writing,writing Business Finance Assignment Help. writing,writing Business Finance Assignment Help.
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managers encounter varying market conditions in the global marketplace
hence they need to develop creative management strategies and functional
tactics in order to achieve sustainable growth/performance. Based on
this background information, you’re required to collect primary data by interviewing informant(s) from for profit or nonprofit organization (e.g., NGOs) in a selected emerging market country of your choice.
Find below sample interview questions:
a) Compared to your home country, what is the most surprising aspect of managing people in country?;
b) Can you talk about your company’s current organizational structure in country?;
c) What is the story of your experiences of successful/unsuccessful management practice in country;
d)Tell me a story about your experiences managing a team of individuals who come from different tribes and ethnicity in country;
Can you please share your experiences about the following aspects of
management in country: collaboration, negotiation, motivating employees,
language barrier, technology usage
f) Do you have any other comments/experience in country that you would like to share with me?
writing,writing Business Finance Assignment Help[supanova_question]
writing prompts on 14th amendment Writing Assignment Help
Expectations → Your response to each essay should have a clear thesis.Your thesis should be supported with specific evidence from the historical contexts and cases discussed in class, and/or distributed Supreme Court opinions.Your responses will be graded on the quality and development of your thesis and evidence.
- In what ways, and to what extent, did the Reconstruction era (1865 – 1883) have an impact on the 14th Amendment?
- What factors contributed MOST to the evolution of the 14th Amendment from the Slaughterhouse Cases to Obergefell v. Hodges?
- Should the 14th Amendment be considered a second American Constitution?
- To what extent did the 14th Amendment bring about a revolution in citizenship in America?
- Did the 14th Amendment make the federal government the “primary
authority over the states and rights of individuals?”
write 3 paragraphs per question with a thesis and supporting evidence. That is about 500 words per question that is 1 page per question so total a (5 pages is to be expected). Please cite from excerpts or powerpoints or online material. I prefer you use some of the excerpts. Thank you.
I need help with my study questions and a power point Business Finance Assignment Help
There are a total of 8 discussion questions that require a minimum of a 200 word response. In text citations and references required. I can provide the link to the material these questions are drawn from and other references may be used as well. Please separate each question with its reference but they can all be listed on one word document. The instructions for the 2nd part of the assignment is listed below the discussion questions.
16.1Why is control such an important managerial function
16.2How do successful companies implement controls?
16.3How can three techniques—balanced scorecard, strategy maps, and measurement management—help me establish standards and measure performance?
16.5How do top companies improve the quality of their products and services?
16.6What are the keys to successful control, and what are the barriers to control success?
16.7How do managers influence productivity?
7. Provide citation and reference to the material(s) you discuss. Describe what you found interesting regarding this topic, and why.
8. Describe how you will apply that learning in your daily life, including your work life Resources
Part 2 Powerpoint
Resources: Ch. 16 of Management: A Practical Introduction, Appendix: The Project Planner’s Toolkit and the Excel Template https://templates.office.com/en-us/Gantt-project-planner-TM02887601?ui=en-US&rs=en-US&ad=US
Apply the concepts of the tools described in the Project Planner’s Toolkit.
Refer to the Excel Template as an example.
After studying and evaluating the components included in the Project Manager’s Toolkit, evaluate which of the tools (Gantt Chart or Flow Chart) would be most appropriate for each of the following tasks and use that tool to complete the task.
Outline the steps involved in undertaking a job search and choosing a job. Include an analysis of the advantages and limitations of the tool as well as ideas for ways you can use the tool in business.
Build a schedule showing the steps for planning and preparing for your vacation. Include a description of the advantages and limitations of this tool and ideas for ways you can use it in business.
You must use and show a different type of (flow or Gantt) chart for the two examples (job search and vacation)
Combine the charts into one Microsoft® PowerPoint® file.(multiple files will not be graded)
Include speaker notes for bulk of communication. Slides should contain headlines, graphics, and bullets points (minimum 150 words on each speaker note which develop bullet points).
Include an introduction and conclusion slide, as well as a reference slide (8 to 10 slides)
Submit your Power Point.
Annotated Bibliography- Art from museum Writing Assignment Help
There are two due day for the sources research (March 16) and the final work turn in (Apr 11). At least 5 sources, include a hard-copy document, and a hard-copy book, which means I need all sources as PDF in hand and a book from https://i-share.carli.illinois.edu/vf-sai/ and avilable for me to borrow.
