writing paper about history Humanities Assignment Help. writing paper about history Humanities Assignment Help.
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I need 2 – 3 typed and double-spaced paper about American history, specifically about (Unit Three) — “Debating the Origins of the American Revolution”. This is a reading and writing assignment.
I will provide you with link and access to the EBook once my offer has been accepted.
Book: David Emory Shi, America: The Essential Learning Edition — Volume I, 2nd Edition, W. W. Norton & Company, Inc. (2018)
Reading Assignment (from your textbook):
Note: The “Thinking Like a Historian” sections of your textbook provide us an opportunity to understand how (and why) historians have interpreted the past in different ways. By highlighting the works of two historians from different time periods, these sections give us a glimpse into the field of historiography — the history of doing history. These brief excerpts are “secondary sources” — sources produced by scholars after the fact. In addition, your textbook author (David Emory Shi) has included primary documents to be read alongside of the secondary source excerpts. Primary documents are historical artifacts that comes from the time period under examination and can take a variety of forms (ie letters, diaries, political documents, movies, advertisements, etc.).
In this first “Thinking Like a Historian” section, Shi provides excerpts from two renowned historians of the Revolutionary era who have different interpretations for how and why the Revolution occurred. After reading the two excerpted secondary sources and the two primary sources carefully, write a two to three typed and double-spaced paper with standard font and margins that answers the question in bold below.
Based on what you’ve read in your textbook so far, with particular attention to the two primary documents in the “Thinking Like a Historian” section, which historian — Bailyn or Nash — do you think has the stronger interpretation. Why?
In responding to the question above, you should include a brief summary of both Bailyn and Nash’s respective arguments and you should take into consideration how the two primary documents either strengthen or weaken those arguments.
writing paper about history Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]
One: Introduction, Methodology, Successes, Failures, and Process Groups Writing Assignment Help
The final project involves analyzing a case study by applying several project management principles learned in this course. By identifying the project management methodology, areas of success, potential issues, and process group components in the case study, you will hone your ability to analyze real-world problems and propose solutions that are consistent with company culture and strategy.
For this milestone assignment, you will write a paper that addresses the following critical elements of the final project: I, II.A–C, and III.
For additional details, please refer to the Milestone One Guidelines and Rubricdocument.
Marketing Plan – Stratsim Software – Firm D – ONLY BID IF YOU’RE AWARE OF THE STRATSIM simulation Writing Assignment Help
Before getting in to the details of what the work is about… Only bid if you’re aware of Stratsim software and how it works. We are team FirmD in that and we are in the process of making decisions for the period 5 out of 9. Our assignment is to develop a Marketing Plan which shares details of FirmD, what our current situation is for period 5 and how we gonna proceed going forward. I have attached what all should be included in the document below and will be sharing the necessary document files from the software through cloud link later in the comments, which will help you prepare the document.
Corporate/Marketing Plan
A “Corporate Marketing Plan” is the management team’s road map for running the firm over its 9 years period of control.This marketing plan will be given to the instructor in a bound form.This plan should be between 5-6 pages in length, double-spaced, Times Roman Font, size 12.
The format of the marketing plans must include the following sections:
- Mission Statement
- Corporate Strategy
- Selected SBUs: product forms (trucks, SUVs, etc.)
- Marketing Segments & Strategies (4Ps) for these Segments
- Manufacturing Strategy/Development Centers
- Marketing Research Strategy
Translate C language into Pep/9 language Writing Assignment Help
Please make sure it is pep9 language not an assembly.
I will attached 2 forms to this assignment which both are examples. The file ” Q27 Swap Numbers Source.PDF” is exactly the same program without function. This assignment asking to convert the C program into pep 9 which operate with 3 functions.
getList – putList- Rotate
the second PDF attached is an example of similar program without rotate function. I attached this as a reference to ease your job.
here is the C code that needs to be converted to PEP9
void getList(int ls[], int *n) {
int j;
scanf(“%d”, n);
for (j = 0; j < *n; j++) {
scanf(“%d”, &ls[j]);
void putList(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
for (j = 0; j < n; j++) {
printf(“%d “, ls[j]);
void rotate(int ls[], int n) {
int j;
int temp;
temp = ls[0];
for (j = 0; j < n – 1; j++) {
ls[j] = ls[j + 1];
ls[n – 1] = temp;
int main() {
int list[16];
int numItems;
getList(list, &numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
rotate(list, numItems);
putList(list, numItems);
return 0;
Sample Input
11 22 33 44 55
Sample Output
11 22 33 44 55
22 33 44 55 11
Refer to the RFCs to answer the following questions. Computer Science Assignment Help
Questions about IP:
1. What two basic functions does IP implement?
2. What four key mechanisms does IP use to provide its service?
3. Via what protocol does IP communicate errors?
4. In the IP header, what is the Identification field used for?
5. A number of bits within the IP header are designated reserved or optional; why would these be important in network security?
Questions about TCP:
1. What is the difference between a socket and a connection?
2. What are the five calls the TCP/user interface provides for?
3. What is a passive OPEN request?
4. Describe the three-way handshake.
need done by thursday june 6 Other Assignment Help
Throughout this Capstone course, the student will first be assessing and then improving the simulation. In the Cases, each paper will discuss the extension of a different mission area. In the SLPs, a presentation will be developed from the viewpoint of a key leader (i.e., Incident Commander, Operations Chief, Logistics Chief).
Based on the Module 1 Case paper on the DHS mission area, “Ensure resilience to disasters”, prepare a presentation from the viewpoint of a key leader (i.e., EOC Commander, Incident Commander, Operations Chief, Logistics Chief) to extend the disaster simulation. (Hint: Base the presentation from the simulation EOC briefing.)
