writing paper Humanities Assignment Help

writing paper Humanities Assignment Help. writing paper Humanities Assignment Help.

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Please follow the exactly instruction and example carefully especially the black bold letter in the pdf.

1.Choose ONE of the following topics and craft a scintillating, well-written essay of six full pages in response.

Your essay must include the following:

  • a focused interpretive argument about the meaning of The Taming of the Shrew and/orI Henry IV. Keep plot summary to a minimum; assume that your reader has read the playsonce, but may be unaware of deeper implications.
  • a clearly-stated thesis statement early in the essay which articulates your argument. Thisstatement should do more than just announce the topic of the paper, and it should avoid the”similarities and differences” formula. Underline your thesis statement.
  • at least one passage from the script which you analyze closely. This section of your paper should demonstrate your attention to nuances of language and imagery, subtleties of characterization, and key ideas and issues; it should also demonstrate your ability to closely paraphrase the meaning of the passage correctly and place that passage in its proper dramatic context. You should use the Oxford English Dictionary to explain the meaning of at leastone key word.

2. Narrow the scope of your thesis and argument to fit the page limit. You’ll need to choose examples from the text that best support your argument and to take account of counter-evidence. The key to success is not the number of points you make (fewer is actually better), but the extent to which you support and develop your analysis. Strong essays will use sufficient, well-chosen textual evidence that is fully explained to support carefully narrowed conclusions; weak essays often have an overly broad thesis, base large conclusions on slim evidence, or do not closely analyze the evidence they cite.

Choose your direct quotations carefully, and explain the meaning of any passages you choose to cite. Where you choose to quote directly, please cite the act, scene and line number(s) parenthetically after the quotation.

3. Read and analyze closely. Choose ONE of those minor characters, and analyze him or her.

4. Please write a opening paragraph in separate document with thesis statement underline.

writing paper Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

historical fiction Writing Assignment Help

Historical fiction is defined as movies and novels in which a story is made up but is set in the past and borrows true characteristics of the time period in which it is set[1]. In other words, it is fiction (make believe) that is set, uses, compares, or takes place in history.

Some well-known examples of historical fiction include: Gone With the Wind, To Kill a Mockingbird, The Three Musketeers, Titanic and The Hunchback of Notre Dame. By the assignment due-date you will write your own short piece of historical fiction (fully cited in MLA, APA, or Chicago style) and in paper citation requirement.

The minimum requirements for the essay include: 6+ pages minimum, full citation of sources in the paper (a Works Cited is not good enough), proof-read and largely free of grammatical errors. You will be graded on the quality and originality of the work.


Producing and publishing news stories into a blog with reflective essay. Business Finance Assignment Help



The purpose of this assignment is to produce an example of a video, audio and text story on a newsworthy issue and incorporate them into a 500 word blog demonstrating a range of journalistic skills.

You will accompany this with a reflective 2,000 word essay of your work.

This topic must be different to the topic you used in your first assignment.

Task: To produce multimedia news stories, incorporate them into a blog and reflect on the work.

Weighting: 60%


Choose a news worthy topic or theme and explore how best to cover it using text, audio, video and images incorporating those elements into a blog accompanied by a reflective essay.

You can use the same two interviews for all components of this assignment.

The ideal way to approach this is to do your two video interviews and then use quotes from those interviews for your text story, audio story and video report.

It is permissible to use the same quotes through all mediums.

Your overall assignment must include these elements:

  • A 200 word text story incorporating two quotes.
  • A 1 minute video package including two interviews.
  • A 1 minute narrative audio/slide show package.
  • A blog with links to the above.
  • Reflective essay.

Text story (weighted at 10 marks)

Text must include:

  • Strong headline & lead
  • Written in news style including two quotes.
  • 200 words

Video package (weighted at 10 marks)

The video component must:

  • Include narrative and interview grabs from at least two interviews you have recorded yourself.
  • A script needs to be written & submitted for this report.
  • Duration: 1:00 minute.

