YU Consistency Between Monetarist and Keynesian Microeconomic Theory Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help. YU Consistency Between Monetarist and Keynesian Microeconomic Theory Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help.
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I will provide the middle part of the speech (divided into 1234, four parts), you need to write the introduction part and the summary part according to the middle part of the speech. And write an essay of 1400-1500 words based on the speech content. This will be easy because the main content has been provided to you, so you need to write the essay on paraphrase or write your own idea. However, essay and speech should correspond, but not be exactly the same. The Essay should contain at least two charts in the speech. I will provide all the reference files in the speech to help you.
YU Consistency Between Monetarist and Keynesian Microeconomic Theory Discussion Paper Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
FIU Week 15 and 16 Organizational Behavior and Lewin Change Process Discussion Health Medical Assignment Help
#1 week15 discussion : 250 words two references
Discuss the three steps of “Lewin’s Change Process”
Discuss how you may apply the key elements of “Organizational Transformation” to deliver high quality patient care.
#2 Week 16 discussion: 250 words no references required
What specific skills and knowledge learned in this course you would utilize in your near future-nursing leader job?
* see below for course learning outcomes
Nursing Organizational Dynamics
3. LearningOutcomes:Uponsuccessfulcompletionofthiscourse,theMSNstudent will be able to explain the difference between organizational behavior, organizational theory, organizational development, and human resource management. (AACN II, III, & IX; QSEN: TC, S, PCC, & EBP).
a. Objectives:Thestudentwillbeabletoidentifyandexplainthevarious appellations used to describe behaviors in an organization.
- Objectives:Thestudentwillbeabletoidentifytheculturalcomponentsthat impact organizations in the complex health care industry.
- Objectives: The student will be able to describe the four stages of the perception process and the importance of attitude to understanding behavior.
4. LearningOutcomes:Uponsuccessfulcompletionofthiscourse,theMSNstudent will be able to explain the difference between organizational behavior, organization theory, organizational development, and human resources management. (AACN II, III, & IX; QSEN: TC, S, PCC, & EBP).
- Objectives:Thestudentwillbeabletoconductamultipleframeanalysisto understand the managerial and ethical implications of individual and group behavior in health care organizations.
- Objectives:Thestudentwillbeabletodemonstratebasicunderstandingof organizational power and influence.
- Objectives: The student will be able to describe the contribution of contingency theories in understanding leadership.
5. LearningOutcomes:Uponsuccessfulcompletionofthiscourse,theMSNstudent will be able to articulate a set of management and behavioral theories in the following areas: perception/attribution, motivation, group/team dynamics, and leadership. (AACN II, III, & IX; QSEN: TC, S, PCC & EBP).
a. Objectives:Thestudentwillbeabletodiscusstheroleofattributions, emotions, and expectations in motivating employees.
b. Objectives:Thestudentwillbeabletodescribeeffectivetechniquesusedto promote accurate and motivational attributions.
6. LearningOutcomes:Uponsuccessfulcompletionofthiscourse,theMSNstudent will be able to explain interpersonal and organizational skills in communication, leadership, and team work, managing conflict, and valuing diversity. (AACN II, III, & IX; QSEN: TC, S, PCC & EBP).
a. Objectives:Thestudentwillbeabletodescribethetypesofconflict,the level of conflict, the conflict-handling modes, major negotiation models, conflict management, and negotiation skills.
b. Objectives:Thestudentwillbeabletodiscusstheimportanceofgroup dynamics, the meaning of group interaction and methods to measure it.
Online Marketing Industry & the Life Cycle of The Industry Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
It is no surprise that data analytics has become an important tool across organizations. According to Robert Hetu, research director at Gartner, “Advanced analytics tools enable deeper insights and discovery that will challenge business assumptions. They also put information in the hands of business analysts and business users and offer significant potential to create business value and competitive advantage.” Among many benefits, using data can help companies save thousands of pounds, improve their procurement efficiency, develop their marketing strategies, support business growth and, critically, differentiate themselves from competitors.
With that in mind, you are presenting on how companies use Big Data and Predictive Analytics to achieve a competitive advantage. Of course, not all companies use this data the same way. Additionally, mishandling data, as did Equifax and Uber, can lead to serious consequences. That’s why it must be done correctly.
You or your team will take an industry, find the top three or four firms in that industry, and talk about how they use Big Data and Predictive analytics within their firm and across the industry. The presentation must include, but should not be limited to, the following:
- Cover Page
- Introduction
- Industry overview
- Main players in the industry
- How is the industry doing?
- Industry life cycle
- Dying or rising?
- How are data used industry wide?
- Where is the industry going?
- How do the main players develop the industry?
- Will the industry continue as it has in the past?
- Individual Companies
- Company Overview
- What is the primary product/service of the company?
- What are the annual sales?
- How do they compare to the others in the industry?
- What data do they gather?
- Why are those data important to them?
- How do they gather the data?
- What results do they see?
