WU Social Change and Economic Equity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

WU Social Change and Economic Equity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help. WU Social Change and Economic Equity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help.

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The future is already here — it’s just not very evenly distributed.

—William Gibson, “The Science in Science Fiction,” Talk of the Nation

The creative use of economic and social forces to address equity and fairness in the dissemination of resources across cultures and communities is increasingly becoming a focus of social change efforts. In preparation for this Discussion, consider how economics and entrepreneurship might be effectively employed as tools of social change in the service of an issue or cause that is important to you. With those considerations in mind, select an action or entrepreneurial idea that might address an issue of economic equity and fairness within a specific community.

By Day 3

Post by Day 3 a description of at least one action or entrepreneurial idea that might positively impact a specific community’s economy. Briefly explain why this community has a need for social change and how this action might address equity and fairness across cultures and communities. Provide a brief analysis of any ethical implications or concerns related to this suggestion.


Apfelbaum, E. P., Pauker, K., Sommers, S. R., & Ambady, N. (2010). In blind pursuit of racial equality? Psychological Science, 21(11), 1587–1592.

Belle, D., & Doucet, J. (2003). Poverty, inequality, and discrimination as sources of depression among U.S. women.Psychology of Women Quarterly, 27(2), 101–113.

Evans, G. W. (2004). The environment of childhood poverty. American Psychologist, 59(2), 77–92.

Holzer, H. J., Whitmore Schanzenbach, D., Duncan, G. J., & Ludwig, J. (2007). The economic costs of poverty in the United States: Subsequent effects of children growing up poor. Retrieved from Center for American Progress website: 


The following websites illustrate how social change agents are employing economics and entrepreneurship in new and creative ways:

BSR. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.bsr.org/

Fair Trade Federation. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.fairtradefederation.org/

Green America™. (2015). Responsible shopper. Retrieved from https://www.greenamerica.org/green-shopping-tips

Green Money. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.greenmoneyjournal.com/

Kiva. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.kiva.org/

Social Venture Network. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.svn.org/

For examples of how the creative use of economic forces is generating social change that, in turn, is affecting one industry, review the following:

The Carpet and Rug Institute, Inc. (n.d.). GLP testing protocol and product requirements. Retrieved from http://www.carpet-rug.org/commercial-customers/gre…

Good Weave®. (2014). Retrieved from https://goodweave.org/

Nature’s Carpet™. (2015). Retrieved from http://www.naturescarpet.com/


Haslam, S. A., Reicher, S., & Platow, M. J. (2011). The new psychology of leadership: Identity, influence, and power. New York, NY: Psychology Press.

Laureate Education (Producer). (2014). Heather Hefner, PhD, mental health support for at-risk youth [Video file]. Baltimore, MD: Author. Retrieved from 


Note: The approximate length of this media piece is 3 minutes.

WU Social Change and Economic Equity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help[supanova_question]

EN 100 University of Southern Florida Overcoming Bad Habits With New Habits PPT Writing Assignment Help

I’m working on a english presentation and need support to help me understand better.

You will be allotted 20 minutes max, to present the key points from your “Overcoming Bad Habits with New Habits – Accountability Partner assignment.

Please use the pdf attached below and go based on it, feel free to add other information relating to the main points.



The presentation must include:

1. The bad habit being worked on, the good habit desired & the short-term actions chosen to help combat or replace the bad habit, the overall experience (e.g. the challenges, failures, recommendations etc.).
2. The presentation is to be given with no less than five slides.
3. MUST maintain proper APA formatting for the slides presented.
4. Required to use at LEAST 5 references/resources.
5. See attached rubric for all the areas you will be evaluated on.