Audio/slide show (weighted at 10 marks)

Your audio/slide show must contain:

  • Interview grabs from at least two people – they can be the same audio grabs from your video story.
  • You will need a still shot of each interviewee as they are talking.
  • You will need at least 15 jpeg images with your audio.
  • A strongly voiced narrative.
  • Titles.
  • A script also needs to be written and submitted for this report.
  • Duration: 1:00 minute.

Blog (weighted at 10 marks)

A 500 word blog incorporating and linking to the text, video and audio/slide show elements you have produced.

Reflective Essay (weighted at 20 marks)

Your reflective essay should analyse the work you have covered with the various multimedia elements of this assignment taking into account how the text, audio, video and images have worked together to present a complete package.

In your reflection you should explain how the various multimedia elements of text, audio and video have their own strengths and can be used to compliment each other and produce a complete package.

Other important information

  • Deakin related stories and interviews with family members, Deakin students and friends will not be accepted.
  • Your interviews should be with representatives of groups, organisations or associations who can speak on behalf of that organisation, group or association.
  • The names and contact details of the people interviewed for the assignment must be included at the end of the script.
  • All reports are to be on the same broad topic, with each element telling a different part of the story
  • All reports must be produced and edited observing the lessons/resources in the unit.
  • You must ensure your stories are ‘fact checked’ for accuracy.
  • They must be uploaded to your blog and that blog URl must be included on your reflective essay uploaded to Cloud Deakin by the assignment due date.

As your stories are to be publicly available you must ensure you:

  • Do not defame people
  • Do not create news stories about sub judice matters (a case before the courts)
  • Do not breach copyright (intellectual property)
  • Your story should be community related but at the same time have a news angle to it.


Analyze a news article and write a report Science Assignment Help

The topic must be in the first column in Table 1:

  1. Choose your Project Topic from the Approved Topics listed in Table 1
  2. Find a news article related to your Project Topic. This must be a news article from a reputablenews website such as a newspaper, periodical, or local/national news affiliate and can be from any date within the past three years. This article should not be from a blog or from a purely scientific periodical such as Astronomy Magazine or NASA News, but a resource known for distributing news on more topics than just science. Some examples would be ABC, CBS, CNN, NBC, Fox or the Washington Post, New York Times, or Forbes.
  3. Email your Instructor both your Project Topic and a link to the news article you will be analyzing for approval. Everyone must choose a different article.
  4. Read your article. Identify and list any scientific terms within it, preferably ones that you are not familiar with. You should have at least 4 scientific terms that you will be defining within the report.
  5. Start your report, following the Report Outline below.


ethic paper research Writing Assignment Help

1- student identified issue perceived by them to be of ethical
conflict with the definition of situation

2- student identified the four
principles of ethical decision making related to the topic being addresses:

.what certain
actions are right nor wrong

.if one ought to
do something

.if one has the
right to do something

.if one has the
duty to do something

3- student identified how the
situation applies to the ethical responsibilities of nurses:

.patient advocacy



4- student applied the
principles of ethics to the topic:



. autonomy

. fidelity


5- student identified how
situation might impact future practice

6- paper should be 2000

7- add a reference and a cover

8- APA style

9- please include all above



paying more then asked for quality work and passion for Autism ( synthesize your research provide with hundred percent authentic Final draft site resources Will request for a refund upon finding any plagiarism not even 1% is acceptable) Writing Assignment Help

detailed information would be provided once accepted the job!

Must be qualitative research

Must use sophisticated language (medical/Chemical/biological terminology and statistical terminology )

Three pages singlespaced or six pages double spaced minimum of 1500 words

why is Autism more prevalent in men vs woman and how it affects individuals lives! This is a thesis paper conducted purely on recent (published after 2014) Academic peer-reviewed scholarly Journal articles. Reference pages not included in the paper length. Must have six peer-reviewed articles, additionally must attach a PDF copy of each one.

Literature review must answer the questions mentioned in the attachment and additionally talk about similarities and differences, each article’s hypothesis, methods used, major findings, limitations.

this thesis paper requires two hypotheses:

One hypothesis can be derived on your own

Second hypothesis must talk about chromosomes X and Y chromosomes in particular, research must back up to the fact that women have 2X chromosomes whereas men have one, as autism as a developmental issue, chromosomes also play a significant factor. Determine what that factories, what role chromosomes playing.

