacks limitations such as how long a sentencing should be (Neubauer, 2015). This type of philosophy can also cause a much higher number of people in our system that tax dollars are paying for.
The final philosophy is restorative justice which is similar to rehabilitation. Restorative justice seeks to provide healing for the victims unlike rehabilitation.
Each branch of government plays a role in influencing the criminal sentencing process. Legislation, prescribed maximum sentence throughout the 20th century (Neubauer, 2015). “The judicial branch had primary authority over who went to prison” (Neubauer, 2015). An agency of the executive branch known as the parole board controlled the length of the prison term (Neubauer, 2015).
Currently, legislature specify terms of imprisonment with indeterminate sentences or determinate sentences. Indeterminate sentences have a minimum and maximum amount of time served in prison with parole. Once the offender is out on parole they can begin their rehabilitation process. Determinate sentences are fixed sentences that set a number of years for specific crimes committed.
“Sentences imposed by judges are typically carried out by officials of the executive branch” (Neubauer, 2015). A lot of factors can determine how long someone can stay in prison for other than just their given sentence; such as, decisions made by governors, parole boards and departments of corrections (Neubauer, 2015).
While the judge has authority in the courtroom, they do not have much discretion when it comes to imposing sentencings. They “must choose among the sentencing options provided by the legislature (Neubauer, 2015). Judges must look at the criminals themselves, the crimes committed and make a decision based on the evidence given from prosecution and defense.
sentencing peer response Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
HIP response Humanities Assignment Help
For ONE of the correlations:
- Transform into an experimental study and identify the independent variable (IV) as well as the dependent variable (DV). Then, describe the experimental and control groups. Discuss any confounding variables that may occur.
- Explain whether you think this study would be better as a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
- Discuss how the results of this study may differ depending on if it is a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
For ONE of the experiments:
- Transform into a correlational study and discuss what the variables are and whether it is a positive or negative correlation.
- Explain whether you think this study would be better as a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
- Discuss how the results of this study may differ depending on if it is a correlation or experiment (use information from your textbook to support your answer).
All HIP responses must be written in APA style – headers, title page, in-text citations, reference page (will be reviewed in class), double-spaced, 1” margins, and Times New Roman font. The HIP responses should also be a full 1 to 2 pages long (not including the group assignment, title page, or reference page). The source used to complete this assignment should be the class textbook.
Finish up last 2 pages of sociology essay. Please follow directions and read description Humanities Assignment Help
Social Status and Cultural Capital. According to Max Weber, the traditional source of wealth–owning the means of production–isn’t the only factor in determining social status (Chapter 9: Social Stratification in the U.S.). How does Weber conceptualize power and prestige? Why does he argue that power and prestige, in addition to material wealth, are important factors in determining a person’s social status? Then, consider that half of all children grow up to have the same socioeconomic class as their parents. Discuss the ways in which Pierre Bourdieu’s concept of cultural capital influences this phenomenon
Typical Adjusting Entries Business Finance Assignment Help
2ND ATTEMPT TO FIND A GOOD TUTOR TO ANSWER THIS ASSIGNMENT. (SEE Templates and 2 attempts done incorrectly. A & D are entered incorrectly. please correct.
- The resources provided here are optional. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; However, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. They provide helpful information about the topics in this unit. The MBA-FP6014 – Financial Accounting Library Guide can help direct your research. The Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.The following resources are assessment specific templates for completing the assessment.
The following resources provide relevant financial accounting methods and practices.
- Doran, D. T. (2012). Financial reporting standards: A decision-making perspective for non-accountants. New York, NY: Business Experts Press.
- Chapter 1, “Overview of financial Accounting,” pages 1-25
- Chapter 2, “Cash, Receivables, and Revenue Recognition,” pages 27-55
- Libby, R., Libby, P., & Hodge, F. (2017). Financial accounting (9th ed.). New York, NY: Irwin. – Available from the bookstore
- Chapter 4, “Adjustments, Financial Statements, and the Quality of Earnings,” pages 160–191.
