WU Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Descriptive Analysis Report Mathematics Assignment Help

WU Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Descriptive Analysis Report Mathematics Assignment Help. WU Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Descriptive Analysis Report Mathematics Assignment Help.

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For this Introduction to Quantitative Analysis: Descriptive Analysis Assignment, you will examine the same two variables you used from your Week 2 Assignment and perform the appropriate descriptive analysis of the data given.

To prepare for this Assignment:

  • Review this week’s Learning Resources and the Central      Tendency and Variability media program.
  • For additional support, review the Skill      Builder: Measures of Central Tendency for Continuous Variables, Skill      Builder: Standard Deviation as a Measure of Variability for Continuous      Variables and the Skill Builder: Measures of Central      Tendency and Variability for Categorical Variables, which you can find      by navigating back to your Blackboard Course Home Page. From there, locate      the Skill Builder link in the left navigation pane.
  • Using the SPSS software, open the Afrobarometer dataset      or the High School Longitudinal Study dataset from your Assignment in Week      2.
  • Choose the same two variables you chose from your Week      2 Assignment and perform the appropriate descriptive analysis of the data.
  • Once you perform your descriptive analysis, review      Chapter 11 of the Wagner text to understand how to copy and paste your      output into your Word document.

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your descriptive analysis results and include a copy and paste your output from your analysis into your final document.

Based on the results of your data, provide a brief explanation of what the implications for social change might be. Early in your Assignment, when you relate which dataset you analyzed, please include the mean of the following variables. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES.

Use appropriate APA format, citations and referencing. Refer to the APA manual for appropriate citation.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Frankfort-Nachmias, C., Leon-Guerrero, A., & Davis, G. (2020). Social statistics for a diverse society (9th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Chapter 3, “Measures of      Central Tendency” (pp. 75-111)
  • Chapter 4, “Measures of      Variability” (pp. 113-150)

Wagner, III, W. E. (2020). Using IBM® SPSS® statistics for research methods and social science statistics (7th ed.). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage Publications.

  • Chapter 4, “Organization and      Presentation of Information”
  • Chapter 11, “Editing Output”


Your instructor will post the datasets for the course in the Doc Sharing section and in an Announcement. Your instructor may also recommend using a different dataset from the ones provided here.

Required Media

Laureate Education (Producer). (2016d). Descriptive statistics [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author.

Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 7 minutes.

In this media program, Dr. Matt Jones demonstrates the procedures used for central tendency and variability using SPSS software. Focus on how this demonstration might support your analysis in this week’s Assignment.

Accessible player  –Downloads– Download Video w/CC Download Audio Download Transcript 

Optional Resources

Wheelan, C. (2013). Naked statistics: Stripping the dread from data. New York, NY: W. W. Norton & Company.

Skill Builders:

  • Measures of      Central Tendency for Continuous Variables
  • Standard      Deviation as a Measure of Variability for Continuous Variables
  • Measures of      Central Tendency and Variability for Categorical Variables

WU Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Descriptive Analysis Report Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

North Central University Week 1 Model of Collective Impact Presentation Humanities Assignment Help

For this assignment, you will develop a model of Collective Impact in your area of social work. You can continue to build upon the same topic you selected for the Week 1 and Week 2 assignments. 

Develop a narrated PowerPoint presentation to present your model of Collective Impact to a newly formed interdisciplinary team of care professionals you work with. 

To get started, think about the following questions:

  • What type of social problem are you trying to solve?
  • What is your purpose?
  • Do you have a Collective Impact mindset?
  • Can you lead adaptively?


Columbia Southern University Restaurant Recruitment in A Pandemic Project Business Finance Assignment Help

Refer to the project proposal you created for the Unit II Assignment. For this assignment, you will be expanding on that project to include a project scope document (i.e., the definition of what needs to be done to produce the project deliverables and to satisfy the customer). The project scope document should satisfy the following components:

  • Customer Requirements: Describe the customer requirements through functional or performance specifications of the project’s end product/service.
  • Statement of Work (SOW): Explain the SOW including the work elements and milestones to be performed. This should include risks associated with the project.
  • Deliverables: Formulate a schedule of the deliverables including milestones throughout the project and the final deliverable at the conclusion of the project. Compile a Gantt chart (instructions and example are included within the Unit III Lesson).
  • Work Breakdown Structure (WBS): Describe the WBS that breaks down the work elements in the SOW into specific work tasks.
  • Acceptance Criteria: Develop and build upon the acceptance criteria discussed briefly in the project proposal.

While project scope documents may vary from project to project, your document should contain a thorough description of each section. Additionally, please include an introduction paragraph. If your project varies in such a way that a thorough description is not possible, you will then include elements of the section in question to give an outline of what is provided. 