Remember: this is important for society as those who are diagnosed with autism autism are rapidly increasing in the recent years. You ( I aka the person who is writing this paper is an applied behavioral analysist, Therapist for autistic kids, very passionate about them )

must be tied to a social or psychological theory

Upon satisfaction will leave a generous tip Great reviews and will definitely be back for more work in the future! I require cooperation, as I might need editing before approving the payment.

paying more then asked for quality work and passion for Autism ( synthesize your research provide with hundred percent authentic Final draft site resources Will request for a refund upon finding any plagiarism not even 1% is acceptable) Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Bella MOD2 CH1 Impact of Transparency on Organizational Performance Paper Writing Assignment Help

Case assignment is 3 pages long and slp is 15 pages long. I have attached the module 2 assignments in order to understand the already done work.

Module 3 – Case

Case Assignment

Methods Exploration

Although you won’t solidify your research design until you’ve completed the work involved in developing a great Literature Review, there are some key elements you can begin to determine now. One of the first things you need to think through is “Based on your exploration of your topic in the literature so far, where does your proposed research fall on the continuum of Exploratory to Mature research?”

Please review the following article:

Edmondson, A. C. & McManus, S. E. (2007). Methodological fit in management field research. Academy of Management Review, 32(4), 1155-1179.

Assignment Expectations

  • Based on your review of the article above, what are the indicators that your research and selected methods are relevant to your DSP topic?
  • Based on where your proposed research relates to your applied research topic, what method(s) are appropriate? Please explain why the method(s) is/are appropriate and relate your explanation back to the proposed study.

Module 3 – SLP

Chapter 1 – Introduction

Your Chapter 1 – Introduction will be a narrative that details the major components of your proposed research, developed at a relatively early stage of your doctoral program. The introduction guides your preparation of the full-blown DSP Research Proposal, and will serve as a roadmap for continued refinement of your thinking as you progress into the DBA doctoral program.

The Chapter 1- Introduction should be 15-20 double-spaced pages, APA 7th edition formatted. Include a title page and reference list (not included in page count). The title page should include a working title for your dissertation. Develop the working title after you’ve completed the prospectus and have developed and selected your established Research Question(s).

In the body of Chapter 1, DO include headings for each section. Use complete sentences and paragraphs to craft the body each section.

Introductory Section (Your Prospectus should not have a heading for the introductory section, per APA 7th edition)

After you’ve completed the sections below, craft and introductory section that:

  • Tells the reader what this document is about
  • Tells the reader how the document is organized

A. Research Problem or Opportunity

Address the following question:

Describe the Problem or Opportunity your research will address. Why is it important to explore this problem or opportunity? Write 2-4 carefully considered paragraphs. Include 5-10 different sources from the literature in your discussion.

For A1 – A3 Research Problem or Opportunity

Your proposed research must encompass all of the following:

  • A problem or opportunity that is of interest to you
  • A direct connection to your field of study (i.e., computer science or management)
  • A direct connection to your concentration

A1. How does your proposed research reflect a problem or opportunity in your field? Write 3-5 carefully considered paragraphs making the connection between your proposed research and your field. Include 5-10 different sources from the literature in your discussion.

A2. How does your proposed research reflect a problem or opportunity in your Concentration? Write 3-5 carefully considered paragraphs making the connection between your proposed research and your concentration. Include 5-10 different sources from the literature in your discussion.

A3. How does your proposed research reflect a problem or opportunity that is of interest to you? Write 3-5 carefully considered paragraphs making the connection between your proposed research and your personal interest in this topic. Include 5-10 different sources from the literature in your discussion.

B. Key Literature

There are several types of literature that will appear in your literature review:

Contextual Literature – recent literature that helps the researcher define, and the reader understand, the setting in which the research will occur. This literature may be found in peer reviewed literature, and may also be found in industry and trade publications, as well as the popular (credible) press.