- Doran, D. T. (2012). Financial reporting standards: A decision-making perspective for non-accountants. New York, NY: Business Experts Press.
Assessment Instructions
Note: Some of the assessments in this course build upon each other, so you are strongly encouraged to complete them in the order in which they are presented.For this assessment, complete Problems 1 and 2. You may use Word or Excel to complete the assessments throughout this course, but you will find Excel to be most helpful for creating spreadsheets. Tutorials for using Excel are provided in the Supplemental Resources in the left navigation menu. If you use Excel, submit the assessment in one Excel document, using separate tabs for each spreadsheet.Templates for both problems are linked in the Suggested Resources under the Capella Resources heading.
Problem 1: Adjusting the Books Using Adjusting Entries
Huntington Company’s annual accounting year ends on December 31. It is December 31, 2012, and all of the 2012 entries except the following adjusting entries have been made:
- a. On September 1, 2012, Huntington collected six months of rent worth $9,000 on storage space. At that date, cash was debited and unearned rent revenue was credited for $9,000.
- b. On October 1, 2012, the company borrowed $30,000 from a local bank and signed a 12 percent note for that amount. The principal and interest are payable on the maturity date, September 30, 2013.
- c. Depreciation of $5,000 must be recognized on a service truck purchased on July 1, 2012, at a cost of $30,000.
- d. Cash of $4,800 was collected on November 1, 2012, for services to be rendered evenly over the next year beginning on November 1. Unearned service revenue was credited when the cash was received.
- e. On November 1, 2012, Huntington paid a one-year premium for fire insurance of a total of $12,000 for one year of coverage starting on that date. Cash was credited and prepaid insurance was debited for this amount.
- f. The company earned service revenue of $6,000 on a special job that was completed December 24, 2012. Collection will be made during January 2013. No entry has been recorded.
- g. At December 31, 2012, wages earned by employees totaled $17,500. The employees will be paid on the next payroll date, January 15, 2013.
- h. On December 31, 2012, the company estimated it owed $16,000 for 2012 property taxes on land. The tax will be paid when the bill is received in January 2013.
Using the information above, prepare the adjusting entry required for each transaction at December 31, 2012.To complete this problem, you may choose to use the Assessment 3, Problem 1 Template, which is linked in the Suggested Resources under the Capella Resources heading.
Problem 2: Analyzing the Effects of Adjusting Entries on the Accounting Model
To complete this problem, you will need to refer to Problem 1.Indicate in a table format the effect of each adjusting entry in Problem 1 (a through h) and the amount of the effect. Use + for increase, − for decrease, and NE for no effect.This problem is built around the following formulas and concepts:
- Assets = Liabilities + Stockholders’ Equity.
- Revenues − Expenses = Net Income.
- Net Income accounts are closed to Retained Earnings, a part of Shareholders’ Equity.
It is recommended that you use the Assessment 3, Problem 2 Template linked in the Suggested Resources under the Capella Resources heading.
Typical Adjusting Entries Scoring Guide
VIEW SCORING GUIDEUse the scoring guide to enhance your learning.How to use the scoring guide
Part A Narrative and Bridge Engineering Assignment Help
I need each part to be a seperate paper/submission…big tip!
Part A – Narrative and Bridge
The Narrative
In the first section of Part A, you will be telling us the story of how you came to be interested in the topic and why you want to pursue research on the topic.
Here are some guidelines for The Narrative:
- It should be at least one full page in length.
- When possible, rely on personal experience to tell this story (the story of what happened to make you so interested in finding out more about the topic).
- This section should capture the reader’s attention and make us want to continue reading. (Vivid language and description help with this.)
- All information included in this section must be relevant; in other words, all parts of the story being told here must relate to the purpose of this section, which is to show your readers why you are interested in the topic.
