WRTG 393 CU How to Create a User Account in LinkedIn Steps Following Writing Assignment Help

WRTG 393 CU How to Create a User Account in LinkedIn Steps Following Writing Assignment Help. WRTG 393 CU How to Create a User Account in LinkedIn Steps Following Writing Assignment Help.

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Writing Assignment #1

Set of Instructions for a Website

Summary of the Assignment:

  • Task: In this assignment, you will write a set of instructions that explain how to accomplish a task on a website.
  • Length: There is no minimum or maximum word count. However, your instructions must have 6 or more steps. More information on the number of steps is provided below.
  • Graphics: You must include at least one graphic for each step.
  • o at least 6 graphics should be integrated into your set of instructions

    o all graphics should be screen captures of the website you are demonstrating

    o all graphics should be labeled

  • The first step of the set of instructions should start at the url of the website.
  • o Do not start the instructions by telling the user to turn on his or her computer or to open up a particular web browser. You should assume the user knows that he or she needs to have a computer, needs to turn it on, and needs to use a web browser. You should start by directing the user to start at the url of the website on which the task is going to take place.

    Brief Description and Strategies to Follow:

    Please keep in mind the following principles when writing this assignment:

  • You must provide instructions on how to accomplish a task on a website.
  • Some examples of topics are the following. (Keep in mind that you may select your own topic. These are just examples to help you consider various topics.)

    o how to check your balance in your checking account online

    o how to perform a function in your class in LEO

    o how to find and borrow a book on your local public library’s website

    o how to pay a fee on the website for the Motor Vehicle Association in Maryland (or the equivalent for your state)

    o how to change your credit card information on Amazon’s website

  • You must have at least 6 steps.
  • Each step is to be numbered and is to begin with an imperative verb, as the resources in the class indicate.
  • Every step will include a picture or graphic to help the reader follow the instructions.
  • Sections to Include in Your Set of Instructions:

    The set of instructions will include the following sections:

  • Title Page
  • Overview or Introduction with background information about why a user would want to accomplish the task you are describing.
  • Instructions
  • o number all of the main steps, as the resources for the class indicate

    o provide a graphic for steps of the instructions that need a graphic

    ▪ all graphics will be screen captures of the website.

    ▪ all graphics should be labeled

    Helpful Guides and Resources:

  • Chapter 10 from Tebeaux and Dragga, which is available in the e-reserves section of the class, is a helpful document to review as you begin this assignment.
  • The Tech Writing Handbook by Dozuki, which is one of the resources listed in our class, has an appendix that provides tips in writing instructions and incorporating graphics into instructions.
  • The Mayfield Handbook, which is also one of the resources listed in our class, features excellent tips on writing instructions.
  • o Section 2.8.3 of the handbook, Instructions and Procedures, will be particularly helpful.

  • Some sample sets of instructions written by previous students in WRTG 393 are provided in our class in LEO.
  • Due Date:

    Your instructor will notify you of the due date. You will write a first draft, your instructor will comment on the first draft, and you will submit a second draft using the comments as your guide.

    WRTG 393 CU How to Create a User Account in LinkedIn Steps Following Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    PHIL 434 West Coast University Medical Ethics and Issues Abortion Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

    • Complete the entire scenario.
    • Compose your reflection in a Word document and be sure to address, at a minimum, the following questions:
      • Why do you feel the way you do about the issue presented?
      • Of the four responses offered in the scenario, which do you feel is the most ethical and why?
    • Support your conclusions with evidence and specific examples from the textbook, as well as other sources as needed.
    • Your reflection must be 1-2 pages in length and follow APA formatting and citation guidelines as appropriate.

    I AGREE WITH SCENARIO A, if you could please write about that one, and also include one of the ethical theories – Kant; Act Utilitarianism; Rule Utilitarianism; Care Ethics; Virtue Ethics; and Social Contract


    Purdue University Fort Wayne Geriatric Depression Case Study Health Medical Assignment Help

    Case Study #3 (Geriatric) Week 6

    Geriatrics can be very complicated due to major medical concerns clients may have (age 65 and older). Make sure to choose your medications wisely.