MKTG 600 APUS Wk 7 Marketing Plan For Advanced Brainy Bike For Raleigh CO Proposal Business Finance Assignment Help

Please submit a brief proposal (one page) describing your topic for your Marketing plan that is due in week 7. Keep in mind your final paper is an 15 page marketing plan for a product or service of your choice. I expect your paper to be well researched, clearly written, well organized and generally reflective of graduate level academic work. Things to include in a proposal: What (company or product), Why ( does the company not exist, are they missing the mark, or do you just want to write a new innovative plan for the company), and some preliminary thoughts on “how”. This could include a new market you intend to reach or a new strategy you want to employ.

This proposal must be in APA format.

(Please note there is no specific form for a marketing plan proposal, so structure it like a typical APA formatted paper including a proper title and reference page)

Please name your assignment file as ‘lastnamefirstinitial-MKTG600-assignment#

Course Objectives:

  1. Develop a Marketing Plan
  2. Define the process for bringing a new product or service to market


UC The Manufacturing Industry Production of Goods Presentation Computer Science Assignment Help

I’m working on a computer science presentation and need support to help me learn.

Topic – Manufacturing need to cover 6-9 slides and a rough document for preparations covering the below

Include the following areas in your presentation for each industry

1. Overview of the industry

2. Gap and issues in the industry

3. Proposed Solution

4. Steps to Implement

There should be a minimum of eight slides for the presentation.

Here are more questions to consider.

  • A overview of the industry listed
    • Key industry players in the industry
  • What are three to five major business problems in the industry today?
  • Select ONE of these problems that can be solved using blockchain technology? (This is the overview to the use case)
  • What are five ways ways the problem can be solved using blockchain technology? (This is the details to the use case)
  • Who will the blockchain innovation impact in the organization?
    • You must explain – the what, how, why for each.
  • What is the cost associated with the innovation?
  • What do you foresee the outcome to be should the organization implement the blockchain technology innovation?
  • Are there any technical challenges/roadblocks that the organization should be aware of that may prevent a successful implementation?
  • Provide a clear and convincing closing to why this solution is the best way forward for the organization.



Nova Southeastern University Pythago Grass Landscaping Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help

Understanding: Two pillars have been delivered for the support of a shade structure in the backyard. They are both 10 feet tall, but unfortunately the makers of the pillars did not create the same-shaped pillars. In two to three sentences, describe steps you can take to determine whether the pillars have the same volume.

  1. Design: Your client wants you to design a spherical fountain for a new garden bed. It is hard to find a manufacturer that can create perfect curved surfaces. You will need to modify the sphere to a series of cylindrical slabs with gradually decreasing radii.

Nova Southeastern University Pythago Grass Landscaping Worksheet Mathematics Assignment Help[supanova_question]

Kilgore College Chapter 18 Stereotypes of the Late Nineteenth Century Paper Humanities Assignment Help

Your assigned chapter 18 reading, which focuses on urbanization in late nineteenth-early twentieth centuries America, describes the way in which the new wave of immigrants pouring into these cities from southern and eastern Europe were persecuted. The development of new ethnic slurs during the era, such as the word “kike” for a Jew or the term “wop” for an Italian or calling a Greek a “greaseball,” offer evidence of this phenomenon. Moreover, the textbook states that “[e]thnicity (country or culture of origin) and religion became absorbed into and intertwined with racial categories” as Americans attempted to classify different immigrant groups on a superior/inferior hierarchy. However, it was not just immigrants from southern and eastern Europe who were stereotyped in negative ways. While over one million Irish had flooded into America by the mid-1800s, the Irish were still often stereotyped and persecuted in late nineteenth century America. In fact, the development of a genre of scholarship over the past decade or two called “whiteness studies”—the investigation of the ways in which Americans and northern Europeans invented the racial/ethnic category of “white,” and used the category as a marker of status to separate themselves from the inferior “others”—has demonstrated that the Irish were often lumped in with these southern and eastern European immigrants, as well as Africans and African Americans. I realize this notion may seem strange to many of you, as it’s difficult to imagine an ethnic/national group of people with whiter skin than the Irish, but remember that this is about the way many Americans once perceived, imagined, and stereotyped Irish-American immigrants rather than any physical reality.

Assignment: Go to the following website and read the links located toward the bottom of the page labeled “introduction” and “assignment,” and complete the exercises. Of course, be sure to view the examples of cartoons the author uses to support his points. Once you’ve done so, post your responses to the discussion questions below.


Discussion questions

(1) Describe the various stereotypes of late nineteenth century Irish immigrants and Irish-Americans found in the different political cartoons located on the assigned website.