Focus on expanding content of key leadership roles from the Case 1 simulation.
Include references to recent disaster examples and the impact upon the people, community, or region. The presentation can expand a briefing in the Case 1 simulation or be based on an additional leadership role.
SLP Assignment Expectations
Your PowerPoint presentation should include the following:
- Sufficient length—about 8-10 slides.
- A good overview.
- Main issues covered (key leader presentation supporting the simulation extension).
- A good mix of text and graphics.
- Conclusion slide.
- References slide(s).
Your presentation will be reviewed for:
- Quality of content.
- Focus.
- Development.
- Organization.
- Adherence to a chosen format (e.g., APA).
- Grammar and punctuation.
Required Sites
Department of Homeland Security: Border Security. https://www.dhs.gov/topic/border-security
Department of Homeland Security: Building a Resilient Nation. https://www.dhs.gov/building-resilient-nation
Department of Homeland Security: Cybersecurity. http://www.dhs.gov/topic/cybersecurity
Department of Homeland Security: Immigration Enforcement. http://www.dhs.gov/topic/immigration-enforcement
Department of Homeland Security: Our Mission. http://www.dhs.gov/our-mission
FEMA Emergency Management Institute ICS Resource Center: ICS Review Document. http://training.fema.gov/emiweb/is/icsresource/assets/reviewmaterials.pdf
San Diego County Office of Emergency Services: San Diego County Emergency Operations Plan. https://www.sandiegocounty.gov/content/sdc/oes/emergency_management/oes_jl_oparea.html
State of Rhode Island Department of Environmental Management: RI DEM Emergency Response Plan (ERP). http://www.dem.ri.gov/programs/emergencyresponse/erp.php
UMNCPHP – Disaster in Franklin County: A Public Health Simulation, Centers for Public Health Education and Outreach; School of Public Health, University of Minnesota. Retrieved from https://cpheo1.sph.umn.edu/continuinged/fcs/main.asp?detectflash=false
need done by thursday june 6 Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Writing Assignment1 Other Assignment Help
- Related Reading:
- John 6:27, Genesis 1:27, Acts 17:16-34.
- Review the Official Belhaven Quick Guide found under APA Guidelines
and Tutorials Academic Help site https://blazenet.belhaven.edu/academic_help/Pages/default.aspx (Links to an external site.). - Review the APA Template under APA Guides and Tutorials on the
Academic Help site https://blazenet.belhaven.edu/academic_help/Pages/default.aspx (Links to an external site.). - Watch the video How to Format Your Paper in APA Style under APA Videos on the Academic Help site https://blazenet.belhaven.edu/academic_help/Pages/default.aspx (Links to an external site.).
- Prompt: Create a title page that follows APA guidelines
- Requirements: APA format
excel Resources: Ch. 16 of Management: A Practical Introduction, Appendix: The Project Planner’s Toolkit and the Excel Template Business Finance Assignment Help
MGT/521: Management
Wk 5 – Apply: Using the Project Planner’s Toolkit [due Mon]
Assignment Content
Discussion board Writing Assignment Help
Type: Discussion Board
Possible Points: (30 points)
Week 4: Chapter 3 – Classification: Basic Concepts & Techniques
Primary Discussion Response is due by Thursday (11:59:59pm EST), Peer Responses are due by Sunday (11:59:59pm EST).
Primary Task Response: Within the Discussion Board area, write 400–600 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the basis for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas.
Discussion Question
1. What is a classification model? As the classification model serves two vital functions in data mining: predictive and descriptive model. Explain the models’ critical application with relation to an industry of your choice?
2. Describe a decision tree? From chapter 3, Figure 3.4 depicts a decision tree for the mammal classification problem. The tree has three types of nodes: a root node, internal node, and leaf nodes. Each node is associated with a class label. Describe a similar decision tree with four nodes and explain the class labels?
Responses to Other Students:
Respond to at least 2 of your fellow classmates with at least a 100-word reply about their Primary Task Response regarding items you found to be compelling and enlightening. To help you with your discussion, please consider the following questions:
- What you learned from your classmate’s posting?
- What additional questions you have after reading your classmates posting?
- What clarification you need regarding your classmates posting?
- What similarities and differences you identify between your posting and other classmates’ postings?
Week Two Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
After reading the assigned readings, answer the following question(s) on your discussion board post.
- Question 1: What are the Big Five Personality Traits? Which one do you believe you possess the most of?
- Question 2: Discuss three differences between transactional and transformational leadership.
The post should a) answer the question posed by the instructor and b) critically analyze, to the best of your ability, the implications of the subject matter at hand. I expect that these posts will be at least 2 paragraphs in length and be written in a relatively formal academic style taking grammar and spelling into consideration. Please ensure that you provide the page from the text where you drew your answers.
For example: Customers expect organizations to be responsive to their needs (p. 9).
Please read and write a Substantive Reply to at least two (2) other student posts.
A substantive reply examines the post at hand in a polite, yet critical manner. I expect that students will engage with the post and offer critical thinking and use thoughtful questions about the topic at hand to advance thinking. These should be at least a paragraph in length; quick comments like “I really liked your post-you did a good job!” are not advised.
Apply the concepts of the tools described in the Project Planner’s Toolkit.
Refer to the Excel Template as an example.
After studying and evaluating the components included in the Project Manager’s Toolkit, evaluate which of the tools (Gantt Chart or Flow Chart) would be most appropriate for each of the following tasks and use that tool to complete the task.
- Outline the steps involved in undertaking a job search and choosing a job. Include an analysis of the advantages and limitations of the tool as well as ideas for ways you can use the tool in business.
- Build a schedule showing the steps for planning and preparing for your vacation. Include a description of the advantages and limitations of this tool and ideas for ways you can use it in business.
Combine the charts into one file.