writing assignment Writing Assignment Help. writing assignment Writing Assignment Help.
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In at least four-pages in MLA format you can use the link up to see the materials and follow the requirements bellow:
(https://owl.purdue.edu/owl/research_and_citation/mla_style/mla_formatting_and_style_guide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html (Links to an external site.)) make an argument for the effectiveness of Coates’s rhetoric or simply identify and discuss the rhetoric that Coates employs. You do not need to include all three rhetorical categories, nor do you have to take one side or the other; perhaps he is successful in some ways and not in other ways. Moreover, you do not necessarily need to argue that the rhetoric is ultimately successful or not; if you choose to take this route, make sure that you are still discussing in detail his use of rhetoric.
Critically, avoid simply summarizing.
Possible theses:
-Coates (successfully) uses pathos and ethos to convince his audience.
-Whiles Coates is convincing in his use of pathos, his use of logos is lacking.
-Coates employs all three categories of rhetoric throughout his text.
writing assignment Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Saint Peter’s Basilica Humanities Assignment Help
What makes Saint Peter’s Basilica at the Vatican in Rome a great work? Is it the art? Is it the architecture? Using ONLY evidence obtained from the materials from this course (the PowerPoint presentation/discussions, the textbook, and supplementary Blackboard materials)
Compose a persuasive, detailed essay explaining the artistic significance of Saint Peter’s Basilica. As much as possible use key concepts, works of art found within the basilica, elements of the architecture that we have discussed, and aspects of the building’s site and history in order to make your case as effectively as possible (remember that Saint Peter’s basilica and its site have a long history).
Finally, around the time of its major expansion, who had problems with the building of this basilica, what politico-religious movement did it help spark, and what was the basis for the objections being raised regarding the basilica’s construction and what it represented?
NOTE: Your typed answer may not exceed 4 typed pages (approximately 1,000 words) – we are valuing the quality of your answer and uses of evidence, not the quantity of words you are capable of generating. ALSO NOTE: All the words in your essay must be your own
POWERPOINT: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1fIjh_gB6t_r9IhFgt…
Cornell notebook Humanities Assignment Help
Cornell Class Readings and Lectures Notebook (20%):For each entry in your notes, you are to cover one reading with the requested headings. In addition to these reading note entries, you must create an entry for each class lecture you attend, so leave empty pages between reading note entries for you daily notes.
For Reading (article) entries (done at home) include the following, leaving space between each point you write in your notes to make room for classroom lecture annotations:
- Create a heading with the day of the week, date, and title of the reading you are taking notes on.
- Take notes quoting the mainthesisand writedown at least 3 pieces of the main evidencesupporting the main thesis/argument of the article/chapter.
- Finally, and most importantly, write a3-paragraphreflectionon each and every reading include the following:
- a) the reflection includes a summarization of the reading to start it off and then
- b) describe what you connected with in the reading and how it helps you understand society
- c) Finally, write two questions that came up for you while reading the article/chapter, explaining why they came up for you. Note, the reflection is the most important part of your notebook grade so write your absolute best two or three paragraphs of which I will grade closely.
- Each section of your notes should be separated by an empty page. This empty page can be used to fill in with extra classroom notes that overflow. Only write on the front of the page and do your best handwriting!
Dailylectureannotations are to be written as the lecture is occurring in class:
- Write down key ideas in the lecture in the margins of your reading notes or on the opposite side that you left blank (when writing your reading notes)
- Take note of any key concepts and their definitions you did not pick up in your home-written reading notes
- Write down any difficult ideas that you can come back to and define when you study outside of class.
- Draw pictures to help you remember key examples or ideas you think will come in handy later. You can do this in your reading notes too.
Use the Cornell style of notetaking explained in this video:Cornell Notetaking Tutorial (Links to an external site.).
Importantly, your notebook will evaluated very closely so be sure to spend a lot of time on this assignment. Your notebook will be evaluated around week #5 and again during week #10.
Cornell NoteBook Check (10%)
Criteria | Ratings | Pts | ||
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome(1) Correct HeadingCreate a heading with: |
2.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome(2) Main argument and evidenceTo varying degrees, the student effectively took notes quoting the main thesis and wrote down at least 3 pieces of the main evidence supporting the main thesis/argument of the article/chapter. In the case of a textbook chapter, they focused on 3 key concepts and reflected on the evidence provided in the chapter. |
2.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning Outcome4) SummariesThe student wrote a reflection on each reading assigned to date, including the following: |
3.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeClass NotetakingThe student took about a page of notes per day covering items that we may not have read in the articles and closed with a one-paragraph summary of the day’s readings. They included the following consistently: (1) Write down key ideas in the lecture in the margins of your reading notes or on the opposite side that you left blank (when writing your reading notes) |
2.0 pts |
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeCornell Notetaking MethodThe student formatted their notes using the Cornell Notetaking method, including, placing the lines in the correct placement and writing key words to mark where the note sections by topic. They wrote their summaries at the end of each section. |
1.0 pts |
Total Points: 10.0 |
Leadership and Quality LP5.2 Current Event #4 Business Finance Assignment Help
LP5.2 Assignment: Current Events #4
This assignment will assess competency 5. Analyze the efforts to control the activities of the organization.
Directions: This week’s current events article will be focused on ethics. Find a newspaper or magazine article from the past several months relating to someone violating business ethics or potentially violating the law regarding business practices. Then, including the items below, summarize the article:
- What was the headline of the story?
- Discuss the effectiveness of the headline in summarizing the story and/or in grabbing your attention as an article related to leadership.
- Briefly describe the factual content of the story related to the Who, What, When, Where, Why, and How – and, overall, how it relates to leadership theories, concepts, skills, or traits. Describe the connection between the article you selected and what you have learned or know about ethics.