(2) Based on your textbook reading assignment (chapter 18), the information on the assigned website, and your own critical thinking, answer the following question: What function did nineteenth century (1800s) stereotypes of immigrants and others serve in America?

(3) Go to www.google.com, select “images” at the top of the screen, then type “Irish immigrants” in the search box and conduct a search. You may want to do this same search for “Irish Americans.” What similarities do you see between the nineteenth century stereotypes of the Irish immigrants and the way the Irish are portrayed in today’s popular culture and advertising? Any differences? (it will be useful if you can post a sample image in your post in order to prove your point)

It will be useful if you can post a sample image in your answer to question #3 in order to prove your point. To copy and paste images in the discussion board do the following: highlight the image using your mouse, select control+c on the keyboard to copy the image, select control+v to paste the image.


HRM 510 Strayer University Employment Law for Human Resource Practice PPT Law Assignment Help





  1. Management Team Briefing on Employment Laws


    In your new role as chief human resources officer (CHRO) for a major retail organization, you have been tasked by the CEO to conduct a presentation to the management team on employment law awareness within your first 30 days. The CEO informed you that under the previous CHRO, the company was subject to legal action resulting from lack of knowledge of employment law, which had unfavorable outcomes. Avoiding similar experiences is a high priority, and your thorough presentation to the management team is the first big step to success.


    Prepare a 15–20 slide PowerPoint presentation in which you:

    1. Include cover, agenda, conclusion, and reference list slides, all of which may count toward total slide count.
    2. Provide a 1–2 slide overview of employment law based on information found in Chapter 1 of Employment Law for Human Resource Practice. Note: You may use your discretion to decide which information needs to be addressed as long as your overview is descriptive and relevant.
    3. Include in the remaining slides the following required presentation information:
      • Provide a three-slide minimum covering at least six strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the roles of employees and employers in terms of determining employment relationships.
      • Provide a three-slide minimum covering at least six strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the concept of employment discrimination.
      • Provide a three-slide minimum covering at least six strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on the types of discrimination.
      • Provide a three-slide minimum covering at least six strong bullet points highlighting a discussion on retaliation.
    4. Go to Basic Search: Strayer University Online Library to locate at least three quality academic resources for this assignment. Note: You may only use the resources listed in the course syllabus and those that are specifically provided by the instructor.

    Important Notes: The number of words in the bullet points is less important than the quality of the information. Detailed information should be included in the presenter’s notes. Presentations must have a businesslike, professional look.This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:

    • Create a briefing on employment laws.
  2. By submitting this paper, you agree: (1) that you are submitting your paper to be used and stored as part of the SafeAssign™ services in accordance with the Blackboard Privacy Policy; (2) that your institution may use your paper in accordance with your institution’s policies; and (3) that your use of SafeAssign will be without recourse against Blackboard Inc. and its affiliates.


Florida International University Religious Patterns Sacred Myths and Rituals HW Humanities Assignment Help

in two pages or more, please discuss ” Following the readings, analyze the following:

1) What role does language and place play in the practice and continuation of myth and ritual? Choose a specific ritual to answer this (rite of passage, a healing ritual, a ritual of renewal) 2) What role do animals and plants play in the teachings and revelations of the sacred through storytelling and ritual?

* Optional: Considering the rate of language extinction, imagine a world where all peoples only speak English. Why would this launch a “spiritual” crisis? Whether you speak more than one language or not, how would this affect your identity?

  • Choose at least two specific tribes as examples to support your answers.


Grand Canyon University Differentiating for Diverse Students Chart Worksheet Writing Assignment Help

Utilizing differentiation strategies in the ELA classroom is vital in meeting the various needs of students and presents an opportunity to address individual personal interests, traits, and goals. Understanding how to differentiate for different learning, linguistic, and cultural needs will increase teaching efficacy. The goal of this assignment is to practice selecting reading texts to support diverse students in the English language arts classroom.

For this assignment, complete the “Differentiating for Diverse Students Chart,” appropriately selecting a reading text (fiction or non-fiction) for each student, and providing a 50-100 word rationale for each selection. The text should be engaging, culturally relevant, and selected based on the student’s unique learning needs.

In addition, in 100-150 words, describe a strategy or activity that utilizes the selected text to teach an ELA skill for each student. Rationalize your instructional choices, supported by one or more scholarly resource (which may include your text and the readings from this course).

Support your findings with 3-5 scholarly resources.

While APA format is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and in-text citations and references should be presented using APA documentation guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide,


WU Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Descriptive Analysis Report Mathematics Assignment Help

WU Introduction to Quantitative Analysis Descriptive Analysis Report Mathematics Assignment Help

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