The Guidelines is down bellow as a word doc. It tells pretty much everything.
The object I pick is
Title: Boy on a Ram
Artist/Culture: Francisco José de Goya y Lucientes
Origin: Spain
Date: 1786–1787
Inventory/ Ref. #: 1979.479
URL: https://www.artic.edu/artworks/111559/boy-on-a-ram…
Remember I need to have at least 5 sources before March 16, include a hard-copy book.
Resume to become a behaviorial Writing Assignment Help
Please only accept if you have prior knowledge with building good resumes
Im a junior in college and i need to help to build a proper resume specifically to become a behavioral health technician. I want a resume aimed toward this while also one i can add onto as i go through life and use for future job opportunities.
Im expecting the tutor to know exactly all the info that needs to be on a resume and what makes a good one. I would prefer it to be completed before 7 days but willing to answer as many questions and go through a few drafts maybe throughout that time
PDCA Model in An Organization discussion Other Assignment Help
The Plan, Do, Check, Act (PDCA) model is simple but valuable in promoting organizational learning and continuous improvement.
In a 4-5 page paper, not including the cover and reference pages, provide one example of the PDCA in use or should be used in your organization. If you currently do not belong to a company/organization, or your organization has never used PDCA, select a company in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia and answer this question based on that organization. Explain the situation in which PDCA is used, explain the four phases, and then apply the four phases specifically to this situation. Provide enough information about measuring performance so that management review will result in a course of action that you recommend.
use APA style guidelines, citing references as appropriate. Include at least two current, scholarly sources beyond your course materials in support of your positions.
PDCA Model in An Organization discussion Other Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Nutrition and Diet Therapy Class. Writing Assignment Help
Assignment 3: Nutrition management for diseases affecting body systems
1. Diabetes, Type 1 and Type 2 are the most common causes of
hyperglycemia. Much of Ch. 17 gives an overview of those conditions and
related pharmacology. Other causes are listed at the bottom of p. 390.
Tables 17-2 and 17-3 summarize the bodies need for insulin. We want to
understand these basics though concentrate on nutritional management. It
becomes important for patients to commit to a more complicated tracking
of nutrients. Those who successfully manage nutrition and exercise have
a better prognosis and better quality of life. Clinical Calculation
17-1 shows an interesting plan to divide nutrient density into 4 planned
meals/snack. Note that lunch is 2/5 of the recommended calories (there
is a typo where in one place, the midday is incorrectly listed as 1/5).
Now the questions: 1a. Why is lunch the main meal? 1 point 1b. Why is
the evening snack important? 1 point 2. What are 3 differences you see
as significant between the MyPlate for diabetics and one for a
non-diabetic young person (Figures 1-2 and 17-5)? Briefly explain the
reason for each. 3 pts. Bonus: Choose a high glycemic load food and tell
where it sits on the Fig. 17-5 plate. What other food groups on the
plate do you suggest could be adjusted to allow that higher GL food? 2
bonus points 3. How does the DASH diet and changes from Table 18-9
address components of metabolic syndrome? 2 pt 4. Choose 4 aspects of a
renal diet you think would be difficult to follow and a suggestion to
help a client adapt to these aspects. 3 pts. 5. List and explain the
reason for a diet change to help a client with GERD, to help with peptic
ulcer healing, for dumping syndrome 3 pts
FIN470 Portfolio Management and Risk Analysis Business Finance Assignment Help
Finance 470
Portfolio Management and Risk Analysis
30 points
Now that you have selected a market/asset class; updated the monthly index values for 2016 as well as verified and corrected (if necessary) the historical data on your market’s index (Assignment 1); learned and shared knowledge of the index designed to track your market/asset class (Assignment 2) the next steps are to start the analysis, assessment and evaluation of the market/asset class itself
Measuring your market/asset class’s performance over the lengthy history of the data base is acritical first step in the analysis. With a few exceptions, the statistical measures we will be using are ones you have learned and used in classes such as Math 152, Fin 319, and Bus 311. They are all easily computed viathe Excel Statistic Formula Function.
However, great care must be taken to ensure you are properly computing the measures of performance. This is not a mechanical exercise! Attention to detail is critically important.