- Readers must get a sense that the writer’s interest in the topic is genuine.
- Although I am not looking for grammatical perfection here, I do want to see that you have made an effort to eliminate errors in grammar and sentence structure that would be distracting to your readers.
The Bridge
This second section of Part A will function as a bridge (or transition), leading your readers from the narrative into the actual research process. Although thesis statements are traditionally found in the first paragraph (or introduction) of an essay, your thesis statement will appear in this section.
Next, you will tell us what you want to know about the topic and how you plan to find out about it. This is a great place to present a few focused questions that you plan to find the answers to. Again, remember that this section will be narrative in nature (use the first person “I”). (HINT: To conduct some brainstorming for this section, you might want to spend a few minutes jotting down what you already know or think about the topic, and then a few minutes jotting down what you want to know about the topic.)
Here are some guidelines for The Bridge:
- This section should be at least half of one page in length.
- You should continue to use the first person “I” perspective to write this section.
- You should include a specific thesis statement in this section that lets the reader know what is to come. (When you submit this second section, please underline the sentence you feel is your thesis statement.)
- Readers should feel as though this second section is providing them with a nice transition between what was discussed in the first section and what will be discussed in the third section. (Remember, the purpose of this second section is to provide a bridge for your reader that seamlessly leads them from the narrative into the research.)
- You should include a discussion of what you already know about the topic and/or what you assume to be true about the topic.
- You should include some focused questions to which you want to find the answers.
- You should provide us with some details about how you plan to find the answers to the questions. What kind of research will you conduct? Where will you go to find the answers to your questions?
- Although I am not looking for grammatical perfection here, I do want to see that you have made an effort to eliminate errors in grammar and sentence structure that would be distracting to your readers.
Part B – Research Process and Findings
In this section of the paper, you will add on to Part A and tell us what you discovered (the story of your hunt). You will tell us where you looked and what you learned. In this section you will still be using a narrative voice (first person “I”), but you also will be paraphrasing, summarizing, and quoting the sources you found.
Also, be sure to document all your sources of information using APA documentation. (Citations using the APA Format are explained in the next Page)
Here are some guidelines for Part B:
- This section should be roughly three to five pages in length.
- You should continue to use the first person “I” perspective to write this section.
- You should use a clear method of organization; do not organize the paper source by source, but rather by topic.
- You must include information from at least four sources in this section.
- You should include a variety of sources (book, magazine article, web site, etc.).
- You must incorporate effective and correct paraphrasing, summarizing, and quotations-all of these must include appropriate parenthetical citations.
- To make the paper read as a cohesive whole, refer to earlier sections of your paper (early experiences you discussed in The Narrative, questions you asked and assumptions you made in The Bridge).
- Your voice and your ideas about what you have learned should be the driving force behind this section. Do not make the mistake of simply throwing together a bunch of information you got from your sources. That is too hard for your readers to process. Instead, you should be telling us what you found and then making sense of it for us.
- Although I am not looking for grammatical perfection here, I do want to see that you have made an effort to eliminate errors in grammar and sentence structure that would be distracting to your readers.
Part C – Conclusion and Complete Works Cited Page
For this final section of your research project, you will add onto your entire report and tell us what you discovered! After concluding your search, compare what you thought you knew, assumed, or imagined with what you actually discovered and offer some personal commentary and draw some conclusions.
Here are some guidelines for Part C:
- The Conclusion section should be roughly one page in length.
- You should continue to use the first person “I” perspective to write this section.
- You should re-visit your earlier research question that was mentioned in section 2 (your thesis statement), and summarize your findings for us.
- You must be sure to mention any areas where your assumptions about the topic were proven false.
- Feel free to tell us what additional questions your research process raised.
- Provide your readers with a clear sense of closure.
- Although I am not looking for grammatical perfection here, I do want to see that you have made an effort to eliminate errors in grammar and sentence structure that may be distracting to your readers.