- Discerning fake news. Discuss the accuracy of the facts used in the story. How do you know that the sources used were reliable and accurate? Provide examples and/or supporting resources.
Summarize the article in a 500-700 word paper. Please use APA format, cite your article and at least one other scholarly professional source to support your writing.
Global Sourcing and Procurement Writing Assignment Help
The project must include a title page, table of contents, abstract, and a reference page.
APA cover page
Abstract (1/2- 1 page)
2. Introduction to the topic, problem or thesis statement
3. Literature Review Background Research on the topic (use from week 5)
4. Discussion of your ideas on the topic and problem
5. Discussion of new solution(s) to the problem
6. Conclusion
The final paper must have the following key sections, clearly identified, though they can be titled creatively to reflect your question and interests:
I. An introduction that states the problem and why your topic is important.
The research question, clearly and concisely stated as a question. What do you hope to answer with this research? This section should also include definition of terms.
II. Literature Review – background research on this topic
III. The results/ discussions, describes what you have learned that helps answer the research question. What are you ideas about this topic?
IV. The discussion of potential new solutions.
V. The conclusion, which summarizes the key points of the paper and suggests further research needed on this topic.
VI. A list of references in APA format.
Please include attached thesis statement and Literature review in the paper.
MKT/421 Apply: The Product Life Cycle (PLC) [due 19 March 2020] Business Finance Assignment Help
Scenario: You currently work as the marketing manager of your favorite company/organization and manage the success of one of its products or services. Your responsibility is to monitor the stages of the Product Life Cycle (PLC) and adjust the marketing strategies as needed for your product so that it can thrive for as long as possible. At each stage, you assess changes in the target market, determine changes that you need to make to the product or price strategy, and review the competition and profitability.
Create a 10- to 15-slide (not counting cover slide or reference slide) Microsoft PowerPoint, Prezi, or Microsoft Sway presentation with speaker’s notes that covers the following criteria:
- Develop a slide that establishes the theme and goals of the presentation.
- Define and discuss the PLC concept and its importance to marketing managers.
- Discuss why the PLC is important to marketing managers, and provide examples of the possible implications if the PLC is not monitored.
- Describe the selected company/organization, product/service, the target market for this product, and how the product/service is presented to the selected target market.
- Describe how brand equity can be used to create a positive customer image of your product.
- Describe each stage of the PLC, and analyze the implications that each stage may have on pricing, product definition, competition, and profitability for your selected product/service.
Submit your assignment.
MKT/421 Apply: The Product Life Cycle (PLC) [due 19 March 2020] Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
BUS Pre-Test – Case Business Finance Assignment Help
This is a take-home assignment. You are to answer the questions in the way(s) that you believe are the most thorough, most descriptive, and most analytical.
Assume that you are the person identified as “you” in the problem provided to you. You have an Accounting degree from Troy University and you are a CPA. As stated in the problem, you are married and you have two children who are in a very expensive private school. Your spouse has just lost his/her job. Answer the questions set out at the end of the problem.
You are to compose a short paper that addresses all questions asked. As we are also evaluating your writing, your answers must be in an essay format, rather than using outlines or bullet points. You are to submit your answers in narrative form. Keep in mind that communication has multiple dimensions to it. Communicating substantive information is only one dimension. How well you communicate it and the grasp of the English language that you display in your communications will all have a bearing on how the individual grading your submission will evaluate it.
This assignment will make up a percent of your grade to be determined by your faculty member.
Submission instructions
- Please ensure that the Certification set out below appears on your submission.
- Attach your Word document to this assignment and submit before the due date.
By submitting my responses to this Assignment, I hereby certify and affirm that I have not received any aid of any type from any of my classmates or students taking this course in other sections.
Not: I need APA format.
Answer clearly and in detail Writing Assignment Help
1. Read the entire “Recommendations for Best Practices” paper. At the end of the paper – beginning on page 31 – there is an annotated bibliography that includes several relevant papers. Track down any two of those papers, read them and write a 250 word (max) summary. Note – Only one student can summarize any paper. First come, first served. Make your choice, stake your claim, post your intent to review the paper.
2. The Jenkins et al paper discusses “The Disaster Cycle” and “Issues for a Successful Recovery.” Choose one of those topics and research the literature to support what these authors have to say. Write a 250 word summary of the article you found.
3. Respond to 2 of my classmates discussions (attached)
assignment5 Writing Assignment Help
Please read all of Module 5. Quiz 5 will cover material from Module 5.
Please read Chapters 11 and 12 in your textbook.
Please complete the following assignment.
Write a three paragraph response for the following YouTube excerpt. Include your personal reactions to the:
- Choreography
- Content of the excerpt
- Performance
YouTube excerpt of Matthew Bourne’s Swan Lake (链接到外部网站。)
Write a three paragraph response for the following YouTube excerpt. Include your personal reactions to the:
- Choreography
- Content of the excerpt
- Performance
YouTube, American Ballet Theater, Nacho Duarto’s Remanso
psy3520 pj 4 Writing Assignment Help
Childhood Disorders
Although childhood depression is prevalent, many parents are reluctant to seek psychological disorder treatment for their children.
Answer the following questions:
- What are the common symptoms of childhood depression?
- Why might parents feel that these symptoms are not problematic or are simply “normal” childhood behaviors?
- If your friend’s child suffered from depression, what advice would you give your friend?
Childhood AD/HD
AD/HD has become an increasingly popular and controversial disorder.
Answer the following questions:
- What are the common symptoms of AD/HD? What are its typical treatment plans?
- In your opinion, why has diagnosis of this disorder increased over the past several decades?
- Why is this disorder more controversial than other childhood disorders?
Submission Details:
- Support your responses with examples.
- Cite any sources in APA format.