    Mini-Case Presentations




    Patient Scenario

  • Patient Demographics
  • Presenting Problem
  • Reason for Visit
  • 20


  • Complete Psychosocial including genetics, multigeneraltional family assessment, environment, trauma, culture, ethnicity, spiritual beliefs and practices, coping skills, cognition/mental status, current and past history of violence, suicidal or self- harm behavior, substance use, socioeconomics, developmental stage and level of functioning
  • Supporting Physical
  • 20

    Multiaxial Differential Diagnosis and Rationale


    Plan of Care

  • Additional Assessment that is needed, i.e.
  • o Neurologic exam

    o Personality testing

    o Lab Tests

  • Relevant therapist characteristics viewed as herapeutic for this particular patient
  • Interventions/ Strategies to be used
  • Emphasis of Treatment, i.e.
  • o Level of directiveness

    o Level of supportiveness

    o Cognitive, behavioral or affective emphasis


  • Nature of Treatment
  • o Individual

    o Couple

    o Family

    o Group



  • Medications
  • o Current

    o Needed

    o Rationale for Choice in Meds


  • Adjunct Services
  • o Consultation

    o Community Resources

    o Legal advice

    o Education


    Summary and Prognosis


    US Ethical Situations in Business Reflective Journal Entry & Moral Self Assessment Writing Assignment Help

    The first journal entry is a self-reflection on what you have learned during the first part of the semester. (attached the files named “lecture 2,3,4,5slides” it is our class materials and file named “required readings”) The reflection needs to address the following questions:

    How has your knowledge and understanding of moral reasoning in general and in international business in particular evolved over the past weeks?

    Reflect on the readings, theories and/or cases discussed that have impacted you the most. How and why?

    Do not to find other resources by googles.

    Word limit: 1000 (+/- 10%), not include the reference list. The reading, and theory need to be referred.


    DEP 2020 Miami Dade College Ch 7 & 8 Psychology Questions Humanities Assignment Help

    Chapter 7

    • What are the first emotions to appear in infants?
    • What experiences trigger anger and sadness in infants?
    • Do traits of temperament endure or change as development continues?
    • According to Freud, what might happen if a baby’s oral needs are not met?
    • What is the difference between proximal and distal parenting?

    Chapter 8

    • Why do many adults overfeed children?
    • Why are today’s children more at risk of obesity than children 50 years ago?
    • How does brain maturation affect impulsivity and perseveration?
    • What is primary prevention? What are some examples of primary prevention?
    • What is secondary prevention? What are some examples of secondary prevention?



    EDUC 6155 Walden University The Critical Components of Higher Education Paper Writing Assignment Help

    This week, you will get started on your Course Project. Start by reviewing the scenario presented in the Course Project Overview section of Week 1. Your task this week will be to prepare a short narrative relating student interests to the board’s challenges, including a discussion of how changing student demographics have led to the board’s concerns over graduation rates and student learning.

    Using the readings and other resources provided this week, write 2–3 pages on the following questions:

    • Why are the issues of student learning and graduation important now?
    • How have college students’ needs and interests related to college attendance changed in recent years?
    • How have these changes led to the need to focus on graduation and learning?

    To inform your narrative, you will want to consider the kind of institution you are writing about, and the kinds of students it serves. You can choose one of the fictional institutions described in one of these profiles linked below; or, if you currently work at a college or university, you can use your own institution and create a similar profile for that institution. If you choose to use your own institution, just include your profile as a separate page in your assignment.

    Course Project: Critical Components of Higher Education

    In the final chapter of The Future of Higher Education: Rhetoric, Reality, and the Risks of the Market, the authors present seven major priorities confronting higher education today:

    1. Bearing responsibility for student learning
    2. Providing social mobility by moving beyond access to attainment
    3. Protecting the public investment by addressing efficiency and productivity
    4. Supporting elementary and secondary education
    5. Conducting needed research
    6. Serving as society’s critic
    7. Building civic engagement to sustain democracy (Newman, Couturier, & Scurry, 2004).

    This course introduces key concepts and issues related to these priorities, particularly the first three. As you progress through the program, you will explore many of these concepts in more depth. At the culmination of your program, you will complete a capstone experience that will give you the opportunity to integrate and apply your learning to a real-world issue or problem. In this course, you will start this journey by completing a course project in which you will investigate strategies and resources an institution could use to address these priorities.

    Consider the following scenario:

    Your institution has a governing board composed of businesspeople and community leaders. All faculty and staff are invited to attend monthly board meetings, in which your university president and her staff present reports and answer questions from the board about progress on various initiatives and programs. During a recent meeting, the board presented a series of challenges to the president: increase the number of students graduating each year; improve graduates’ writing and critical thinking abilities; and accomplish both within the existing budget.
    Note that these challenges match up with the first three priorities in Newman’s list above: improving students’ writing and critical thinking abilities requires taking responsibility for student learning; increasing the number of graduates focuses on attainment (completion of educational goals) rather than just access; and accomplishing these goals without seeking additional funding requires attention to efficiency and productivity.
    The board has asked for a plan to show progress on these goals within three years. The president has called together an emergency task force of faculty and staff, including you, to start work on the plan. Your contribution will include preparing some background information, some recommended strategies, and some resources that could be used by the task force in developing its plan.