- How do they use the data to achieve a competitive advantage?
- When it comes to gathering data, how are they the same as other firms? How are they different?
- Have there ever been any data breaches?
- Do they use outside consultants?
- Conclusion
- References
I also attach an example to possibly follow and the table of grading content
It’s for Sunday 13th of December
Central Michigan University Performance Evaluation of Mutual Fund Essay Business Finance Assignment Help
NOTE: the word count must be 2000 and not less. However, before, you write this essay, i need the outline in six hours time from now. under the documents i will attach, there is one named requirements, that is the one which contains the instructions for the outline. the other two screenshots, are the instructions for the 2000 word essay. all the five pdfs, are the references which MUST be used in the essay alongside the others which you will include. I have a finance research project essay. I need you to write a 2000 words. If this draft works well, For now you can do the 2000 draft for me on this topic (attached). On the other hand, because I have several meetings with my professor, I need to know what are you gonna to write in the essay so you need to give me your structure for this essay. Such as the chosen topic, how will you extend it, what data I will need and methodology etc. In the meeting, if the teacher said the topic is ok, then you can start to write the 2000 essay for me.
so first thing first I need the brief for me to discuss with my teacher, and you need to follow the above word doc which call “requirement”, then you can work on the 2000 eassy. and two screenshots is for my assignment (2000 words), it is the instruction for it, and those reference listed on the screenshot is the five reference article that I sent to you just now.
Illinois at Chicago No Woman No Cry by Chris Ofili Visual Analysis Humanities Assignment Help
During the semester we have studied the formal elements of art, the relationship between form and content, how iconography creates associative meaning, and the role of media in society. We have applied these concepts in our analysis of how a work of art is composed and designed to create meaning/produce emotions/challenge the viewer/provoke questions. For the this assignment I want you to engage with these ideas and apply them through analysis to works of your choosing.
Regardless of which assignment you choose, you should have a clear thesis that engages with one of the ideas we’ve discussed in class:
- The relationship to the art market or commerce (is this created for the art market? for the popular market? or not for money?)
- Conceptual art vs. craft (is this art? what defines art? what is the difference between a skilled photograph and art?)
- Representation of race or gender (does the image undermine or reinforce historical constructions of race or gender?)
- The relationship between aesthetics and meaning (if the image is beautiful, is the subject matter also beautiful? Or is the image ugly with beautiful subject matter or vice-versa? How does this sympathy or tension effect our viewing experience and understanding?)
- The role of iconography (how are familiar symbols used to create meaning or challenge our preconceptions)
For the this assignment you are no longer limited to using course texts if you want to learn more about the artist/work of art. However, you should not be writing a report on the artist/work of art. Any additional information you use should be clearly cited and used in support of your visual analysis and argument only.
Visual Analysis: Any Work of Art
Write a visual analysis like you did for the first assignment. Select a work of art from a museum and write a visual analysis. You may select any work of art. You should have a clear thesis that is supported through detailed and descriptive visual description and analysis that looks at the relationship between form and content using the tools of formal analysis we studied at the beginning of the semester. You should include an image of the work of art, the artist, titled, date, media, size, and museum.
• The essay should be 4 pages, 12 point font, double spaced.
• You must include an image of the work of art and label it: Artist, Title (Date) materials, size, (Location)
Some museums with good websites:
Metropolitan Museum of Art met https://www.metmuseum.org/
Museum of Modern Art https://www.moma.org/
Museum of Fine Arts Boston, https://www.mfa.org/
Art Institute of Chicago https://www.artic.edu/
National Gallery of Art, DC https://www.nga.gov/
National Gallery of Art, London https://www.nationalgallery.org.uk/
(If you want to use another museum, feel free to explore)
UCLA Prioritizing Businesses to Grow the Company Sales & Revenue Business Analytical Memo Economics Assignment Help
Karl wants to maximize the firm’s strengths and opportunities, given the forecasts and assumptions;
1. Which businesses should be prioritized to grow company sales and profits? please explain your choice/s.
2. If Karl implements your recommendations, what are the financial benefits / consequences likely to be for his firm?
3. What specific leadership advice would you give to Karl ?
Use your own critical thinking and the tools you’ve covered provided in class / it’s up-to you to choose which tools (or parts of the tools) are most appropriate to support your conclusions and recommendations
UCLA Prioritizing Businesses to Grow the Company Sales & Revenue Business Analytical Memo Economics Assignment Help[supanova_question]
Vellore Institute of Technology The Issue of Securing Backups Discussion Computer Science Assignment Help
Question 1 :
Search “scholar.google.com” for a company or school that has reported issues, problems, concerns about their backup procedures. Discuss the issue of securing backups. There have been several incidents lately in which backup media containing personal customer information were lost or stolen. How should backup media be secured? What about off-site storage of backups?
Need 250-300 words with all references in APA Format.
Question 2 :
For the above question, discuss precautions the company should have taken or how these could be avoided.