UNAHVS Black Lives Matter Movement Slavery National Unity & Economic Freedom Essay Humanities Assignment Help

To study history is to study both change and continuity over time. In other words, history tells us not just about the past, but about the past’s relationship to the present. For your final paper, I’d like you to draw on the history of the Civil War, emancipation, and/or Reconstruction to shed light on a contemporary social issue or political debate. This comparison should be neither facile nor overwrought. For example:

Weak: “Unless we find a way to compromise in politics we risk fighting another Civil War”

Better: “Most politicians and political commentators argue that compromise is a virtue and that Americans can unite over common values. However, the history of slavery and the Civil War shows us that sometimes compromise is not an option, that all political positions are not equally valid, and that different segments of society have very different political interests.”

Weak: “Slavery never ended because black people are still oppressed today.”

Better: “The institution of slavery was more than simply forced, uncompensated labor and the legal ownership of one human being over another. Enslaved people themselves often emphasized arbitrary physical punishment, separation from their families, and sexual violence as things that distinguished slavery from other forms of coerced labor. Today’s system of mass incarceration exhibits many of these same dynamics, drawing a clear through line from slavery to prisons.”

Use this assignment to mediate on something that you’re passionate about or that has dominated the news in recent months. What does the abolitionist debate about violence tell us about the ethics of punching white supremacists? How does the Fugitive Slave Act get us to think differently about immigrant raids and travel bans? Does the violent Southern response to the gains of Reconstruction offer any lessons for thinking about contemporary conservative responses to gains in women’s and LGBT rights?

For this assignment, your sources should include a deep engagement with at least two readings from Unit IV (Lande, Du Bois, Foner, Downs, Rosen, and Blight) as well as contemporary news stories. Please be cognizant of the origin and author of such stories—do your research and make sure your sources are reputable. No fake news. I’m happy to help you if you’re unsure.

Hey there, Please be sure to read the instruction carefully. The assignment asks you to make a connection with present social issues. I would say making connection with the Black Lives Matter might be a easier way to go.

The essay is focusing on the Black Lives Matter movement, it read like a word salad. I don’t see you following the instructions I provided. The purpose of the work is to explain “Slavery never ended” Not describing the BLM movement.

The essay I attached has too much information about the BLM and is clearly in the instruction the purpose related to slavery. So, I need you to change some parts and include more information about why slavery never ended. Is your choice the way you take in this essay and how much content you save. But try to focus on the essay as I explained in detail. Follow carefully all the requirements and the focus as I explained. Include new sources for supports your arguments and reflect the focus as I requested.


Fundamentals of Communication Various Aspects of Speech Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

For this discussion, you’ll first want to have read and considered your text’s discussion of speaking and informative messages in particular. If you’ve looked at Module 13 in Content, you’ll have noticed links to four speeches. Please watch those speeches. They’ll allow you to see some differences in style, topics and approaches. While they are not entirely perfect speeches, they are all quite effective and any are good models for presentations.

Using what you learned from your text, tell your classmates what aspects of these speeches you found to be most effective and explain why. Make sure that you are not simply agreeing with or quoting a classmate, but instead are providing your own unique insights. Do, though, also comment on the insights of your classmates, as always. Please make sure that you’re commenting on at least 2, and preferably 3, of the sample speeches.


University of Alabama Death of George Floyd Sparked Street Art Movement Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

I’m working on a geography question and need guidance to help me learn.

Length: about 1-page single spaced, 12-point font

1. Take a look at this website, or others you find on the web, that document the Black Lives Matter murals that have gone up around the world in the last year:


2. Why do you think so many people chose street art as a medium to express their feelings in the wake of George Floyd’s death?

3. Drawing on the chapter by Tim Cresswell, do you think the BLM murals are “transgressive” or “out of place”?

4. Again, drawing on concepts from Cresswell, do you think they can change the meaning of the places where they have been made?



Olympic College Critical Forensic Literacy Activity Dna Studies Discussion Writing Assignment Help

In this critical forensic literacy activity you will a warranted claim and illustrate how that warrant is justified by scholarly research. To achieve this, complete the following steps:

  1. First, state your basic claim: this is your core argument.
  2. List the 5 scholarly sources you are using for your data and evidence.
  3. Then, write your warrant statement by discussing the claim in more detail, making direct reference to the data and evidence you found in the 5 scholarly research sources.
  4. Respond to at least one of your peers’ posts with a critique of their warrant and sources, as appropriate. Use the following critical forensic literacy evaluation rubric to score their post, and explain your scoring in your response.