Seminal literature – Conceptual or Research-based – typically peer- reviewed articles or scholarly books developed at the beginning of a field, recognized as relevant either historically and/or currently. A sign of relevance is that others cite this literature in their work.

Recent Literature – Conceptual or Research-based – typically peer reviewed articles or scholarly books published within the last five years, recognized as relevant in the field. A sign of relevance is that others cite this literature in their work.

B1. Context

Write 2-3 paragraphs about the Context of your proposed research, utilizing 5-10 different sources.

B2. Seminal Literature

Write 2-3 paragraphs about your proposed research topic, utilizing 5-10 different sources from the peer-reviewed, seminal literature.

B3. Recent Literature

2-3 paragraphs related to your proposed research topic utilizing 5-10 different sources from the peer-reviewed, recent literature.

C. Gap in Literature

One of the outcomes of your literature review and preparation thus far is to identify what is called “a gap in the body of knowledge.” The gap indicates where research has not been done yet. Your research in the area of this “gap” will yield a small, but valuable “contribution to the body of knowledge.”

After the work you’ve done so far, what is the “gap in the body of knowledge” you have identified?

D. Assumptions and Biases

As you develop your literature review, you will identify contextual, seminal theoretical/research-based literature, and recent theoretical/research-based literature. Through this process, you will confirm or identify a gap in the body of knowledge – an area that has not been researched. You will also begin to clarify your overarching research question. As part of the process, you must become aware of the assumptions and biases you bring to the proposed research. Your biases and assumptions should become more apparent as you pick and choose amongst the possible literature sources you find, how you place them in your literature review, and the emphasis you give to certain viewpoints represented in the literature.

Reflect on the biases you bring to your proposed research. List at least five biases. Do not list assumptions about how you will conduct your research, nor how you expect others to respond. This section should be dedicated to the assumptions, biases and other pre-conceived notions you have about the phenomenon you plan to study. Conclude your prospectus y with a brief discussion and summary.

E. Research Question(s)

For this exercise you will practice developing research questions related to the topic you have been developing in your Research and Writing courses and through supplemental

Part I – Before you develop your question review and list 10 examples of research questions you think are well-conceived from published dissertations (ProQuest Database). Include the citations for each dissertation in your reference list

Part II – Using your draft literature review and other notes develop ONE research question that contains:

  • What? Or How?
  • Region
  • Industry or Sector
  • Organizational Context
  • Theoretical context
  • Methodological Context
  • Review the examples of actual research questions in other dissertations

Examples of research questions from actual dissertations:

How does the implementation of Appreciative Inquiry, applied virtually, impact the LNOC’s (Libyan National Oil Corporation) awareness of its effect on air quality?” Elmabrok, F. ·

What leadership style do ARPC (Air Reserve Personnel Center – Denver) managers prefer to use? Sampayo, J.

How do organizational leaders plan and develop an IT infrastructure strategy in a rapidly changing IT environment? Waheed, M. · ”

What is the employees’ perspective of engagement in a pharmaceutical/biotech organization?” Trivedi, M. · ”

Based on the lived experiences of management master graduates from both online and ground programs, what are the similarities and differences in their experiences with employers when job and promotion seeking?” Goodloe, A.

Methods Exploration

Although you won’t solidify your research design until you’ve completed the work involved in developing a great Literature Review, there are some key elements you can begin to determine now within the body of Chapter 1. One of the first things you need to think through is “Based on your exploration of your topic in the literature so far, where does your proposed research fall on the continuum of Exploratory to Mature research?”

Please find and review the following article:

Edmondson, A.C. & McManus, S.E. (2007). Methodological fit in management field research. Academy of Management Review. Vol. 32. No. 4 This article may not be in the library but is widely accessible on the WWW.

  • Based on your review of the article, “Where on the Scientific Continuum is your research?” What are the indicators that your research is located at this point on the continuum?
  • Based on where your proposed research falls on the continuum*, what method(s) are appropriate? Please explain WHY this/these methods are appropriate and relate your explanation back to the continuum.