Need 250-300 words with all references in APA Format.
SPHS 507 American Public University System Biomechanical Analysis Project Science Assignment Help
Final Project:
The final project is a synthesis of all activities complete throughout the class. The following components are required to be submitted in a Word Document and follow APA guidelines. A paragraph consists of 3-7 sentences that are focused and detailed on the topic being discussed.
I.Assignment Cover Page – No abstract necessary.
II.Introduction – should consist of 3-5 paragraphs and provide a summary of where this project will be taking the reader.
III.Outline of Skills and Phases – this section is a corrected, based on instructor feedback from WK 4 Assignment 3, and more detailed cut and pasted version of your WK 4 Assignment 3. It should be in outline form. No more than 2 pages.
IV.Athlete Description – using your WK 2 Assignment 1 requirements and any additional information provide a detailed account of your athlete. This section should be 3-7 paragraphs and also explain the history of your athlete’s sport, the history of the skills – when they came into play as fundamental skills during your sport’s history, and the performance level your athlete has previously been and is currently competing. (An example would be Tiger Woods. He still maintains his elite skill set but is not completing at the same high level as he did in the past.)
V.Proper biomechanical skill mechanics – Provide a detailed description of the correct biomechanical mechanics necessary to perform your Athlete’s skills. These descriptions should come researching how to perform the skill properly using industry standards and biomechanical analysis that has been previously done on your 2 chosen skills. Peer reviewed journal research should be conducted on how to perform the skills and will be your primary sources for this section of the project. You will have presented these sources in your WK 5 Assignment 4 Annotated Bibliography. Also, be sure to use the terms and concepts developed in WK 3 Assignment 2 as well as the discussion results from weekly discussions.
VI.Define and describe your Data Gathering Methods – For this final project you are required to gather data, via video, photos, etc, of your athlete performing your 2 chosen skills. You will present this information in this section in the form of Video links, photo inserts, etc. Be sure to label all data clearly as you will be referring to them in your biomechanical analysis of your athlete.
VII.Biomechanical Analysis – In this section you will use your data and a developed biomechanical analysis system (usually in chart form) to provide a detailed analysis of your athlete as they progress through the phases of the 2 skills you have chosen. For each phase described in Section III of your Final Project. Use the following recommended resource for assistance: Bartlett, Roger – Sports biomechanics: Reducing injury and improving performance, 1999. Chapter 5, pp. 147-177 & Chapter 8, pp. 244-265. It can be found in the APUS Library. An example of an Analysis Sheet of the Long Jump is there to assist you in your Analysis process, chapter 5 page, 253. You are not required to use analysis software or any specific apps. You will use the tools that are normally at your disposal as a coach and trainer. Usually this involves your eyes, video, or photos. But I would encourage you to explore additional options for analysis, see resource list at end of assignment instructions.
VIII.Feedback to Improve Performance – using your gathered analysis and Li’s (2012) 3 concepts (See Discussion Week 2, 4, 5, & 6) provide feedback on the skills you analyzed to improve your athlete’s performance. Address how these suggestions for improved performance will assist them in competition. Address how these suggestions will prevent or lessen the likelihood of injuries. Provide examples of elite athletes performing each skill or phases of the skills correctly. These can be in video and photo format but must include a description and/or comparison of your athlete and the example athlete.
IX.Conclusion – should consist of 3-5 paragraphs and provide a summary of where this project has taken the reader.
Southeastern College How to Cope with Anxiety Ted Talk Discussion Business Finance Assignment Help
First, watch this video ” How to Cope with Anxiety “
from the TED Talks: https://www.ted.com/talks/olivia_remes_how_to_cope…
Next, participate in discussion about the speech you just watched answering the following questions:
1. How the speaker got the attention of the audience? Do you think it was an effective way to “hook” the audience? Why or why not?
2. What method of organization of the main points of her speech Olivia Remes used? Can you name the main points of her speech? Was it easy to follow the main ideas? of the speech or not? Why?
3. After listening the Concluding part of this speech, what was your final impression?
LDR 535 Virginia State Improvement of Organizational Culture Presentation Business Finance Assignment Help
Purpose of Assessment
Assess an organization’s culture to improve alignment between the culture, mission, vision, values, and strategies. You will be measured on how you assess the organization’s culture as well as how your proposed decisions for improvements align to the organization’s mission, vision, values, and strategies.
In a 7- to 10-slide presentation with visuals and detailed speaker notes under each slide to the leadership of the organization you chose to explore in Week 1, complete the following:
- Assess the current culture within the organization at the time of your experience.
- Develop the Change Management Plan using Kotter’s 8-Step model.
- Determine the desired outcome as a result of the proposed change.
- Analyze the alignment between the organizations, mission, vision, values, strategies, and the proposed Change Management Plan.
Include at least two citations from the text book, supplemental course materials or peer reviewed sources in the organizational change chart. A citation should not exceed 40 words in length.