In particular, compute the following measures ofreturn and risk for your market/asset class. The Excel spreadsheet entitled Return and Risk Example should be most helpful here.
I. Return Measures:
1. First, calculate monthly returns for January, 1996 – December, 2018 (23 years, 296 months).
2. Second, calculate monthly average returns (arithmetic and geometric mean returns) for 1996 – 2018.
3. Third, calculate annual returns for 1996 – 2018.
4. Calculate average returns (arithmetic and geometric means for the annual returns).
5. Compound Growth Rate. If $1,000 was invested in your market on December 31, 1995 what would have been its value on December 31, 2018? Show its value for every month from January, 1996 through December, 2018.
6. Line graphs of monthly returns, annual returns, and item 5 above.
7. Histogram of monthly returns.
II. Risk Measures: Standard Risk Measures.
Calculate for monthly and annual time period frequencies. Easily done via Excel Statistic Formula Functions.
1. Maximum and minimum returns.
2. Range of returns (sum of absolute values of maximum and minimum returns).
3. Mean absolute deviation.
4. Variance of returns.
5. Standard deviation of returns.
III. Risk Measures: Lower Partial Moments/Downside Risk Measures.
Use Excel commands to develop formula from Class Discussions and Chapter 5
1. Semi-Variance.
2. Semi-Standard Deviation.
IIII. Distribution Measures:
Use Excel commands.
1. Skewness.
2. Kurtosis.
V. Overall Return –Risk Measures:
Calculate after class discussion.
1. Sharpe Ratio.
2. Sortino Ratio
Present the data as follows:
(1) Excel spreadsheet for monthly returns.
(2) Separate Excel spreadsheet for annual returns.
(3) Separate Graphs per items I5 and I6. Three line graphs per I5 above with time on the abscissa and monthly return on the ordinate, plus a separate histogram of monthly returns per I6. One graph per sheet/page.
(4) Excel spreadsheet showing formula and data for items II, III, IV, V.
(5) Summary table showing: (a) monthly measures of arithmetic and geometric returns, risks, downside risks, distribution measures, overall return/risk measures; (b) annual measures of same statistics as monthly ones above. See Table below.
After calculating the above measures and plotting the graphs discuss the characteristics of your market; be prepared to discuss them with your classmates; and be prepared to submit your data in a format that allows for it to be part of a class data base on comparative returns and risks across the various asset classes.
What do the data and graphs tell you about your market? This is an intentionally open-ended question.
The only directed question is whether or not you consider the returns in your market to be normally distributed? Why is this question important?
informatics emerging technology and how it can apply in our advancing society Other Assignment Help
identify an emerging technology that can be used in nursing. The informatics technology should be well established and evidence based and have literature to support its use. The presentation must address the technology, how it can improve care or outcomes and briefly discuss how the tool would be implemented in the care setting. Criteria for grading are listed below.
- Clearly identifies an emerging technology
- The technology tool is evidence based
- Demonstrates a basic understanding of the implementation of the tool
- Identifies how the informatics tool can improve outcomes
Five questions homework help Humanities Assignment Help
I need someone to answers five questions for me. Philosophical questions from the readings
MLA format with size 12 font Time roman single spaced
When Christiano says that a government or law is an authority, or is authoritative, he means that there is a “content independent” moral reason to do what it says: these are moral reason that exists regardless of what the authority says to do.
You can skip pages 13-15 if you want
1. Christiano talks about the kind of equality he thinks justice is fundamentally concerned with. Compare and contrast this with the sort of equality Hampton and Delmas are concerned with.
2. Christiano thinks that it is not enough that a government or law is just; it must also be seen to be just. Why? Christiano gives several reasons for this. Explain what seems like the best reason, in your own words. (2-3 sentences)
3. Christiano argues that people do not need to consent to the law, or to the authority of state, for a state to be authoritative for them. Why does he think this? (Note: this question is not about why democratic states are authoritative, but rather why authority does not require consent) (1-3 sentences)
4. Christiano argues that equality requires not just giving each citizen an equal vote, but also that each citizen has equal access to the process of discussion and negotiation about political matters. In your opinion, in the United States, does each citizen have equal access to this process? Why or why not (give some evidence to support your view)? (1-3 sentences)
5. Think about what, according to Christiano, makes democratic governments authoritative (other than the stuff you talked about for 4). What would Christiano say about the authority of the U.S. government and law? Explain your answer.