    Here is an outline each part of the Course Project, by week:

    • Part 1: Short narrative relating student interests to the board’s challenges, including a discussion of how changing student demographics have led to the board’s concerns over graduation rates and student learning. (You will begin this in Week 3

    Required Readings

    Course Readings

    Course Text: In Defense of American Higher Education

    • Chapter 11, “College Students Today: Why We Can’t Leave Serendipity to Chance” (George Kuh)

    Course Text: The Future of Higher Education: Rhetoric, Reality, and the Risks of the Market

    • Chapter 9, “Expanding Access and Success”

    EDUC 6155 Walden University The Critical Components of Higher Education Paper Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

    Arizona State University Amazon Organizational Taboo Reflective Paper Business Finance Assignment Help

    This assignment will be based on working at Amazon as an Area Manager.

    Step 1: Reflect and Share

    Reflect on an organizational taboo you are experiencing or observing within your professional life. share the taboo and its impact on the organization’s health .It may be a current situation, or one placed in the past. Your post will include your strategy for addressing the taboo and its resulting conflict, and will encourage suggestions from your teammates about it. Consider the underlying source(s) of the taboo, how it is maintained, who benefits from it, how it was resolved or could be resolved, and what might be achieved in resolving it.

    Introduction and Background

    • Describe the taboo and conflict(s).
    • Summarize your analysis on its cause and impact.
    • Describe the constraints and supports to address the taboo and conflict.
    • Continue to set the scene: background information, relevant facts, and the most important issues.

    Proposed Solution

    • Provide a specific and realistic solution – or – the solution that was implemented.
    • Explain why you chose this solution.
    • Provide support for this solution.
    • Incorporate concepts from class (text readings, discussions, lectures), or outside research.
    • Include personal experience (anecdotes).

    Action Steps

    • Determine strategies for accomplishing the proposed solution – or – discuss the strategy that was employed.
    • If applicable, consider further action to resolve more of the issues
    • What needs to be done and who needs to do it?


    Summarize the case and make key recommendations.

    Also please include at least one reference.


    UOP Wk 2 Importance of Mission & Vision Statements in Strategic Planning Essay Health Medical Assignment Help

    Wk 2 Individual Assignment: Importance of Mission and Vision Statements in Strategic Planning [Due Day#]

    Assignment Content

    • Resources:

    • Review the following mission and vision statements:
    • 1.

      Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.

      Vision: Provide the highest level of service in the county.

    • 2.

      Mission: To improve health by providing high-quality care.

      Vision: Provide the broadest range of services in the county.

    • 3.

      Mission: To be deeply committed to the communities we serve, we enhance population health and well-being.

      Vision: Deliver an exceptional experience with every encounter.

      Select the most appropriate mission and vision statement for the hospital described in your Week 1 assignment.

    • Write a 700- to 1,050-word executive summary in which you:

      • Identify the mission and vision selected.
      • Explain the rationale for why you selected the mission and vision statements.
      • Identify the specific strengths of the mission and vision statement selected.
      • Identify the weaknesses of the mission and vision statements not selected.
      • Explain how the mission and vision drive the strategic plan for the health care organization.

    • Cite 2 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references to support your summary.
    • Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.
    • Submit your assignment.
    • Resources 


    ISOL 632 Cumberlands Business Continuity Plan & Disaster Recovery Discussion Writing Assignment Help

    For your required Practical Connection writing assignment – using APA rules (title page, double spaced, indented paragraphs, references, citations, etc.) you will write a 1 page paper (250-300 words) describing how you will implement what you have learned in the course into your work life.  If you aren’t currently working, detail how you would use the knowledge when you are employed.

    NOTE: You must use references (the book, etc.), it must be original your own work, and it cannot have been submitted to any previous course.

    subject: Bus cont plan &disas recov plan (ISOL-632-M40)


    Bethune Cookman University Politics and Moral Goodness in Gorgias Essay Humanities Assignment Help

    In 3 double-spaced pages, please respond to the following topic. Please do your own writing, quote and cite from the text to support your arguments. Turn your paper into the Dropbox in D2L and use Turnitin.com to make your paper better.

    Plato wants the readers of his dialogues Gorgias and The Apology to think about the relationship between politics, rhetoric, and ethics. The primary goal of Gorgias seems to be to disconnection the ideas of doing good and experiencing pleasure. Gorgias and his companions seem to think that experiencing pleasure is the essence of moral goodness. Socrates rejects this connection, arguing that moral goodness can often be connected directly with the experience of displeasure. How does this discussion relate to politics? What is the role of pleasure and moral goodness in politics? How does this discussion relate to Socrates’ conclusion that you can’t pursue moral goodness as a politician? Use the text to defend your arguments.


    WRTG 393 CU How to Create a User Account in LinkedIn Steps Following Writing Assignment Help

    WRTG 393 CU How to Create a User Account in LinkedIn Steps Following Writing Assignment Help

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