Please present a brief recap of your Chapter 1. Include a discussion of what you learned as you developed your Prospectus. Present a discussion of next steps you will take over the next three quarters – how will you: a) continue to develop your mastery of the literature, b) develop the components of chapter one of a dissertation, and c) further develop your ideas about your research design and methods.

Please submit your assignment.

SLP Assignment Expectations

The students’ submission should adhere to the required deliverable length. The primary focus for this assignment is both a reflection from a personal and academic perspective regarding academic research and a discussion of what direction it is leading the students toward in their completion of their dissertation. Specific practices should be identified from the individual student’s experiences surrounding the academic research process, and furthermore, the successful identification of not only credible resources, but credible academic resources that are relevant and pertinent to the dissertation topic itself should be discussed.


advance accounting Business Finance Assignment Help

. Zaid Ltd and Zafar Ltd agreed to merge on January 1, 2019. On the date of the merger agreement, the companies reported the following data:

Balance Sheet

Zaid Ltd

Zafar Ltd

Book Value

Fair Value

Book Value

Fair Value

Cas & Receivables















Land & Building





Accumulated Depreciation



Total Assets





Current Liabilities





Common Stock



Capital in excess of Par Value



Retained Earnings



Total Liabilities



Zaid Ltd has 15,000 shares of its $20 par value shares outstanding on January 1, 20X3, and Zafar Ltd has 10,000 shares of $5 par value stock outstanding. The market values of the shares are $400 and $75, respectively.


Are people with narcissist personality disorder/tendencies more prone to aggressive behavior? Writing Assignment Help

The first paper will be a DATA-BASED research paper on any topic related to forensic psychology.These should take the form of a data-based analysis of a controversial area in forensic psychology, wherein you use data from research studies (particularly peer-reviewed journal articles, such as those available on PsychINFO or Google Scholar) to weight evidence for a particular issue.Examples might include (but are not limited to):

Does media violence contribute to societal violence?

What is the evidence for and against the concept of “microaggressions?”

What are the debates about how to assess rape prevalence?

Are certain minorities overrepresented in crime, or is there racial bias in the criminal justice system (or both?)

Does the death penalty deter capital crimes?

Are gun regulations effective in reducing gun crimes?

Do certain mental illness increase risk for criminal behavior?

My topic is: Are people with narcissist personality disorder/tendencies more prone to aggressive behavior?

Whatever topic you choose, you should NOT argue for a particular position (e.g. “Microaggressions are real”) but rather present a BALANCED coverage of the topic (e.g. “The evidence that microaggressions are real is X, Y; the evidence they are not real is Q, R.”These papers should have a title page (with staple!), abstract and reference section (10 references minimum, journal articles, scholarly books, legal decisions are all acceptable references), and should be 10 pages long, not including title page, abstract or references.Format is Times New Roman, double spaced, 12-point font, 1” margins.


​Choose one of these reading prompts to respond to (there are multiple parts to each reading prompt, you must answer all parts). Humanities Assignment Help

Choose one of these reading prompts to respond to (there are multiple parts to each reading prompt, you must answer all parts). Wooden & Blazak Chapter 8, 9, 10 and Final Thoughts

Renegade Kids, Suburban Outlaws: From Youth Culture to Delinquency

Authors: Wayne Wooden & Randy Blazak)

Publisher: Wadsworth Publishing

Ted Talk: https://www.ted.com/talks/dan_gross_why_gun_violen…

1. Suburban outlaws are not just part of a youth culture, instead they represent an extreme delinquency that starts with suburban school shooters. As they “leave their marks for all to see” what is the rationale for their violence? Is it simply that they are disaffected youth? Explain why or why not. Is it social and cultural alienation? Explain why or why not. What can we do as a society to change this culture of juvenile violence? Use information from the chapters to answer these questions.

2. Consider the clear similarities to the transitional time of the 1990s and of the mid to late 2010s. As Wooden & Blazak claim, there was a belief that “the safe-cocoon of middle-class youth was eroding.” Respond to this statement taking the time to consider what the authors have to say about increased pessimism and the American Dream and how this is relevant in 2018. What political, social and economic forces make this true today?


writing paper Humanities Assignment Help

writing paper Humanities Assignment Help

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