Olympic College Critical Forensic Literacy Activity Dna Studies Discussion Writing Assignment Help[supanova_question]

TAMIU Counterfeit Aircraft Materials Used by Support Providers Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help

With the increased use of off-shore locations for aircraft maintenance and repair support, concerns about the quality and costs of materials and parts have grown. Find a credible article from the research or professional literature in the Hunt library describing events related to counterfeit or sub-quality materials being used by aircraft support providers. Tell the story of the event or situation, describe the effects on the aviation companies involved, and suggest possible ways to avoid or to mitigate the dangers resulting from such practices.

Include at least one formal reference entry with your main post to support your comments.


TAMIU Logistics Management in Supply Chain Aviation and Aerospace Companies Ques Business Finance Assignment Help

To confirm that you have mastered the content for this module, complete the end of module review below.

Independently answer the following essay questions using your own words.

  • Compare and contrast the differences involved between purely domestic logistics operations and the challenges of global logistics systems as related to aviation and aerospace companies.
  • Assume you are the logistics vice president for a major airline seeking to expand its international operations. What factors would you consider when determining where to locate parts and maintenance warehouses and facilities? What are the cost trade-offs involved?

Include at least one authoritative reference source with your report.


Walden University Multiple Challenges in Cleaning Data and Dataset Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

For this Discussion, you will learn how to prepare the information you have collected, removing corrupted or missing data in order to begin studying it. You will use the dataset provided to practice identifying challenges that arise during the cleaning process before presenting your findings to the class.

  • Review and use the Cleaning and Management Example dataset and Cleaning and Management Example Dataset Codebook as you review the Cleaning Data Sets Job Aid found in the Learning Resources

Post an explanation of the challenges you might encounter in your experience through the cleaning process and how you might remedy those challenges. Then, explain why it is important to clean and manage data, and why this would be important to generalizability, confidence in the accuracy of the results, or psychometric properties.

Be sure to support your postings and responses with specific references to the Learning Resources. Use proper APA format and citations.


CSULB Gender Socialization Knowledge of Expectations Skills & Attitudes Essay Writing Assignment Help


Your essay will focus on how the process of GENDER SOCIALIZATION in our society and detail how FAMILY, SCHOOL and MEDIA play a primary role in socializing young children. Specifically address the negative impact gender socialization has on FEMALES.

In your introductory paragraph, you will need to define Gender Socialization, using the academic articles assigned below.

Keep your focus narrow. The broader the topic, the more difficult to keep your essay focused. You do not have to cover everything on this topic!

This essay will function as a literature review. Literature reviewsuse secondary sources (the assigned articles), and do not report new or original experimental work. Meaning you are to use the research to make an argument, rather than stating your own opinion. You may “analyze” research by using other research (the assigned articles to either support or refute arguments.

Refer to at least three course readings in your essay. A total of 5 scholarly sources are required. All sources MUST be academic/scholarly sources.

All factual information should have a cited reference. Your in-text citations, as well as reference page, must adhere to APA format.

Your in-text citations, as well as reference page, must adhere to APA format.

You do not need an abstract or a titled page.


Essays should be approximately 1,000 words (not including your reference page). Each to be given points for content and form; papers should not be substantially under or over the 1000-word requirement.

Essays should be double-spaced, times new roman font or arial

These are the articles you can use in your essay:

Capitalist Industrial Society

Work, Family, and Black Women’s Oppression

Gender Socialization Theory

The Social Construction of Gender

Theoretical Approaches to Gender Development

Gender-Role Socialization

The Media as an Agent of Gender Development


WU Social Change and Economic Equity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

WU Social Change and Economic Equity Discussion Humanities Assignment Help

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